path: root/Firebase
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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/Firebase/Auth/Source/AuthProviders/Phone/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.m b/Firebase/Auth/Source/AuthProviders/Phone/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.m
index 2d06a15..3532861 100644
--- a/Firebase/Auth/Source/AuthProviders/Phone/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.m
+++ b/Firebase/Auth/Source/AuthProviders/Phone/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.m
@@ -109,20 +109,6 @@ NSString *const kReCAPTCHAURLStringFormat = @"https://%@/__/auth/handler?";
- (void)verifyPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber
- completion:(nullable FIRVerificationResultCallback)completion {
- dispatch_async(FIRAuthGlobalWorkQueue(), ^{
- [self internalVerifyPhoneNumber:phoneNumber completion:^(NSString *_Nullable verificationID,
- NSError *_Nullable error) {
- if (completion) {
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
- completion(verificationID, error);
- });
- }
- }];
- });
-- (void)verifyPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber
UIDelegate:(nullable id<FIRAuthUIDelegate>)UIDelegate
completion:(nullable FIRVerificationResultCallback)completion {
if (![self isCallbackSchemeRegistered]) {
diff --git a/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.h b/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.h
index bd68e84..28757f5 100644
--- a/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.h
+++ b/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.h
@@ -61,32 +61,6 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(PhoneAuthProvider)
+ (instancetype)providerWithAuth:(FIRAuth *)auth NS_SWIFT_NAME(provider(auth:));
-/** @fn verifyPhoneNumber:completion:
- @brief Please use `verifyPhoneNumber:UIDelegate:completion:` instead.
- @param phoneNumber The phone number to be verified.
- @param completion The callback to be invoked when the verification flow is finished.
- @remarks Possible error codes:
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeAppNotVerified` - Indicates that Firebase could not retrieve the
- silent push notification and therefore could not verify your app.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidAppCredential` - Indicates that The APNs device token provided
- is either incorrect or does not match the private certificate uploaded to the Firebase
- Console.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeQuotaExceeded` - Indicates that the phone verification quota for this
- project has been exceeded.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber` - Indicates that the phone number provided is
- invalid.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingPhoneNumber` - Indicates that a phone number was not provided.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingAppToken` - Indicates that the APNs device token could not be
- obtained. The app may not have set up remote notification correctly, or may fail to
- forward the APNs device token to FIRAuth if app delegate swizzling is disabled.
- */
-- (void)verifyPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber
- completion:(nullable FIRVerificationResultCallback)completion
- __attribute__((deprecated));
/** @fn verifyPhoneNumber:UIDelegate:completion:
@brief Starts the phone number authentication flow by sending a verifcation code to the
specified phone number.