Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Lia. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Sgn. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.ReplaceNegWithPos. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Module Z. Lemma quot_div_full a b : Z.quot a b = Z.sgn a * Z.sgn b * (Z.abs a / Z.abs b). Proof. destruct (Z_zerop b); [ subst | apply Z.quot_div; assumption ]. destruct a; simpl; reflexivity. Qed. Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_. Lemma quot_sgn_nonneg a b : 0 <= Z.sgn (Z.quot a b) * Z.sgn a * Z.sgn b. Proof. rewrite quot_div_full, !Z.sgn_mul, !Z.sgn_sgn. set (d := Z.abs a / Z.abs b). destruct a, b; simpl; try (subst d; simpl; omega); try rewrite (Z.mul_opp_l 1); do 2 try rewrite (Z.mul_opp_r _ 1); rewrite ?Z.mul_1_l, ?Z.mul_1_r, ?Z.opp_involutive; apply Z.div_abs_sgn_nonneg. Qed. Lemma quot_nonneg_same_sgn a b : Z.sgn a = Z.sgn b -> 0 <= Z.quot a b. Proof. intro H. generalize (quot_sgn_nonneg a b); rewrite H. rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc, <- Z.sgn_mul. destruct (Z_zerop b); [ subst; destruct a; unfold Z.quot; simpl in *; congruence | ]. rewrite (Z.sgn_pos (_ * _)) by nia. intro; apply Z.sgn_nonneg; omega. Qed. Lemma mul_quot_eq_full a m : m <> 0 -> m * (Z.quot a m) = a - a mod (Z.abs m * Z.sgn a). Proof. intro Hm. assert (0 <> m * m) by (intro; apply Hm; nia). assert (0 < m * m) by nia. assert (0 <> Z.abs m) by (destruct m; simpl in *; try congruence). rewrite quot_div_full. rewrite <- (Z.abs_sgn m) at 1. transitivity ((Z.sgn m * Z.sgn m) * Z.sgn a * (Z.abs m * (Z.abs a / Z.abs m))); [ nia | ]. rewrite <- Z.sgn_mul, Z.sgn_pos, Z.mul_1_l, Z.mul_div_eq_full by omega. rewrite Z.mul_sub_distr_l. rewrite Z.mul_comm, Z.abs_sgn. destruct a; simpl Z.sgn; simpl Z.abs; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; [ reflexivity | reflexivity | ]. repeat match goal with |- context[-1 * ?x] => replace (-1 * x) with (-x) by omega end. repeat match goal with |- context[?x * -1] => replace (x * -1) with (-x) by omega end. rewrite <- Zmod_opp_opp; simpl Z.opp. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma quot_sub_sgn a : Z.quot (a - Z.sgn a) a = 0. Proof. rewrite quot_div_full. destruct (Z_zerop a); subst; [ lia | ]. rewrite Z.div_small; lia. Qed. Lemma quot_small_abs a b : 0 <= Z.abs a < Z.abs b -> Z.quot a b = 0. Proof. intros; rewrite Z.quot_small_iff by lia; lia. Qed. Lemma quot_add_sub_sgn_small a b : b <> 0 -> Z.sgn a = Z.sgn b -> Z.quot (a + b - Z.sgn b) b = Z.quot (a - Z.sgn b) b + 1. Proof. destruct (Z_zerop a), (Z_zerop b), (Z_lt_le_dec a 0), (Z_lt_le_dec b 0), (Z_lt_le_dec 1 (Z.abs a)); subst; try lia; rewrite !Z.quot_div_full; try rewrite (Z.sgn_neg a) by omega; try rewrite (Z.sgn_neg b) by omega; repeat first [ reflexivity | rewrite Z.sgn_neg by lia | rewrite Z.sgn_pos by lia | rewrite Z.abs_eq by lia | rewrite Z.abs_neq by lia | rewrite !Z.mul_opp_l | rewrite Z.abs_opp in * | rewrite Z.abs_eq in * by omega | match goal with | [ |- context[-1 * ?x] ] => replace (-1 * x) with (-x) by omega | [ |- context[?x * -1] ] => replace (x * -1) with (-x) by omega | [ |- context[-?x - ?y] ] => replace (-x - y) with (-(x + y)) by omega | [ |- context[-?x + - ?y] ] => replace (-x + - y) with (-(x + y)) by omega | [ |- context[(?a + ?b + ?c) / ?b] ] => replace (a + b + c) with (((a + c) + b * 1)) by lia; rewrite Z.div_add' by omega | [ |- context[(?a + ?b - ?c) / ?b] ] => replace (a + b - c) with (((a - c) + b * 1)) by lia; rewrite Z.div_add' by omega end | progress intros | progress Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos | progress autorewrite with zsimplify ]. Qed. End Z.