(** * [cps_id] is a scaffold for writing tactics that convert to cps normal form (where the continuation is the identity *) Ltac ensure_complex_continuation allow_option k := lazymatch k with | @id _ => fail | (fun x => x) => fail | _ => lazymatch allow_option with | true => lazymatch k with | @Some _ => fail | (fun x => Some x) => fail | _ => idtac end | false => idtac | ?ao => fail 100 "Argument allow_option to ensure_complex_continuation must be true or false, not" ao end end. Ltac cps_id_step allow_option match_to_cont_lem := match goal with | [ |- context[?e] ] => let res := match_to_cont_lem e in lazymatch res with | (?k, ?lem) => ensure_complex_continuation allow_option k; (* sometimes reduction mismatches happen, so we cast [lem] to fix them *) (rewrite lem || rewrite (lem : e = _)) end | [ H : context[?e] |- _ ] => let res := match_to_cont_lem e in lazymatch res with | (?k, ?lem) => ensure_complex_continuation allow_option k; (* sometimes reduction mismatches happen, so we cast [lem] to fix them *) (rewrite lem in H || rewrite (lem : e = _) in H) end end. Ltac cps_id allow_option match_to_cont_lem := repeat cps_id_step allow_option match_to_cont_lem. Ltac cps_id_with_option match_to_cont_lem := cps_id true match_to_cont_lem. Ltac cps_id_no_option match_to_cont_lem := cps_id false match_to_cont_lem.