(** * Basic Peano-arithmetic-like properties of ℤ *) Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia. Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.HProp. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Module Z. (** We need versions of [succ] and [pred] that reduce to [Pos.succ] and [Pos.pred] *) Definition succ' (z : Z) : Z := match z with | 0 => 1 | -1 => 0 | Z.pos x => Z.pos (Pos.succ x) | Z.neg x => Z.neg (Pos.pred x) end. Definition pred' (z : Z) : Z := match z with | 0 => -1 | 1 => 0 | Z.pos x => Z.pos (Pos.pred x) | Z.neg x => Z.neg (Pos.succ x) end. Lemma succ'_succ z : Z.succ' z = Z.succ z. Proof. unfold succ'; break_match; try reflexivity. rewrite <- Pos2Z.inj_succ; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma pred'_pred z : Z.pred' z = Z.pred z. Proof. unfold pred'; break_match; try reflexivity. unfold Z.pred; simpl. rewrite Pos.add_1_r; reflexivity. Qed. Section rect_strong. Context (P : Z -> Type) (P0 : P 0) (Psucc : forall z, z = 0 \/ 0 < z -> P z -> P (Z.succ' z)) (Ppred : forall z, z = 0 \/ z < 0 -> P z -> P (Z.pred' z)). Definition peano_rect_strong z : P z := match z return P z with | 0 => P0 | Z.pos x => Pos.peano_rect (fun p => P (Z.pos p)) (Psucc _ (or_introl eq_refl) P0) (fun p => Psucc (Z.pos p) (or_intror (Pos2Z.is_pos _))) x | Z.neg x => Pos.peano_rect (fun p => P (Z.neg p)) (Ppred _ (or_introl eq_refl) P0) (fun p => Ppred (Z.neg p) (or_intror (Pos2Z.neg_is_neg _))) x end. Local Ltac peano_rect_t := repeat first [ progress unfold peano_rect_strong | progress simpl | reflexivity | exfalso; lia | rewrite Pos.peano_rect_succ | progress f_equal; [] | match goal with | [ |- ?x = ?y :> (_ < _) ] => apply allpath_hprop end ]. Lemma peano_rect_strong_base : peano_rect_strong 0 = P0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma peano_rect_strong_succ z (pf : z = 0 \/ 0 < z) : peano_rect_strong (Z.succ' z) = Psucc z pf (peano_rect_strong z). Proof. destruct pf; [ subst | destruct z]; peano_rect_t. Qed. Lemma peano_rect_strong_pred z (pf : z = 0 \/ z < 0) : peano_rect_strong (Z.pred' z) = Ppred z pf (peano_rect_strong z). Proof. destruct pf; [ subst | destruct z]; peano_rect_t. Qed. End rect_strong. Section rect. Context (P : Z -> Type) (P0 : P 0) (Psucc : forall z, P z -> P (Z.succ' z)) (Ppred : forall z, P z -> P (Z.pred' z)). Definition peano_rect z : P z := peano_rect_strong P P0 (fun z pf => Psucc z) (fun z pf => Ppred z) z. Lemma peano_rect_base : peano_rect 0 = P0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma peano_rect_succ z : 0 <= z -> peano_rect (Z.succ' z) = Psucc z (peano_rect z). Proof. unfold peano_rect; intro; erewrite peano_rect_strong_succ by lia; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma peano_rect_pred z : z <= 0 -> peano_rect (Z.pred' z) = Ppred z (peano_rect z). Proof. unfold peano_rect; intro; erewrite peano_rect_strong_pred by lia; reflexivity. Qed. End rect. End Z.