Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Scheme Equality for option. Arguments option_beq {_} _ _ _. Definition bind {A B} (v : option A) (f : A -> option B) : option B := match v with | Some v => f v | None => None end. Definition sequence {A} (v1 v2 : option A) : option A := match v1 with | Some v => Some v | None => v2 end. Definition sequence_return {A} (v1 : option A) (v2 : A) : A := match v1 with | Some v => v | None => v2 end. Global Arguments sequence {A} !v1 v2. Global Arguments sequence_return {A} !v1 v2. Module Export Notations. Delimit Scope option_scope with option. Bind Scope option_scope with option. Notation "A <- X ; B" := (bind X (fun A => B%option)) : option_scope. Infix ";;" := sequence : option_scope. Infix ";;;" := sequence_return : option_scope. End Notations. Local Open Scope option_scope. Section Relations. Definition option_eq {A B} eq (x : option A) (y : option B) := match x with | None => y = None | Some ax => match y with | None => False | Some ay => eq ax ay end end. Local Ltac t := cbv; repeat (break_match || intro || intuition congruence || solve [ apply reflexivity | apply symmetry; eassumption | eapply transitivity; eassumption | eauto ] ). Global Instance Reflexive_option_eq {T} {R} {Reflexive_R:@Reflexive T R} : Reflexive (option_eq R) | 1. Proof. t. Qed. Lemma option_eq_sym {A B} {R1 R2 : _ -> _ -> Prop} (HR : forall v1 v2, R1 v1 v2 -> R2 v2 v1) : forall v1 v2, @option_eq A B R1 v1 v2 -> option_eq R2 v2 v1. Proof. t. Qed. Lemma option_eq_trans {A B C} {R1 R2 R3 : _ -> _ -> Prop} (HR : forall v1 v2 v3, R1 v1 v2 -> R2 v2 v3 -> R3 v1 v3) : forall v1 v2 v3, @option_eq A B R1 v1 v2 -> @option_eq B C R2 v2 v3 -> @option_eq A C R3 v1 v3. Proof. t. Qed. Global Instance Transitive_option_eq {T} {R} {Transitive_R:@Transitive T R} : Transitive (option_eq R) | 1 := option_eq_trans Transitive_R. Global Instance Symmetric_option_eq {T} {R} {Symmetric_R:@Symmetric T R} : Symmetric (option_eq R) | 1 := option_eq_sym Symmetric_R. Global Instance Equivalence_option_eq {T} {R} {Equivalence_R:@Equivalence T R} : Equivalence (option_eq R). Proof. split; exact _. Qed. End Relations. Global Instance bind_Proper {A B} : Proper (eq ==> (pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq) (@bind A B). Proof. cbv [respectful bind pointwise_relation Proper]; intros; subst; break_innermost_match; auto. Qed. Global Instance bind_Proper_pointwise_option_eq {A B RB} : Proper (eq ==> (pointwise_relation _ (option_eq RB)) ==> option_eq RB) (@bind A B) | 90. Proof. cbv [respectful bind pointwise_relation Proper]; intros; subst; break_innermost_match; cbn [option_eq]; auto. Qed. Lemma bind_Proper_option_eq_hetero {A A' B B'} {RA RB : _ -> _ -> Prop} a a' (HA : option_eq RA a a') b b' (HB : forall a a', RA a a' -> option_eq RB (b a) (b' a')) : option_eq RB (@bind A B a b) (@bind A' B' a' b'). Proof. cbv [bind]. destruct a as [a|], a' as [a'|]; try (reflexivity || congruence || exfalso; assumption). cbn [option_eq] in *; auto. Qed. Global Instance bind_Proper_option_eq {A B RA RB} : Proper (option_eq RA ==> (RA ==> option_eq RB) ==> option_eq RB) (@bind A B) | 100. Proof. cbv [Proper respectful]; eapply bind_Proper_option_eq_hetero. Qed. Global Instance Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody {A B:Type} {RB:relation B} {a:option A} : Proper (pointwise_relation _ RB ==> RB ==> RB) (fun S N => option_rect (fun _ => B) S N a). Proof. cbv; repeat (intro || break_match); intuition. Qed. (* FIXME: there used to be a typeclass resolution hint here, something like Hint Extern 1 (Proper _ (@option_rect ?A (fun _ => ?B))) => exact (@Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody A B _ _) : typeclass_instances. but I could not get it working after generalizing [RB] from [Logic.eq] ~ andreser *) Global Instance Proper_option_rect_nd_changevalue {A B RA RB} some {Proper_some: Proper (RA==>RB) some} : Proper (RB ==> option_eq RA ==> RB) (@option_rect A (fun _ => B) some). Proof. cbv; repeat (intro || break_match || f_equiv || intuition congruence). Qed. Lemma option_rect_false_returns_true_iff {T} {R} {reflexiveR:Reflexive R} (f:T->bool) {Proper_f:Proper(R==>eq)f} (o:option T) : option_rect (fun _ => bool) f false o = true <-> exists s:T, option_eq R o (Some s) /\ f s = true. Proof. unfold option_rect; break_match; repeat intuition (destruct_head ex; eauto); solve [ congruence | repeat esplit; simpl; easy | match goal with [H : f _ = true |- f _ = true ] => solve [rewrite <- H; eauto] end ]. Qed. Lemma option_rect_false_returns_true_iff_eq {T} (f:T->bool) (o:option T) : option_rect (fun _ => bool) f false o = true <-> exists s:T, Logic.eq o (Some s) /\ f s = true. Proof. unfold option_rect; break_match; repeat intuition (destruct_head ex; eauto); congruence. Qed. Lemma option_rect_option_map : forall {A B C} (f:A->B) some none v, option_rect (fun _ => C) (fun x => some (f x)) none v = option_rect (fun _ => C) some none (option_map f v). Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma option_map_map : forall {A B C} (f:A->B) (g:B->C) v, option_map g (option_map f v) = option_map (fun v => g (f v)) v. Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma option_rect_function {A B C S' N' v} f : f (option_rect (fun _ : option A => option B) S' N' v) = option_rect (fun _ : option A => C) (fun x => f (S' x)) (f N') v. Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed. (* Ltac commute_option_rect_Let_In := (* pull let binders out side of option_rect pattern matching *) idtac; lazymatch goal with | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Let_In ?x ?f) ] => (* we want to just do a [change] here, but unification is stupid, so we have to tell it what to unfold in what order *) cut (LHS = Let_In x (fun y => option_rect P S N (f y))); cbv beta; [ set_evars; let H := fresh in intro H; rewrite H; clear; abstract (cbv [Let_In]; reflexivity) | ] end. *) Ltac replace_option_match_with_option_rect := idtac; lazymatch goal with | [ |- _ = ?RHS :> ?T ] => lazymatch RHS with | match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end => replace RHS with (option_rect (fun _ => T) S N a) by (destruct a; reflexivity) end end. Ltac simpl_option_rect := (* deal with [option_rect _ _ _ None] and [option_rect _ _ _ (Some _)] *) repeat match goal with | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N None] ] => change (option_rect P S N None) with N | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Some ?x) ] ] => change (option_rect P S N (Some x)) with (S x); cbv beta end. Definition option_leq_to_eq {A} (x y : option A) : x = y -> option_eq eq x y. Proof. destruct x; intro; subst; simpl; reflexivity. Defined. Definition option_eq_to_leq {A} (x y : option A) : option_eq eq x y -> x = y. Proof. destruct x, y; simpl; try solve [ intros [] | apply f_equal | reflexivity | apply eq_sym ]. Defined. Lemma option_leq_to_eq_to_leq {A x y} v : @option_eq_to_leq A x y (@option_leq_to_eq A x y v) = v. Proof. destruct x; subst; simpl; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma option_eq_to_leq_to_eq {A x y} v : @option_leq_to_eq A x y (@option_eq_to_leq A x y v) = v. Proof. compute in *. repeat first [ progress subst | progress break_innermost_match_step | reflexivity ]. Qed. Lemma UIP_None {A} (p q : @None A = @None A) : p = q. Proof. rewrite <- (option_leq_to_eq_to_leq p), <- (option_leq_to_eq_to_leq q); simpl; reflexivity. Qed. Definition invert_Some {A} (x : option A) : match x with | Some _ => A | None => unit end := match x with | Some x' => x' | None => tt end. Lemma invert_eq_Some {A x y} (p : Some x = Some y) : { pf : x = y | @option_eq_to_leq A (Some x) (Some y) pf = p }. Proof. refine (exist _ _ (option_leq_to_eq_to_leq _)). Qed. Definition always_invert_Some {A} (x : option A) {pf : x <> None} : A := match x return x <> None -> A with | Some v => fun _ => v | None => fun pf => False_rect _ (pf eq_refl) end pf. Lemma push_always_invert_Some' {A B} (f : A -> B) (x : option A) (pf : x <> None) (pf' : option_map f x <> None) : f (@always_invert_Some _ x pf) = @always_invert_Some _ (option_map f x) pf'. Proof. destruct x; [ reflexivity | congruence ]. Qed. Definition pull_always_invert_Some {A B} (f : A -> B) (x : option A) (pf : option_map f x <> None) : f (@always_invert_Some _ x (fun H => pf (f_equal (option_map f) H))) = @always_invert_Some _ (option_map f x) pf := push_always_invert_Some' f x _ pf. Lemma option_map_neq_None_iff {A B} (f : A -> B) x : x <> None <-> option_map f x <> None. Proof. destruct x; cbn in *; split; congruence. Qed. Definition push_always_invert_Some {A B} (f : A -> B) (x : option A) (pf : x <> None) : f (@always_invert_Some _ x pf) = @always_invert_Some _ (option_map f x) (proj1 (option_map_neq_None_iff f x) pf) := push_always_invert_Some' f x pf _. Definition always_invert_Some_bind' {A B} (x : option A) (f : A -> option B) pf pf' pf'' : @always_invert_Some _ (bind x f) pf = @always_invert_Some _ (f (@always_invert_Some _ x pf')) pf''. Proof. destruct x as [x|]; cbn in *; [ destruct (f x); cbn in * | ]; congruence. Qed. Lemma bind_neq_None_iff {A B} (x : option A) (f : A -> option B) : (bind x f <> None) <-> (x <> None /\ forall pf, f (@always_invert_Some _ x pf) <> None). Proof. destruct x as [x|]; cbn; [ destruct (f x); cbn | ]; intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma bind_neq_None_iff' {A B} (x : option A) (f : A -> option B) : (bind x f <> None) <-> (exists pf : x <> None, f (@always_invert_Some _ x pf) <> None). Proof. destruct x as [x|]; cbn; [ destruct (f x); cbn | ]; split; intros; destruct_head'_ex; try unshelve econstructor; congruence. Qed. Definition push_always_invert_Some_bind {A B} (x : option A) (f : A -> option B) pf (pf' := proj1 (proj1 (bind_neq_None_iff x f) pf)) (pf'' := proj2 (proj1 (bind_neq_None_iff x f) pf) pf') : @always_invert_Some _ (bind x f) pf = @always_invert_Some _ (f (@always_invert_Some _ x pf')) pf'' := always_invert_Some_bind' x f _ _ _. Definition pull_always_invert_Some_bind {A B} (x : option A) (f : A -> option B) pf pf' (pf'' := proj2 (bind_neq_None_iff' x f) (ex_intro _ pf pf')) : @always_invert_Some _ (f (@always_invert_Some _ x pf)) pf' = @always_invert_Some _ (bind x f) pf'' := eq_sym (always_invert_Some_bind' x f _ _ _). Ltac inversion_option_step := match goal with | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => apply option_leq_to_eq in H; unfold option_eq in H | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; destruct (invert_eq_Some H') as [H ?]; subst H' | [ H : None = Some _ |- _ ] => solve [ inversion H ] | [ H : Some _ = None |- _ ] => solve [ inversion H ] | [ H : None = None |- _ ] => clear H | [ H : None = None |- _ ] => assert (eq_refl = H) by apply UIP_None; subst H end. Ltac inversion_option := repeat inversion_option_step.