(** [transparent assert (H : T)] is like [assert (H : T)], but leaves the body transparent. *) Tactic Notation "transparent" "assert" "(" ident(name) ":" constr(type) ")" := simple refine (let name := (_ : type) in _). (** [transparent eassert] is like [transparent assert], but allows holes in the type, which will be turned into evars. *) Tactic Notation "transparent" "assert" "(" ident(name) ":" constr(type) ")" "by" tactic3(tac) := transparent assert (name : type); [ solve [ tac ] | ]. Tactic Notation "transparent" "eassert" "(" ident(name) ":" open_constr(type) ")" := transparent assert (name : type). Tactic Notation "transparent" "eassert" "(" ident(name) ":" open_constr(type) ")" "by" tactic3(tac) := transparent assert (name : type) by tac.