arith_with_casts_rewrite_head = match idc in (Compilers.ident t) return (Compile.value' true t) with | @Literal t v => Base (##v)%expr | Nat_succ => fun x : expr ℕ => Base (#(Nat_succ)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | Nat_pred => fun x : expr ℕ => Base (#(Nat_pred)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | Nat_max => fun x x0 : expr ℕ => Base (#(Nat_max)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Nat_mul => fun x x0 : expr ℕ => Base (#(Nat_mul)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Nat_add => fun x x0 : expr ℕ => Base (#(Nat_add)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Nat_sub => fun x x0 : expr ℕ => Base (#(Nat_sub)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Nat_eqb => fun x x0 : expr ℕ => Base (#(Nat_eqb)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | @nil t => Base []%expr_pat | @cons t => fun (x : expr t) (x0 : expr (list t)) => Base (x :: x0)%expr_pat | @pair A B => fun (x : expr A) (x0 : expr B) => Base (x, x0)%expr_pat | @fst A B => fun x : expr (A * B)%etype => ((match x with | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) x1) _ => args <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.pair; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((('1 * '2)%pbtype -> '1%pbtype) -> (('1%pbtype -> '2%pbtype -> ('1 * '2)%pbtype) -> '1%pbtype) -> '2%pbtype)%ptype (((A * B)%etype -> A) -> (((let (x2, _) := args in x2) -> (let (_, y) := args in y) -> ((let (x2, _) := args in x2) * (let (_, y) := args in y))%etype) -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, (_, (_, (_, _)), b3, b2))%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((b3 * b2)%etype -> b3) -> ((b3 -> b2 -> (b3 * b2)%etype) -> b3) -> b2)%ptype (((A * B)%etype -> A) -> (((let (x2, _) := args in x2) -> (let (_, y) := args in y) -> ((let (x2, _) := args in x2) * (let (_, y) := args in y))%etype) -> s0) -> s)%ptype then _ <- ident.unify pattern.ident.fst fst; _ <- ident.unify pattern.ident.pair pair; v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 b3; _ <- type.try_make_transport_cps s b2; v1 <- base.try_make_transport_cps b3 b3; _ <- base.try_make_transport_cps b2 b2; v3 <- base.try_make_transport_cps b3 A; v4 <- base.try_make_transport_cps A A; Datatypes.Some (Base (v4 (v3 (v1 (v (Compile.reflect x1)))))) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ ($_)%expr _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ => Datatypes.None | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ #(_)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; Datatypes.None);;; Base (#(fst)%expr @ x)%expr_pat)%option | @snd A B => fun x : expr (A * B)%etype => ((match x with | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) _) x0 => args <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.pair; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((('1 * '2)%pbtype -> '2%pbtype) -> (('1%pbtype -> '2%pbtype -> ('1 * '2)%pbtype) -> '1%pbtype) -> '2%pbtype)%ptype (((A * B)%etype -> B) -> (((let (x2, _) := args in x2) -> (let (_, y) := args in y) -> ((let (x2, _) := args in x2) * (let (_, y) := args in y))%etype) -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, (_, (_, (_, _)), b3, b2))%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((b3 * b2)%etype -> b2) -> ((b3 -> b2 -> (b3 * b2)%etype) -> b3) -> b2)%ptype (((A * B)%etype -> B) -> (((let (x2, _) := args in x2) -> (let (_, y) := args in y) -> ((let (x2, _) := args in x2) * (let (_, y) := args in y))%etype) -> s0) -> s)%ptype then _ <- ident.unify pattern.ident.snd snd; _ <- ident.unify pattern.ident.pair pair; _ <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 b3; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s b2; _ <- base.try_make_transport_cps b3 b3; v2 <- base.try_make_transport_cps b2 b2; v3 <- base.try_make_transport_cps b2 B; v4 <- base.try_make_transport_cps B B; Datatypes.Some (Base (v4 (v3 (v2 (v0 (Compile.reflect x0)))))) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ ($_)%expr _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ => Datatypes.None | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ #(_)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; Datatypes.None);;; Base (#(snd)%expr @ x)%expr_pat)%option | @prod_rect A B T => fun (x : expr A -> expr B -> UnderLets (expr T)) (x0 : expr (A * B)%etype) => Base (#(prod_rect)%expr @ (λ (x1 : var A)(x2 : var B), to_expr (x ($x1) ($x2)))%expr @ x0)%expr_pat | @bool_rect T => fun (x x0 : expr unit -> UnderLets (expr T)) (x1 : expr bool) => Base (#(bool_rect)%expr @ (λ x2 : var unit, to_expr (x ($x2)))%expr @ (λ x2 : var unit, to_expr (x0 ($x2)))%expr @ x1)%expr_pat | @nat_rect P => fun (x : expr unit -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x0 : expr ℕ -> expr P -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x1 : expr ℕ) => Base (#(nat_rect)%expr @ (λ x2 : var unit, to_expr (x ($x2)))%expr @ (λ (x2 : var ℕ)(x3 : var P), to_expr (x0 ($x2) ($x3)))%expr @ x1)%expr_pat | @nat_rect_arrow P Q => fun (x : expr P -> UnderLets (expr Q)) (x0 : expr ℕ -> (expr P -> UnderLets (expr Q)) -> expr P -> UnderLets (expr Q)) (x1 : expr ℕ) (x2 : expr P) => Base (#(nat_rect_arrow)%expr @ (λ x3 : var P, to_expr (x ($x3)))%expr @ (λ (x3 : var ℕ)(x4 : var (P -> Q)%ptype)(x5 : var P), to_expr (x0 ($x3) (fun x6 : expr P => Base ($x4 @ x6)%expr_pat) ($x5)))%expr @ x1 @ x2)%expr_pat | @list_rect A P => fun (x : expr unit -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x0 : expr A -> expr (list A) -> expr P -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x1 : expr (list A)) => Base (#(list_rect)%expr @ (λ x2 : var unit, to_expr (x ($x2)))%expr @ (λ (x2 : var A)(x3 : var (list A))(x4 : var P), to_expr (x0 ($x2) ($x3) ($x4)))%expr @ x1)%expr_pat | @list_case A P => fun (x : expr unit -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x0 : expr A -> expr (list A) -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x1 : expr (list A)) => Base (#(list_case)%expr @ (λ x2 : var unit, to_expr (x ($x2)))%expr @ (λ (x2 : var A)(x3 : var (list A)), to_expr (x0 ($x2) ($x3)))%expr @ x1)%expr_pat | @List_length T => fun x : expr (list T) => Base (#(List_length)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | List_seq => fun x x0 : expr ℕ => Base (#(List_seq)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_firstn A => fun (x : expr ℕ) (x0 : expr (list A)) => Base (#(List_firstn)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_skipn A => fun (x : expr ℕ) (x0 : expr (list A)) => Base (#(List_skipn)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_repeat A => fun (x : expr A) (x0 : expr ℕ) => Base (#(List_repeat)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_combine A B => fun (x : expr (list A)) (x0 : expr (list B)) => Base (#(List_combine)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_map A B => fun (x : expr A -> UnderLets (expr B)) (x0 : expr (list A)) => Base (#(List_map)%expr @ (λ x1 : var A, to_expr (x ($x1)))%expr @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_app A => fun x x0 : expr (list A) => Base (x ++ x0)%expr | @List_rev A => fun x : expr (list A) => Base (#(List_rev)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | @List_flat_map A B => fun (x : expr A -> UnderLets (expr (list B))) (x0 : expr (list A)) => Base (#(List_flat_map)%expr @ (λ x1 : var A, to_expr (x ($x1)))%expr @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_partition A => fun (x : expr A -> UnderLets (expr bool)) (x0 : expr (list A)) => Base (#(List_partition)%expr @ (λ x1 : var A, to_expr (x ($x1)))%expr @ x0)%expr_pat | @List_fold_right A B => fun (x : expr B -> expr A -> UnderLets (expr A)) (x0 : expr A) (x1 : expr (list B)) => Base (#(List_fold_right)%expr @ (λ (x2 : var B)(x3 : var A), to_expr (x ($x2) ($x3)))%expr @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat | @List_update_nth T => fun (x : expr ℕ) (x0 : expr T -> UnderLets (expr T)) (x1 : expr (list T)) => Base (#(List_update_nth)%expr @ x @ (λ x2 : var T, to_expr (x0 ($x2)))%expr @ x1)%expr_pat | @List_nth_default T => fun (x : expr T) (x0 : expr (list T)) (x1 : expr ℕ) => Base (#(List_nth_default)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat | Z_add => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => (((match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args) -> ℤ)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args) -> ℤ)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x2 <- (if ((let (x2, _) := xv in x2) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x2, _) := xv in x2) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some x0 else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x2)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype (ℤ -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype (ℤ -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x2 <- (if ((let (x2, _) := xv in x2) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x2, _) := xv in x2) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some x else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x2)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end);; Datatypes.None);;; Base (x + x0)%expr)%option | Z_mul => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (x * x0)%expr | Z_pow => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_pow)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_sub => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => ((match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3) x4))%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args2) -> s2)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args2) -> s2)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; fv <- (x5 <- (if ((let (x5, _) := xv in x5) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) args3 then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x4))%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x5)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; args <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args) -> ℤ)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args) -> ℤ)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x2 <- (if ((let (x2, _) := xv in x2) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x2, _) := xv in x2) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (- x0)%expr else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x2)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; Datatypes.None);;; Base (x - x0)%expr)%option | Z_opp => fun x : expr ℤ => ((match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1) x2))%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ℤ s1 with | Datatypes.Some _ => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ℤ s1 then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; fv <- (x3 <- (if (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2))%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x3)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; Datatypes.None);;; Base (- x)%expr)%option | Z_div => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (x / x0)%expr | Z_modulo => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (x mod x0)%expr | Z_log2 => fun x : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_log2)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | Z_log2_up => fun x : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_log2_up)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | Z_eqb => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_eqb)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_leb => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_leb)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_ltb => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_ltb)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_geb => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_geb)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_gtb => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_gtb)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_of_nat => fun x : expr ℕ => Base (#(Z_of_nat)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | Z_to_nat => fun x : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_to_nat)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | Z_shiftr => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (x >> x0)%expr | Z_shiftl => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => (match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args) -> ℤ)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (ℤ -> ℤ)%ptype ((projT1 args) -> ℤ)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x2 <- (if ((let (x2, _) := xv in x2) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x2, _) := xv in x2) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (##0)%expr else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x2)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;;; Base (x << x0)%expr)%option | Z_land => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (x &' x0)%expr | Z_lor => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (x || x0)%expr | Z_min => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_min)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_max => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_max)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_bneg => fun x : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_bneg)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | Z_lnot_modulo => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_lnot_modulo)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_mul_split => fun x x0 x1 : expr ℤ => (((match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((ℤ -> (projT1 args)) -> ℤ)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((ℤ -> (projT1 args)) -> ℤ)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x3 <- (if ((let (x3, _) := xv in x3) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x3, _) := xv in x3) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr, #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x3)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x1 with | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) x2 => match x2 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 => args <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x3 <- (if ((let (x3, _) := xv in x3) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x3, _) := xv in x3) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr, #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x3)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1)%expr_pat => match x0 with | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2) x4 => match x4 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 => args <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args1) -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args1) -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args1); xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (x5 <- (if ((let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) =? 1) && (ZRange.normalize args3 <=? r[0 ~> (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) - 1])%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) (ZRange.normalize args2) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args3)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2), #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x5)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x2 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 => args <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args1) -> s1) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args1) -> s1) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args1); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x5 <- (if ((let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) =? 1) && (ZRange.normalize args0 <=? r[0 ~> (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) - 1])%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) (ZRange.normalize args2) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) (ZRange.normalize args3) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args0)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x4), #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x5)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | _ => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end);; Datatypes.None);;; Base (#(Z_mul_split)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat)%option | Z_add_get_carry => fun x x0 x1 : expr ℤ => ((match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => match x0 with | @expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1) x3 => match x3 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 => match x1 with | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3) x4 => match x4 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 => args <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Literal; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args4 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args3) -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args3) -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args3); xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args1); xv1 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x5 <- (if is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) (ZRange.normalize args4) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) (ZRange.normalize args2) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv1 in x5) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (let '(a1, b1)%zrange := Z.add_get_carry_full (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) (let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) (let (x5, _) := xv1 in x5) in ((##a1)%expr, (##b1)%expr)%expr_pat) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x5)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | _ => Datatypes.None end;; args <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Literal; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args2) -> (projT1 args0)) -> s1)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args2) -> (projT1 args0)) -> s1)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args0); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; fv <- (x5 <- (if ((let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args <=? r[0 ~> (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) - 1])%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) (ZRange.normalize args1) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) (ZRange.normalize args3) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x4), #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x5)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args2) -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args2) -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x5 <- (if ((let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args1 <=? r[0 ~> (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) - 1])%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv0 in x5) (ZRange.normalize args0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) (ZRange.normalize args3) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args1)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3), #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x5)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; Datatypes.None);;; Base (#(Z_add_get_carry)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat)%option | Z_add_with_carry => fun x x0 x1 : expr ℤ => (match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((projT1 args) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x3 <- (if ((let (x3, _) := xv in x3) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x3, _) := xv in x3) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (x0 + x1)%expr else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x3)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;;; Base (#(Z_add_with_carry)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat)%option | Z_add_with_get_carry => fun x x0 x1 x2 : expr ℤ => (match x with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0)%expr_pat => match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2)%expr_pat => match x1 with | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3) x5 => match x5 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 => match x2 with | @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5) x6 => match x6 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t6 idc6 => args <- invert_bind_args idc6 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc5 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Literal; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Literal; args4 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args5 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args6 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args5) -> (projT1 args3)) -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args5) -> (projT1 args3)) -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args5); xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args3); xv1 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args1); xv2 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x7 <- (if is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv in x7) (ZRange.normalize args6) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv0 in x7) (ZRange.normalize args4) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv1 in x7) (ZRange.normalize args2) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv2 in x7) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (let '(a2, b2)%zrange := Z.add_with_get_carry_full (let (x7, _) := xv in x7) (let (x7, _) := xv0 in x7) (let (x7, _) := xv1 in x7) (let (x7, _) := xv2 in x7) in ((##a2)%expr, (##b2)%expr)%expr_pat) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x7)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | _ => Datatypes.None end;; args <- invert_bind_args idc5 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Literal; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args4 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args5 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args4) -> (projT1 args2)) -> (projT1 args0)) -> s2)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args4) -> (projT1 args2)) -> (projT1 args0)) -> s2)%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args4); xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); xv1 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args0); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; fv <- (x7 <- (if ((let (x7, _) := xv0 in x7) =? 0) && ((let (x7, _) := xv1 in x7) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args <=? r[0 ~> (let (x7, _) := xv in x7) - 1])%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv in x7) (ZRange.normalize args5) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv0 in x7) (ZRange.normalize args3) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv1 in x7) (ZRange.normalize args1) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x6), #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x7)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x2 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc5 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args4 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Literal; args5 <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args4) -> (projT1 args2)) -> s1) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args4) -> (projT1 args2)) -> s1) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args4); xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; xv1 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (x7 <- (if ((let (x7, _) := xv0 in x7) =? 0) && ((let (x7, _) := xv1 in x7) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args1 <=? r[0 ~> (let (x7, _) := xv in x7) - 1])%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv in x7) (ZRange.normalize args5) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv0 in x7) (ZRange.normalize args3) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x7, _) := xv1 in x7) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args1)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x5), #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x7)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;;; Base (#(Z_add_with_get_carry)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1 @ x2)%expr_pat)%option | Z_sub_get_borrow => fun x x0 x1 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_sub_get_borrow)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat | Z_sub_with_get_borrow => fun x x0 x1 x2 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1 @ x2)%expr_pat | Z_zselect => fun x x0 x1 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_zselect)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat | Z_add_modulo => fun x x0 x1 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_add_modulo)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1)%expr_pat | Z_rshi => fun x x0 x1 x2 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_rshi)%expr @ x @ x0 @ x1 @ x2)%expr_pat | Z_cc_m => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Z_cc_m)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | Z_cast range => fun x : expr ℤ => (((match pattern.type.unify_extracted ℤ ℤ with | Datatypes.Some _ => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ℤ ℤ then fv <- (x0 <- (if lower range =? upper range then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast range)%expr @ (##(lower range))%expr)%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x0)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end;; match x with | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) x0 => args <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_cast; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ℤ s with | Datatypes.Some _ => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ℤ s then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (x1 <- (if (ZRange.normalize args <=? ZRange.normalize range)%zrange then Datatypes.Some (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x0))%expr_pat else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (Base x1)); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) x2) x1) x0 => _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast range)%expr @ (#(Z_add_with_carry)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x1) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr_pat (fun v2 : var ℤ => Base (#(Z_cast range)%expr @ ($v2)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ ($_)%expr _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _) _ => Datatypes.None | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ #(_)%expr_pat _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ ($_)%expr _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ => Datatypes.None | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end);; Datatypes.None);;; Base (#(Z_cast range)%expr @ x)%expr_pat)%option | Z_cast2 range => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => (match x with | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) x1) x0 => args <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.pair; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ -> (ℤ * ℤ)%pbtype) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((let (x2, _) := args in x2) -> (let (_, y) := args in y) -> ((let (x2, _) := args in x2) * (let (_, y) := args in y))%etype) -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, (_, (_, _)), _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ -> (ℤ * ℤ)%etype) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((let (x2, _) := args in x2) -> (let (_, y) := args in y) -> ((let (x2, _) := args in x2) * (let (_, y) := args in y))%etype) -> s0) -> s)%ptype then _ <- ident.unify pattern.ident.pair pair; v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- do_again (ℤ * ℤ) (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ ($(v (Compile.reflect x1)))%expr, #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($(v0 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr)%expr_pat; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) x2) x1) x0 => (match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2) x5))%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s4) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s4) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s4 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0) @ (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v0 (Compile.reflect x5))))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2) x5))%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s4)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s4)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s4 ℤ; fv <- (if (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x1) @ (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v1 (Compile.reflect x5))))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s4 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x4, _) := xv in x4) Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (if ((let (x4, _) := xv in x4) Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ (#(Z_add_get_carry)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x1) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr_pat (fun v2 : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v2)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v2)%expr)))%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end);; (_ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_sub_get_borrow; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ (#(Z_sub_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x1) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr_pat (fun v2 : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v2)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v2)%expr)))%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end);; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_mul_split; match pattern.type.unify_extracted ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq ((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((s1 -> s0) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ (#(Z_mul_split)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x2) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x1) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr_pat (fun v2 : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v2)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v2)%expr)))%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t idc) x3) x2) x1) x0 => (match x2 with | @expr.App _ _ _ s3 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t0 idc0) x4 => match x4 with | @expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 => match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4) x7))%expr_pat => (args <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s6) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s6) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s6 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x8, _) := xv in x8) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x8, _) := xv in x8) (ZRange.normalize args3) then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0) @ (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v0 (Compile.reflect x7))))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end);; args <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s6) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s6) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s6 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x8, _) := xv in x8) Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4) x7))%expr_pat => (args <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s0) -> s6)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s0) -> s6)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s6 ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x8, _) := xv in x8) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x8, _) := xv in x8) (ZRange.normalize args3) then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x1) @ (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v1 (Compile.reflect x7))))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end);; args <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s0) -> s6)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args2)) -> s0) -> s6)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args2); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s6 ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x8, _) := xv in x8) Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s6 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args1); xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x6, _) := xv0 in x6) <=? 0) && ((let (x6, _) := xv in x6) <=? 0) && ((let (x6, _) := xv0 in x6) + (let (x6, _) := xv in x6) Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args1)) -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args1)) -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args1); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (if ((let (x6, _) := xv0 in x6) <=? 0) && ((let (x6, _) := xv in x6) <=? 0) && ((let (x6, _) := xv0 in x6) + (let (x6, _) := xv in x6) Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; args <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args)) -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> (projT1 args)) -> s0) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x5, _) := xv in x5) =? 0) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x5, _) := xv in x5) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ (#(Z_add_get_carry)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x1) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($vc)%expr)))%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s5 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2) x6)%expr_pat => match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5) x9))%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc5 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args4 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> s8) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> s8) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s5 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s8 ℤ; v2 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange && (ZRange.normalize args2 <=? - ZRange.normalize args4)%zrange then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ (#(Z_cast args2)%expr @ v0 (Compile.reflect x6)) @ v2 (Compile.reflect x0) @ (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v1 (Compile.reflect x9))))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5) x9))%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc5 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args4 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> s0) -> s8)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> s0) -> s8)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s5 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v2 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s8 ℤ; fv <- (if (ZRange.normalize args <=? - ZRange.normalize args1)%zrange && (ZRange.normalize args2 <=? - ZRange.normalize args4)%zrange then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ (#(Z_cast args2)%expr @ v0 (Compile.reflect x6)) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x1) @ (#(Z_cast args)%expr @ v2 (Compile.reflect x9))))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ ($_)%expr _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (_ @ _) _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s8 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ #(_)))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ ($_)%expr))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _))%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (($_)%expr @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (_ @ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> (projT1 args)) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s5 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; fv <- (if ((let (x8, _) := xv in x8) <=? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args1 <=? - ZRange.normalize args3)%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x8, _) := xv in x8) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ (#(Z_cast args1)%expr @ v0 (Compile.reflect x6)) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x0) @ (#(Z_cast (- args0))%expr @ (##(- (let (x8, _) := xv in x8))%Z)%expr)))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_opp; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s5) -> s0) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s5 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (if ((let (x8, _) := xv in x8) <=? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args1 <=? - ZRange.normalize args3)%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x8, _) := xv in x8) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ (#(Z_cast args1)%expr @ v0 (Compile.reflect x6)) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x1) @ (#(Z_cast (- args0))%expr @ (##(- (let (x8, _) := xv in x8))%Z)%expr)))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (- (#(Z_cast (- Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 (Datatypes.fst range, - Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ $vc)))%expr_pat)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s5 _ ($_)%expr _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s5 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s5 _ (_ @ _) _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.App _ _ _ s5 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ #(_))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; match x3 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t2 idc2)%expr_pat => match x1 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t4 idc4)%expr_pat => match x0 with | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5 @ @expr.Ident _ _ _ t6 idc6)%expr_pat => args <- invert_bind_args idc6 Raw.ident.Literal; args0 <- invert_bind_args idc5 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args1 <- invert_bind_args idc4 Raw.ident.Literal; args2 <- invert_bind_args idc3 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args3 <- invert_bind_args idc2 Raw.ident.Literal; args4 <- invert_bind_args idc1 Raw.ident.Z_cast; args5 <- invert_bind_args idc0 Raw.ident.Z_cast; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args3) -> s3) -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args))%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype ((((projT1 args3) -> s3) -> (projT1 args1)) -> (projT1 args))%ptype then xv <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args3); v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s3 ℤ; xv0 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args1); xv1 <- ident.unify pattern.ident.Literal ##(projT2 args); fv <- (if ((let (x8, _) := xv0 in x8) =? 0) && ((let (x8, _) := xv1 in x8) =? 0) && (ZRange.normalize args5 <=? r[0 ~> (let (x8, _) := xv in x8) - 1])%zrange && is_bounded_by_bool 0 (Datatypes.snd range) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x8, _) := xv in x8) (ZRange.normalize args4) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x8, _) := xv0 in x8) (ZRange.normalize args2) && is_bounded_by_bool (let (x8, _) := xv1 in x8) (ZRange.normalize args0) then Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ (#(Z_add_with_get_carry)%expr @ (#(Z_cast args4)%expr @ (##(let (x8, _) := xv in x8))%expr) @ (#(Z_cast args5)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x4)) @ (#(Z_cast args2)%expr @ (##(let (x8, _) := xv0 in x8))%expr) @ (#(Z_cast args0)%expr @ (##(let (x8, _) := xv1 in x8))%expr)))%expr_pat (fun vc : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($vc)%expr)), #(Z_cast r[0 ~> 0])%expr @ (##0)%expr)%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None); Datatypes.Some (fv0 <-- fv; Base fv0)%under_lets else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t5 idc5 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t3 idc3 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ ($_)%expr)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ (_ @ _))%expr_pat | (@expr.Ident _ _ _ t1 idc1 @ @expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _)%expr_pat => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s3 _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s3 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s3 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s3 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_add_with_get_carry; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s1) -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s1) -> s0) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v2 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ (#(Z_add_with_get_carry)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x2) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x1) @ v2 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr_pat (fun v3 : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v3)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v3)%expr)))%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end);; _ <- invert_bind_args idc Raw.ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow; match pattern.type.unify_extracted (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s1) -> s0) -> s)%ptype with | Datatypes.Some (_, _, _, _)%zrange => if type.type_beq base.type base.type.type_beq (((ℤ -> ℤ) -> ℤ) -> ℤ)%ptype (((s2 -> s1) -> s0) -> s)%ptype then v <- type.try_make_transport_cps s2 ℤ; v0 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s1 ℤ; v1 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s0 ℤ; v2 <- type.try_make_transport_cps s ℤ; Datatypes.Some (UnderLet (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow)%expr @ v (Compile.reflect x3) @ v0 (Compile.reflect x2) @ v1 (Compile.reflect x1) @ v2 (Compile.reflect x0)))%expr_pat (fun v3 : var (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(Z_cast (Datatypes.fst range))%expr @ (#(fst)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v3)%expr)), #(Z_cast (Datatypes.snd range))%expr @ (#(snd)%expr @ (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ ($v3)%expr)))%expr_pat)) else Datatypes.None | Datatypes.None => Datatypes.None end | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ ($_)%expr _) _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (_ @ _)%expr_pat _) _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s2 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _) _) _ => Datatypes.None | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ ($_)%expr _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s1 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _) _ => Datatypes.None | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ ($_)%expr _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.App _ _ _ s0 _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _) _ => Datatypes.None | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ #(_)%expr_pat _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ ($_)%expr _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.Abs _ _ _ _ _ _) _ | @expr.App _ _ _ s _ (@expr.LetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ => Datatypes.None | _ => Datatypes.None end;;; Base (#(Z_cast2 range)%expr @ x)%expr_pat)%option | Some A => fun x : expr A => Base (#(Some)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | None A => Base #(None)%expr | @option_rect A P => fun (x : expr A -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x0 : expr unit -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x1 : expr (base.type.option A)) => Base (#(option_rect)%expr @ (λ x2 : var A, to_expr (x ($x2)))%expr @ (λ x2 : var unit, to_expr (x0 ($x2)))%expr @ x1)%expr_pat | Build_zrange => fun x x0 : expr ℤ => Base (#(Build_zrange)%expr @ x @ x0)%expr_pat | @zrange_rect P => fun (x : expr ℤ -> expr ℤ -> UnderLets (expr P)) (x0 : expr base.type.zrange) => Base (#(zrange_rect)%expr @ (λ x1 x2 : var ℤ, to_expr (x ($x1) ($x2)))%expr @ x0)%expr_pat | fancy_add log2wordmax imm => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_add log2wordmax imm)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_addc log2wordmax imm => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_addc log2wordmax imm)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_sub log2wordmax imm => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_sub log2wordmax imm)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_subb log2wordmax imm => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_subb log2wordmax imm)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_mulll log2wordmax => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_mulll log2wordmax)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_mullh log2wordmax => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_mullh log2wordmax)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_mulhl log2wordmax => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_mulhl log2wordmax)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_mulhh log2wordmax => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_mulhh log2wordmax)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_rshi log2wordmax x => fun x0 : expr (ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_rshi log2wordmax x)%expr @ x0)%expr_pat | fancy_selc => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_selc)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_selm log2wordmax => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_selm log2wordmax)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_sell => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_sell)%expr @ x)%expr_pat | fancy_addm => fun x : expr (ℤ * ℤ * ℤ)%etype => Base (#(fancy_addm)%expr @ x)%expr_pat end : Compile.value' true t