Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PrimeBound. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Le. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Module Z. (* prove that combinations of known positive/nonnegative numbers are positive/nonnegative *) Ltac zero_bounds'' := repeat match goal with | [ |- 0 <= _ + _] => apply Z.add_nonneg_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= _ - _] => apply Z.le_0_sub | [ |- 0 <= _ * _] => apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= _ / _] => apply Z.div_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= _ ^ _ ] => apply Z.pow_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= Z.shiftr _ _] => apply Z.shiftr_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= _ mod _] => apply Z.mod_pos_bound | [ |- 0 < _ + _] => try solve [apply Z.add_pos_nonneg; zero_bounds'']; try solve [apply Z.add_nonneg_pos; zero_bounds''] | [ |- 0 < _ - _] => apply Z.lt_0_sub | [ |- 0 < _ * _] => apply Z.lt_0_mul; left; split | [ |- 0 < _ / _] => apply Z.div_str_pos | [ |- 0 < _ ^ _ ] => apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg end; try omega; try Z.prime_bound; auto. Ltac zero_bounds' := repeat match goal with | |- ?a <> 0 => apply Z.positive_is_nonzero | |- ?a > 0 => apply Z.lt_gt | |- ?a >= 0 => apply Z.le_ge end; try match goal with | |- 0 < ?a => zero_bounds'' | |- 0 <= ?a => zero_bounds'' end. Ltac zero_bounds := try omega; try Z.prime_bound; zero_bounds'. Hint Extern 1 => progress zero_bounds : zero_bounds. End Z.