Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Require Import Coq.Arith.Peano_dec. Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics. Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano. Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil. Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. Create HintDb distr_length discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_set_nth discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_update_nth discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_nth_default discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_nth_error discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_firstn discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_skipn discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_fold_right discriminated. Create HintDb simpl_sum_firstn discriminated. Create HintDb pull_nth_error discriminated. Create HintDb push_nth_error discriminated. Create HintDb pull_nth_default discriminated. Create HintDb push_nth_default discriminated. Create HintDb pull_firstn discriminated. Create HintDb push_firstn discriminated. Create HintDb pull_skipn discriminated. Create HintDb push_skipn discriminated. Create HintDb pull_update_nth discriminated. Create HintDb push_update_nth discriminated. Create HintDb znonzero discriminated. Hint Rewrite @app_length @rev_length @map_length @seq_length @fold_left_length @split_length_l @split_length_r @firstn_length @combine_length @prod_length : distr_length. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with distr_length in * : distr_length. Ltac distr_length := autorewrite with distr_length in *; try solve [simpl in *; omega]. Module Export List. Local Set Implicit Arguments. Import ListNotations. (** From the 8.6 Standard Library *) Section Elts. Variable A : Type. (** Results about [nth_error] *) Lemma nth_error_In l n (x : A) : nth_error l n = Some x -> In x l. Proof. revert n. induction l as [|a l IH]; intros [|n]; simpl; try easy. - injection 1; auto. - eauto. Qed. End Elts. Section Map. Variables (A : Type) (B : Type). Variable f : A -> B. Lemma map_cons (x:A)(l:list A) : map f (x::l) = (f x) :: (map f l). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. End Map. Lemma in_seq len start n : In n (seq start len) <-> start <= n < start+len. Proof. revert start. induction len; simpl; intros. - rewrite <- plus_n_O. split;[easy|]. intros (H,H'). apply (Lt.lt_irrefl _ (Lt.le_lt_trans _ _ _ H H')). - rewrite IHlen, <- plus_n_Sm; simpl; split. * intros [H|H]; subst; intuition auto with arith. * intros (H,H'). destruct (Lt.le_lt_or_eq _ _ H); intuition. Qed. Section Facts. Variable A : Type. Theorem length_zero_iff_nil (l : list A): length l = 0 <-> l=[]. Proof. split; [now destruct l | now intros ->]. Qed. End Facts. Section Repeat. Variable A : Type. Fixpoint repeat (x : A) (n: nat ) := match n with | O => [] | S k => x::(repeat x k) end. Theorem repeat_length x n: length (repeat x n) = n. Proof. induction n as [| k Hrec]; simpl; rewrite ?Hrec; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem repeat_spec n x y: In y (repeat x n) -> y=x. Proof. induction n as [|k Hrec]; simpl; destruct 1; auto. Qed. End Repeat. Section Cutting. Variable A : Type. Local Notation firstn := (@firstn A). Lemma firstn_nil n: firstn n [] = []. Proof. induction n; now simpl. Qed. Lemma firstn_cons n a l: firstn (S n) (a::l) = a :: (firstn n l). Proof. now simpl. Qed. Lemma firstn_all l: firstn (length l) l = l. Proof. induction l as [| ? ? H]; simpl; [reflexivity | now rewrite H]. Qed. Lemma firstn_all2 n: forall (l:list A), (length l) <= n -> firstn n l = l. Proof. induction n as [|k iHk]. - intro. inversion 1 as [H1|?]. rewrite (length_zero_iff_nil l) in H1. subst. now simpl. - destruct l as [|x xs]; simpl. * now reflexivity. * simpl. intro H. apply Peano.le_S_n in H. f_equal. apply iHk, H. Qed. Lemma firstn_O l: firstn 0 l = []. Proof. now simpl. Qed. Lemma firstn_le_length n: forall l:list A, length (firstn n l) <= n. Proof. induction n as [|k iHk]; simpl; [auto | destruct l as [|x xs]; simpl]. - auto with arith. - apply le_n_S, iHk. Qed. Lemma firstn_length_le: forall l:list A, forall n:nat, n <= length l -> length (firstn n l) = n. Proof. induction l as [|x xs Hrec]. - simpl. intros n H. apply le_n_0_eq in H. rewrite <- H. now simpl. - destruct n. * now simpl. * simpl. intro H. apply le_S_n in H. now rewrite (Hrec n H). Qed. Lemma firstn_app n: forall l1 l2, firstn n (l1 ++ l2) = (firstn n l1) ++ (firstn (n - length l1) l2). Proof. induction n as [|k iHk]; intros l1 l2. - now simpl. - destruct l1 as [|x xs]. * unfold List.firstn at 2, length. now rewrite 2!app_nil_l, <- minus_n_O. * rewrite <- app_comm_cons. simpl. f_equal. apply iHk. Qed. Lemma firstn_app_2 n: forall l1 l2, firstn ((length l1) + n) (l1 ++ l2) = l1 ++ firstn n l2. Proof. induction n as [| k iHk];intros l1 l2. - unfold List.firstn at 2. rewrite <- plus_n_O, app_nil_r. rewrite firstn_app. rewrite <- minus_diag_reverse. unfold List.firstn at 2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply firstn_all. - destruct l2 as [|x xs]. * simpl. rewrite app_nil_r. apply firstn_all2. auto with arith. * rewrite firstn_app. assert (H0 : (length l1 + S k - length l1) = S k). auto with arith. rewrite H0, firstn_all2; [reflexivity | auto with arith]. Qed. Lemma firstn_firstn: forall l:list A, forall i j : nat, firstn i (firstn j l) = firstn (min i j) l. Proof. induction l as [|x xs Hl]. - intros. simpl. now rewrite ?firstn_nil. - destruct i. * intro. now simpl. * destruct j. + now simpl. + simpl. f_equal. apply Hl. Qed. End Cutting. End List. Hint Rewrite @firstn_skipn : simpl_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_skipn : simpl_skipn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_nil @firstn_cons @List.firstn_all @firstn_O @firstn_app_2 @List.firstn_firstn : push_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_nil @firstn_cons @List.firstn_all @firstn_O @firstn_app_2 @List.firstn_firstn : simpl_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_app : push_firstn. Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_cons @firstn_app @List.firstn_firstn : pull_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_all2 @removelast_firstn @firstn_removelast using omega : push_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_all2 @removelast_firstn @firstn_removelast using omega : simpl_firstn. Local Arguments value / _ _. Local Arguments error / _. Definition sum_firstn l n := fold_right Z.add 0%Z (firstn n l). Fixpoint map2 {A B C} (f : A -> B -> C) (la : list A) (lb : list B) : list C := match la with | nil => nil | a :: la' => match lb with | nil => nil | b :: lb' => f a b :: map2 f la' lb' end end. (* xs[n] := f xs[n] *) Fixpoint update_nth {T} n f (xs:list T) {struct n} := match n with | O => match xs with | nil => nil | x'::xs' => f x'::xs' end | S n' => match xs with | nil => nil | x'::xs' => x'::update_nth n' f xs' end end. (* xs[n] := x *) Definition set_nth {T} n x (xs:list T) := update_nth n (fun _ => x) xs. Definition splice_nth {T} n (x:T) xs := firstn n xs ++ x :: skipn (S n) xs. Hint Unfold splice_nth. Ltac boring := simpl; intuition auto with zarith datatypes; repeat match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; clear H | [ |- appcontext[match ?pf with end] ] => solve [ case pf ] | _ => progress autounfold in * | _ => progress autorewrite with core | _ => progress simpl in * | _ => progress intuition auto with zarith datatypes end; eauto. Ltac boring_list := repeat match goal with | _ => progress boring | _ => progress autorewrite with distr_length simpl_nth_default simpl_update_nth simpl_set_nth simpl_nth_error in * end. Lemma nth_default_cons : forall {T} (x u0 : T) us, nth_default x (u0 :: us) 0 = u0. Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_cons : simpl_nth_default. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_cons : push_nth_default. Lemma nth_default_cons_S : forall {A} us (u0 : A) n d, nth_default d (u0 :: us) (S n) = nth_default d us n. Proof. boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_cons_S : simpl_nth_default. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_cons_S : push_nth_default. Lemma nth_default_nil : forall {T} n (d : T), nth_default d nil n = d. Proof. induction n; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_nil : simpl_nth_default. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_nil : push_nth_default. Lemma nth_error_nil_error : forall {A} n, nth_error (@nil A) n = None. Proof. induction n; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_error_nil_error : simpl_nth_error. Ltac nth_tac' := intros; simpl in *; unfold error,value in *; repeat progress (match goal with | [ |- context[nth_error nil ?n] ] => rewrite nth_error_nil_error | [ H: ?x = Some _ |- context[match ?x with Some _ => ?a | None => ?a end ] ] => destruct x | [ H: ?x = None _ |- context[match ?x with Some _ => ?a | None => ?a end ] ] => destruct x | [ |- context[match ?x with Some _ => ?a | None => ?a end ] ] => destruct x | [ |- context[match nth_error ?xs ?i with Some _ => _ | None => _ end ] ] => case_eq (nth_error xs i); intros | [ |- context[(if lt_dec ?a ?b then _ else _) = _] ] => destruct (lt_dec a b) | [ |- context[_ = (if lt_dec ?a ?b then _ else _)] ] => destruct (lt_dec a b) | [ H: context[(if lt_dec ?a ?b then _ else _) = _] |- _ ] => destruct (lt_dec a b) | [ H: context[_ = (if lt_dec ?a ?b then _ else _)] |- _ ] => destruct (lt_dec a b) | [ H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => injection H; clear H; intros; subst | [ H: None = Some _ |- _ ] => inversion H | [ H: Some _ = None |- _ ] => inversion H | [ |- Some _ = Some _ ] => apply f_equal end); eauto; try (autorewrite with list in *); try omega; eauto. Lemma nth_error_map : forall A B (f:A->B) i xs y, nth_error (map f xs) i = Some y -> exists x, nth_error xs i = Some x /\ f x = y. Proof. induction i; destruct xs; nth_tac'. Qed. Lemma nth_error_seq : forall i start len, nth_error (seq start len) i = if lt_dec i len then Some (start + i) else None. induction i; destruct len; nth_tac'; erewrite IHi; nth_tac'. Qed. Lemma nth_error_error_length : forall A i (xs:list A), nth_error xs i = None -> i >= length xs. Proof. induction i; destruct xs; nth_tac'; try specialize (IHi _ H); omega. Qed. Lemma nth_error_value_length : forall A i (xs:list A) x, nth_error xs i = Some x -> i < length xs. Proof. induction i; destruct xs; nth_tac'; try specialize (IHi _ _ H); omega. Qed. Lemma nth_error_length_error : forall A i (xs:list A), i >= length xs -> nth_error xs i = None. Proof. induction i; destruct xs; nth_tac'; rewrite IHi by omega; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve nth_error_length_error. Hint Rewrite @nth_error_length_error using omega : simpl_nth_error. Lemma map_nth_default : forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) n x y l, (n < length l) -> nth_default y (map f l) n = f (nth_default x l n). Proof. intros. unfold nth_default. erewrite map_nth_error. reflexivity. nth_tac'. pose proof (nth_error_error_length A n l H0). omega. Qed. Lemma map_nil : forall A B (f : A -> B), map f nil = nil. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* Note: this is a duplicate of a lemma that exists in 8.5, included for 8.4 support *) Lemma In_nth : forall {A} (x : A) d xs, In x xs -> exists i, i < length xs /\ nth i xs d = x. Proof. induction xs; intros; match goal with H : In _ _ |- _ => simpl in H; destruct H end. + subst. exists 0. simpl; split; auto || omega. + destruct IHxs as [i [ ]]; auto. exists (S i). split; auto; simpl; try omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @map_nth_default using omega : push_nth_default. Ltac nth_tac := repeat progress (try nth_tac'; try (match goal with | [ H: nth_error (map _ _) _ = Some _ |- _ ] => destruct (nth_error_map _ _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H | [ H: nth_error (seq _ _) _ = Some _ |- _ ] => rewrite nth_error_seq in H | [H: nth_error _ _ = None |- _ ] => specialize (nth_error_error_length _ _ _ H); intro; clear H end)). Lemma app_cons_app_app : forall T xs (y:T) ys, xs ++ y :: ys = (xs ++ (y::nil)) ++ ys. Proof. induction xs; boring. Qed. Lemma unfold_set_nth {T} n x : forall xs, @set_nth T n x xs = match n with | O => match xs with | nil => nil | x'::xs' => x::xs' end | S n' => match xs with | nil => nil | x'::xs' => x'::set_nth n' x xs' end end. Proof. induction n; destruct xs; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma simpl_set_nth_0 {T} x : forall xs, @set_nth T 0 x xs = match xs with | nil => nil | x'::xs' => x::xs' end. Proof. intro; rewrite unfold_set_nth; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma simpl_set_nth_S {T} x n : forall xs, @set_nth T (S n) x xs = match xs with | nil => nil | x'::xs' => x'::set_nth n x xs' end. Proof. intro; rewrite unfold_set_nth; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @simpl_set_nth_S @simpl_set_nth_0 : simpl_set_nth. Lemma update_nth_ext {T} f g n : forall xs, (forall x, nth_error xs n = Some x -> f x = g x) -> @update_nth T n f xs = @update_nth T n g xs. Proof. induction n; destruct xs; simpl; intros H; try rewrite IHn; try rewrite H; try congruence; trivial. Qed. Global Instance update_nth_Proper {T} : Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@update_nth T). Proof. repeat intro; subst; apply update_nth_ext; trivial. Qed. Lemma update_nth_id_eq_specific {T} f n : forall (xs : list T) (H : forall x, nth_error xs n = Some x -> f x = x), update_nth n f xs = xs. Proof. induction n; destruct xs; simpl; intros; try rewrite IHn; try rewrite H; unfold value in *; try congruence; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_id_eq_specific using congruence : simpl_update_nth. Lemma update_nth_id_eq : forall {T} f (H : forall x, f x = x) n (xs : list T), update_nth n f xs = xs. Proof. intros; apply update_nth_id_eq_specific; trivial. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_id_eq using congruence : simpl_update_nth. Lemma update_nth_id : forall {T} n (xs : list T), update_nth n (fun x => x) xs = xs. Proof. intros; apply update_nth_id_eq; trivial. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_id : simpl_update_nth. Lemma nth_update_nth : forall m {T} (xs:list T) (n:nat) (f:T -> T), nth_error (update_nth m f xs) n = if eq_nat_dec n m then option_map f (nth_error xs n) else nth_error xs n. Proof. induction m. { destruct n, xs; auto. } { destruct xs, n; intros; simpl; auto; [ | rewrite IHm ]; clear IHm; edestruct eq_nat_dec; reflexivity. } Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_update_nth : push_nth_error. Hint Rewrite <- @nth_update_nth : pull_nth_error. Lemma length_update_nth : forall {T} i f (xs:list T), length (update_nth i f xs) = length xs. Proof. induction i, xs; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @length_update_nth : distr_length. (** TODO: this is in the stdlib in 8.5; remove this when we move to 8.5-only *) Lemma nth_error_None : forall (A : Type) (l : list A) (n : nat), nth_error l n = None <-> length l <= n. Proof. intros A l n. destruct (le_lt_dec (length l) n) as [H|H]; split; intro H'; try omega; try (apply nth_error_length_error in H; tauto); try (apply nth_error_error_length in H'; omega). Qed. (** TODO: this is in the stdlib in 8.5; remove this when we move to 8.5-only *) Lemma nth_error_Some : forall (A : Type) (l : list A) (n : nat), nth_error l n <> None <-> n < length l. Proof. intros; rewrite nth_error_None; split; omega. Qed. Lemma nth_set_nth : forall m {T} (xs:list T) (n:nat) x, nth_error (set_nth m x xs) n = if eq_nat_dec n m then (if lt_dec n (length xs) then Some x else None) else nth_error xs n. Proof. intros; unfold set_nth; rewrite nth_update_nth. destruct (nth_error xs n) eqn:?, (lt_dec n (length xs)) as [p|p]; rewrite <- nth_error_Some in p; solve [ reflexivity | exfalso; apply p; congruence ]. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_set_nth : push_nth_error. Lemma length_set_nth : forall {T} i x (xs:list T), length (set_nth i x xs) = length xs. Proof. intros; apply length_update_nth. Qed. Hint Rewrite @length_set_nth : distr_length. Lemma nth_error_length_exists_value : forall {A} (i : nat) (xs : list A), (i < length xs)%nat -> exists x, nth_error xs i = Some x. Proof. induction i, xs; boring; try omega. Qed. Lemma nth_error_length_not_error : forall {A} (i : nat) (xs : list A), nth_error xs i = None -> (i < length xs)%nat -> False. Proof. intros. destruct (nth_error_length_exists_value i xs); intuition; congruence. Qed. Lemma nth_error_value_eq_nth_default : forall {T} i (x : T) xs, nth_error xs i = Some x -> forall d, nth_default d xs i = x. Proof. unfold nth_default; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_error_value_eq_nth_default using eassumption : simpl_nth_default. Lemma skipn0 : forall {T} (xs:list T), skipn 0 xs = xs. Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma destruct_repeat : forall {A} xs y, (forall x : A, In x xs -> x = y) -> xs = nil \/ exists xs', xs = y :: xs' /\ (forall x : A, In x xs' -> x = y). Proof. destruct xs; intros; try tauto. right. exists xs; split. + f_equal; auto using in_eq. + intros; auto using in_cons. Qed. Lemma splice_nth_equiv_update_nth : forall {T} n f d (xs:list T), splice_nth n (f (nth_default d xs n)) xs = if lt_dec n (length xs) then update_nth n f xs else xs ++ (f d)::nil. Proof. induction n, xs; boring_list. do 2 break_if; auto; omega. Qed. Lemma splice_nth_equiv_update_nth_update : forall {T} n f d (xs:list T), n < length xs -> splice_nth n (f (nth_default d xs n)) xs = update_nth n f xs. Proof. intros. rewrite splice_nth_equiv_update_nth. break_if; auto; omega. Qed. Lemma splice_nth_equiv_update_nth_snoc : forall {T} n f d (xs:list T), n >= length xs -> splice_nth n (f (nth_default d xs n)) xs = xs ++ (f d)::nil. Proof. intros. rewrite splice_nth_equiv_update_nth. break_if; auto; omega. Qed. Definition IMPOSSIBLE {T} : list T. exact nil. Qed. Ltac remove_nth_error := repeat match goal with | _ => exfalso; solve [ eauto using @nth_error_length_not_error ] | [ |- context[match nth_error ?ls ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct (nth_error ls n) eqn:? end. Lemma update_nth_equiv_splice_nth: forall {T} n f (xs:list T), update_nth n f xs = if lt_dec n (length xs) then match nth_error xs n with | Some v => splice_nth n (f v) xs | None => IMPOSSIBLE end else xs. Proof. induction n; destruct xs; intros; autorewrite with simpl_update_nth simpl_nth_default in *; simpl in *; try (erewrite IHn; clear IHn); auto. repeat break_match; remove_nth_error; try reflexivity; try omega. Qed. Lemma splice_nth_equiv_set_nth : forall {T} n x (xs:list T), splice_nth n x xs = if lt_dec n (length xs) then set_nth n x xs else xs ++ x::nil. Proof. intros; rewrite splice_nth_equiv_update_nth with (f := fun _ => x); auto. Qed. Lemma splice_nth_equiv_set_nth_set : forall {T} n x (xs:list T), n < length xs -> splice_nth n x xs = set_nth n x xs. Proof. intros; rewrite splice_nth_equiv_update_nth_update with (f := fun _ => x); auto. Qed. Lemma splice_nth_equiv_set_nth_snoc : forall {T} n x (xs:list T), n >= length xs -> splice_nth n x xs = xs ++ x::nil. Proof. intros; rewrite splice_nth_equiv_update_nth_snoc with (f := fun _ => x); auto. Qed. Lemma set_nth_equiv_splice_nth: forall {T} n x (xs:list T), set_nth n x xs = if lt_dec n (length xs) then splice_nth n x xs else xs. Proof. intros; unfold set_nth; rewrite update_nth_equiv_splice_nth with (f := fun _ => x); auto. repeat break_match; remove_nth_error; trivial. Qed. Lemma combine_update_nth : forall {A B} n f g (xs:list A) (ys:list B), combine (update_nth n f xs) (update_nth n g ys) = update_nth n (fun xy => (f (fst xy), g (snd xy))) (combine xs ys). Proof. induction n; destruct xs, ys; simpl; try rewrite IHn; reflexivity. Qed. (* grumble, grumble, [rewrite] is bad at inferring the identity function, and constant functions *) Ltac rewrite_rev_combine_update_nth := let lem := match goal with | [ |- appcontext[update_nth ?n (fun xy => (@?f xy, @?g xy)) (combine ?xs ?ys)] ] => let f := match (eval cbv [fst] in (fun y x => f (x, y))) with | fun _ => ?f => f end in let g := match (eval cbv [snd] in (fun x y => g (x, y))) with | fun _ => ?g => g end in constr:(@combine_update_nth _ _ n f g xs ys) end in rewrite <- lem. Lemma combine_update_nth_l : forall {A B} n (f : A -> A) xs (ys:list B), combine (update_nth n f xs) ys = update_nth n (fun xy => (f (fst xy), snd xy)) (combine xs ys). Proof. intros ??? f xs ys. etransitivity; [ | apply combine_update_nth with (g := fun x => x) ]. rewrite update_nth_id; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma combine_update_nth_r : forall {A B} n (g : B -> B) (xs:list A) (ys:list B), combine xs (update_nth n g ys) = update_nth n (fun xy => (fst xy, g (snd xy))) (combine xs ys). Proof. intros ??? g xs ys. etransitivity; [ | apply combine_update_nth with (f := fun x => x) ]. rewrite update_nth_id; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma combine_set_nth : forall {A B} n (x:A) xs (ys:list B), combine (set_nth n x xs) ys = match nth_error ys n with | None => combine xs ys | Some y => set_nth n (x,y) (combine xs ys) end. Proof. intros; unfold set_nth; rewrite combine_update_nth_l. nth_tac; [ repeat rewrite_rev_combine_update_nth; apply f_equal2 | assert (nth_error (combine xs ys) n = None) by (apply nth_error_None; rewrite combine_length; omega * ) ]; autorewrite with simpl_update_nth; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma nth_error_value_In : forall {T} n xs (x:T), nth_error xs n = Some x -> In x xs. Proof. induction n; destruct xs; nth_tac. Qed. Lemma In_nth_error_value : forall {T} xs (x:T), In x xs -> exists n, nth_error xs n = Some x. Proof. induction xs; nth_tac; break_or_hyp. - exists 0; reflexivity. - edestruct IHxs; eauto. exists (S x0). eauto. Qed. Lemma nth_value_index : forall {T} i xs (x:T), nth_error xs i = Some x -> In i (seq 0 (length xs)). Proof. induction i; destruct xs; nth_tac; right. rewrite <- seq_shift; apply in_map; eapply IHi; eauto. Qed. Lemma nth_error_app : forall {T} n (xs ys:list T), nth_error (xs ++ ys) n = if lt_dec n (length xs) then nth_error xs n else nth_error ys (n - length xs). Proof. induction n; destruct xs; nth_tac; rewrite IHn; destruct (lt_dec n (length xs)); trivial; omega. Qed. Lemma nth_default_app : forall {T} n x (xs ys:list T), nth_default x (xs ++ ys) n = if lt_dec n (length xs) then nth_default x xs n else nth_default x ys (n - length xs). Proof. intros. unfold nth_default. rewrite nth_error_app. destruct (lt_dec n (length xs)); auto. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_app : push_nth_default. Lemma combine_truncate_r : forall {A B} (xs : list A) (ys : list B), combine xs ys = combine xs (firstn (length xs) ys). Proof. induction xs; destruct ys; boring. Qed. Lemma combine_truncate_l : forall {A B} (xs : list A) (ys : list B), combine xs ys = combine (firstn (length ys) xs) ys. Proof. induction xs; destruct ys; boring. Qed. Lemma combine_app_samelength : forall {A B} (xs xs':list A) (ys ys':list B), length xs = length ys -> combine (xs ++ xs') (ys ++ ys') = combine xs ys ++ combine xs' ys'. Proof. induction xs, xs', ys, ys'; boring; omega. Qed. Lemma skipn_nil : forall {A} n, skipn n nil = @nil A. Proof. destruct n; auto. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_nil : simpl_skipn. Hint Rewrite @skipn_nil : push_skipn. Lemma skipn_0 : forall {A} xs, @skipn A 0 xs = xs. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_0 : simpl_skipn. Hint Rewrite @skipn_0 : push_skipn. Lemma skipn_cons_S : forall {A} n x xs, @skipn A (S n) (x::xs) = @skipn A n xs. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_cons_S : simpl_skipn. Hint Rewrite @skipn_cons_S : push_skipn. Lemma skipn_app : forall {A} n (xs ys : list A), skipn n (xs ++ ys) = skipn n xs ++ skipn (n - length xs) ys. Proof. induction n, xs, ys; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_app : push_skipn. Lemma firstn_app_inleft : forall {A} n (xs ys : list A), (n <= length xs)%nat -> firstn n (xs ++ ys) = firstn n xs. Proof. induction n, xs, ys; boring; try omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_app_inleft using solve [ distr_length ] : simpl_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_app_inleft using solve [ distr_length ] : push_firstn. Lemma skipn_app_inleft : forall {A} n (xs ys : list A), (n <= length xs)%nat -> skipn n (xs ++ ys) = skipn n xs ++ ys. Proof. induction n, xs, ys; boring; try omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_app_inleft using solve [ distr_length ] : push_skipn. Lemma firstn_map : forall {A B} (f : A -> B) n (xs : list A), firstn n (map f xs) = map f (firstn n xs). Proof. induction n, xs; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_map : push_firstn. Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_map : pull_firstn. Lemma skipn_map : forall {A B} (f : A -> B) n (xs : list A), skipn n (map f xs) = map f (skipn n xs). Proof. induction n, xs; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_map : push_skipn. Hint Rewrite <- @skipn_map : pull_skipn. Lemma firstn_all : forall {A} n (xs:list A), n = length xs -> firstn n xs = xs. Proof. induction n, xs; boring; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_all using solve [ distr_length ] : simpl_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_all using solve [ distr_length ] : push_firstn. Lemma skipn_all : forall {T} n (xs:list T), (n >= length xs)%nat -> skipn n xs = nil. Proof. induction n, xs; boring; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_all using solve [ distr_length ] : simpl_skipn. Hint Rewrite @skipn_all using solve [ distr_length ] : push_skipn. Lemma firstn_app_sharp : forall {A} n (l l': list A), length l = n -> firstn n (l ++ l') = l. Proof. intros. rewrite firstn_app_inleft; auto using firstn_all; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_app_sharp using solve [ distr_length ] : simpl_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_app_sharp using solve [ distr_length ] : push_firstn. Lemma skipn_app_sharp : forall {A} n (l l': list A), length l = n -> skipn n (l ++ l') = l'. Proof. intros. rewrite skipn_app_inleft; try rewrite skipn_all; auto; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_app_sharp using solve [ distr_length ] : simpl_skipn. Hint Rewrite @skipn_app_sharp using solve [ distr_length ] : push_skipn. Lemma skipn_length : forall {A} n (xs : list A), length (skipn n xs) = (length xs - n)%nat. Proof. induction n, xs; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_length : distr_length. Lemma fold_right_cons : forall {A B} (f:B->A->A) a b bs, fold_right f a (b::bs) = f b (fold_right f a bs). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @fold_right_cons : simpl_fold_right. Lemma length_cons : forall {T} (x:T) xs, length (x::xs) = S (length xs). reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @length_cons : distr_length. Lemma cons_length : forall A (xs : list A) a, length (a :: xs) = S (length xs). Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma length0_nil : forall {A} (xs : list A), length xs = 0%nat -> xs = nil. Proof. induction xs; boring; discriminate. Qed. Lemma length_snoc : forall {T} xs (x:T), length xs = pred (length (xs++x::nil)). Proof. boring; simpl_list; boring. Qed. Lemma firstn_combine : forall {A B} n (xs:list A) (ys:list B), firstn n (combine xs ys) = combine (firstn n xs) (firstn n ys). Proof. induction n, xs, ys; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_combine : push_firstn. Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_combine : pull_firstn. Lemma combine_nil_r : forall {A B} (xs:list A), combine xs (@nil B) = nil. Proof. induction xs; boring. Qed. Lemma skipn_combine : forall {A B} n (xs:list A) (ys:list B), skipn n (combine xs ys) = combine (skipn n xs) (skipn n ys). Proof. induction n, xs, ys; boring. rewrite combine_nil_r; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_combine : push_skipn. Hint Rewrite <- @skipn_combine : pull_skipn. Lemma break_list_last: forall {T} (xs:list T), xs = nil \/ exists xs' y, xs = xs' ++ y :: nil. Proof. destruct xs using rev_ind; auto. right; do 2 eexists; auto. Qed. Lemma break_list_first: forall {T} (xs:list T), xs = nil \/ exists x xs', xs = x :: xs'. Proof. destruct xs; auto. right; do 2 eexists; auto. Qed. Lemma list012 : forall {T} (xs:list T), xs = nil \/ (exists x, xs = x::nil) \/ (exists x xs' y, xs = x::xs'++y::nil). Proof. destruct xs; auto. right. destruct xs using rev_ind. { left; eexists; auto. } { right; repeat eexists; auto. } Qed. Lemma nil_length0 : forall {T}, length (@nil T) = 0%nat. Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nil_length0 : distr_length. Lemma nth_error_Some_nth_default : forall {T} i x (l : list T), (i < length l)%nat -> nth_error l i = Some (nth_default x l i). Proof. intros ? ? ? ? i_lt_length. destruct (nth_error_length_exists_value _ _ i_lt_length) as [k nth_err_k]. unfold nth_default. rewrite nth_err_k. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma update_nth_cons : forall {T} f (u0 : T) us, update_nth 0 f (u0 :: us) = (f u0) :: us. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_cons : simpl_update_nth. Lemma set_nth_cons : forall {T} (x u0 : T) us, set_nth 0 x (u0 :: us) = x :: us. Proof. intros; apply update_nth_cons. Qed. Hint Rewrite @set_nth_cons : simpl_set_nth. Lemma cons_update_nth : forall {T} n f (y : T) us, y :: update_nth n f us = update_nth (S n) f (y :: us). Proof. induction n; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite <- @cons_update_nth : simpl_update_nth. Lemma update_nth_nil : forall {T} n f, update_nth n f (@nil T) = @nil T. Proof. induction n; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_nil : simpl_update_nth. Lemma cons_set_nth : forall {T} n (x y : T) us, y :: set_nth n x us = set_nth (S n) x (y :: us). Proof. intros; apply cons_update_nth. Qed. Hint Rewrite <- @cons_set_nth : simpl_set_nth. Lemma set_nth_nil : forall {T} n (x : T), set_nth n x nil = nil. Proof. intros; apply update_nth_nil. Qed. Hint Rewrite @set_nth_nil : simpl_set_nth. Lemma skipn_nth_default : forall {T} n us (d : T), (n < length us)%nat -> skipn n us = nth_default d us n :: skipn (S n) us. Proof. induction n; destruct us; intros; nth_tac. rewrite (IHn us d) at 1 by omega. nth_tac. Qed. Lemma nth_default_out_of_bounds : forall {T} n us (d : T), (n >= length us)%nat -> nth_default d us n = d. Proof. induction n; unfold nth_default; nth_tac; destruct us; nth_tac. assert (n >= length us)%nat by omega. pose proof (nth_error_length_error _ n us H1). rewrite H0 in H2. congruence. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_out_of_bounds using omega : simpl_nth_default. Ltac nth_error_inbounds := match goal with | [ |- context[match nth_error ?xs ?i with Some _ => _ | None => _ end ] ] => case_eq (nth_error xs i); match goal with | [ |- forall _, nth_error xs i = Some _ -> _ ] => let x := fresh "x" in let H := fresh "H" in intros x H; repeat progress erewrite H; repeat progress erewrite (nth_error_value_eq_nth_default i xs x); auto | [ |- nth_error xs i = None -> _ ] => let H := fresh "H" in intros H; destruct (nth_error_length_not_error _ _ H); try solve [distr_length] end; idtac end. Ltac set_nth_inbounds := match goal with | [ |- context[set_nth ?i ?x ?xs] ] => rewrite (set_nth_equiv_splice_nth i x xs); destruct (lt_dec i (length xs)); match goal with | [ H : ~ (i < (length xs))%nat |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : (i < (length xs))%nat |- _ ] => try solve [distr_length] end end. Ltac update_nth_inbounds := match goal with | [ |- context[update_nth ?i ?f ?xs] ] => rewrite (update_nth_equiv_splice_nth i f xs); destruct (lt_dec i (length xs)); match goal with | [ H : ~ (i < (length xs))%nat |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : (i < (length xs))%nat |- _ ] => remove_nth_error; try solve [distr_length] end end. Ltac nth_inbounds := nth_error_inbounds || set_nth_inbounds || update_nth_inbounds. Definition nth_dep {A} (ls : list A) (n : nat) (pf : n < length ls) : A. Proof. refine (match nth_error ls n as v return nth_error ls n = v -> A with | Some v => fun _ => v | None => fun bad => match _ : False with end end eq_refl). apply (proj1 (@nth_error_None _ _ _)) in bad; instantiate; generalize dependent (length ls); clear. abstract (intros; omega). Defined. Lemma nth_error_nth_dep {A} ls n pf : nth_error ls n = Some (@nth_dep A ls n pf). Proof. unfold nth_dep. generalize dependent (@nth_error_None A ls n). edestruct nth_error; boring. Qed. Lemma nth_default_nth_dep {A} d ls n pf : nth_default d ls n = @nth_dep A ls n pf. Proof. unfold nth_dep. generalize dependent (@nth_error_None A ls n). destruct (nth_error ls n) eqn:?; boring. erewrite nth_error_value_eq_nth_default by eassumption; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma nth_default_in_bounds : forall {T} (d' d : T) n us, (n < length us)%nat -> nth_default d us n = nth_default d' us n. Proof. intros; erewrite !nth_default_nth_dep; reflexivity. Grab Existential Variables. assumption. Qed. Hint Resolve @nth_default_in_bounds : simpl_nth_default. Lemma cons_eq_head : forall {T} (x y:T) xs ys, x::xs = y::ys -> x=y. Proof. intros; solve_by_inversion. Qed. Lemma cons_eq_tail : forall {T} (x y:T) xs ys, x::xs = y::ys -> xs=ys. Proof. intros; solve_by_inversion. Qed. Lemma map_nth_default_always {A B} (f : A -> B) (n : nat) (x : A) (l : list A) : nth_default (f x) (map f l) n = f (nth_default x l n). Proof. revert n; induction l; simpl; intro n; destruct n; [ try reflexivity.. ]. nth_tac. Qed. Hint Rewrite @map_nth_default_always : push_nth_default. Lemma fold_right_and_True_forall_In_iff : forall {T} (l : list T) (P : T -> Prop), (forall x, In x l -> P x) <-> fold_right and True (map P l). Proof. induction l; intros; simpl; try tauto. rewrite <- IHl. intuition (subst; auto). Qed. Lemma fold_right_invariant : forall {A} P (f: A -> A -> A) l x, P x -> (forall y, In y l -> forall z, P z -> P (f y z)) -> P (fold_right f x l). Proof. induction l; intros ? ? step; auto. simpl. apply step; try apply in_eq. apply IHl; auto. intros y in_y_l. apply (in_cons a) in in_y_l. auto. Qed. Lemma In_firstn : forall {T} n l (x : T), In x (firstn n l) -> In x l. Proof. induction n; destruct l; boring. Qed. Lemma In_skipn : forall {T} n l (x : T), In x (skipn n l) -> In x l. Proof. induction n; destruct l; boring. Qed. Lemma firstn_firstn : forall {A} m n (l : list A), (n <= m)%nat -> firstn n (firstn m l) = firstn n l. Proof. induction m; destruct n; intros; try omega; auto. destruct l; auto. simpl. f_equal. apply IHm; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_firstn using omega : push_firstn. Lemma firstn_succ : forall {A} (d : A) n l, (n < length l)%nat -> firstn (S n) l = (firstn n l) ++ nth_default d l n :: nil. Proof. induction n; destruct l; rewrite ?(@nil_length0 A); intros; try omega. + rewrite nth_default_cons; auto. + simpl. rewrite nth_default_cons_S. rewrite <-IHn by (rewrite cons_length in *; omega). reflexivity. Qed. Lemma update_nth_out_of_bounds : forall {A} n f xs, n >= length xs -> @update_nth A n f xs = xs. Proof. induction n; destruct xs; simpl; try congruence; try omega; intros. rewrite IHn by omega; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_out_of_bounds using omega : simpl_update_nth. Lemma update_nth_nth_default_full : forall {A} (d:A) n f l i, nth_default d (update_nth n f l) i = if lt_dec i (length l) then if (eq_nat_dec i n) then f (nth_default d l i) else nth_default d l i else d. Proof. induction n; (destruct l; simpl in *; [ intros; destruct i; simpl; try reflexivity; omega | ]); intros; repeat break_if; subst; try destruct i; repeat first [ progress break_if | progress subst | progress boring | progress autorewrite with simpl_nth_default | omega ]. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_nth_default_full : push_nth_default. Lemma update_nth_nth_default : forall {A} (d:A) n f l i, (0 <= i < length l)%nat -> nth_default d (update_nth n f l) i = if (eq_nat_dec i n) then f (nth_default d l i) else nth_default d l i. Proof. intros; rewrite update_nth_nth_default_full; repeat break_if; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @update_nth_nth_default using (omega || distr_length; omega) : push_nth_default. Lemma set_nth_nth_default_full : forall {A} (d:A) n v l i, nth_default d (set_nth n v l) i = if lt_dec i (length l) then if (eq_nat_dec i n) then v else nth_default d l i else d. Proof. intros; apply update_nth_nth_default_full; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite @set_nth_nth_default_full : push_nth_default. Lemma set_nth_nth_default : forall {A} (d:A) n x l i, (0 <= i < length l)%nat -> nth_default d (set_nth n x l) i = if (eq_nat_dec i n) then x else nth_default d l i. Proof. intros; apply update_nth_nth_default; assumption. Qed. Hint Rewrite @set_nth_nth_default using (omega || distr_length; omega) : push_nth_default. Lemma nth_default_preserves_properties : forall {A} (P : A -> Prop) l n d, (forall x, In x l -> P x) -> P d -> P (nth_default d l n). Proof. intros; rewrite nth_default_eq. destruct (nth_in_or_default n l d); auto. congruence. Qed. Lemma nth_default_preserves_properties_length_dep : forall {A} (P : A -> Prop) l n d, (forall x, In x l -> n < (length l) -> P x) -> ((~ n < length l) -> P d) -> P (nth_default d l n). Proof. intros. destruct (lt_dec n (length l)). + rewrite nth_default_eq; auto using nth_In. + rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds by omega. auto. Qed. Lemma nth_error_first : forall {T} (a b : T) l, nth_error (a :: l) 0 = Some b -> a = b. Proof. intros; simpl in *. unfold value in *. congruence. Qed. Lemma nth_error_exists_first : forall {T} l (x : T) (H : nth_error l 0 = Some x), exists l', l = x :: l'. Proof. induction l; try discriminate; eexists. apply nth_error_first in H. subst; eauto. Qed. Lemma list_elementwise_eq : forall {T} (l1 l2 : list T), (forall i, nth_error l1 i = nth_error l2 i) -> l1 = l2. Proof. induction l1, l2; intros; try reflexivity; pose proof (H 0%nat) as Hfirst; simpl in Hfirst; inversion Hfirst. f_equal. apply IHl1. intros i; specialize (H (S i)). boring. Qed. Lemma sum_firstn_all_succ : forall n l, (length l <= n)%nat -> sum_firstn l (S n) = sum_firstn l n. Proof. unfold sum_firstn; intros. autorewrite with push_firstn; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_all_succ using omega : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma sum_firstn_all : forall n l, (length l <= n)%nat -> sum_firstn l n = sum_firstn l (length l). Proof. unfold sum_firstn; intros. autorewrite with push_firstn; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_all using omega : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma sum_firstn_succ_default : forall l i, sum_firstn l (S i) = (nth_default 0 l i + sum_firstn l i)%Z. Proof. unfold sum_firstn; induction l, i; intros; autorewrite with simpl_nth_default simpl_firstn simpl_fold_right in *; try reflexivity. rewrite IHl; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_succ_default : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma sum_firstn_0 : forall xs, sum_firstn xs 0 = 0%Z. Proof. destruct xs; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_0 : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma sum_firstn_succ : forall l i x, nth_error l i = Some x -> sum_firstn l (S i) = (x + sum_firstn l i)%Z. Proof. intros; rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default. erewrite nth_error_value_eq_nth_default by eassumption; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_succ using congruence : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma sum_firstn_succ_cons : forall x xs i, sum_firstn (x :: xs) (S i) = (x + sum_firstn xs i)%Z. Proof. unfold sum_firstn; simpl; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_succ_cons : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma sum_firstn_nil : forall i, sum_firstn nil i = 0%Z. Proof. destruct i; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_nil : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma sum_firstn_succ_default_rev : forall l i, sum_firstn l i = (sum_firstn l (S i) - nth_default 0 l i)%Z. Proof. intros; rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default; omega. Qed. Lemma sum_firstn_succ_rev : forall l i x, nth_error l i = Some x -> sum_firstn l i = (sum_firstn l (S i) - x)%Z. Proof. intros; erewrite sum_firstn_succ by eassumption; omega. Qed. Lemma sum_firstn_nonnegative : forall n l, (forall x, In x l -> 0 <= x)%Z -> (0 <= sum_firstn l n)%Z. Proof. induction n as [|n IHn]; destruct l as [|? l]; autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn; simpl; try omega. { specialize (IHn l). destruct n; simpl; autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn simpl_nth_default in *; intuition auto with zarith. } Qed. Hint Resolve sum_firstn_nonnegative : znonzero. Lemma sum_firstn_app : forall xs ys n, sum_firstn (xs ++ ys) n = (sum_firstn xs n + sum_firstn ys (n - length xs))%Z. Proof. induction xs; simpl. { intros ys n; autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn; simpl. f_equal; omega. } { intros ys [|n]; autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn; simpl; [ reflexivity | ]. rewrite IHxs; omega. } Qed. Lemma sum_firstn_app_sum : forall xs ys n, sum_firstn (xs ++ ys) (length xs + n) = (sum_firstn xs (length xs) + sum_firstn ys n)%Z. Proof. intros; rewrite sum_firstn_app; autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn. do 2 f_equal; omega. Qed. Hint Rewrite @sum_firstn_app_sum : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma nth_error_skipn : forall {A} n (l : list A) m, nth_error (skipn n l) m = nth_error l (n + m). Proof. induction n; destruct l; boring. apply nth_error_nil_error. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_error_skipn : push_nth_error. Lemma nth_default_skipn : forall {A} (l : list A) d n m, nth_default d (skipn n l) m = nth_default d l (n + m). Proof. cbv [nth_default]; intros. rewrite nth_error_skipn. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_skipn : push_nth_default. Lemma sum_firstn_skipn : forall l n m, sum_firstn l (n + m) = (sum_firstn l n + sum_firstn (skipn n l) m)%Z. Proof. induction m; intros. + rewrite sum_firstn_0. autorewrite with natsimplify. omega. + rewrite <-plus_n_Sm, !sum_firstn_succ_default. rewrite nth_default_skipn. omega. Qed. Lemma sum_firstn_prefix_le' : forall l n m, (forall x, In x l -> (0 <= x)%Z) -> (sum_firstn l n <= sum_firstn l (n + m))%Z. Proof. intros. rewrite sum_firstn_skipn. pose proof (sum_firstn_nonnegative m (skipn n l)) as Hskipn_nonneg. match type of Hskipn_nonneg with ?P -> _ => assert P as Q; [ | specialize (Hskipn_nonneg Q); omega ] end. intros x HIn_skipn. apply In_skipn in HIn_skipn. auto. Qed. Lemma sum_firstn_prefix_le : forall l n m, (forall x, In x l -> (0 <= x)%Z) -> (n <= m)%nat -> (sum_firstn l n <= sum_firstn l m)%Z. Proof. intros. replace m with (n + (m - n))%nat by omega. auto using sum_firstn_prefix_le'. Qed. Lemma sum_firstn_pos_lt_succ : forall l n m, (forall x, In x l -> (0 <= x)%Z) -> (n < length l)%nat -> (sum_firstn l n < sum_firstn l (S m))%Z -> (n <= m)%nat. Proof. intros. destruct (le_dec n m); auto. replace n with (m + (n - m))%nat in H1 by omega. rewrite sum_firstn_skipn in H1. rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default in *. match goal with H : (?a + ?b < ?c + ?a)%Z |- _ => assert (b < c)%Z by omega end. destruct (lt_dec m (length l)). { rewrite skipn_nth_default with (d := 0%Z) in H2 by assumption. replace (n - m)%nat with (S (n - S m))%nat in H2 by omega. rewrite sum_firstn_succ_cons in H2. pose proof (sum_firstn_nonnegative (n - S m) (skipn (S m) l)). match type of H3 with ?P -> _ => assert P as Q; [ | specialize (H3 Q); omega ] end. intros ? A. apply In_skipn in A. apply H in A. omega. } { rewrite skipn_all, nth_default_out_of_bounds in H2 by omega. rewrite sum_firstn_nil in H2; omega. } Qed. Definition NotSum {T} (xs : list T) (v : nat) := True. Ltac NotSum := lazymatch goal with | [ |- NotSum ?xs (length ?xs + _)%nat ] => fail | [ |- NotSum _ _ ] => exact I end. Lemma sum_firstn_app_hint : forall xs ys n, NotSum xs n -> sum_firstn (xs ++ ys) n = (sum_firstn xs n + sum_firstn ys (n - length xs))%Z. Proof. auto using sum_firstn_app. Qed. Hint Rewrite sum_firstn_app_hint using solve [ NotSum ] : simpl_sum_firstn. Lemma nth_default_map2 : forall {A B C} (f : A -> B -> C) ls1 ls2 i d d1 d2, nth_default d (map2 f ls1 ls2) i = if lt_dec i (min (length ls1) (length ls2)) then f (nth_default d1 ls1 i) (nth_default d2 ls2 i) else d. Proof. induction ls1, ls2. + cbv [map2 length min]. intros. break_if; try omega. apply nth_default_nil. + cbv [map2 length min]. intros. break_if; try omega. apply nth_default_nil. + cbv [map2 length min]. intros. break_if; try omega. apply nth_default_nil. + simpl. destruct i. - intros. rewrite !nth_default_cons. break_if; auto; omega. - intros. rewrite !nth_default_cons_S. rewrite IHls1 with (d1 := d1) (d2 := d2). repeat break_if; auto; omega. Qed. Lemma map2_cons : forall A B C (f : A -> B -> C) ls1 ls2 a b, map2 f (a :: ls1) (b :: ls2) = f a b :: map2 f ls1 ls2. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map2_nil_l : forall A B C (f : A -> B -> C) ls2, map2 f nil ls2 = nil. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma map2_nil_r : forall A B C (f : A -> B -> C) ls1, map2 f ls1 nil = nil. Proof. destruct ls1; reflexivity. Qed. Local Hint Resolve map2_nil_r map2_nil_l. Opaque map2. Lemma map2_length : forall A B C (f : A -> B -> C) ls1 ls2, length (map2 f ls1 ls2) = min (length ls1) (length ls2). Proof. induction ls1, ls2; intros; try solve [cbv; auto]. rewrite map2_cons, !length_cons, IHls1. auto. Qed. Ltac simpl_list_lengths := repeat match goal with | H : appcontext[length (@nil ?A)] |- _ => rewrite (@nil_length0 A) in H | H : appcontext[length (_ :: _)] |- _ => rewrite length_cons in H | |- appcontext[length (@nil ?A)] => rewrite (@nil_length0 A) | |- appcontext[length (_ :: _)] => rewrite length_cons end. Lemma map2_app : forall A B C (f : A -> B -> C) ls1 ls2 ls1' ls2', (length ls1 = length ls2) -> map2 f (ls1 ++ ls1') (ls2 ++ ls2') = map2 f ls1 ls2 ++ map2 f ls1' ls2'. Proof. induction ls1, ls2; intros; rewrite ?map2_nil_r, ?app_nil_l; try congruence; simpl_list_lengths; try omega. rewrite <-!app_comm_cons, !map2_cons. rewrite IHls1; auto. Qed. Lemma firstn_update_nth {A} : forall f m n (xs : list A), firstn m (update_nth n f xs) = update_nth n f (firstn m xs). Proof. induction m; destruct n, xs; autorewrite with simpl_firstn simpl_update_nth; congruence. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_update_nth : push_firstn. Hint Rewrite @firstn_update_nth : pull_update_nth. Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_update_nth : pull_firstn. Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_update_nth : push_update_nth. Require Import Coq.Lists.SetoidList. Global Instance Proper_nth_default : forall A eq, Proper (eq==>eqlistA eq==>Logic.eq==>eq) (nth_default (A:=A)). Proof. do 5 intro; subst; induction 1. + repeat intro; rewrite !nth_default_nil; assumption. + repeat intro; subst; destruct y0; rewrite ?nth_default_cons, ?nth_default_cons_S; auto. Qed. Lemma fold_right_andb_true_map_iff A (ls : list A) f : List.fold_right andb true ( f ls) = true <-> forall i, List.In i ls -> f i = true. Proof. induction ls; simpl; [ | rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, IHls ]; try tauto. intuition (congruence || eauto). Qed. Lemma Forall2_forall_iff : forall {A} R (xs ys : list A) d, length xs = length ys -> (Forall2 R xs ys <-> (forall i, (i < length xs)%nat -> R (nth_default d xs i) (nth_default d ys i))). Proof. split; intros. + revert xs ys H H0 H1. induction i; intros; destruct H0; distr_length; autorewrite with push_nth_default; auto. eapply IHi; auto. omega. + revert xs ys H H0; induction xs; intros; destruct ys; distr_length; econstructor. - specialize (H0 0%nat). autorewrite with push_nth_default in *; auto. apply H0; omega. - apply IHxs; try omega. intros. specialize (H0 (S i)). autorewrite with push_nth_default in *; auto. apply H0; omega. Qed. Lemma nth_default_firstn : forall {A} (d : A) l i n, nth_default d (firstn n l) i = if le_dec n (length l) then if lt_dec i n then nth_default d l i else d else nth_default d l i. Proof. induction n; intros; break_if; autorewrite with push_nth_default; auto; try omega. + rewrite (firstn_succ d) by omega. autorewrite with push_nth_default; repeat (break_if; distr_length); rewrite Min.min_l in * by omega; try omega. - apply IHn; omega. - replace i with n in * by omega. rewrite Nat.sub_diag. autorewrite with push_nth_default; auto. - rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds; distr_length; auto. + rewrite firstn_all2 by omega. auto. Qed. Hint Rewrite @nth_default_firstn : push_nth_default. Lemma nth_error_repeat {T} x n i v : nth_error (@repeat T x n) i = Some v -> v = x. Proof. revert n x v; induction i as [|i IHi]; destruct n; simpl in *; eauto; congruence. Qed. Hint Rewrite repeat_length : distr_length. Lemma repeat_spec_iff : forall {A} (ls : list A) x n, (length ls = n /\ forall y, In y ls -> y = x) <-> ls = repeat x n. Proof. split; [ revert A ls x n | intro; subst; eauto using repeat_length, repeat_spec ]. induction ls, n; simpl; intros; intuition try congruence. f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma repeat_spec_eq : forall {A} (ls : list A) x n, length ls = n -> (forall y, In y ls -> y = x) -> ls = repeat x n. Proof. intros; apply repeat_spec_iff; auto. Qed. Lemma tl_repeat {A} x n : tl (@repeat A x n) = repeat x (pred n). Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma firstn_repeat : forall {A} x n k, firstn k (@repeat A x n) = repeat x (min k n). Proof. induction n, k; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @firstn_repeat : push_firstn. Lemma skipn_repeat : forall {A} x n k, skipn k (@repeat A x n) = repeat x (n - k). Proof. induction n, k; boring. Qed. Hint Rewrite @skipn_repeat : push_skipn.