Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Contains. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Not. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Module Z. Lemma move_R_pX x y z : x + y = z -> x = z - y. Proof. omega. Qed. Lemma move_R_mX x y z : x - y = z -> x = z + y. Proof. omega. Qed. Lemma move_R_Xp x y z : y + x = z -> x = z - y. Proof. omega. Qed. Lemma move_R_Xm x y z : y - x = z -> x = y - z. Proof. omega. Qed. Lemma move_L_pX x y z : z = x + y -> z - y = x. Proof. omega. Qed. Lemma move_L_mX x y z : z = x - y -> z + y = x. Proof. omega. Qed. Lemma move_L_Xp x y z : z = y + x -> z - y = x. Proof. omega. Qed. Lemma move_L_Xm x y z : z = y - x -> y - z = x. Proof. omega. Qed. (** [linear_substitute x] attempts to maipulate equations using only addition and subtraction to put [x] on the left, and then eliminates [x]. Currently, it only handles equations where [x] appears once; it does not yet handle equations like [x - x + x = 5]. *) Ltac linear_solve_for_in_step for_var H := let LHS := match type of H with ?LHS = ?RHS => LHS end in let RHS := match type of H with ?LHS = ?RHS => RHS end in first [ match RHS with | ?a + ?b => first [ contains for_var b; apply move_L_pX in H | contains for_var a; apply move_L_Xp in H ] | ?a - ?b => first [ contains for_var b; apply move_L_mX in H | contains for_var a; apply move_L_Xm in H ] | for_var => progress symmetry in H end | match LHS with | ?a + ?b => first [ not contains for_var b; apply move_R_pX in H | not contains for_var a; apply move_R_Xp in H ] | ?a - ?b => first [ not contains for_var b; apply move_R_mX in H | not contains for_var a; apply move_R_Xm in H ] end ]. Ltac linear_solve_for_in for_var H := repeat linear_solve_for_in_step for_var H. Ltac linear_solve_for for_var := match goal with | [ H : for_var = _ |- _ ] => idtac | [ H : context[for_var] |- _ ] => linear_solve_for_in for_var H; lazymatch type of H with | for_var = _ => idtac | ?T => fail 0 "Could not fully solve for" for_var "in" T "(hypothesis" H ")" end end. Ltac linear_substitute for_var := linear_solve_for for_var; subst for_var. Ltac linear_substitute_all := repeat match goal with | [ v : Z |- _ ] => linear_substitute v end. End Z.