Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Inductive LetInM : Type -> Type := | ret {T} (v : T) : LetInM T | let_in {A B} (v : A) (f : A -> LetInM B) : LetInM B. Bind Scope letinm_scope with LetInM. Delimit Scope letinm_scope with letinm. Notation "'mlet' x := y 'in' f" := (let_in y (fun x => f%letinm)) : letinm_scope. Fixpoint denote {A} (x : LetInM A) : A := match x with | ret _ v => v | let_in T A v f => dlet x := v in @denote A (f x) end. Fixpoint bind {A B} (v : LetInM A) : forall (f : A -> LetInM B), LetInM B := match v in LetInM A return (A -> _) -> _ with | ret T v => fun f => f v | let_in A B v g => fun f => let_in v (fun x => bind (g x) f) end. Notation "x <- y ; z" := (bind y%letinm (fun x => z%letinm)) : letinm_scope. Fixpoint under_lets {A B} (v : LetInM A) : forall (f : A -> LetInM B), LetInM B := match v in LetInM A return (A -> _) -> _ with | ret T v => fun f => f v | let_in A B v g => fun f => let_in v (fun x => bind (g x) f) end. Definition lift {A B} (f : A -> B) : LetInM A -> LetInM B := fun x => under_lets x (fun y => ret (f y)). Definition lift2 {A B C} (f : A -> B -> C) : LetInM A -> LetInM B -> LetInM C := fun x y => under_lets x (fun x' => under_lets y (fun y' => ret (f x' y'))). Create HintDb push_denote discriminated. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_denote in * : push_denote. Ltac push_denote_step := first [ progress simpl @denote in * | progress autorewrite with push_denote in * | progress autounfold with push_denote in * ]. Ltac push_denote := repeat push_denote_step. Local Ltac t_step := first [ push_denote_step | reflexivity | progress simpl in * | progress unfold Let_In in * | solve [ auto ] | congruence ]. Local Ltac t := repeat t_step. Lemma denote_bind A B v f : denote (@bind A B v f) = denote (f (denote v)). Proof. induction v; t. Qed. Hint Rewrite denote_bind : push_denote. Lemma denote_under_lets A B v f : denote (@under_lets A B v f) = denote (f (denote v)). Proof. induction v; t. Qed. Hint Rewrite denote_under_lets : push_denote. Lemma denote_lift A B (f : A -> B) v : denote (lift f v) = f (denote v). Proof. unfold lift; t. Qed. Hint Rewrite denote_lift : push_denote. Lemma denote_lift2 A B C (f : A -> B -> C) x y : denote (lift2 f x y) = f (denote x) (denote y). Proof. unfold lift2; t. Qed. Hint Rewrite denote_lift2 : push_denote. Module Import List. Definition app {A} := lift2 ( A). Definition nil {A} := ret (@nil A). Definition cons {A} x := lift (@cons A x). Hint Unfold app nil cons : push_denote. Definition flat_map {A B} (f : A -> LetInM (list B)) (ls : LetInM (list A)) := under_lets ls (fix flat_map (l : list A) : LetInM (list B) := match l with | Lists.List.nil => nil | x :: t => app (f x) (flat_map t) end). Lemma denote_flat_map A B f ls : denote (@flat_map A B f ls) = Lists.List.flat_map (fun x => denote (f x)) (denote ls). Proof. unfold flat_map; t; induction (denote ls); t. Qed. Hint Rewrite denote_flat_map : push_denote. End List. Infix "++" := : letinm_scope. Infix "::" := List.cons : letinm_scope.