Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Lia Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Coq.ZArith.Zpow_facts. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.ZSimplify.Core. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.DivModToQuotRem. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.ReplaceNegWithPos. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Module Z. Lemma elim_mod : forall a b m, a = b -> a mod m = b mod m. Proof. intros; subst; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve elim_mod : zarith. Lemma mod_add_full : forall a b c, (a + b * c) mod c = a mod c. Proof. intros a b c; destruct (Z_zerop c); try subst; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_add_full : zsimplify. Lemma mod_add_l_full : forall a b c, (a * b + c) mod b = c mod b. Proof. intros a b c; rewrite (Z.add_comm _ c); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_add_l_full : zsimplify. Lemma mod_add'_full : forall a b c, (a + b * c) mod b = a mod b. Proof. intros a b c; rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ c); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mod_add_l'_full : forall a b c, (a * b + c) mod a = c mod a. Proof. intros a b c; rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ b); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_add'_full mod_add_l'_full : zsimplify. Lemma mod_add_l : forall a b c, b <> 0 -> (a * b + c) mod b = c mod b. Proof. intros a b c H; rewrite (Z.add_comm _ c); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mod_add' : forall a b c, b <> 0 -> (a + b * c) mod b = a mod b. Proof. intros a b c H; rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ c); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mod_add_l' : forall a b c, a <> 0 -> (a * b + c) mod a = c mod a. Proof. intros a b c H; rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ b); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma add_pow_mod_l : forall a b c, a <> 0 -> 0 < b -> ((a ^ b) + c) mod a = c mod a. Proof. intros a b c H H0; replace b with (b - 1 + 1) by ring; rewrite Z.pow_add_r, Z.pow_1_r by omega; auto using Z.mod_add_l. Qed. Lemma mod_exp_0 : forall a x m, x > 0 -> m > 1 -> a mod m = 0 -> a ^ x mod m = 0. Proof. intros a x m H H0 H1. replace x with (Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat x)) in * by (apply; omega). induction (Z.to_nat x). { simpl in *; omega. } { rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in *. rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by omega. rewrite Z.mul_mod by omega. case_eq n; intros. { subst. simpl. rewrite Zmod_1_l by omega. rewrite H1. apply Zmod_0_l. } { subst. rewrite IHn by (rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in *; omega). rewrite H1. auto. } } Qed. Lemma mod_pow : forall (a m b : Z), (0 <= b) -> (m <> 0) -> a ^ b mod m = (a mod m) ^ b mod m. Proof. intros a m b H H0; rewrite <- ( b) by auto. induction (Z.to_nat b) as [|n IHn]; auto. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. do 2 rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg. rewrite Z.mul_mod by auto. rewrite (Z.mul_mod (a mod m) ((a mod m) ^ Z.of_nat n) m) by auto. rewrite <- IHn by auto. rewrite Z.mod_mod by auto. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mod_to_nat x m (Hm:(0 < m)%Z) (Hx:(0 <= x)%Z) : (Z.to_nat x mod Z.to_nat m = Z.to_nat (x mod m))%nat. pose proof Zdiv.mod_Zmod (Z.to_nat x) (Z.to_nat m) as H; rewrite ! in H by omega. rewrite <-H by (change 0%nat with (Z.to_nat 0); rewrite Z2Nat.inj_iff; omega). rewrite !; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mul_div_eq_full : forall a m, m <> 0 -> m * (a / m) = (a - a mod m). Proof. intros a m H. rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a m) at 2 by auto. ring. Qed. Hint Rewrite mul_div_eq_full using zutil_arith : zdiv_to_mod. Hint Rewrite <-mul_div_eq_full using zutil_arith : zmod_to_div. Lemma f_equal_mul_mod x y x' y' m : x mod m = x' mod m -> y mod m = y' mod m -> (x * y) mod m = (x' * y') mod m. Proof. intros H0 H1; rewrite Zmult_mod, H0, H1, <- Zmult_mod; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Resolve f_equal_mul_mod : zarith. Lemma f_equal_add_mod x y x' y' m : x mod m = x' mod m -> y mod m = y' mod m -> (x + y) mod m = (x' + y') mod m. Proof. intros H0 H1; rewrite Zplus_mod, H0, H1, <- Zplus_mod; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Resolve f_equal_add_mod : zarith. Lemma f_equal_opp_mod x x' m : x mod m = x' mod m -> (-x) mod m = (-x') mod m. Proof. intro H. destruct (Z_zerop (x mod m)) as [H'|H'], (Z_zerop (x' mod m)) as [H''|H'']; try congruence. { rewrite !Z_mod_zero_opp_full by assumption; reflexivity. } { rewrite Z_mod_nz_opp_full, H, <- Z_mod_nz_opp_full by assumption; reflexivity. } Qed. Hint Resolve f_equal_opp_mod : zarith. Lemma f_equal_sub_mod x y x' y' m : x mod m = x' mod m -> y mod m = y' mod m -> (x - y) mod m = (x' - y') mod m. Proof. rewrite <- !Z.add_opp_r; auto with zarith. Qed. Hint Resolve f_equal_sub_mod : zarith. Lemma mul_div_eq : forall a m, m > 0 -> m * (a / m) = (a - a mod m). Proof. intros a m H. rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a m) at 2 by auto. ring. Qed. Lemma mul_div_eq' : (forall a m, m > 0 -> (a / m) * m = (a - a mod m))%Z. Proof. intros a m H. rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a m) at 2 by auto. ring. Qed. Hint Rewrite mul_div_eq mul_div_eq' using zutil_arith : zdiv_to_mod. Hint Rewrite <- mul_div_eq' using zutil_arith : zmod_to_div. Lemma mod_div_eq0 : forall a b, 0 < b -> (a mod b) / b = 0. Proof. intros. apply Z.div_small. auto using Z.mod_pos_bound. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_div_eq0 using zutil_arith : zsimplify. Local Lemma mod_pull_div_helper a b c X (HX : forall a b c d e f g, X a b c d e f g = if a =? 0 then c else 0) : 0 <> b -> 0 <> c -> (a / b) mod c = (a mod (c * b)) / b + if c c * b) by nia; Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem; subst; destruct_head'_or; destruct_head'_and; try assert (b < 0) by omega; try assert (c < 0) by omega; Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos; try match goal with | [ H : ?c * ?b * ?q1 + ?r1 = ?b * (?c * ?q2 + _) + _ |- _ ] => assert (q1 = q2) by nia; progress subst end; rewrite ?HX; clear HX X; try nia; repeat match goal with | [ |- - ?x = ?y ] => is_var y; assert (y <= 0) by nia; Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos | [ |- - ?x = ?y + -_ ] => is_var y; assert (y <= 0) by nia; Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos | [ H : -?x + (-?y + ?z) = -?w + ?v |- _ ] => assert (x + (y + -z) = w + -v) by omega; clear H | [ H : ?c * ?b * ?q1 + (?b * ?q2 + ?r) = ?b * (?c * ?q1' + ?q2') + ?r' |- _ ] => assert (c * q1 + q2 = c * q1' + q2') by nia; assert (r = r') by nia; clear H | [ H : -?x < -?y + ?z |- _ ] => assert (y + -z < x) by omega; clear H | [ H : -?x + ?y <= 0 |- _ ] => assert (0 <= x + -y) by omega; clear H | _ => progress Z.clean_neg | _ => progress subst end. all:match goal with | [ H : ?c * ?q + ?r = ?c * ?q' + ?r' |- _ ] => first [ constr_eq q q'; assert (r = r') by nia; clear H | assert (q = q') by nia; assert (r = r') by nia; clear H | lazymatch goal with | [ H' : r' < c |- _ ] => destruct (Z_dec' r c) as [[?|?]|?] | [ H' : r < c |- _ ] => destruct (Z_dec' r' c) as [[?|?]|?] end; subst; [ assert (q = q') by nia; assert (r = r') by nia; clear H | nia | first [ assert (1 + q = q') by nia | assert (q = 1 + q') by nia ]; first [ assert (r' = 0) by nia | assert (r = 0) by nia ] ] ] end. all:try omega. all:break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; omega. Qed. Lemma mod_pull_div_full a b c : (a / b) mod c = if ((c (a / b) mod c = a mod (c * b) / b. Proof. rewrite mod_pull_div_full; destruct (c assert (x = y) by omega; clear H H' | _ => progress subst | [ H : ?d * ?q0 + ?r0 = ?d * ?q1 + ?r1 |- _ ] => assert (q0 = q1) by nia; subst q0 | [ H : ?d * ?q0 + ?r0 <= ?d * ?q1 + ?r1 |- _ ] => assert (q0 = q1) by nia; subst q0 end ] ]. Qed. End Z.