Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Definition tap := (Z * Z)%type. Definition taps := list tap. Delimit Scope tap_scope with tap. Delimit Scope taps_scope with taps. Bind Scope tap_scope with tap. Bind Scope taps_scope with taps. Coercion Z_to_tap (v : Z) : tap := (v, 0). Coercion tap_to_taps (v : tap) : taps := [v]. Definition make_tap (b e : Z) : tap := (b, e). Definition scmul_tap (c : Z) (t : tap) : tap := let '(c', e) := t in (c * c', e). Definition neg_tap (t : tap) : tap := let '(c, e) := t in (-c, e). Definition add_taps : taps -> taps -> taps := _. Notation "b ^ e" := (make_tap (Z.log2 b) e) : tap_scope. Notation "2 ^ e" := [(1, e%Z)] (only printing) : tap_scope. Notation "x * y" := (scmul_tap x y) : tap_scope. Notation "- a" := (neg_tap a) : tap_scope. Notation "b ^ e" := (b^e)%tap (only printing) : taps_scope. Notation "x * y" := (x * y)%tap (only printing) : taps_scope. Notation "- a" := (-a)%tap (only printing) : taps_scope. Notation "b ^ e" := (tap_to_taps (b ^ e)) : taps_scope. Notation "x * y" := (tap_to_taps (x * y)) : taps_scope. Notation "- a" := (tap_to_taps (-a)) : taps_scope. Notation "a + b" := (add_taps a b) : taps_scope. Notation "a - b" := (add_taps a (neg_tap (Z_to_tap (Zpos b)))) : taps_scope. Notation "a - b" := (add_taps a (- b)) : taps_scope.