Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Require Import Crypto.Util.Option. Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil. Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. Fixpoint tuple' T n : Type := match n with | O => T | S n' => (tuple' T n' * T)%type end. Definition tuple T n : Type := match n with | O => unit | S n' => tuple' T n' end. (** right-associated tuples *) Fixpoint rtuple' T n : Type := match n with | O => T | S n' => (T * rtuple' T n')%type end. Definition rtuple T n : Type := match n with | O => unit | S n' => rtuple' T n' end. Fixpoint rsnoc' T n {struct n} : forall (x : rtuple' T n) (y : T), rtuple' T (S n) := match n return forall (x : rtuple' T n) (y : T), rtuple' T (S n) with | O => fun x y => (x, y) | S n' => fun x y => (fst x, @rsnoc' T n' (snd x) y) end. Global Arguments rsnoc' {T n} _ _. Fixpoint cons' T n {struct n} : forall (y : T) (x : tuple' T n), tuple' T (S n) := match n return forall (y : T) (x : tuple' T n), tuple' T (S n) with | O => fun y x => (y, x) | S n' => fun y x => (@cons' T n' y (fst x), snd x) end. Global Arguments cons' {T n} _ _. Fixpoint assoc_right' {n T} {struct n} : tuple' T n -> rtuple' T n := match n return tuple' T n -> rtuple' T n with | 0 => fun x => x | S n' => fun ts => let xs := @assoc_right' n' T (fst ts) in let x := snd ts in rsnoc' xs x end. Definition assoc_right {n T} : tuple T n -> rtuple T n := match n with | 0 => fun x => x | S n' => @assoc_right' n' T end. Fixpoint assoc_left' {n T} {struct n} : rtuple' T n -> tuple' T n := match n return rtuple' T n -> tuple' T n with | 0 => fun x => x | S n' => fun ts => let xs := @assoc_left' n' T (snd ts) in let x := fst ts in cons' x xs end. Definition assoc_left {n T} : rtuple T n -> tuple T n := match n with | 0 => fun x => x | S n' => @assoc_left' n' T end. Definition tl' {T n} : tuple' T (S n) -> tuple' T n := @fst _ _. Definition tl {T n} : tuple T (S n) -> tuple T n := match n with | O => fun _ => tt | S n' => @tl' T n' end. Definition hd' {T n} : tuple' T n -> T := match n with | O => fun x => x | S n' => @snd _ _ end. Definition hd {T n} : tuple T (S n) -> T := @hd' _ _. Fixpoint to_list' {T} (n:nat) {struct n} : tuple' T n -> list T := match n with | 0 => fun x => (x::nil)%list | S n' => fun xs : tuple' T (S n') => let (xs', x) := xs in (x :: to_list' n' xs')%list end. Definition to_list {T} (n:nat) : tuple T n -> list T := match n with | 0 => fun _ => nil | S n' => fun xs : tuple T (S n') => to_list' n' xs end. Program Fixpoint from_list' {T} (y:T) (n:nat) (xs:list T) : length xs = n -> tuple' T n := match n return _ with | 0 => match xs return (length xs = 0 -> tuple' T 0) with | nil => fun _ => y | _ => _ (* impossible *) end | S n' => match xs return (length xs = S n' -> tuple' T (S n')) with | cons x xs' => fun _ => (from_list' x n' xs' _, y) | _ => _ (* impossible *) end end. Program Definition from_list {T} (n:nat) (xs:list T) : length xs = n -> tuple T n := match n return _ with | 0 => match xs return (length xs = 0 -> tuple T 0) with | nil => fun _ : 0 = 0 => tt | _ => _ (* impossible *) end | S n' => match xs return (length xs = S n' -> tuple T (S n')) with | cons x xs' => fun _ => from_list' x n' xs' _ | _ => _ (* impossible *) end end. Lemma to_list_from_list : forall {T} (n:nat) (xs:list T) pf, to_list n (from_list n xs pf) = xs. Proof. destruct xs as [|t xs]; simpl; intros; subst; auto. generalize dependent t. simpl in *. induction xs; simpl in *; intros; congruence. Qed. Lemma length_to_list' T n t : length (@to_list' T n t) = S n. Proof. induction n; simpl in *; trivial; destruct t; simpl; congruence. Qed. Hint Rewrite length_to_list' : distr_length. Lemma length_to_list : forall {T} {n} (xs:tuple T n), length (to_list n xs) = n. Proof. destruct n; [ reflexivity | apply length_to_list' ]. Qed. Hint Rewrite @length_to_list : distr_length. Lemma from_list'_to_list' : forall T n (xs:tuple' T n), forall x xs' pf, to_list' n xs = cons x xs' -> from_list' x n xs' pf = xs. Proof. induction n; intros xs x xs' pf H. { simpl in *. injection H; clear H; intros; subst. congruence. } { destruct xs eqn:Hxs; destruct xs' eqn:Hxs'; injection H; clear H; intros; subst; try discriminate. simpl. f_equal. eapply IHn. assumption. } Qed. Lemma from_list_to_list : forall {T n} (xs:tuple T n) pf, from_list n (to_list n xs) pf = xs. Proof. destruct n as [|n]; auto; intros xs pf; simpl in *. { destruct xs; auto. } { destruct (to_list' n xs) eqn:H; try discriminate. eapply from_list'_to_list'; assumption. } Qed. Lemma to_list_S {A n} (x : tuple A (S n)) (a:A) : to_list (T:=A) (S (S n)) (x,a) = a :: to_list (S n) x. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Fixpoint curry'T (R T : Type) (n : nat) : Type := match n with | 0 => T -> R | S n' => curry'T (T -> R) T n' end. Definition curryT (R T : Type) (n : nat) : Type := match n with | 0 => R | S n' => curry'T R T n' end. Fixpoint uncurry' {R T n} : (tuple' T n -> R) -> curry'T R T n := match n return (tuple' T n -> R) -> curry'T R T n with | 0 => fun f x => f x | S n' => fun f => @uncurry' (T -> R) T n' (fun xs x => f (xs, x)) end. Fixpoint uncurry {R T n} : (tuple T n -> R) -> curryT R T n := match n return (tuple T n -> R) -> curryT R T n with | 0 => fun f => f tt | S n' => @uncurry' R T n' end. Fixpoint curry' {R T n} : curry'T R T n -> (tuple' T n -> R) := match n return curry'T R T n -> (tuple' T n -> R) with | 0 => fun f x => f x | S n' => fun f xs_x => @curry' (T -> R) T n' f (fst xs_x) (snd xs_x) end. Fixpoint curry {R T n} : curryT R T n -> (tuple T n -> R) := match n return curryT R T n -> (tuple T n -> R) with | 0 => fun r _ => r | S n' => @curry' R T n' end. Fixpoint eta' {n A B} : (tuple' A n -> B) -> tuple' A n -> B := match n with | 0 => fun f => f | S n' => fun (f : tuple' A n' * A -> B) (xy : tuple' A n' * A) => let '(x, y) := xy in eta' (fun x => f (x, y)) x end. Definition eta {n A B} : (tuple A n -> B) -> tuple A n -> B := match n with | 0 => fun f => f | S n' => @eta' n' A B end. Definition on_tuple {A B} (f:list A -> list B) {n m:nat} (H:forall xs, length xs = n -> length (f xs) = m) (xs:tuple A n) : tuple B m := from_list m (f (to_list n xs)) (H (to_list n xs) (length_to_list xs)). Section map. (* Put the types and function in the context, so that the fixpoint doesn't depend on them *) Context {A B} (f:A -> B). Fixpoint map' {n} : tuple' A n -> tuple' B n := match n with | 0 => f | S n' => fun x : tuple' _ _ * _ => (@map' n' (fst x), f (snd x)) end. End map. Definition map {n A B} (f:A -> B) : tuple A n -> tuple B n := match n with | 0 => fun x => x | S n' => map' f end. Definition on_tuple2 {A B C} (f : list A -> list B -> list C) {a b c : nat} (Hlength : forall la lb, length la = a -> length lb = b -> length (f la lb) = c) (ta:tuple A a) (tb:tuple B b) : tuple C c := from_list c (f (to_list a ta) (to_list b tb)) (Hlength (to_list a ta) (to_list b tb) (length_to_list ta) (length_to_list tb)). Definition map2 {n A B C} (f:A -> B -> C) (xs:tuple A n) (ys:tuple B n) : tuple C n := on_tuple2 (map2 f) (fun la lb pfa pfb => eq_trans (@map2_length _ _ _ _ la lb) (eq_trans (f_equal2 _ pfa pfb) (Min.min_idempotent _))) xs ys. Lemma to_list'_ext {n A} (xs ys:tuple' A n) : to_list' n xs = to_list' n ys -> xs = ys. Proof. induction n; simpl in *; [cbv; congruence|]; destruct_head' prod. intro Hp; injection Hp; clear Hp; intros; subst; eauto using f_equal2. Qed. Lemma to_list_ext {n A} (xs ys:tuple A n) : to_list n xs = to_list n ys -> xs = ys. Proof. destruct n; simpl in *; destruct_head unit; eauto using to_list'_ext. Qed. Lemma from_list'_complete {A n} (xs:tuple' A n) : exists x ls pf, xs = from_list' x n ls pf. Proof. destruct n; simpl in xs. { exists xs. exists nil. exists eq_refl. reflexivity. } { destruct xs as [xs' x]. exists x. exists (to_list' _ xs'). eexists (length_to_list' _ _ _). symmetry; eapply from_list'_to_list'. reflexivity. } Qed. Lemma from_list_complete {A n} (xs:tuple A n) : exists ls pf, xs = from_list n ls pf. Proof. exists (to_list n xs). exists (length_to_list _). symmetry; eapply from_list_to_list. Qed. Ltac tuples_from_lists := repeat match goal with | [xs:tuple ?A _ |- _] => let ls := fresh "l" xs in destruct (from_list_complete xs) as [ls [? ?]]; subst | [xs:tuple' ?A _ |- _] => let a := fresh A in let ls := fresh "l" xs in destruct (from_list'_complete xs) as [a [ls [? ?]]]; subst end. Lemma map_to_list {A B n ts} (f : A -> B) : f (@to_list A n ts) = @to_list B n (map f ts). Proof. destruct n; simpl; [ reflexivity | ]. induction n; simpl in *; [ reflexivity | ]. destruct ts; simpl; congruence. Qed. Lemma to_list_map2 {A B C n xs ys} (f : A -> B -> C) : ListUtil.map2 f (@to_list A n xs) (@to_list B n ys) = @to_list C n (map2 f xs ys). Proof. tuples_from_lists; unfold map2, on_tuple2. repeat (rewrite to_list_from_list || rewrite from_list_to_list). reflexivity. Qed. Ltac tuple_maps_to_list_maps := try eapply to_list_ext; tuples_from_lists; repeat (rewrite <-@map_to_list || rewrite <-@to_list_map2 || rewrite @to_list_from_list || rewrite @from_list_to_list). Lemma map_map2 {n A B C D} (f:A -> B -> C) (g:C -> D) (xs:tuple A n) (ys:tuple B n) : map g (map2 f xs ys) = map2 (fun a b => g (f a b)) xs ys. Proof. tuple_maps_to_list_maps; eauto using ListUtil.map_map2. Qed. Lemma map2_fst {n A B C} (f:A -> C) (xs:tuple A n) (ys:tuple B n) : map2 (fun a b => f a) xs ys = map f xs. Proof. tuple_maps_to_list_maps; eauto using ListUtil.map2_fst. Qed. Lemma map2_snd {n A B C} (f:B -> C) (xs:tuple A n) (ys:tuple B n) : map2 (fun a b => f b) xs ys = map f ys. Proof. tuple_maps_to_list_maps; eauto using ListUtil.map2_snd. Qed. Lemma map_id_ext {n A} (f : A -> A) (xs:tuple A n) : (forall x, f x = x) -> map f xs = xs. Proof. intros; tuple_maps_to_list_maps. transitivity ( (fun x => x) lxs). { eapply ListUtil.pointwise_map; cbv [pointwise_relation]; eauto. } { eapply List.map_id. } Qed. Lemma map_id {n A} (xs:tuple A n) : map (fun x => x) xs = xs. Proof. eapply map_id_ext; intros; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map2_map {n A B C A' B'} (f:A -> B -> C) (g:A' -> A) (h:B' -> B) (xs:tuple A' n) (ys:tuple B' n) : map2 f (map g xs) (map h ys) = map2 (fun a b => f (g a) (h b)) xs ys. Proof. tuple_maps_to_list_maps; eauto using ListUtil.map2_map. Qed. Lemma map_S' {n A B} (f:A -> B) (xs:tuple A (S n)) (x:A) : map (n:=S (S n)) f (xs, x) = (map (n:=S n) f xs, f x). Proof. tuple_maps_to_list_maps. let lxs := match goal with lxs : list _ |- _ => lxs end in destruct lxs as [|x' lxs']; [simpl in *; discriminate|]. let x0 := match goal with H : _ = _ |- _ => H end in change ( f x :: f (to_list (S n) (from_list (S n) (x' :: lxs') x0)) = f x :: to_list (S n) (map f (from_list (S n) (x' :: lxs') x0)) ). tuple_maps_to_list_maps. reflexivity. Qed. Definition map_S {n A B} (f:A -> B) (xs:tuple' A n) (x:A) : map (n:=S (S n)) f (xs, x) = (map (n:=S n) f xs, f x) := map_S' _ _ _. Lemma map2_S' {n A B C} (f:A -> B -> C) (xs:tuple A (S n)) (ys:tuple B (S n)) (x:A) (y:B) : map2 (n:=S (S n)) f (xs, x) (ys, y) = (map2 (n:=S n) f xs ys, f x y). Proof. tuple_maps_to_list_maps. let lxs := match goal with lxs : list A |- _ => lxs end in destruct lxs as [|x' lxs']; [simpl in *; discriminate|]. let lys := match goal with lxs : list B |- _ => lxs end in destruct lys as [|y' lys']; [simpl in *; discriminate|]. change ( f x y :: ListUtil.map2 f (to_list (S n) (from_list (S n) (x' :: lxs') x1)) (to_list (S n) (from_list (S n) (y' :: lys') x0)) = f x y :: to_list (S n) (map2 f (from_list (S n) (x' :: lxs') x1) (from_list (S n) (y' :: lys') x0)) ). tuple_maps_to_list_maps. reflexivity. Qed. Definition map2_S {n A B C} (f:A -> B -> C) (xs:tuple' A n) (ys:tuple' B n) (x:A) (y:B) : map2 (n:=S (S n)) f (xs, x) (ys, y) = (map2 (n:=S n) f xs ys, f x y) := map2_S' _ _ _ _ _. Lemma map2_map_fst {n A B C A'} (f:A -> B -> C) (g:A' -> A) (xs:tuple A' n) (ys:tuple B n) : map2 f (map g xs) ys = map2 (fun a b => f (g a) b) xs ys. Proof. rewrite <- (map2_map f g (fun x => x)), map_id; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map2_map_snd {n A B C B'} (f:A -> B -> C) (g:B' -> B) (xs:tuple A n) (ys:tuple B' n) : map2 f xs (map g ys) = map2 (fun a b => f a (g b)) xs ys. Proof. rewrite <- (map2_map f (fun x => x) g), map_id; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map_map {n A B C} (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) (xs:tuple A n) : map g (map f xs) = map (fun x => g (f x)) xs. Proof. tuple_maps_to_list_maps; eapply List.map_map. Qed. Section monad. Context (M : Type -> Type) (bind : forall X Y, M X -> (X -> M Y) -> M Y) (ret : forall X, X -> M X). Fixpoint lift_monad' {n A} {struct n} : tuple' (M A) n -> M (tuple' A n) := match n return tuple' (M A) n -> M (tuple' A n) with | 0 => fun t => t | S n' => fun xy => bind _ _ (@lift_monad' n' _ (fst xy)) (fun x' => bind _ _ (snd xy) (fun y' => ret _ (x', y'))) end. Fixpoint push_monad' {n A} {struct n} : M (tuple' A n) -> tuple' (M A) n := match n return M (tuple' A n) -> tuple' (M A) n with | 0 => fun t => t | S n' => fun xy => (@push_monad' n' _ (bind _ _ xy (fun xy' => ret _ (fst xy'))), bind _ _ xy (fun xy' => ret _ (snd xy'))) end. Definition lift_monad {n A} : tuple (M A) n -> M (tuple A n) := match n return tuple (M A) n -> M (tuple A n) with | 0 => ret _ | S n' => @lift_monad' n' A end. Definition push_monad {n A} : M (tuple A n) -> tuple (M A) n := match n return M (tuple A n) -> tuple (M A) n with | 0 => fun _ => tt | S n' => @push_monad' n' A end. End monad. Local Notation option_bind := (fun A B (x : option A) f => match x with | Some x' => f x' | None => None end). Definition lift_option {n A} (xs : tuple (option A) n) : option (tuple A n) := lift_monad (fun T => option T) option_bind (fun T v => @Some T v) xs. Definition push_option {n A} (xs : option (tuple A n)) : tuple (option A) n := push_monad (fun T => option T) option_bind (fun T v => @Some T v) xs. Lemma lift_push_option {n A} (xs : option (tuple A (S n))) : lift_option (push_option xs) = xs. Proof. simpl in *. induction n; [ reflexivity | ]. simpl in *; rewrite IHn; clear IHn. destruct xs as [ [? ?] | ]; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma push_lift_option {n A} {xs : tuple (option A) (S n)} {v} : lift_option xs = Some v <-> xs = push_option (Some v). Proof. simpl in *. induction n; [ reflexivity | ]. specialize (IHn (fst xs) (fst v)). repeat first [ progress destruct_head_hnf' prod | progress destruct_head_hnf' and | progress destruct_head_hnf' iff | progress destruct_head_hnf' option | progress inversion_option | progress inversion_prod | progress subst | progress break_match | progress simpl in * | progress specialize_by exact eq_refl | reflexivity | split | intro ]. Qed. Fixpoint fieldwise' {A B} (n:nat) (R:A -> B -> Prop) : tuple' A n -> tuple' B n -> Prop := match n with | 0 => R | S n' => fun (x y : tuple' _ _ * _) => @fieldwise' A B n' R (fst x) (fst y) /\ R (snd x) (snd y) end. Definition fieldwise {A B} (n:nat) (R:A -> B -> Prop) : tuple A n -> tuple B n -> Prop := match n with | 0 => fun _ _ => True | S n' => fieldwise' n' R end. Local Ltac Equivalence_fieldwise'_t := let n := match goal with |- ?R (fieldwise' ?n _) => n end in let IHn := fresh in (* could use [dintuition] in 8.5 only, and remove the [destruct] *) repeat match goal with | [ H : Equivalence _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ |- Equivalence _ ] => constructor end; induction n as [|? IHn]; [solve [auto]|]; simpl; constructor; repeat intro; repeat intuition eauto. Section Equivalence. Context {A} {R:relation A}. Global Instance Reflexive_fieldwise' {R_Reflexive:Reflexive R} {n:nat} : Reflexive (fieldwise' n R) | 5. Proof using Type. Equivalence_fieldwise'_t. Qed. Global Instance Symmetric_fieldwise' {R_Symmetric:Symmetric R} {n:nat} : Symmetric (fieldwise' n R) | 5. Proof using Type. Equivalence_fieldwise'_t. Qed. Global Instance Transitive_fieldwise' {R_Transitive:Transitive R} {n:nat} : Transitive (fieldwise' n R) | 5. Proof using Type. Equivalence_fieldwise'_t. Qed. Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise' {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat} : Equivalence (fieldwise' n R). Proof using Type. constructor; exact _. Qed. Global Instance Reflexive_fieldwise {R_Reflexive:Reflexive R} : forall {n:nat}, Reflexive (fieldwise n R) | 5. Proof using Type. destruct n; (repeat constructor || exact _). Qed. Global Instance Symmetric_fieldwise {R_Symmetric:Symmetric R} : forall {n:nat}, Symmetric (fieldwise n R) | 5. Proof using Type. destruct n; (repeat constructor || exact _). Qed. Global Instance Transitive_fieldwise {R_Transitive:Transitive R} : forall {n:nat}, Transitive (fieldwise n R) | 5. Proof using Type. destruct n; (repeat constructor || exact _). Qed. Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise {R_equiv:Equivalence R} : forall {n:nat}, Equivalence (fieldwise n R). Proof using Type. constructor; exact _. Qed. End Equivalence. Arguments fieldwise' {A B n} _ _ _. Arguments fieldwise {A B n} _ _ _. Global Instance dec_fieldwise' {A RA} {HA : DecidableRel RA} : forall {n}, DecidableRel (@fieldwise' A A n RA) | 10. Proof. induction n; simpl @fieldwise'. { exact _. } { intros ??. exact _. } Defined. Global Instance dec_fieldwise {A RA} {HA : DecidableRel RA} : forall {n}, DecidableRel (@fieldwise A A n RA) | 10. Proof. destruct n; unfold fieldwise; exact _. Defined. Section fieldwise_map. Local Arguments map : simpl never. Lemma fieldwise'_map_eq {A A' B B' n} R (f:A -> A') (g:B -> B') (t1:tuple' A n) (t2:tuple' B n) : fieldwise' R (map (n:=S n) f t1) (map (n:=S n) g t2) = fieldwise' (fun x y => R (f x) (g y)) t1 t2. Proof. induction n; [ reflexivity | ]. destruct t1, t2. rewrite !map_S. simpl @fieldwise'; rewrite IHn; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fieldwise_map_eq {A A' B B' n} R (f:A -> A') (g:B -> B') (t1:tuple A n) (t2:tuple B n) : fieldwise R (map f t1) (map g t2) = fieldwise (fun x y => R (f x) (g y)) t1 t2. Proof. destruct n; [ reflexivity | apply fieldwise'_map_eq ]. Qed. Lemma fieldwise'_map_iff {A A' B B' n} R (f:A -> A') (g:B -> B') (t1:tuple' A n) (t2:tuple' B n) : fieldwise' R (map (n:=S n) f t1) (map (n:=S n) g t2) <-> fieldwise' (fun x y => R (f x) (g y)) t1 t2. Proof. rewrite fieldwise'_map_eq; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fieldwise_map_iff {A A' B B' n} R (f:A -> A') (g:B -> B') (t1:tuple A n) (t2:tuple B n) : fieldwise R (map f t1) (map g t2) <-> fieldwise (fun x y => R (f x) (g y)) t1 t2. Proof. rewrite fieldwise_map_eq; reflexivity. Qed. End fieldwise_map. Fixpoint fieldwiseb' {A B} (n:nat) (R:A->B->bool) (a:tuple' A n) (b:tuple' B n) {struct n} : bool. destruct n; simpl @tuple' in *. { exact (R a b). } { exact (fieldwiseb' _ _ n R (fst a) (fst b) && R (snd a) (snd b))%bool. } Defined. Definition fieldwiseb {A B} (n:nat) (R:A->B->bool) (a:tuple A n) (b:tuple B n) : bool. destruct n; simpl @tuple in *. { exact true. } { exact (fieldwiseb' _ R a b). } Defined. Arguments fieldwiseb' {A B n} _ _ _. Arguments fieldwiseb {A B n} _ _ _. Lemma fieldwiseb'_fieldwise' :forall {A B} n R Rb (a:tuple' A n) (b:tuple' B n), (forall a b, Rb a b = true <-> R a b) -> (fieldwiseb' Rb a b = true <-> fieldwise' R a b). Proof. intros A B n R Rb a b H. revert n a b; induction n; intros; simpl @tuple' in *; simpl fieldwiseb'; simpl fieldwise'; auto. cbv beta. rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff. f_equiv; auto. Qed. Lemma fieldwiseb_fieldwise :forall {A B} n R Rb (a:tuple A n) (b:tuple B n), (forall a b, Rb a b = true <-> R a b) -> (fieldwiseb Rb a b = true <-> fieldwise R a b). Proof. intros A B n R Rb a b H; destruct n; simpl @tuple in *; simpl @fieldwiseb; simpl @fieldwise; try tauto. auto using fieldwiseb'_fieldwise'. Qed. Fixpoint from_list_default' {T} (d y:T) (n:nat) (xs:list T) : tuple' T n := match n return tuple' T n with | 0 => y (* ignore high digits *) | S n' => match xs return _ with | cons x xs' => (from_list_default' d x n' xs', y) | nil => (from_list_default' d d n' nil, y) end end. Definition from_list_default {T} d (n:nat) (xs:list T) : tuple T n := match n return tuple T n with | 0 => tt | S n' => match xs return _ with | cons x xs' => (from_list_default' d x n' xs') | nil => (from_list_default' d d n' nil) end end. Lemma from_list_default'_eq : forall {T} (d : T) xs n y pf, from_list_default' d y n xs = from_list' y n xs pf. Proof. induction xs as [|?? IHxs]; destruct n; intros; simpl in *; solve [ congruence (* 8.5 *) | erewrite IHxs; reflexivity ]. (* 8.4 *) Qed. Lemma from_list_default_eq : forall {T} (d : T) xs n pf, from_list_default d n xs = from_list n xs pf. Proof. induction xs; destruct n; intros; try solve [simpl in *; congruence]. apply from_list_default'_eq. Qed. Fixpoint function R T n : Type := match n with | O => R | S n' => T -> function R T n' end. Fixpoint apply' {R T} (n:nat) : (T -> function R T n) -> tuple' T n -> R := match n with | 0 => id | S n' => fun f x => apply' n' (f (snd x)) (fst x) end. Definition apply {R T} (n:nat) : function R T n -> tuple T n -> R := match n with | O => fun r _ => r | S n' => fun f x => apply' n' f x end. Require Import Coq.Lists.SetoidList. Lemma fieldwise_to_list_iff : forall {T T' n} R (s : tuple T n) (t : tuple T' n), (fieldwise R s t <-> Forall2 R (to_list _ s) (to_list _ t)). Proof. induction n as [|n IHn]; intros R s t; split; intros. + constructor. + cbv [fieldwise]. auto. + destruct n; cbv [tuple to_list fieldwise] in *. - cbv [to_list']; auto. - simpl in *. destruct s,t; cbv [fst snd] in *. constructor; intuition auto. apply IHn; auto. + destruct n; cbv [tuple to_list fieldwise] in *. - cbv [fieldwise']; auto. cbv [to_list'] in *; inversion H; auto. - simpl in *. destruct s,t; cbv [fst snd] in *. inversion H; subst. split; try assumption. apply IHn; auto. Qed. Fixpoint eta_tuple'_dep {T n} : forall (P : tuple' T n -> Type), (forall ts : tuple' T n, P ts) -> forall ts : tuple' T n, P ts := match n with | 0 => fun P f => f | S n' => fun P f (ts : tuple' T n' * T) => let '(ts', x) := ts in @eta_tuple'_dep T n' (fun ts' => P (ts', x)) (fun ts'' => f (ts'', x)) ts' end. Definition eta_tuple' {T n B} : (tuple' T n -> B) -> (tuple' T n -> B) := @eta_tuple'_dep T n (fun _ => B). Global Arguments eta_tuple' {T !n B} / _ _. Definition eta_tuple_dep {T n} : forall (P : tuple T n -> Type), (forall ts : tuple T n, P ts) -> forall ts : tuple T n, P ts := match n with | 0 => fun P f => f | S n' => @eta_tuple'_dep T n' end. Global Arguments eta_tuple_dep {T !n} P / _ _. Definition eta_tuple {T n B} : (tuple T n -> B) -> (tuple T n -> B) := @eta_tuple_dep T n (fun _ => B). Global Arguments eta_tuple {T !n B} / _ _. Fixpoint eta_rtuple'_dep {T n} : forall (P : rtuple' T n -> Type), (forall ts : rtuple' T n, P ts) -> forall ts : rtuple' T n, P ts := match n with | 0 => fun P f => f | S n' => fun P f (ts : T * rtuple' T n') => let '(x, ts') := ts in @eta_rtuple'_dep T n' (fun ts' => P (x, ts')) (fun ts'' => f (x, ts'')) ts' end. Definition eta_rtuple' {T n B} : (rtuple' T n -> B) -> (rtuple' T n -> B) := @eta_rtuple'_dep T n (fun _ => B). Global Arguments eta_rtuple' {T !n B} / _ _. Definition eta_rtuple_dep {T n} : forall (P : rtuple T n -> Type), (forall ts : rtuple T n, P ts) -> forall ts : rtuple T n, P ts := match n with | 0 => fun P f => f | S n' => @eta_rtuple'_dep T n' end. Global Arguments eta_rtuple_dep {T !n} P / _ _. Definition eta_rtuple {T n B} : (rtuple T n -> B) -> (rtuple T n -> B) := @eta_rtuple_dep T n (fun _ => B). Global Arguments eta_rtuple {T !n B} / _ _. Lemma strip_eta_tuple'_dep {T n} P (f : forall ts : tuple' T n, P ts) ts : eta_tuple'_dep P f ts = f ts. Proof. revert dependent P; induction n; simpl in *; [ reflexivity | intros ]. destruct_head prod. rewrite IHn; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma strip_eta_tuple' {T n B} (f : tuple' T n -> B) ts : eta_tuple' f ts = f ts. Proof. exact (strip_eta_tuple'_dep _ _ _). Qed. Lemma strip_eta_tuple_dep {T n} P (f : forall ts : tuple T n, P ts) ts : eta_tuple_dep P f ts = f ts. Proof. destruct n; [ reflexivity | exact (strip_eta_tuple'_dep _ _ _) ]. Qed. Lemma strip_eta_tuple {T n B} (f : tuple T n -> B) ts : eta_tuple f ts = f ts. Proof. exact (strip_eta_tuple_dep _ _ _). Qed. Lemma strip_eta_rtuple'_dep {T n} P (f : forall ts : rtuple' T n, P ts) ts : eta_rtuple'_dep P f ts = f ts. Proof. revert dependent P; induction n; simpl in *; [ reflexivity | intros ]. destruct_head prod. rewrite IHn; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma strip_eta_rtuple' {T n B} (f : rtuple' T n -> B) ts : eta_rtuple' f ts = f ts. Proof. exact (strip_eta_rtuple'_dep _ _ _). Qed. Lemma strip_eta_rtuple_dep {T n} P (f : forall ts : rtuple T n, P ts) ts : eta_rtuple_dep P f ts = f ts. Proof. destruct n; [ reflexivity | exact (strip_eta_rtuple'_dep _ _ _) ]. Qed. Lemma strip_eta_rtuple {T n B} (f : rtuple T n -> B) ts : eta_rtuple f ts = f ts. Proof. exact (strip_eta_rtuple_dep _ _ _). Qed. Definition append {A n} (a : A) : tuple A n -> tuple A (S n) := match n as n0 return (tuple A n0 -> tuple A (S n0)) with | O => fun t => a | S n' => fun t => (t,a) end. Lemma hd_append {A n} (x: tuple A n) (a:A) : hd (append a x) = a. Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma tl_append {A n} (x: tuple A n) (a:A) : tl (append a x) = x. Proof. destruct n; try destruct x; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma subst_append {A n} (x : tuple A (S n)) : x = append (hd x) (tl x). Proof. destruct n; try destruct x; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma to_list_append {A n} (x : tuple A n) (a : A) : to_list (S n) (append a x) = a :: to_list n x. Proof. destruct n; try destruct x; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma from_list'_cons {A n} (a0 a1:A) (xs:list A) H : from_list' a0 (S n) (a1::xs) H = append (n:=S n) a0 (from_list' a1 n xs (length_cons_full _ _ _ H)). Proof. simpl; rewrite <-!from_list_default'_eq with (d:=a0); eauto. Qed. Lemma from_list_cons {A n}: forall (xs : list A) a (H:length (a::xs)=S n), from_list (S n) (a :: xs) H = append a (from_list n xs (length_cons_full _ _ _ H)). Proof. destruct n; intros xs a H; destruct xs; distr_length; [reflexivity|]. cbv [from_list]; rewrite !from_list'_cons. rewrite <-!from_list_default'_eq with (d:=a). reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map_append' {A B n} (f:A->B) : forall (x:tuple' A n) (a:A), map f (append (n:=S n) a x) = append (f a) (map (n:=S n) f x). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map_append {A B n} (f:A->B) : forall (x:tuple A n) (a:A), map f (append a x) = append (f a) (map f x). Proof. destruct n; auto using map_append'. Qed. Fixpoint nth_default {A m} (d:A) n : tuple A m -> A := match m, n with | O, _ => fun _ => d | S m', O => hd | S m', S n' => fun x => nth_default d n' (tl x) end. Fixpoint left_tl {T n} : tuple T (S n) -> tuple T n := match n with | O => fun _ => tt | S n' => fun xs => append (hd xs) (left_tl (tl xs)) end. Fixpoint left_hd {T n} : tuple T (S n) -> T := match n with | O => fun x => x | S n' => fun xs => left_hd (tl xs) end. Fixpoint left_append {T n} (x : T) : tuple T n -> tuple T (S n) := match n with | O => fun _ => x | S n' => fun xs => append (hd xs) (left_append x (tl xs)) end. Lemma left_append_left_hd {T n} (xs : tuple T n) x : left_hd (left_append x xs) = x. Proof. induction n; [reflexivity | apply IHn]. Qed. Lemma left_append_left_tl {T n} (xs : tuple T n) x : left_tl (left_append x xs) = xs. Proof. induction n; [destruct xs; reflexivity|]. simpl. rewrite IHn. symmetry; apply subst_append. Qed. Lemma left_append_append {T n} (xs : tuple T n) r l : left_append l (append r xs) = append r (left_append l xs). Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma left_tl_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x: left_tl (append x xs) = append x (left_tl xs). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma left_hd_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x: left_hd (append x xs) = left_hd xs. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma tl_left_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x : tl (left_append x xs) = left_append x (tl xs). Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma hd_left_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x : hd (left_append x xs) = hd xs. Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map'_left_append {A B n} f xs x0 : @map' A B f (S n) (left_append (n:=S n) x0 xs) = left_append (n:=S n) (f x0) (map' f xs). Proof. induction n; try reflexivity. transitivity (map' f (tl (left_append x0 xs)), f (hd (left_append x0 xs))); [reflexivity|]. rewrite tl_left_append, IHn. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map_left_append {A B n} f xs x0 : @map (S n) A B f (left_append x0 xs) = left_append (f x0) (map f xs). Proof. destruct n; [ destruct xs; reflexivity| apply map'_left_append]. Qed. Lemma subst_left_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) : xs = left_append (left_hd xs) (left_tl xs). Proof. induction n; [reflexivity|]. simpl tuple in *; destruct xs as [xs x0]. simpl; rewrite hd_append, tl_append. rewrite <-IHn; reflexivity. Qed. (* map operation that carries state *) (* first argument to f is index in tuple *) Fixpoint mapi_with' {T A B n} i (f: nat->T->A->T*B) (start:T) : tuple' A n -> T * tuple' B n := match n as n0 return (tuple' A n0 -> T * tuple' B n0) with | O => fun ys => f i start ys | S n' => fun ys => (fst (mapi_with' (S i) f (fst (f i start (hd ys))) (tl ys)), (snd (mapi_with' (S i) f (fst (f i start (hd ys))) (tl ys)), snd (f i start (hd ys)))) end. Fixpoint mapi_with {T A B n} (f: nat->T->A->T*B) (start:T) : tuple A n -> T * tuple B n := match n as n0 return (tuple A n0 -> T * tuple B n0) with | O => fun ys => (start, tt) | S n' => fun ys => mapi_with' 0 f start ys end. Lemma mapi_with'_step {T A B n} i f start inp : @mapi_with' T A B (S n) i f start inp = (fst (mapi_with' (S i) f (fst (f i start (hd inp))) (tl inp)), (snd (mapi_with'(S i) f (fst (f i start (hd inp))) (tl inp)), snd (f i start (hd inp)))). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mapi_with'_left_step {T A B n} f a0: forall i start (xs : tuple' A n), @mapi_with' T A B (S n) i f start (left_append (n:=S n) a0 xs) = (fst (f (i + S n)%nat (fst (mapi_with' i f start xs)) a0), left_append (n:=S n) (snd (f (i + S n)%nat (fst (mapi_with' i f start xs)) a0)) (snd (mapi_with' i f start xs))). Proof. induction n as [|? IHn]; intros; [subst; simpl; repeat f_equal; omega|]. rewrite mapi_with'_step; autorewrite with cancel_pair. rewrite tl_left_append, hd_left_append. erewrite IHn by reflexivity; subst; autorewrite with cancel_pair. match goal with |- context [(?xs ,?x0)] => change (xs, x0) with (append x0 xs) end. rewrite <-left_append_append. repeat (f_equal; try omega). Qed. Lemma mapi_with'_linvariant {T A B n} start f (P : forall n, T -> tuple A n -> tuple B n -> Prop) (P_holds : forall n st x0 xs ys, (st = fst (mapi_with f start xs)) -> (ys = snd (mapi_with f start xs)) -> P n st xs ys -> P (S n) (fst (f n st x0)) (left_append x0 xs) (left_append (snd (f n st x0)) ys)) (P_base : P 0%nat start tt tt) (inp : tuple A n): P n (fst (mapi_with f start inp)) inp (snd (mapi_with f start inp)). Proof. induction n; [destruct inp; apply P_base |]. rewrite (subst_left_append inp). cbv [mapi_with]. specialize (P_holds n). destruct n. { apply (P_holds _ inp tt tt (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _)). apply P_base. } { rewrite mapi_with'_left_step. autorewrite with cancel_pair natsimplify. apply P_holds; try apply IHn; reflexivity. } Qed. Fixpoint repeat {A} (a:A) n : tuple A n := match n with | O => tt | S n' => append a (repeat a n') end. Lemma map_repeat {A B} (f:A->B) (a: A) n : map f (repeat a n) = repeat (f a) n. Proof. induction n; simpl repeat; [reflexivity|rewrite map_append; congruence]. Qed. Lemma to_list_repeat {A} (a:A) n : to_list _ (repeat a n) = List.repeat a n. Proof. induction n as [|n]; [reflexivity|destruct n; simpl in *; congruence]. Qed. Local Ltac fieldwise_t := repeat first [ progress simpl in * | apply conj | intro | progress subst | assumption | solve [ auto ] | match goal with | [ H : _ * _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : _ <-> _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : False |- _ ] => exfalso; assumption | [ H : Forall2 _ (_::_) (_::_) |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | [ |- Forall2 _ (_::_) (_::_) ] => constructor | [ H : _ \/ _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : tuple' _ ?n, IH : forall x : tuple' _ ?n, _ |- _ ] => specialize (IH H) end ]. Lemma fieldwise_In_to_list_repeat_l_iff {T T' n} R (s : tuple T n) (t : T') : fieldwise R (repeat t n) s <-> (forall x, List.In x (to_list _ s) -> R t x). Proof. rewrite fieldwise_to_list_iff; destruct n as [|n]; [ | induction n ]; fieldwise_t. Qed. Lemma fieldwise_In_to_list_repeat_r_iff {T T' n} R (s : tuple T n) (t : T') : fieldwise R s (repeat t n) <-> (forall x, List.In x (to_list _ s) -> R x t). Proof. rewrite fieldwise_to_list_iff; destruct n as [|n]; [ | induction n ]; fieldwise_t. Qed. Global Instance map'_Proper : forall {n A B}, Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> eq) (fun f => @map' A B f n) | 10. Proof. induction n as [|n IHn]; intros. { compute; intros; subst; auto. } { cbv [pointwise_relation Proper respectful] in *. intros f g Hfg x y ?; subst y. simpl; erewrite IHn by first [ eassumption | eauto ]. congruence. } Qed. Global Instance map_Proper : forall {n A B}, Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@map n A B) | 10. Proof. destruct n; intros; [ | apply map'_Proper ]. { repeat (intros [] || intro); auto. } Qed.