Require Import Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zdiv. Require Import Coq.micromega.Psatz Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano Coq.Arith.Arith. Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import Nat. Local Open Scope Z. Infix ">>" := Z.shiftr : Z_scope. Infix "<<" := Z.shiftl : Z_scope. Infix "&" := : Z_scope. Hint Extern 1 => lia : lia. Hint Extern 1 => lra : lra. Hint Extern 1 => nia : nia. Hint Extern 1 => omega : omega. Hint Resolve Z.log2_nonneg Z.div_small Z.mod_small Z.pow_neg_r Z.pow_0_l Z.pow_pos_nonneg Z.lt_le_incl : zarith. Hint Resolve (fun a b H => proj1 (Z.mod_pos_bound a b H)) (fun a b H => proj2 (Z.mod_pos_bound a b H)) : zarith. (** Only hints that are always safe to apply (i.e., reversible), and which can reasonably be said to "simplify" the goal, should go in this database. *) Create HintDb zsimplify discriminated. Hint Rewrite Z.div_1_r Z.mul_1_r Z.mul_1_l Z.sub_diag Z.mul_0_r Z.mul_0_l Z.add_0_l Z.add_0_r Z.opp_involutive Z.sub_0_r : zsimplify. Hint Rewrite Z.div_mul Z.div_1_l Z.div_same Z.mod_same Z.div_small Z.mod_small Z.div_add Z.div_add_l Z.mod_add Z.div_0_l using lia : zsimplify. (** "push" means transform [-f x] to [f (-x)]; "pull" means go the other way *) Create HintDb push_Zopp discriminated. Create HintDb pull_Zopp discriminated. Hint Rewrite Z.div_opp_l_nz Z.div_opp_l_z using lia : pull_Zopp. Hint Rewrite Z.mul_opp_l : pull_Zopp. Hint Rewrite <- Z.opp_add_distr : pull_Zopp. Hint Rewrite <- Z.div_opp_l_nz Z.div_opp_l_z using lia : push_Zopp. Hint Rewrite <- Z.mul_opp_l : push_Zopp. Hint Rewrite Z.opp_add_distr : push_Zopp. Create HintDb push_Zmul discriminated. Create HintDb pull_Zmul discriminated. Hint Rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_l Z.mul_add_distr_r Z.mul_sub_distr_l Z.mul_sub_distr_r : push_Zmul. Hint Rewrite <- Z.mul_add_distr_l Z.mul_add_distr_r Z.mul_sub_distr_l Z.mul_sub_distr_r : pull_Zmul. (** For the occasional lemma that can remove the use of [Z.div] *) Create HintDb zstrip_div. Hint Rewrite Z.div_small_iff using lia : zstrip_div. (** It's not clear that [mod] is much easier for [lia] than [Z.div], so we separate out the transformations between [mod] and [div]. We'll put, e.g., [mul_div_eq] into it below. *) Create HintDb zstrip_div. Module Z. Definition pow2_mod n i := (n & (Z.ones i)). Lemma pow2_mod_spec : forall a b, (0 <= b) -> Z.pow2_mod a b = a mod (2 ^ b). Proof. intros. unfold Z.pow2_mod. rewrite Z.land_ones; auto. Qed. Lemma positive_is_nonzero : forall x, x > 0 -> x <> 0. Proof. intros; omega. Qed. Hint Resolve positive_is_nonzero : zarith. Lemma div_positive_gt_0 : forall a b, a > 0 -> b > 0 -> a mod b = 0 -> a / b > 0. Proof. intros; rewrite Z.gt_lt_iff. apply Z.div_str_pos. split; intuition. apply Z.divide_pos_le; try (apply Zmod_divide); omega. Qed. Lemma elim_mod : forall a b m, a = b -> a mod m = b mod m. Proof. intros; subst; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve elim_mod : zarith. Lemma mod_add_l : forall a b c, b <> 0 -> (a * b + c) mod b = c mod b. Proof. intros; rewrite (Z.add_comm _ c); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_add_l using lia : zsimplify. Lemma mod_add' : forall a b c, b <> 0 -> (a + b * c) mod b = a mod b. Proof. intros; rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ c); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mod_add_l' : forall a b c, a <> 0 -> (a * b + c) mod a = c mod a. Proof. intros; rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ b); autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_add' mod_add_l' using lia : zsimplify. Lemma pos_pow_nat_pos : forall x n, Z.pos x ^ Z.of_nat n > 0. Proof. do 2 (intros; induction n; subst; simpl in *; auto with zarith). rewrite <- Pos.add_1_r, Zpower_pos_is_exp. apply Zmult_gt_0_compat; auto; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma div_mul' : forall a b : Z, b <> 0 -> (b * a) / b = a. Proof. intros. rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply Z.div_mul; auto. Qed. Hint Rewrite div_mul' using lia : zsimplify. (** TODO: Should we get rid of this duplicate? *) Notation gt0_neq0 := positive_is_nonzero (only parsing). Lemma pow_Z2N_Zpow : forall a n, 0 <= a -> ((Z.to_nat a) ^ n = Z.to_nat (a ^ Z.of_nat n)%Z)%nat. Proof. intros; induction n; try reflexivity. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. rewrite pow_succ_r by apply le_0_n. rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by apply Zle_0_nat. rewrite IHn. rewrite Z2Nat.inj_mul; auto using Z.pow_nonneg. Qed. Lemma pow_Zpow : forall a n : nat, Z.of_nat (a ^ n) = Z.of_nat a ^ Z.of_nat n. Proof with auto using Zle_0_nat, Z.pow_nonneg. intros; apply Z2Nat.inj... rewrite <- pow_Z2N_Zpow, ! Qed. Lemma mod_exp_0 : forall a x m, x > 0 -> m > 1 -> a mod m = 0 -> a ^ x mod m = 0. Proof. intros. replace x with (Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat x)) in * by (apply; omega). induction (Z.to_nat x). { simpl in *; omega. } { rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in *. rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by omega. rewrite Z.mul_mod by omega. case_eq n; intros. { subst. simpl. rewrite Zmod_1_l by omega. rewrite H1. apply Zmod_0_l. } { subst. rewrite IHn by (rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in *; omega). rewrite H1. auto. } } Qed. Lemma mod_pow : forall (a m b : Z), (0 <= b) -> (m <> 0) -> a ^ b mod m = (a mod m) ^ b mod m. Proof. intros; rewrite <- ( b) by auto. induction (Z.to_nat b); auto. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. do 2 rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg. rewrite Z.mul_mod by auto. rewrite (Z.mul_mod (a mod m) ((a mod m) ^ Z.of_nat n) m) by auto. rewrite <- IHn by auto. rewrite Z.mod_mod by auto. reflexivity. Qed. Ltac divide_exists_mul := let k := fresh "k" in match goal with | [ H : (?a | ?b) |- _ ] => apply Z.mod_divide in H; try apply Zmod_divides in H; destruct H as [k H] | [ |- (?a | ?b) ] => apply Z.mod_divide; try apply Zmod_divides end; (omega || auto). Lemma divide_mul_div: forall a b c (a_nonzero : a <> 0) (c_nonzero : c <> 0), (a | b * (a / c)) -> (c | a) -> (c | b). Proof. intros ? ? ? ? ? divide_a divide_c_a; do 2 divide_exists_mul. rewrite divide_c_a in divide_a. rewrite div_mul' in divide_a by auto. replace (b * k) with (k * b) in divide_a by ring. replace (c * k * k0) with (k * (k0 * c)) in divide_a by ring. rewrite Z.mul_cancel_l in divide_a by (intuition; rewrite H in divide_c_a; ring_simplify in divide_a; intuition). eapply Zdivide_intro; eauto. Qed. Lemma divide2_even_iff : forall n, (2 | n) <-> Z.even n = true. Proof. intro; split. { intro divide2_n. divide_exists_mul; [ | pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound n 2); omega]. rewrite divide2_n. apply Z.even_mul. } { intro n_even. pose proof (Zmod_even n). rewrite n_even in H. apply Zmod_divide; omega || auto. } Qed. Lemma prime_odd_or_2 : forall p (prime_p : prime p), p = 2 \/ Z.odd p = true. Proof. intros. apply Decidable.imp_not_l; try apply Z.eq_decidable. intros p_neq2. pose proof (Zmod_odd p) as mod_odd. destruct (Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (Z.odd p)) as [? | p_not_odd]; auto. rewrite p_not_odd in mod_odd. apply Zmod_divides in mod_odd; try omega. destruct mod_odd as [c c_id]. rewrite Z.mul_comm in c_id. apply Zdivide_intro in c_id. apply prime_divisors in c_id; auto. destruct c_id; [omega | destruct H; [omega | destruct H; auto]]. pose proof (prime_ge_2 p prime_p); omega. Qed. Lemma mul_div_eq : forall a m, m > 0 -> m * (a / m) = (a - a mod m). Proof. intros. rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a m) at 2 by auto. ring. Qed. Lemma mul_div_eq' : (forall a m, m > 0 -> (a / m) * m = (a - a mod m))%Z. Proof. intros. rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a m) at 2 by auto. ring. Qed. Hint Rewrite mul_div_eq mul_div_eq' using lia : zdiv_to_mod. Hint Rewrite <- mul_div_eq' using lia : zmod_to_div. Ltac prime_bound := match goal with | [ H : prime ?p |- _ ] => pose proof (prime_ge_2 p H); try omega end. Lemma testbit_low : forall n x i, (0 <= i < n) -> Z.testbit x i = Z.testbit ( x (Z.ones n)) i. Proof. intros. rewrite Z.land_ones by omega. symmetry. apply Z.mod_pow2_bits_low. omega. Qed. Lemma testbit_add_shiftl_low : forall i, (0 <= i) -> forall a b n, (i < n) -> Z.testbit (a + Z.shiftl b n) i = Z.testbit a i. Proof. intros. erewrite Z.testbit_low; eauto. rewrite Z.land_ones, Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by omega. rewrite Z.mod_add by (pose proof (Z.pow_pos_nonneg 2 n); omega). auto using Z.mod_pow2_bits_low. Qed. Lemma mod_div_eq0 : forall a b, 0 < b -> (a mod b) / b = 0. Proof. intros. apply Z.div_small. auto using Z.mod_pos_bound. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_div_eq0 using lia : zsimplify. Lemma shiftr_add_shiftl_high : forall n m a b, 0 <= n <= m -> 0 <= a < 2 ^ n -> Z.shiftr (a + (Z.shiftl b n)) m = Z.shiftr b (m - n). Proof. intros. rewrite !Z.shiftr_div_pow2, Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by omega. replace (2 ^ m) with (2 ^ n * 2 ^ (m - n)) by (rewrite <-Z.pow_add_r by omega; f_equal; ring). rewrite <-Z.div_div, Z.div_add, (Z.div_small a) ; try solve [assumption || apply Z.pow_nonzero || apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; omega]. f_equal; ring. Qed. Lemma shiftr_add_shiftl_low : forall n m a b, 0 <= m <= n -> 0 <= a < 2 ^ n -> Z.shiftr (a + (Z.shiftl b n)) m = Z.shiftr a m + Z.shiftr b (m - n). Proof. intros. rewrite !Z.shiftr_div_pow2, Z.shiftl_mul_pow2, Z.shiftr_mul_pow2 by omega. replace (2 ^ n) with (2 ^ (n - m) * 2 ^ m) by (rewrite <-Z.pow_add_r by omega; f_equal; ring). rewrite Z.mul_assoc, Z.div_add by (apply Z.pow_nonzero; omega). repeat f_equal; ring. Qed. Lemma testbit_add_shiftl_high : forall i, (0 <= i) -> forall a b n, (0 <= n <= i) -> 0 <= a < 2 ^ n -> Z.testbit (a + Z.shiftl b n) i = Z.testbit b (i - n). Proof. intros ? ?. apply natlike_ind with (x := i); intros; try assumption; (destruct (Z_eq_dec 0 n); [ subst; rewrite Z.pow_0_r in *; replace a with 0 by omega; f_equal; ring | ]); try omega. rewrite <-Z.add_1_r at 1. rewrite <-Z.shiftr_spec by assumption. replace (Z.succ x - n) with (x - (n - 1)) by ring. rewrite shiftr_add_shiftl_low, <-Z.shiftl_opp_r with (a := b) by omega. rewrite <-H1 with (a := Z.shiftr a 1); try omega; [ repeat f_equal; ring | ]. rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2 by omega. split; apply Z.div_pos || apply Z.div_lt_upper_bound; try solve [rewrite ?Z.pow_1_r; omega]. rewrite <-Z.pow_add_r by omega. replace (1 + (n - 1)) with n by ring; omega. Qed. Lemma land_add_land : forall n m a b, (m <= n)%nat -> (( a (Z.ones (Z.of_nat n))) + (Z.shiftl b (Z.of_nat n))) (Z.ones (Z.of_nat m)) = a (Z.ones (Z.of_nat m)). Proof. intros. rewrite !Z.land_ones by apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg. rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg. replace (b * 2 ^ Z.of_nat n) with ((b * 2 ^ Z.of_nat (n - m)) * 2 ^ Z.of_nat m) by (rewrite (le_plus_minus m n) at 2; try assumption; rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add, Z.pow_add_r by apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg; ring). rewrite Z.mod_add by (pose proof (Z.pow_pos_nonneg 2 (Z.of_nat m)); omega). symmetry. apply Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod; try (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; omega). rewrite (le_plus_minus m n) by assumption. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add, Z.pow_add_r by apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg. apply Z.divide_factor_l. Qed. Lemma div_pow2succ : forall n x, (0 <= x) -> n / 2 ^ Z.succ x = Z.div2 (n / 2 ^ x). Proof. intros. rewrite Z.pow_succ_r, Z.mul_comm by auto. rewrite <- Z.div_div by (try apply Z.pow_nonzero; omega). rewrite Zdiv2_div. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma shiftr_succ : forall n x, Z.shiftr n (Z.succ x) = Z.shiftr (Z.shiftr n x) 1. Proof. intros. rewrite Z.shiftr_shiftr by omega. reflexivity. Qed. Definition shiftl_by n a := Z.shiftl a n. Lemma shiftl_by_mul_pow2 : forall n a, 0 <= n -> Z.mul (2 ^ n) a = Z.shiftl_by n a. Proof. intros. unfold Z.shiftl_by. rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by assumption. apply Z.mul_comm. Qed. Lemma map_shiftl : forall n l, 0 <= n -> map (Z.mul (2 ^ n)) l = map (Z.shiftl_by n) l. Proof. intros; induction l; auto using Z.shiftl_by_mul_pow2. simpl. rewrite IHl. f_equal. apply Z.shiftl_by_mul_pow2. assumption. Qed. Lemma odd_mod : forall a b, (b <> 0)%Z -> Z.odd (a mod b) = if Z.odd b then xorb (Z.odd a) (Z.odd (a / b)) else Z.odd a. Proof. intros. rewrite Zmod_eq_full by assumption. rewrite <-Z.add_opp_r, Z.odd_add, Z.odd_opp, Z.odd_mul. case_eq (Z.odd b); intros; rewrite ?Bool.andb_true_r, ?Bool.andb_false_r; auto using Bool.xorb_false_r. Qed. Lemma mod_same_pow : forall a b c, 0 <= c <= b -> a ^ b mod a ^ c = 0. Proof. intros. replace b with (b - c + c) by ring. rewrite Z.pow_add_r by omega. apply Z_mod_mult. Qed. Hint Rewrite mod_same_pow using lia : zsimplify. Lemma ones_succ : forall x, (0 <= x) -> Z.ones (Z.succ x) = 2 ^ x + Z.ones x. Proof. unfold Z.ones; intros. rewrite !Z.shiftl_1_l. rewrite Z.add_pred_r. apply Z.succ_inj. rewrite !Z.succ_pred. rewrite Z.pow_succ_r; omega. Qed. Lemma div_floor : forall a b c, 0 < b -> a < b * (Z.succ c) -> a / b <= c. Proof. intros. apply Z.lt_succ_r. apply Z.div_lt_upper_bound; try omega. Qed. Lemma shiftr_1_r_le : forall a b, a <= b -> Z.shiftr a 1 <= Z.shiftr b 1. Proof. intros. rewrite !Z.shiftr_div_pow2, Z.pow_1_r by omega. apply Z.div_le_mono; omega. Qed. Lemma ones_pred : forall i, 0 < i -> Z.ones (Z.pred i) = Z.shiftr (Z.ones i) 1. Proof. induction i; [ | | pose proof (Pos2Z.neg_is_neg p) ]; try omega. intros. unfold Z.ones. rewrite !Z.shiftl_1_l, Z.shiftr_div_pow2, <-!Z.sub_1_r, Z.pow_1_r, <-!Z.add_opp_r by omega. replace (2 ^ (Z.pos p)) with (2 ^ (Z.pos p - 1)* 2). rewrite Z.div_add_l by omega. reflexivity. change 2 with (2 ^ 1) at 2. rewrite <-Z.pow_add_r by (pose proof (Pos2Z.is_pos p); omega). f_equal. omega. Qed. Lemma shiftr_ones' : forall a n, 0 <= a < 2 ^ n -> forall i, (0 <= i) -> Z.shiftr a i <= Z.ones (n - i) \/ n <= i. Proof. intros until 1. apply natlike_ind. + unfold Z.ones. rewrite Z.shiftr_0_r, Z.shiftl_1_l, Z.sub_0_r. omega. + intros. destruct (Z_lt_le_dec x n); try omega. intuition. left. rewrite shiftr_succ. replace (n - Z.succ x) with (Z.pred (n - x)) by omega. rewrite Z.ones_pred by omega. apply Z.shiftr_1_r_le. assumption. Qed. Lemma shiftr_ones : forall a n i, 0 <= a < 2 ^ n -> (0 <= i) -> (i <= n) -> Z.shiftr a i <= Z.ones (n - i) . Proof. intros a n i G G0 G1. destruct (Z_le_lt_eq_dec i n G1). + destruct (Z.shiftr_ones' a n G i G0); omega. + subst; rewrite Z.sub_diag. destruct (Z_eq_dec a 0). - subst; rewrite Z.shiftr_0_l; reflexivity. - rewrite Z.shiftr_eq_0; try omega; try reflexivity. apply Z.log2_lt_pow2; omega. Qed. Lemma shiftr_upper_bound : forall a n, 0 <= n -> 0 <= a <= 2 ^ n -> Z.shiftr a n <= 1. Proof. intros a ? ? [a_nonneg a_upper_bound]. apply Z_le_lt_eq_dec in a_upper_bound. destruct a_upper_bound. + destruct (Z_eq_dec 0 a). - subst; rewrite Z.shiftr_0_l; omega. - rewrite Z.shiftr_eq_0; auto; try omega. apply Z.log2_lt_pow2; auto; omega. + subst. rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2 by assumption. rewrite Z.div_same; try omega. assert (0 < 2 ^ n) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; omega). omega. Qed. Lemma lor_shiftl : forall a b n, 0 <= n -> 0 <= a < 2 ^ n -> Z.lor a (Z.shiftl b n) = a + (Z.shiftl b n). Proof. intros. apply Z.bits_inj'; intros t ?. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec by assumption. destruct (Z_lt_dec t n). + rewrite testbit_add_shiftl_low by omega. rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r with (n := t - n) by omega. apply Bool.orb_false_r. + rewrite testbit_add_shiftl_high by omega. replace (Z.testbit a t) with false; [ apply Bool.orb_false_l | ]. symmetry. apply Z.testbit_false; try omega. rewrite Z.div_small; try reflexivity. split; try eapply Z.lt_le_trans with (m := 2 ^ n); try omega. apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; omega. Qed. (* prove that combinations of known positive/nonnegative numbers are positive/nonnegative *) Ltac zero_bounds' := repeat match goal with | [ |- 0 <= _ + _] => apply Z.add_nonneg_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= _ - _] => apply Z.le_0_sub | [ |- 0 <= _ * _] => apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= _ / _] => apply Z.div_pos | [ |- 0 <= _ ^ _ ] => apply Z.pow_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= Z.shiftr _ _] => apply Z.shiftr_nonneg | [ |- 0 <= _ mod _] => apply Z.mod_pos_bound | [ |- 0 < _ + _] => try solve [apply Z.add_pos_nonneg; zero_bounds']; try solve [apply Z.add_nonneg_pos; zero_bounds'] | [ |- 0 < _ - _] => apply Z.lt_0_sub | [ |- 0 < _ * _] => apply Z.lt_0_mul; left; split | [ |- 0 < _ / _] => apply Z.div_str_pos | [ |- 0 < _ ^ _ ] => apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg end; try omega; try prime_bound; auto. Ltac zero_bounds := try omega; try prime_bound; zero_bounds'. Hint Extern 1 => progress zero_bounds : zero_bounds. Lemma ones_nonneg : forall i, (0 <= i) -> 0 <= Z.ones i. Proof. apply natlike_ind. + unfold Z.ones. simpl; omega. + intros. rewrite Z.ones_succ by assumption. zero_bounds. Qed. Lemma ones_pos_pos : forall i, (0 < i) -> 0 < Z.ones i. Proof. intros. unfold Z.ones. rewrite Z.shiftl_1_l. apply Z.lt_succ_lt_pred. apply Z.pow_gt_1; omega. Qed. Lemma N_le_1_l : forall p, (1 <= N.pos p)%N. Proof. destruct p; cbv; congruence. Qed. Lemma Pos_land_upper_bound_l : forall a b, ( a b <= N.pos a)%N. Proof. induction a; destruct b; intros; try solve [cbv; congruence]; simpl; specialize (IHa b); case_eq ( a b); intro; simpl; try (apply N_le_1_l || apply N.le_0_l); intro land_eq; rewrite land_eq in *; unfold N.le, in *; rewrite ?Pos.compare_xI_xI, ?Pos.compare_xO_xI, ?Pos.compare_xO_xO; try assumption. destruct (p ?=a)%positive; cbv; congruence. Qed. Lemma land_upper_bound_l : forall a b, (0 <= a) -> (0 <= b) -> a b <= a. Proof. intros. destruct a, b; try solve [exfalso; auto]; try solve [cbv; congruence]. cbv []. rewrite <-N2Z.inj_pos, <-N2Z.inj_le. auto using Pos_land_upper_bound_l. Qed. Lemma land_upper_bound_r : forall a b, (0 <= a) -> (0 <= b) -> a b <= b. Proof. intros. rewrite Z.land_comm. auto using Z.land_upper_bound_l. Qed. Lemma le_fold_right_max : forall low l x, (forall y, In y l -> low <= y) -> In x l -> x <= fold_right Z.max low l. Proof. induction l; intros ? lower_bound In_list; [cbv [In] in *; intuition | ]. simpl. destruct (in_inv In_list); subst. + apply Z.le_max_l. + etransitivity. - apply IHl; auto; intuition. - apply Z.le_max_r. Qed. Lemma le_fold_right_max_initial : forall low l, low <= fold_right Z.max low l. Proof. induction l; intros; try reflexivity. etransitivity; [ apply IHl | apply Z.le_max_r ]. Qed. Ltac ltb_to_lt := repeat match goal with | [ H : (?x let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; pose proof (Zlt_cases x y) as H; rewrite H' in H; clear H' end. Ltac compare_to_sgn := repeat match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => progress rewrite <- ?Z.sgn_neg_iff, <- ?Z.sgn_pos_iff, <- ?Z.sgn_null_iff in H | _ => progress rewrite <- ?Z.sgn_neg_iff, <- ?Z.sgn_pos_iff, <- ?Z.sgn_null_iff end. Local Ltac replace_to_const c := repeat match goal with | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H | [ H : ?x = c, H' : context[?x] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H' | [ H : c = ?x, H' : context[?x] |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in H' | [ H : ?x = c |- context[?x] ] => rewrite H | [ H : c = ?x |- context[?x] ] => rewrite <- H end. Lemma lt_div_0 n m : n / m < 0 <-> ((n < 0 < m \/ m < 0 < n) /\ 0 < -(n / m)). Proof. Z.compare_to_sgn; rewrite Z.sgn_opp; simpl. pose proof (Zdiv_sgn n m) as H. pose proof (Z.sgn_spec (n / m)) as H'. repeat first [ progress intuition auto | progress simpl in * | congruence | lia | progress replace_to_const (-1) | progress replace_to_const 0 | progress replace_to_const 1 | match goal with | [ x : Z |- _ ] => destruct x end ]. Qed. Lemma two_times_x_minus_x x : 2 * x - x = x. Proof. lia. Qed. Lemma mul_div_le x y z (Hx : 0 <= x) (Hy : 0 <= y) (Hz : 0 < z) (Hyz : y <= z) : x * y / z <= x. Proof. transitivity (x * z / z); [ | rewrite Z.div_mul by lia; lia ]. apply Z_div_le; nia. Qed. Hint Resolve mul_div_le : zarith. Lemma div_mul_diff_exact a b c (Ha : 0 <= a) (Hb : 0 < b) (Hc : 0 <= c) : c * a / b = c * (a / b) + (c * (a mod b)) / b. Proof. rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b) at 1 by lia. rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_l. replace (c * (b * (a / b))) with ((c * (a / b)) * b) by lia. rewrite Z.div_add_l by lia. lia. Qed. Lemma div_mul_diff_exact' a b c (Ha : 0 <= a) (Hb : 0 < b) (Hc : 0 <= c) : c * (a / b) = c * a / b - (c * (a mod b)) / b. Proof. rewrite div_mul_diff_exact by assumption; lia. Qed. Lemma div_mul_diff_exact'' a b c (Ha : 0 <= a) (Hb : 0 < b) (Hc : 0 <= c) : a * c / b = (a / b) * c + (c * (a mod b)) / b. Proof. rewrite (Z.mul_comm a c), div_mul_diff_exact by lia; lia. Qed. Lemma div_mul_diff_exact''' a b c (Ha : 0 <= a) (Hb : 0 < b) (Hc : 0 <= c) : (a / b) * c = a * c / b - (c * (a mod b)) / b. Proof. rewrite (Z.mul_comm a c), div_mul_diff_exact by lia; lia. Qed. Lemma div_mul_diff a b c (Ha : 0 <= a) (Hb : 0 < b) (Hc : 0 <= c) : c * a / b - c * (a / b) <= c. Proof. rewrite div_mul_diff_exact by assumption. ring_simplify; auto with zarith. Qed. Lemma div_mul_le_le a b c : 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 <= c -> c * (a / b) <= c * a / b <= c * (a / b) + c. Proof. pose proof (Z.div_mul_diff a b c); split; try apply Z.div_mul_le; lia. Qed. Lemma div_mul_le_le_offset a b c : 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 <= c -> c * a / b - c <= c * (a / b). Proof. pose proof (Z.div_mul_le_le a b c); lia. Qed. Hint Resolve Zmult_le_compat_r Zmult_le_compat_l Z_div_le Z.div_mul_le_le_offset Z.add_le_mono Z.sub_le_mono : zarith. Lemma sub_same_minus (x y : Z) : x - (x - y) = y. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_minus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_plus (x y : Z) : x - (x + y) = -y. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_plus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_minus_plus (x y z : Z) : x - (x - y + z) = y - z. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_minus_plus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_plus_plus (x y z : Z) : x - (x + y + z) = -y - z. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_plus_plus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_minus_minus (x y z : Z) : x - (x - y - z) = y + z. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_minus_minus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_plus_minus (x y z : Z) : x - (x + y - z) = z - y. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_plus_minus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_minus_then_plus (x y w : Z) : x - (x - y) + w = y + w. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_minus_then_plus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_plus_then_plus (x y w : Z) : x - (x + y) + w = w - y. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_plus_then_plus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_minus_plus_then_plus (x y z w : Z) : x - (x - y + z) + w = y - z + w. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_minus_plus_then_plus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_plus_plus_then_plus (x y z w : Z) : x - (x + y + z) + w = w - y - z. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_plus_plus_then_plus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_minus_minus_then_plus (x y z w : Z) : x - (x - y - z) + w = y + z + w. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_minus_minus : zsimplify. Lemma sub_same_plus_minus_then_plus (x y z w : Z) : x - (x + y - z) + w = z - y + w. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite sub_same_plus_minus_then_plus : zsimplify. (** * [Z.simplify_fractions_le] *) (** The culmination of this series of tactics, [Z.simplify_fractions_le], will use the fact that [a * (b / c) <= (a * b) / c], and do some reasoning modulo associativity and commutativity in [Z] to perform such a reduction. It may leave over goals if it cannot prove that some denominators are non-zero. If the rewrite [a * (b / c)] → [(a * b) / c] is safe to do on the LHS of the goal, this tactic should not turn a solvable goal into an unsolvable one. After running, the tactic does some basic rewriting to simplify fractions, e.g., that [a * b / b = a]. *) Ltac split_sums_step := match goal with | [ |- _ + _ <= _ ] => etransitivity; [ eapply Z.add_le_mono | ] | [ |- _ - _ <= _ ] => etransitivity; [ eapply Z.sub_le_mono | ] end. Ltac split_sums := try (split_sums_step; [ split_sums.. | ]). Ltac pre_reorder_fractions_step := match goal with | [ |- context[?x / ?y * ?z] ] => rewrite (Z.mul_comm (x / y) z) | _ => let LHS := match goal with |- ?LHS <= ?RHS => LHS end in match LHS with | context G[?x * (?y / ?z)] => let G' := context G[(x * y) / z] in transitivity G' end end. Ltac pre_reorder_fractions := try first [ split_sums_step; [ pre_reorder_fractions.. | ] | pre_reorder_fractions_step; [ .. | pre_reorder_fractions ] ]. Ltac split_comparison := match goal with | [ |- ?x <= ?x ] => reflexivity | [ H : _ >= _ |- _ ] => apply Z.ge_le_iff in H | [ |- ?x * ?y <= ?z * ?w ] => lazymatch goal with | [ H : 0 <= x |- _ ] => idtac | [ H : x < 0 |- _ ] => fail | _ => destruct (Z_lt_le_dec x 0) end; [ .. | lazymatch goal with | [ H : 0 <= y |- _ ] => idtac | [ H : y < 0 |- _ ] => fail | _ => destruct (Z_lt_le_dec y 0) end; [ .. | apply Zmult_le_compat; [ | | assumption | assumption ] ] ] | [ |- ?x / ?y <= ?z / ?y ] => lazymatch goal with | [ H : 0 < y |- _ ] => idtac | [ H : y <= 0 |- _ ] => fail | _ => destruct (Z_lt_le_dec 0 y) end; [ apply Z_div_le; [ apply Z.gt_lt_iff; assumption | ] | .. ] | [ |- ?x / ?y <= ?x / ?z ] => lazymatch goal with | [ H : 0 <= x |- _ ] => idtac | [ H : x < 0 |- _ ] => fail | _ => destruct (Z_lt_le_dec x 0) end; [ .. | lazymatch goal with | [ H : 0 < z |- _ ] => idtac | [ H : z <= 0 |- _ ] => fail | _ => destruct (Z_lt_le_dec 0 z) end; [ apply Z.div_le_compat_l; [ assumption | split; [ assumption | ] ] | .. ] ] | [ |- _ + _ <= _ + _ ] => apply Z.add_le_mono | [ |- _ - _ <= _ - _ ] => apply Z.sub_le_mono | [ |- ?x * (?y / ?z) <= (?x * ?y) / ?z ] => apply Z.div_mul_le end. Ltac split_comparison_fin_step := match goal with | _ => assumption | _ => lia | _ => progress subst | [ H : ?n * ?m < 0 |- _ ] => apply (proj1 (Z.lt_mul_0 n m)) in H; destruct H as [[??]|[??]] | [ H : ?n / ?m < 0 |- _ ] => apply (proj1 (lt_div_0 n m)) in H; destruct H as [[[??]|[??]]?] | [ H : (?x^?y) <= ?n < _, H' : ?n < 0 |- _ ] => assert (0 <= x^y) by zero_bounds; lia | [ H : (?x^?y) < 0 |- _ ] => assert (0 <= x^y) by zero_bounds; lia | [ H : (?x^?y) <= 0 |- _ ] => let H' := fresh in assert (H' : 0 <= x^y) by zero_bounds; assert (x^y = 0) by lia; clear H H' | [ H : _^_ = 0 |- _ ] => apply Z.pow_eq_0_iff in H; destruct H as [?|[??]] | [ H : 0 <= ?x, H' : ?x - 1 < 0 |- _ ] => assert (x = 0) by lia; clear H H' | [ |- ?x <= ?y ] => is_evar x; reflexivity | [ |- ?x <= ?y ] => is_evar y; reflexivity end. Ltac split_comparison_fin := repeat split_comparison_fin_step. Ltac simplify_fractions_step := match goal with | _ => rewrite Z.div_mul by (try apply Z.pow_nonzero; zero_bounds) | [ |- context[?x * ?y / ?x] ] => rewrite (Z.mul_comm x y) | [ |- ?x <= ?x ] => reflexivity end. Ltac simplify_fractions := repeat simplify_fractions_step. Ltac simplify_fractions_le := pre_reorder_fractions; [ repeat split_comparison; split_comparison_fin; zero_bounds.. | simplify_fractions ]. Lemma log2_nonneg' n a : n <= 0 -> n <= Z.log2 a. Proof. intros; transitivity 0; auto with zarith. Qed. Hint Resolve log2_nonneg' : zarith. (** We create separate databases for two directions of transformations involving [Z.log2]; combining them leads to loops. *) (* for hints that take in hypotheses of type [log2 _], and spit out conclusions of type [_ ^ _] *) Create HintDb hyp_log2. (* for hints that take in hypotheses of type [_ ^ _], and spit out conclusions of type [log2 _] *) Create HintDb concl_log2. Hint Resolve (fun a b H => proj1 (Z.log2_lt_pow2 a b H)) (fun a b H => proj1 (Z.log2_le_pow2 a b H)) : concl_log2. Hint Resolve (fun a b H => proj2 (Z.log2_lt_pow2 a b H)) (fun a b H => proj2 (Z.log2_le_pow2 a b H)) : hyp_log2. Lemma le_lt_to_log2 x y z : 0 <= z -> 0 < y -> 2^x <= y < 2^z -> x <= Z.log2 y < z. Proof. destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 x); auto with concl_log2 lia. Qed. Lemma div_x_y_x x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> x / y / x = 1 / y. Proof. intros; rewrite Z.div_div, (Z.mul_comm y x), <- Z.div_div, Z.div_same by lia. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite div_x_y_x using lia : zsimplify. Lemma mod_opp_l_z_iff a b (H : b <> 0) : a mod b = 0 <-> (-a) mod b = 0. Proof. split; intro H'; apply Z.mod_opp_l_z in H'; rewrite ?Z.opp_involutive in H'; assumption. Qed. Lemma opp_eq_0_iff a : -a = 0 <-> a = 0. Proof. lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite <- mod_opp_l_z_iff using lia : zsimplify. Hint Rewrite opp_eq_0_iff : zsimplify. Lemma sub_pos_bound a b X : 0 <= a < X -> 0 <= b < X -> -X < a - b < X. Proof. lia. Qed. Lemma div_opp_l_complete a b (Hb : b <> 0) : -a/b = -(a/b) - (if Z_zerop (a mod b) then 0 else 1). Proof. destruct (Z_zerop (a mod b)); autorewrite with zsimplify push_Zopp; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma div_opp_l_complete' a b (Hb : b <> 0) : -(a/b) = -a/b + (if Z_zerop (a mod b) then 0 else 1). Proof. destruct (Z_zerop (a mod b)); autorewrite with zsimplify pull_Zopp; lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite Z.div_opp_l_complete using lia : pull_Zopp. Hint Rewrite Z.div_opp_l_complete' using lia : push_Zopp. Lemma div_opp a : a <> 0 -> -a / a = -1. Proof. intros; autorewrite with pull_Zopp zsimplify; lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite Z.div_opp using lia : zsimplify. Lemma div_sub_1_0 x : x > 0 -> (x - 1) / x = 0. Proof. auto with zarith lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite div_sub_1_0 using lia : zsimplify. Lemma sub_pos_bound_div a b X : 0 <= a < X -> 0 <= b < X -> -1 <= (a - b) / X <= 0. Proof. intros H0 H1; pose proof (Z.sub_pos_bound a b X H0 H1). assert (Hn : -X <= a - b) by lia. assert (Hp : a - b <= X - 1) by lia. split; etransitivity; [ | apply Z_div_le, Hn; lia | apply Z_div_le, Hp; lia | ]; instantiate; autorewrite with zsimplify; try reflexivity. Qed. Hint Resolve (fun a b X H0 H1 => proj1 (Z.sub_pos_bound_div a b X H0 H1)) (fun a b X H0 H1 => proj1 (Z.sub_pos_bound_div a b X H0 H1)) : zarith. Lemma sub_pos_bound_div_eq a b X : 0 <= a < X -> 0 <= b < X -> (a - b) / X = if a 0); [ lia | ]. autorewrite with zstrip_div; auto with zarith lia. } { autorewrite with zstrip_div; auto with zarith lia. } Qed. Lemma add_opp_pos_bound_div_eq a b X : 0 <= a < X -> 0 <= b < X -> (-b + a) / X = if a 0 = a / b. Proof. intros; symmetry; apply Z.div_small; assumption. Qed. Lemma mod_small_sym a b : 0 <= a < b -> a = a mod b. Proof. intros; symmetry; apply Z.mod_small; assumption. Qed. Hint Resolve div_small_sym mod_small_sym : zarith. Lemma div_add' a b c : c <> 0 -> (a + c * b) / c = a / c + b. Proof. intro; rewrite <- Z.div_add, (Z.mul_comm c); try lia. Qed. Lemma div_add_l' a b c : b <> 0 -> (b * a + c) / b = a + c / b. Proof. intro; rewrite <- Z.div_add_l, (Z.mul_comm b); lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite div_add_l' div_add' using lia : zsimplify. Lemma div_add_sub_l a b c d : b <> 0 -> (a * b + c - d) / b = a + (c - d) / b. Proof. rewrite <- Z.add_sub_assoc; apply Z.div_add_l. Qed. Lemma div_add_sub_l' a b c d : b <> 0 -> (b * a + c - d) / b = a + (c - d) / b. Proof. rewrite <- Z.add_sub_assoc; apply Z.div_add_l'. Qed. Lemma div_add_sub a b c d : c <> 0 -> (a + b * c - d) / c = (a - d) / c + b. Proof. rewrite (Z.add_comm _ (_ * _)), (Z.add_comm (_ / _)); apply Z.div_add_sub_l. Qed. Lemma div_add_sub' a b c d : c <> 0 -> (a + c * b - d) / c = (a - d) / c + b. Proof. rewrite (Z.add_comm _ (_ * _)), (Z.add_comm (_ / _)); apply Z.div_add_sub_l'. Qed. Hint Rewrite Z.div_add_sub Z.div_add_sub' Z.div_add_sub_l Z.div_add_sub_l' using lia : zsimplify. Lemma div_mul_skip a b k : 0 < b -> 0 < k -> a * b / k / b = a / k. Proof. intros; rewrite Z.div_div, (Z.mul_comm k), <- Z.div_div by lia. autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma div_mul_skip' a b k : 0 < b -> 0 < k -> b * a / k / b = a / k. Proof. intros; rewrite Z.div_div, (Z.mul_comm k), <- Z.div_div by lia. autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite Z.div_mul_skip Z.div_mul_skip' using lia : zsimplify. Lemma div_small_neg x y : 0 < -x < y -> x / y = -1. Proof. intro H; rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive x). rewrite Z.div_opp_l_complete by lia. generalize dependent (-x); clear x; intros x H. autorewrite with zsimplify; edestruct Z_zerop; lia. Qed. Hint Rewrite div_small_neg using lia : zsimplify. Lemma div_sub_small x y z : 0 <= x < z -> 0 <= y < z -> (x - y) / z = if x m < p -> n < p. Proof. lia. Qed. Lemma mul_div_lt_by_le x y z b : 0 <= y < z -> 0 <= x < b -> x * y / z < b. Proof. intros [? ?] [? ?]; eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ | eassumption ]. auto with zarith. Qed. Hint Resolve mul_div_lt_by_le : zarith. End Z. Module Export BoundsTactics. Ltac prime_bound := Z.prime_bound. Ltac zero_bounds := Z.zero_bounds. End BoundsTactics.