Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. Ltac transparent_specialize_one H arg := first [ let test := eval unfold H in H in idtac; let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; pose (H' arg) as H; subst H' | specialize (H arg) ]. (** try to specialize all non-dependent hypotheses using [tac], maintaining transparency *) Ltac guarded_specialize_by' tac guard_tac := idtac; match goal with | [ H : ?A -> ?B |- _ ] => guard_tac H; let H' := fresh in assert (H' : A) by tac; transparent_specialize_one H H'; try clear H' (* if [H] was transparent, [H'] will remain *) end. Ltac specialize_by' tac := guarded_specialize_by' tac ltac:(fun _ => idtac). Ltac specialize_by tac := repeat specialize_by' tac. (** [specialize_by auto] should not mean [specialize_by ( auto with * )]!!!!!!! (see We fix this design flaw. *) Tactic Notation "specialize_by" tactic3(tac) := specialize_by tac. (** A marginally faster version of [specialize_by assumption] *) Ltac specialize_by_assumption := repeat match goal with | [ H : ?T, H' : (?T -> ?U)%type |- _ ] => lazymatch goal with | [ _ : context[H'] |- _ ] => fail | [ |- context[H'] ] => fail | _ => specialize (H' H) end end.