Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Ring_tac. Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod. Require Import Crypto.Util.SideConditions.CorePackages. Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. Definition eq_by_Zring_prod_package (P : Prop) := P. Ltac auto_split_prod_step_early special_ring_intros_tac := match goal with | _ => progress hnf | _ => progress special_ring_intros_tac () | [ H : prod _ _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ |- forall a, _ ] => let a := fresh in intro a; compute in a end. Ltac auto_split_prod_step special_ring_intros_tac := match goal with | _ => auto_split_prod_step_early special_ring_intros_tac | [ |- pair _ _ = pair _ _ ] => apply f_equal2 | [ |- @eq (prod _ _) _ _ ] => apply path_prod end. Ltac Zring_prod_eq_tac_gen special_ring_intros_tac := repeat auto_split_prod_step_early special_ring_intros_tac; cbv -[Z.add Z.sub Z.mul Z.div Z.pow Z.opp Z.log2 Z.lor Z.log2_up Z.abs]; repeat match goal with | _ => auto_split_prod_step special_ring_intros_tac | [ |- @eq Z _ _ ] => ring end. Ltac default_ring_intros_tac _ := fail. Ltac Zring_prod_eq_tac _ := Zring_prod_eq_tac_gen default_ring_intros_tac. Ltac autosolve_gen_intros special_ring_intros_tac else_tac := lazymatch goal with | [ |- eq_by_Zring_prod_package _ ] => abstract Zring_prod_eq_tac_gen special_ring_intros_tac | _ => else_tac () end. Ltac autosolve else_tac := autosolve_gen_intros default_ring_intros_tac else_tac.