(** * Generic Tactics *) Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. (** Test if a tactic succeeds, but always roll-back the results *) Tactic Notation "test" tactic3(tac) := try (first [ tac | fail 2 tac "does not succeed" ]; fail 0 tac "succeeds"; [](* test for [t] solved all goals *)). (** [not tac] is equivalent to [fail tac "succeeds"] if [tac] succeeds, and is equivalent to [idtac] if [tac] fails *) Tactic Notation "not" tactic3(tac) := try ((test tac); fail 1 tac "succeeds"). Ltac get_goal := match goal with |- ?G => G end. (** find the head of the given expression *) Ltac head expr := match expr with | ?f _ => head f | _ => expr end. Ltac head_hnf expr := let expr' := eval hnf in expr in head expr'. (** [contains x expr] succeeds iff [x] appears in [expr] *) Ltac contains search_for in_term := idtac; lazymatch in_term with | appcontext[search_for] => idtac end. (* [pose proof defn], but only if no hypothesis of the same type exists. most useful for proofs of a proposition *) Tactic Notation "unique" "pose" "proof" constr(defn) := let T := type of defn in match goal with | [ H : T |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => pose proof defn end. (* [assert T], but only if no hypothesis of the same type exists. most useful for proofs of a proposition *) Tactic Notation "unique" "assert" constr(T) := match goal with | [ H : T |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => assert T end. (* [assert T], but only if no hypothesis of the same type exists. most useful for proofs of a proposition *) Tactic Notation "unique" "assert" constr(T) "by" tactic3(tac) := match goal with | [ H : T |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => assert T by tac end. Ltac set_evars := repeat match goal with | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E) end. Ltac subst_evars := repeat match goal with | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e end. Ltac subst_let := repeat match goal with | x := _ |- _ => subst x end. (** destruct discriminees of [match]es in the goal *) (* Prioritize breaking apart things in the context, then things which don't need equations, then simple matches (which can be displayed as [if]s), and finally matches in general. *) Ltac break_match_step only_when := match goal with | [ |- appcontext[match ?e with _ => _ end] ] => only_when e; is_var e; destruct e | [ |- appcontext[match ?e with _ => _ end] ] => only_when e; match type of e with | sumbool _ _ => destruct e end | [ |- appcontext[if ?e then _ else _] ] => only_when e; destruct e eqn:? | [ |- appcontext[match ?e with _ => _ end] ] => only_when e; destruct e eqn:? end. Ltac break_match_hyps_step only_when := match goal with | [ H : appcontext[match ?e with _ => _ end] |- _ ] => only_when e; is_var e; destruct e | [ H : appcontext[match ?e with _ => _ end] |- _ ] => only_when e; match type of e with | sumbool _ _ => destruct e end | [ H : appcontext[if ?e then _ else _] |- _ ] => only_when e; destruct e eqn:? | [ H : appcontext[match ?e with _ => _ end] |- _ ] => only_when e; destruct e eqn:? end. Ltac break_match := repeat break_match_step ltac:(fun _ => idtac). Ltac break_match_hyps := repeat break_match_hyps_step ltac:(fun _ => idtac). Ltac break_match_when_head_step T := break_match_step ltac:(fun e => let T' := type of e in let T' := head T' in constr_eq T T'). Ltac break_match_hyps_when_head_step T := break_match_hyps_step ltac:(fun e => let T' := type of e in let T' := head T' in constr_eq T T'). Ltac break_match_when_head T := repeat break_match_when_head_step T. Ltac break_match_hyps_when_head T := repeat break_match_hyps_when_head_step T. Ltac break_innermost_match_step := break_match_step ltac:(fun v => lazymatch v with | appcontext[match _ with _ => _ end] => fail | _ => idtac end). Ltac break_innermost_match := repeat break_innermost_match_step. Ltac free_in x y := idtac; match y with | appcontext[x] => fail 1 x "appears in" y | _ => idtac end. Ltac setoid_subst'' R x := is_var x; match goal with | [ H : R x ?y |- _ ] => free_in x y; rewrite ?H in *; clear x H | [ H : R ?y x |- _ ] => free_in x y; rewrite <- ?H in *; clear x H end. Ltac setoid_subst' x := is_var x; match goal with | [ H : ?R x _ |- _ ] => setoid_subst'' R x | [ H : ?R _ x |- _ ] => setoid_subst'' R x end. Ltac setoid_subst_rel' R := idtac; match goal with | [ H : R ?x _ |- _ ] => setoid_subst'' R x | [ H : R _ ?x |- _ ] => setoid_subst'' R x end. Ltac setoid_subst_rel R := repeat setoid_subst_rel' R. Ltac setoid_subst_all := repeat match goal with | [ H : ?R ?x ?y |- _ ] => is_var x; setoid_subst'' R x | [ H : ?R ?x ?y |- _ ] => is_var y; setoid_subst'' R y end. Tactic Notation "setoid_subst" ident(x) := setoid_subst' x. Tactic Notation "setoid_subst" := setoid_subst_all. Ltac destruct_trivial_step := match goal with | [ H : unit |- _ ] => clear H || destruct H | [ H : True |- _ ] => clear H || destruct H end. Ltac destruct_trivial := repeat destruct_trivial_step. Ltac clear_duplicates_step := match goal with | [ H : ?T, H' : ?T |- _ ] => clear H' | [ H := ?T, H' := ?T |- _ ] => clear H' end. Ltac clear_duplicates := repeat clear_duplicates_step. (** given a [matcher] that succeeds on some hypotheses and fails on others, destruct any matching hypotheses, and then execute [tac] after each [destruct]. The [tac] part exists so that you can, e.g., [simpl in *], to speed things up. *) Ltac do_one_match_then matcher do_tac tac := idtac; match goal with | [ H : ?T |- _ ] => matcher T; do_tac H; try match type of H with | T => clear H end; tac end. Ltac do_all_matches_then matcher do_tac tac := repeat do_one_match_then matcher do_tac tac. Ltac destruct_all_matches_then matcher tac := do_all_matches_then matcher ltac:(fun H => destruct H) tac. Ltac destruct_one_match_then matcher tac := do_one_match_then matcher ltac:(fun H => destruct H) tac. Ltac inversion_all_matches_then matcher tac := do_all_matches_then matcher ltac:(fun H => inversion H; subst) tac. Ltac inversion_one_match_then matcher tac := do_one_match_then matcher ltac:(fun H => inversion H; subst) tac. Ltac destruct_all_matches matcher := destruct_all_matches_then matcher ltac:( simpl in * ). Ltac destruct_one_match matcher := destruct_one_match_then matcher ltac:( simpl in * ). Ltac destruct_all_matches' matcher := destruct_all_matches_then matcher idtac. Ltac inversion_all_matches matcher := inversion_all_matches_then matcher ltac:( simpl in * ). Ltac inversion_one_match matcher := inversion_one_match_then matcher ltac:( simpl in * ). Ltac inversion_all_matches' matcher := inversion_all_matches_then matcher idtac. (* matches anything whose type has a [T] in it *) Ltac destruct_type_matcher T HT := match HT with | context[T] => idtac end. Ltac destruct_type T := destruct_all_matches ltac:(destruct_type_matcher T). Ltac destruct_type' T := destruct_all_matches' ltac:(destruct_type_matcher T). Ltac destruct_head_matcher T HT := match head HT with | T => idtac end. Ltac destruct_head T := destruct_all_matches ltac:(destruct_head_matcher T). Ltac destruct_one_head T := destruct_one_match ltac:(destruct_head_matcher T). Ltac destruct_head' T := destruct_all_matches' ltac:(destruct_head_matcher T). Ltac inversion_head T := inversion_all_matches ltac:(destruct_head_matcher T). Ltac inversion_one_head T := inversion_one_match ltac:(destruct_head_matcher T). Ltac inversion_head' T := inversion_all_matches' ltac:(destruct_head_matcher T). Ltac head_hnf_matcher T HT := match head_hnf HT with | T => idtac end. Ltac destruct_head_hnf T := destruct_all_matches ltac:(head_hnf_matcher T). Ltac destruct_one_head_hnf T := destruct_one_match ltac:(head_hnf_matcher T). Ltac destruct_head_hnf' T := destruct_all_matches' ltac:(head_hnf_matcher T). Ltac inversion_head_hnf T := inversion_all_matches ltac:(head_hnf_matcher T). Ltac inversion_one_head_hnf T := inversion_one_match ltac:(head_hnf_matcher T). Ltac inversion_head_hnf' T := inversion_all_matches' ltac:(head_hnf_matcher T). Ltac destruct_sig_matcher HT := match eval hnf in HT with | ex _ => idtac | ex2 _ _ => idtac | sig _ => idtac | sig2 _ _ => idtac | sigT _ => idtac | sigT2 _ _ => idtac | and _ _ => idtac | prod _ _ => idtac end. Ltac destruct_sig := destruct_all_matches destruct_sig_matcher. Ltac destruct_sig' := destruct_all_matches' destruct_sig_matcher. Ltac transparent_specialize_one H arg := first [ let test := eval unfold H in H in idtac; let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; pose (H' arg) as H; subst H' | specialize (H arg) ]. (** try to specialize all non-dependent hypotheses using [tac], maintaining transparency *) Ltac specialize_by' tac := idtac; match goal with | [ H : ?A -> ?B |- _ ] => match type of A with Prop => let H' := fresh in assert (H' : A) by tac; transparent_specialize_one H H'; try clear H' (* if [H] was transparent, [H'] will remain *) end end. Ltac specialize_by tac := repeat specialize_by' tac. (** [specialize_by auto] should not mean [specialize_by ltac:( auto with * )]!!!!!!! (see https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=4966) We fix this design flaw. *) Tactic Notation "specialize_by" tactic3(tac) := specialize_by tac. (** A marginally faster version of [specialize_by assumption] *) Ltac specialize_by_assumption := repeat match goal with | [ H : ?T, H' : (?T -> ?U)%type |- _ ] => specialize (H' H) end. (** If [tac_in H] operates in [H] and leaves side-conditions before the original goal, then [side_conditions_before_to_side_conditions_after tac_in H] does the same thing to [H], but leaves side-conditions after the original goal. *) Ltac side_conditions_before_to_side_conditions_after tac_in H := let HT := type of H in let HTT := type of HT in let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; let HT' := fresh in evar (HT' : HTT); cut HT'; [ subst HT'; intro H | tac_in H'; [ .. | subst HT'; eexact H' ] ]; instantiate; (* required in 8.4 for the [move] to succeed, because evar dependencies *) [ (* We preserve the order of the hypotheses. We need to do this here, after evars are instantiated, and not above. *) move H after H'; clear H' | .. ]. (** Do something with every hypothesis. *) Ltac do_with_hyp' tac := match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => tac H end. (** Rewrite with any applicable hypothesis. *) Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite H). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "->" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite -> H). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "<-" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite <- H). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "?*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite !H). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "->" "?*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite -> !H). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "<-" "?*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite <- !H). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "!*" := progress rewrite_hyp ?*. Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "->" "!*" := progress rewrite_hyp -> ?*. Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "<-" "!*" := progress rewrite_hyp <- ?*. Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "*" "in" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite H in * ). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "->" "*" "in" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite -> H in * ). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "<-" "*" "in" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite <- H in * ). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "?*" "in" "*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite !H in * ). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "->" "?*" "in" "*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite -> !H in * ). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "<-" "?*" "in" "*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => rewrite <- !H in * ). Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "!*" "in" "*" := progress rewrite_hyp ?* in *. Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "->" "!*" "in" "*" := progress rewrite_hyp -> ?* in *. Tactic Notation "rewrite_hyp" "<-" "!*" "in" "*" := progress rewrite_hyp <- ?* in *. Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite H). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "->" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite -> H). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "<-" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite <- H). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "?*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite !H). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "->" "?*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite -> !H). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "<-" "?*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite <- !H). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "!*" := progress erewrite_hyp ?*. Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "->" "!*" := progress erewrite_hyp -> ?*. Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "<-" "!*" := progress erewrite_hyp <- ?*. Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "*" "in" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite H in * ). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "->" "*" "in" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite -> H in * ). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "<-" "*" "in" "*" := do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite <- H in * ). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "?*" "in" "*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite !H in * ). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "->" "?*" "in" "*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite -> !H in * ). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "<-" "?*" "in" "*" := repeat do_with_hyp' ltac:(fun H => erewrite <- !H in * ). Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "!*" "in" "*" := progress erewrite_hyp ?* in *. Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "->" "!*" "in" "*" := progress erewrite_hyp -> ?* in *. Tactic Notation "erewrite_hyp" "<-" "!*" "in" "*" := progress erewrite_hyp <- ?* in *. (** Execute [progress tac] on all subterms of the goal. Useful for things like [ring_simplify]. *) Ltac tac_on_subterms tac := repeat match goal with | [ |- context[?t] ] => progress tac t end. (** Like [Coq.Program.Tactics.revert_last], but only for non-dependent hypotheses *) Ltac revert_last_nondep := match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => lazymatch goal with | [ H' : appcontext[H] |- _ ] => fail | [ |- appcontext[H] ] => fail | _ => idtac end; revert H end. Ltac reverse_nondep := repeat revert_last_nondep. Ltac simplify_repeated_ifs_step := match goal with | [ |- context G[if ?b then ?x else ?y] ] => let x' := match x with | context x'[b] => let x'' := context x'[true] in x'' end in let G' := context G[if b then x' else y] in cut G'; [ destruct b; exact (fun z => z) | cbv iota ] | [ |- context G[if ?b then ?x else ?y] ] => let y' := match y with | context y'[b] => let y'' := context y'[false] in y'' end in let G' := context G[if b then x else y'] in cut G'; [ destruct b; exact (fun z => z) | cbv iota ] end. Ltac simplify_repeated_ifs := repeat simplify_repeated_ifs_step. (** Like [specialize] but allows holes that get filled with evars. *) Tactic Notation "especialize" open_constr(H) := specialize H. (** [forward H] specializes non-dependent binders in a hypothesis [H] with side-conditions. Side-conditions come after the main goal, like with [replace] and [rewrite]. [eforward H] is like [forward H], but also specializes dependent binders with evars. Both tactics do nothing on hypotheses they cannot handle. *) Ltac forward_step H := match type of H with | ?A -> ?B => let a := fresh in cut A; [ intro a; specialize (H a); clear a | ] end. Ltac eforward_step H := match type of H with | _ => forward_step H | forall x : ?A, _ => let x_or_fresh := fresh x in evar (x_or_fresh : A); specialize (H x_or_fresh); subst x_or_fresh end. Ltac forward H := try (forward_step H; [ forward H | .. ]). Ltac eforward H := try (eforward_step H; [ eforward H | .. ]). (** [simplify_projections] reduces terms of the form [fst (_, _)] (for any projection from [prod], [sig], [sigT], or [and]) *) Ltac pre_simplify_projection proj proj' uproj' := pose proj as proj'; pose proj as uproj'; unfold proj in uproj'; change proj with proj'. Ltac do_simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg_step proj proj' uproj' construct := change proj' with uproj' at 1; lazymatch goal with | [ |- appcontext[uproj' _ _ (construct _ _ _ _)] ] => cbv beta iota delta [uproj'] | _ => change uproj' with proj end. Ltac do_simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg proj proj' uproj' construct := repeat do_simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg_step proj proj' uproj' construct. Ltac simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg proj construct := let proj' := fresh "proj" in let uproj' := fresh "proj" in pre_simplify_projection proj proj' uproj'; do_simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg proj proj' uproj' construct; clear proj' uproj'. Ltac simplify_projections := repeat (simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @fst @pair || simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @snd @pair || simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @proj1_sig @exist || simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @proj2_sig @exist || simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @projT1 @existT || simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @projT2 @existT || simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @proj1 @conj || simplify_projection_2Targ_4carg @proj2 @conj). (** constr-based [idtac] *) Class cidtac {T} (msg : T) := Build_cidtac : True. Hint Extern 0 (cidtac ?msg) => idtac msg; exact I : typeclass_instances. (** constr-based [idtac] *) Class cidtac2 {T1 T2} (msg1 : T1) (msg2 : T2) := Build_cidtac2 : True. Hint Extern 0 (cidtac2 ?msg1 ?msg2) => idtac msg1 msg2; exact I : typeclass_instances. Class cidtac3 {T1 T2 T3} (msg1 : T1) (msg2 : T2) (msg3 : T3) := Build_cidtac3 : True. Hint Extern 0 (cidtac3 ?msg1 ?msg2 ?msg3) => idtac msg1 msg2 msg3; exact I : typeclass_instances. Class cfail {T} (msg : T) := Build_cfail : True. Hint Extern 0 (cfail ?msg) => idtac "Error:" msg; exact I : typeclass_instances. Class cfail2 {T1 T2} (msg1 : T1) (msg2 : T2) := Build_cfail2 : True. Hint Extern 0 (cfail2 ?msg1 ?msg2) => idtac "Error:" msg1 msg2; exact I : typeclass_instances. Class cfail3 {T1 T2 T3} (msg1 : T1) (msg2 : T2) (msg3 : T3) := Build_cfail3 : True. Hint Extern 0 (cfail3 ?msg1 ?msg2 ?msg3) => idtac "Error:" msg1 msg2 msg3; exact I : typeclass_instances. Ltac cidtac msg := constr:(_ : cidtac msg). Ltac cidtac2 msg1 msg2 := constr:(_ : cidtac2 msg1 msg2). Ltac cidtac3 msg1 msg2 msg3 := constr:(_ : cidtac2 msg1 msg2 msg3). Ltac cfail msg := let dummy := constr:(_ : cfail msg) in constr:(I : I). Ltac cfail2 msg1 msg2 := let dummy := constr:(_ : cfail2 msg1 msg2) in constr:(I : I). Ltac cfail3 msg1 msg2 msg3 := let dummy := constr:(_ : cfail2 msg1 msg2 msg3) in constr:(I : I). Ltac idtac_goal := lazymatch goal with |- ?G => idtac "Goal:" G end. Ltac idtac_context := try (repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ => revert H end; idtac_goal; lazymatch goal with |- ?G => idtac "Context:" G end; fail).