Require Import Zpower Znumtheory ZArith.ZArith ZArith.Zdiv. Require Import Omega NPeano Arith. Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil. Require Import Bedrock.Word. Local Open Scope Z. Lemma gt_lt_symmetry: forall n m, n > m <-> m < n. Proof. intros; split; omega. Qed. Lemma positive_is_nonzero : forall x, x > 0 -> x <> 0. Proof. intros; omega. Qed. Hint Resolve positive_is_nonzero. Lemma div_positive_gt_0 : forall a b, a > 0 -> b > 0 -> a mod b = 0 -> a / b > 0. Proof. intros; rewrite gt_lt_symmetry. apply Z.div_str_pos. split; intuition. apply Z.divide_pos_le; try (apply Zmod_divide); omega. Qed. Lemma elim_mod : forall a b m, a = b -> a mod m = b mod m. Proof. intros; subst; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve elim_mod. Lemma mod_mult_plus: forall a b c, (b <> 0) -> (a * b + c) mod b = c mod b. Proof. intros. rewrite Zplus_mod. rewrite Z.mod_mul; auto; simpl. rewrite Zmod_mod; auto. Qed. Lemma pos_pow_nat_pos : forall x n, Z.pos x ^ Z.of_nat n > 0. do 2 (intros; induction n; subst; simpl in *; auto with zarith). rewrite <- Pos.add_1_r, Zpower_pos_is_exp. apply Zmult_gt_0_compat; auto; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Z_div_mul' : forall a b : Z, b <> 0 -> (b * a) / b = a. intros. rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply Z.div_mul; auto. Qed. Lemma Zgt0_neq0 : forall x, x > 0 -> x <> 0. intuition. Qed. Lemma Zpow_pow2 : forall n, (pow2 n)%nat = Z.to_nat (2 ^ (Z.of_nat n)). Proof. induction n; intros; auto. simpl pow2. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by apply Zle_0_nat. rewrite untimes2. rewrite Z2Nat.inj_mul by (try apply Z.pow_nonneg; omega). rewrite <- IHn. auto. Qed. Lemma mod_exp_0 : forall a x m, x > 0 -> m > 1 -> a mod m = 0 -> a ^ x mod m = 0. Proof. intros. replace x with (Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat x)) in * by (apply; omega). induction (Z.to_nat x). { simpl in *; omega. } { rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in *. rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by omega. rewrite Z.mul_mod by omega. case_eq n; intros. { subst. simpl. rewrite Zmod_1_l by omega. rewrite H1. apply Zmod_0_l. } { subst. rewrite IHn by (rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in *; omega). rewrite H1. auto. } } Qed. Lemma mod_pow : forall (a m b : Z), (0 <= b) -> (m <> 0) -> a ^ b mod m = (a mod m) ^ b mod m. Proof. intros; rewrite <- ( b) by auto. induction (Z.to_nat b); auto. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. do 2 rewrite Z.pow_succ_r by apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg. rewrite Z.mul_mod by auto. rewrite (Z.mul_mod (a mod m) ((a mod m) ^ Z.of_nat n) m) by auto. rewrite <- IHn by auto. rewrite Z.mod_mod by auto. reflexivity. Qed. Ltac Zdivide_exists_mul := let k := fresh "k" in match goal with | [ H : (?a | ?b) |- _ ] => apply Z.mod_divide in H; try apply Zmod_divides in H; destruct H as [k H] | [ |- (?a | ?b) ] => apply Z.mod_divide; try apply Zmod_divides end; (omega || auto). Lemma divide_mul_div: forall a b c (a_nonzero : a <> 0) (c_nonzero : c <> 0), (a | b * (a / c)) -> (c | a) -> (c | b). Proof. intros ? ? ? ? ? divide_a divide_c_a; do 2 Zdivide_exists_mul. rewrite divide_c_a in divide_a. rewrite Z_div_mul' in divide_a by auto. replace (b * k) with (k * b) in divide_a by ring. replace (c * k * k0) with (k * (k0 * c)) in divide_a by ring. rewrite Z.mul_cancel_l in divide_a by (intuition; rewrite H in divide_c_a; ring_simplify in divide_a; intuition). eapply Zdivide_intro; eauto. Qed. Lemma divide2_even_iff : forall n, (2 | n) <-> Z.even n = true. Proof. intro; split. { intro divide2_n. Zdivide_exists_mul; [ | pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound n 2); omega]. rewrite divide2_n. apply Z.even_mul. } { intro n_even. pose proof (Zmod_even n). rewrite n_even in H. apply Zmod_divide; omega || auto. } Qed. Lemma prime_odd_or_2 : forall p (prime_p : prime p), p = 2 \/ Z.odd p = true. Proof. intros. apply Decidable.imp_not_l; try apply Z.eq_decidable. intros p_neq2. pose proof (Zmod_odd p) as mod_odd. destruct (Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (Z.odd p)) as [? | p_not_odd]; auto. rewrite p_not_odd in mod_odd. apply Zmod_divides in mod_odd; try omega. destruct mod_odd as [c c_id]. rewrite Z.mul_comm in c_id. apply Zdivide_intro in c_id. apply prime_divisors in c_id; auto. destruct c_id; [omega | destruct H; [omega | destruct H; auto]]. pose proof (prime_ge_2 p prime_p); omega. Qed. Ltac prime_bound := match goal with | [ H : prime ?p |- _ ] => pose proof (prime_ge_2 p H); try omega end.