(** * Propositions with a distinguished point representing true *) (** This allows for something between [bool] and [Prop], where we can computationally reduce things like [True /\ True], but can still express equality of types. *) Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Delimit Scope pointed_prop_scope with pointed_prop. Delimit Scope option_pointed_prop_scope with option_pointed_prop. Inductive pointed_Prop := trivial | inject (_ : Prop). Bind Scope pointed_prop_scope with pointed_Prop. Definition to_prop (x : pointed_Prop) : Prop := match x with | trivial => True | inject p => p end. Coercion option_pointed_Prop_of_bool (x : bool) : option pointed_Prop := if x then Some trivial else None. Coercion option_pointed_Prop_of_pointed_Prop (x : pointed_Prop) : option pointed_Prop := Some x. Definition prop_of_option (x : option pointed_Prop) : Prop := match x with | Some p => to_prop p | None => False end. Definition and_pointed_Prop (x y : pointed_Prop) : pointed_Prop := match x, y with | trivial, y => y | x, trivial => x | inject p, inject q => inject (p /\ q) end. Definition or_pointed_Prop (x y : pointed_Prop) : pointed_Prop := match x, y with | trivial, _ => trivial | _, trivial => trivial | inject p, inject q => inject (p \/ q) end. Definition impl_pointed_Prop (x y : pointed_Prop) : pointed_Prop := match x, y with | trivial, y => y | _, trivial => trivial | inject p, inject q => inject (p -> q) end. Definition not_option_pointed_Prop (x : option pointed_Prop) : option pointed_Prop := match x with | Some trivial => None | None => Some trivial | Some (inject p) => Some (inject (~p)) end. Arguments not_option_pointed_Prop _%option_pointed_prop. Definition and_option_pointed_Prop (x y : option pointed_Prop) : option pointed_Prop := match x, y with | Some x, Some y => Some (and_pointed_Prop x y) | _, _ => None end. Arguments and_option_pointed_Prop (_ _)%option_pointed_prop. Definition or_option_pointed_Prop (x y : option pointed_Prop) : option pointed_Prop := match x, y with | Some x, Some y => Some (or_pointed_Prop x y) | Some x, None => Some x | None, Some y => Some y | None, None => None end. Arguments or_option_pointed_Prop (_ _)%option_pointed_prop. Definition impl_option_pointed_Prop (x y : option pointed_Prop) : option pointed_Prop := match x, y with | None, _ => Some trivial | Some x, Some y => Some (impl_pointed_Prop x y) | Some p, None => not_option_pointed_Prop p end. Arguments impl_option_pointed_Prop (_ _)%option_pointed_prop. Infix "/\" := and_pointed_Prop : pointed_prop_scope. Infix "\/" := or_pointed_Prop : pointed_prop_scope. Infix "->" := impl_pointed_Prop : pointed_prop_scope. Infix "/\" := and_option_pointed_Prop : option_pointed_prop_scope. Infix "\/" := or_option_pointed_Prop : option_pointed_prop_scope. Infix "->" := impl_option_pointed_Prop : option_pointed_prop_scope. Notation "~ P" := (not_option_pointed_Prop P) : option_pointed_prop_scope. Ltac inversion_pointed_Prop_step := match goal with | [ H : inject _ = inject _ |- _ ] => progress (inversion H; clear H) end. Ltac inversion_pointed_Prop := repeat inversion_pointed_Prop_step. Create HintDb push_prop_of_option discriminated. Create HintDb push_to_prop discriminated. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_prop_of_option in * : push_prop_of_option. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_to_prop in * : push_to_prop. Lemma to_prop_and P Q : to_prop (P /\ Q)%pointed_prop <-> (to_prop P /\ to_prop Q). Proof. destruct P, Q; simpl; tauto. Qed. Hint Rewrite to_prop_and : push_to_prop. Lemma to_prop_or P Q : to_prop (P \/ Q)%pointed_prop <-> (to_prop P \/ to_prop Q). Proof. destruct P, Q; simpl; tauto. Qed. Hint Rewrite to_prop_or : push_to_prop. Lemma to_prop_impl P Q : to_prop (impl_pointed_Prop P Q)%pointed_prop <-> (to_prop P -> to_prop Q). Proof. destruct P, Q; simpl; tauto. Qed. Hint Rewrite to_prop_impl : push_to_prop. Lemma prop_of_option_and P Q : prop_of_option (P /\ Q)%option_pointed_prop <-> (prop_of_option P /\ prop_of_option Q). Proof. destruct P, Q; simpl; autorewrite with push_to_prop; tauto. Qed. Hint Rewrite prop_of_option_and : push_prop_of_option. Lemma prop_of_option_or P Q : prop_of_option (P \/ Q)%option_pointed_prop <-> (prop_of_option P \/ prop_of_option Q). Proof. destruct P, Q; simpl; autorewrite with push_to_prop; tauto. Qed. Hint Rewrite prop_of_option_or : push_prop_of_option. Lemma prop_of_option_impl P Q : prop_of_option (impl_option_pointed_Prop P Q)%option_pointed_prop <-> (prop_of_option P -> prop_of_option Q). Proof. destruct P as [ [|P] |], Q as [ [|Q] |]; simpl; tauto. Qed. Hint Rewrite prop_of_option_impl : push_prop_of_option. Lemma prop_of_option_not P : prop_of_option (~P)%option_pointed_prop <-> (~prop_of_option P). Proof. destruct P as [ [|] | ]; simpl; tauto. Qed. Hint Rewrite prop_of_option_not : push_prop_of_option.