Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Import ListNotations. Module Tag. Record tagged := { keyT : Type; key : keyT; valueT : Type; value : valueT; local : bool }. Definition Context := list tagged. Definition add_gen {K V} (key' : K) (value' : V) (local' : bool) (ctx : Context) : Context := cons {| key := key' ; value := value' ; local := local' |} ctx. Definition add {K V} (key' : K) (value' : V) (ctx : Context) : Context := add_gen key' value' false ctx. Definition add_local {K V} (key' : K) (value' : V) (ctx : Context) : Context := add_gen key' value' true ctx. Definition strip_local (ctx : Context) : Context := List.filter (fun '{| key := k ; value := v ; local := loc |} => negb loc) ctx. Ltac strip_local ctx := let upd := (eval cbv [strip_local negb List.filter] in strip_local) in eval cbv [add add_local add_gen] in (upd ctx). Ltac update ctx key value := constr:(add key value ctx). Ltac local_update ctx key value := constr:(add_local key value ctx). Ltac get_gen_cont ctx key' tac_found tac_not_found allow_unfound := lazymatch (eval hnf in ctx) with | context[{| key := key' ; value := ?value' |}] => tac_found value' | context[add_gen key' ?value' _ _] => tac_found value' | context[add_local key' ?value' _] => tac_found value' | context[add key' ?value' _] => tac_found value' | _ => lazymatch allow_unfound with | true => tac_not_found () end end. Ltac update_by_tac_if_not_exists ctx key value_tac := get_gen_cont ctx key ltac:(fun value' => ctx) ltac:(fun _ => let value := value_tac () in update ctx key value) true. Ltac update_if_not_exists ctx key value := update_by_tac_if_not_exists ctx key ltac:(fun _ => value). Ltac get_gen ctx key' default := get_gen_cont ctx key' ltac:(fun v => v) default true. Ltac get_error ctx key' := get_gen_cont ctx key' ltac:(fun v => v) ltac:(fun _ => constr:(I)) false. Ltac get_default ctx key' := get_gen ctx key' ltac:(fun _ => constr:(I)). Ltac get ctx key' := get_error ctx key'. Notation get ctx key' := ltac:(let v := get ctx key' in exact v) (only parsing). Notation empty := (@nil tagged). Module Export TagNotations. Bind Scope tagged_scope with tagged. Delimit Scope tagged_scope with tagged. Notation "t[ k ~> v ]" := {| key := k ; value := v ; local := _ |} : tagged_scope. Notation "l[ k ~> v ]" := {| key := k ; value := v ; local := true |} : tagged_scope. End TagNotations. End Tag. Export Tag.TagNotations.