Require Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec. Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano Require Import Coq.micromega.Psatz. Import Nat. Scheme Equality for nat. Create HintDb natsimplify discriminated. Hint Resolve mod_bound_pos plus_le_compat : arith. Hint Resolve (fun x y p q => proj1 (@Nat.mod_bound_pos x y p q)) (fun x y p q => proj2 (@Nat.mod_bound_pos x y p q)) : arith. Hint Rewrite @mod_small @mod_mod @mod_1_l @mod_1_r succ_pred using omega : natsimplify. Hint Rewrite sub_diag add_0_l add_0_r sub_0_r sub_succ : natsimplify. Local Open Scope nat_scope. Lemma min_def {x y} : min x y = x - (x - y). Proof. apply Min.min_case_strong; omega. Qed. Lemma max_def {x y} : max x y = x + (y - x). Proof. apply Max.max_case_strong; omega. Qed. Ltac coq_omega := omega. Ltac handle_min_max_for_omega_gen min max := repeat match goal with | [ H : context[min _ _] |- _ ] => rewrite !min_def in H || setoid_rewrite min_def in H | [ H : context[max _ _] |- _ ] => rewrite !max_def in H || setoid_rewrite max_def in H | [ |- context[min _ _] ] => rewrite !min_def || setoid_rewrite min_def | [ |- context[max _ _] ] => rewrite !max_def || setoid_rewrite max_def end. Ltac handle_min_max_for_omega_case_gen min max := repeat match goal with | [ H : context[min _ _] |- _ ] => revert H | [ H : context[max _ _] |- _ ] => revert H | [ |- context[min _ _] ] => apply Min.min_case_strong | [ |- context[max _ _] ] => apply Max.max_case_strong end; intros. Ltac handle_min_max_for_omega := handle_min_max_for_omega_gen min max. Ltac handle_min_max_for_omega_case := handle_min_max_for_omega_case_gen min max. (* In 8.4, Nat.min is a definition, so we need to unfold it *) Ltac handle_min_max_for_omega_compat_84 := let min := (eval cbv [min] in min) in let max := (eval cbv [max] in max) in handle_min_max_for_omega_gen min max. Ltac handle_min_max_for_omega_case_compat_84 := let min := (eval cbv [min] in min) in let max := (eval cbv [max] in max) in handle_min_max_for_omega_case_gen min max. Ltac omega_with_min_max := handle_min_max_for_omega; try handle_min_max_for_omega_compat_84; omega. Ltac omega_with_min_max_case := handle_min_max_for_omega_case; try handle_min_max_for_omega_case_compat_84; omega. Tactic Notation "omega" := coq_omega. Tactic Notation "omega" "*" := omega_with_min_max_case. Tactic Notation "omega" "**" := omega_with_min_max. Lemma nat_eq_dec_S x y : match nat_eq_dec (S x) (S y), nat_eq_dec x y with | left pfS, left pf => pfS = f_equal S pf | right _, right _ => True | _, _ => False end. Proof. unfold nat_eq_dec; simpl. match goal with | [ |- match match ?e with _ => _ end with _ => _ end ] => destruct e end; simpl; try exact I. reflexivity. Defined. Lemma UIP_nat_transparent x y (p1 p2 : x = y :> nat) : p1 = p2. Proof. transitivity (match nat_eq_dec x y, nat_eq_dec y y with | left pf1, left pf2 => eq_trans pf1 (eq_sym pf2) | _, _ => p1 end); [ revert p2 | revert p1 ]; subst y; intro p; destruct (nat_eq_dec x x) as [q|q]; case q; reflexivity. Defined. Lemma nat_beq_false_iff x y : nat_beq x y = false <-> x <> y. Proof. split; intro H; repeat intro; subst. { erewrite internal_nat_dec_lb in H by reflexivity; congruence. } { destruct (nat_beq x y) eqn:H'; [ | reflexivity ]. apply internal_nat_dec_bl in H'; subst; congruence. } Qed. Ltac nat_beq_to_eq := repeat match goal with | [ H : nat_beq _ _ = true |- _ ] => apply internal_nat_dec_bl in H | [ H : is_true (nat_beq _ _) = true |- _ ] => apply internal_nat_dec_bl in H | [ |- nat_beq _ _ = true ] => apply internal_nat_dec_lb | [ |- is_true (nat_beq _ _) ] => apply internal_nat_dec_lb | [ H : nat_beq _ _ = false |- _ ] => apply nat_beq_false_iff in H | [ |- nat_beq _ _ = false ] => apply nat_beq_false_iff end. Lemma div_minus : forall a b, b <> 0 -> (a + b) / b = a / b + 1. Proof. intros a b H. assert (H0 : b = 1 * b) by omega. rewrite H0 at 1. rewrite <- Nat.div_add by auto. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma pred_mod : forall m, (0 < m)%nat -> ((pred m) mod m)%nat = pred m. Proof. intros m H; apply Nat.mod_small. destruct m; try omega; rewrite Nat.pred_succ; auto. Qed. Lemma div_add_l' : forall a b c, a <> 0 -> (a * b + c) / a = b + c / a. Proof. intros; rewrite Nat.mul_comm; auto using div_add_l. Qed. Lemma mod_add_l : forall a b c, b <> 0 -> (a * b + c) mod b = c mod b. Proof. intros; rewrite Nat.add_comm; auto using mod_add. Qed. Lemma mod_add_l' : forall a b c, b <> 0 -> (b * a + c) mod b = c mod b. Proof. intros; rewrite Nat.mul_comm; auto using mod_add_l. Qed. Lemma mod_div_eq0 : forall a b, b <> 0 -> a mod b / b = 0. Proof. intros; apply Nat.div_small, mod_bound_pos; omega. Qed. Lemma divide2_1mod4_nat : forall c x, c = x / 4 -> x mod 4 = 1 -> exists y, 2 * y = (x / 2). Proof. assert (4 <> 0) as ne40 by omega. induction c; intros x H H0; pose proof (div_mod x 4 ne40) as H1; rewrite <- H in H1. { rewrite H0 in H1. simpl in H1. rewrite H1. exists 0; auto. } { rewrite mult_succ_r in H1. assert (4 <= x) as le4x by (apply Nat.div_str_pos_iff; omega). rewrite <- Nat.add_1_r in H. replace x with ((x - 4) + 4) in H by omega. rewrite div_minus in H by auto. apply Nat.add_cancel_r in H. replace x with ((x - 4) + (1 * 4)) in H0 by omega. rewrite Nat.mod_add in H0 by auto. pose proof (IHc _ H H0) as H2. destruct H2 as [x0 H2]. exists (x0 + 1). rewrite <- (Nat.sub_add 4 x) in H1 at 1 by auto. replace (4 * c + 4 + x mod 4) with (4 * c + x mod 4 + 4) in H1 by omega. apply Nat.add_cancel_r in H1. replace (2 * (x0 + 1)) with (2 * x0 + 2) by (rewrite Nat.mul_add_distr_l; auto). rewrite H2. rewrite <- Nat.div_add by omega. f_equal. simpl. apply Nat.sub_add; auto. } Qed. Lemma Nat2N_inj_lt : forall n m, (N.of_nat n < N.of_nat m)%N <-> n < m. Proof. split; intros. { rewrite nat_compare_lt. rewrite Nnat.Nat2N.inj_compare. rewrite N.compare_lt_iff; auto. } { rewrite <- N.compare_lt_iff. rewrite <- Nnat.Nat2N.inj_compare. rewrite <- nat_compare_lt; auto. } Qed. Lemma lt_min_l : forall x a b, (x < min a b)%nat -> (x < a)%nat. Proof. intros ? ? ? lt_min. apply Nat.min_glb_lt_iff in lt_min. destruct lt_min; assumption. Qed. (* useful for hints *) Lemma eq_le_incl_rev : forall a b, a = b -> b <= a. Proof. intros; omega. Qed. Lemma beq_nat_eq_nat_dec {R} (x y : nat) (a b : R) : (if EqNat.beq_nat x y then a else b) = (if eq_nat_dec x y then a else b). Proof. destruct (eq_nat_dec x y) as [H|H]; [ rewrite (proj2 (@beq_nat_true_iff _ _) H); reflexivity | rewrite (proj2 (@beq_nat_false_iff _ _) H); reflexivity ]. Qed. Lemma pow_nonzero a k : a <> 0 -> a ^ k <> 0. Proof. intro; induction k; simpl; nia. Qed. Hint Resolve pow_nonzero : arith. Lemma S_pred_nonzero : forall a, (a > 0 -> S (pred a) = a)%nat. Proof. destruct a; simpl; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite S_pred_nonzero using omega : natsimplify. Lemma mod_same_eq a b : a <> 0 -> a = b -> b mod a = 0. Proof. intros; subst; apply mod_same; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite @mod_same_eq using omega : natsimplify. Hint Resolve mod_same_eq : arith. Lemma mod_mod_eq a b c : a <> 0 -> b = c mod a -> b mod a = b. Proof. intros; subst; autorewrite with natsimplify; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @mod_mod_eq using (reflexivity || omega) : natsimplify. Local Arguments minus !_ !_. Lemma S_mod_full a b : a <> 0 -> (S b) mod a = if eq_nat_dec (S (b mod a)) a then 0 else S (b mod a). Proof. change (S b) with (1+b); intros. pose proof (mod_bound_pos b a). rewrite add_mod by assumption. destruct (eq_nat_dec (S (b mod a)) a) as [H'|H']; destruct a as [|[|a]]; autorewrite with natsimplify in *; try congruence; try reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite S_mod_full using omega : natsimplify. Lemma S_mod a b : a <> 0 -> S (b mod a) <> a -> (S b) mod a = S (b mod a). Proof. intros; rewrite S_mod_full by assumption. edestruct eq_nat_dec; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite S_mod using (omega || autorewrite with natsimplify; omega) : natsimplify. Lemma eq_nat_dec_refl x : eq_nat_dec x x = left (Logic.eq_refl x). Proof. edestruct eq_nat_dec; try congruence. apply f_equal, Eqdep_dec.UIP_dec, eq_nat_dec. Qed. Hint Rewrite eq_nat_dec_refl : natsimplify. (** Helper to get around the lack of function extensionality *) Definition eq_nat_dec_right_val n m (pf0 : n <> m) : { pf | eq_nat_dec n m = right pf }. Proof. revert dependent n; induction m as [|m IHm]; destruct n as [|n]; simpl; intro pf0; [ (exists pf0; exfalso; abstract congruence) | eexists; reflexivity | eexists; reflexivity | ]. { specialize (IHm n). destruct IHm as [? IHm]; [ omega | ]. eexists; rewrite IHm; reflexivity. } Qed. Lemma eq_nat_dec_S_n n : eq_nat_dec (S n) n = right (proj1_sig (@eq_nat_dec_right_val _ _ (@neq_succ_diag_l n))). Proof. edestruct eq_nat_dec_right_val; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite eq_nat_dec_S_n : natsimplify. Lemma eq_nat_dec_n_S n : eq_nat_dec n (S n) = right (proj1_sig (@eq_nat_dec_right_val _ _ (n_Sn n))). Proof. edestruct eq_nat_dec_right_val; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite eq_nat_dec_n_S : natsimplify. Hint Rewrite Max.max_0_l Max.max_0_r Max.max_idempotent Min.min_0_l Min.min_0_r Min.min_idempotent : natsimplify. (** Helper to get around the lack of function extensionality *) Definition le_dec_right_val n m (pf0 : ~n <= m) : { pf | le_dec n m = right pf }. Proof. destruct (le_dec n m) eqn:Heq; [ | eexists; reflexivity ]. exfalso; clear Heq; apply pf0; assumption. Qed. (** Helper to get around the lack of function extensionality *) Definition lt_dec_right_val n m (pf0 : ~n < m) : { pf | lt_dec n m = right pf } := @le_dec_right_val _ _ pf0. Lemma lt_dec_irrefl n : lt_dec n n = right (proj1_sig (@lt_dec_right_val _ _ (lt_irrefl n))). Proof. edestruct lt_dec_right_val; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite lt_dec_irrefl : natsimplify. Lemma not_lt_n_pred_n n : ~n < pred n. Proof. destruct n; simpl; omega. Qed. Lemma lt_dec_n_pred_n n : lt_dec n (pred n) = right (proj1_sig (@lt_dec_right_val _ _ (not_lt_n_pred_n n))). Proof. edestruct lt_dec_right_val; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite lt_dec_n_pred_n : natsimplify. Lemma le_dec_refl n : le_dec n n = left (le_refl n). Proof. edestruct le_dec; try omega. apply f_equal, le_unique. Qed. Hint Rewrite le_dec_refl : natsimplify. Lemma le_dec_pred_l n : le_dec (pred n) n = left (le_pred_l n). Proof. edestruct le_dec; [ | destruct n; simpl in *; omega ]. apply f_equal, le_unique. Qed. Hint Rewrite le_dec_pred_l : natsimplify. Lemma le_pred_plus_same n : n <= pred (n + n). Proof. destruct n; simpl; omega. Qed. Lemma le_dec_pred_plus_same n : le_dec n (pred (n + n)) = left (le_pred_plus_same n). Proof. edestruct le_dec; [ | destruct n; simpl in *; omega ]. apply f_equal, le_unique. Qed. Hint Rewrite le_dec_pred_plus_same : natsimplify. Lemma minus_S_diag x : (S x - x = 1)%nat. Proof. omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite minus_S_diag : natsimplify. Lemma min_idempotent_S_l x : min (S x) x = x. Proof. omega *. Qed. Hint Rewrite min_idempotent_S_l : natsimplify. Lemma min_idempotent_S_r x : min x (S x) = x. Proof. omega *. Qed. Hint Rewrite min_idempotent_S_r : natsimplify. Lemma mod_pow_same b e : b <> 0 -> e <> 0 -> b^e mod b = 0. Proof. intros; destruct e as [|e]; [ omega | simpl ]. rewrite mul_comm, mod_mul by omega; omega. Qed. Lemma setbit_high : forall x i, (x < 2^i -> setbit x i = x + 2^i)%nat. Proof. intros x i H; apply bits_inj; intro n. rewrite setbit_eqb. destruct (beq_nat i n) eqn:H'; simpl. { apply beq_nat_true in H'; subst. symmetry; apply testbit_true. rewrite div_minus, div_small by omega. reflexivity. } { assert (H'' : (((x + 2 ^ i) / 2 ^ n) mod 2) = ((x / 2 ^ n) mod 2)). { assert (2^(i-n) <> 0) by auto with arith. assert (2^(i-n) <> 0) by omega. destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec i n) as [ [?|?] | ? ]; [ | subst; rewrite <- beq_nat_refl in H'; congruence | ]. { assert (i <= n - 1) by omega. assert (2^i <= 2^n) by auto using pow_le_mono_r with arith. assert (2^i <= 2^(n - 1)) by auto using pow_le_mono_r with arith. assert (2^(n-1) <> 0) by auto with arith. assert (2^(n-1) + 2^(n-1) = 2^n) by (transitivity (2^(S (n - 1))); [ simpl; omega | apply f_equal; omega ]). assert ((2^(n - 1) - 1) + (2^(n - 1)) < 2^n) by omega. rewrite !div_small; try omega. } { replace (2^i) with (2^(i - n) * 2^n) by (rewrite <- pow_add_r, ?le_plus_minus_r, ?sub_add by omega; omega). rewrite div_add by auto with arith. rewrite <- add_mod_idemp_r, mod_pow_same, add_0_r by omega. reflexivity. } } { match goal with | [ |- ?x = ?y ] => destruct x eqn:H0; destruct y eqn:H1; try reflexivity; try apply testbit_true in H0; try apply testbit_true in H1; first [ rewrite <- H0; clear H0 | rewrite <- H1; clear H1 ]; first [ symmetry; apply testbit_true | apply testbit_true ] end; rewrite H'' in *; assumption. } } Qed.