Require Import Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Definition Let_In {A P} (x : A) (f : forall a : A, P a) : P x := let y := x in f y. Definition Let_In_pf {A P} (x : A) (f : forall a : A, a = x -> P a) : P x := let y := x in f y eq_refl. Notation "'dlet_nd' x := y 'in' f" := (Let_In (P:=fun _ => _) y (fun x => f)) (only parsing). Notation "'dlet' x := y 'in' f" := (Let_In y (fun x => f)). Notation "'pflet' x , pf := y 'in' f" := (Let_In_pf y (fun x pf => f)). Module Bug5107WorkAround. Notation "'dlet' x := y 'in' f" := (Let_In (P:=fun _ => _) y (fun x => f)). End Bug5107WorkAround. Global Instance Proper_Let_In_nd_changebody {A P R} {Reflexive_R:@Reflexive P R} : Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ R ==> R) (@Let_In A (fun _ => P)). Proof. lazy; intros; subst; auto; congruence. Qed. Global Instance Proper_Let_In_nd_changevalue {A B} (RA:relation A) {RB:relation B} : Proper (RA ==> (RA ==> RB) ==> RB) (Let_In (P:=fun _=>B)). Proof. cbv; intuition. Qed. Lemma Proper_Let_In_nd_changebody_eq {A P R} {Reflexive_R:@Reflexive P R} {x} : Proper ((fun f g => forall a, x = a -> R (f a) (g a)) ==> R) (@Let_In A (fun _ => P) x). Proof. lazy; intros; subst; auto; congruence. Qed. Definition app_Let_In_nd {A B T} (f:B->T) (e:A) (C:A->B) : f (Let_In e C) = Let_In e (fun v => f (C v)) := eq_refl. Definition Let_app_In_nd {A B T} (f:A->B) (e:A) (C:B->T) : Let_In (f e) C = Let_In e (fun v => C (f v)) := eq_refl. Class _call_let_in_to_Let_In {T} (e:T) := _let_in_to_Let_In_return : T. (* : forall T, gallina T -> gallina T, structurally recursive in the argument *) Ltac let_in_to_Let_In e := lazymatch e with | let x := ?ex in @?eC x => let ex := let_in_to_Let_In ex in let eC := let_in_to_Let_In eC in constr:(Let_In ex eC) | ?f ?x => let f := let_in_to_Let_In f in let x := let_in_to_Let_In x in constr:(f x) | (fun x : ?T => ?C) => lazymatch constr:(fun (x : T) => (_ : _call_let_in_to_Let_In C)) (* [C] here above is an open term that references "x" by name *) with fun x => @?C x => C end (* match drops the type cast *) | ?x => x end. Hint Extern 0 (_call_let_in_to_Let_In ?e) => ( let e := let_in_to_Let_In e in eexact e ) : typeclass_instances. Ltac change_let_in_with_Let_In := let g := get_goal in let g' := let_in_to_Let_In g in change g'.