Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.IffT. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple. Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. Fixpoint hlist' T n (f : T -> Type) : tuple' T n -> Type := match n return tuple' _ n -> Type with | 0 => fun T => f T | S n' => fun Ts => (hlist' T n' f (fst Ts) * f (snd Ts))%type end. Global Arguments hlist' {T n} f _. Definition hlist {T n} (f : T -> Type) : forall (Ts : tuple T n), Type := match n return tuple _ n -> Type with | 0 => fun _ => unit | S n' => @hlist' T n' f end. Fixpoint hlistP' T n (f : T -> Prop) : tuple' T n -> Prop := match n return tuple' _ n -> Prop with | 0 => fun T => f T | S n' => fun Ts => (hlistP' T n' f (fst Ts) /\ f (snd Ts))%type end. Global Arguments hlistP' {T n} f _. Definition hlistP {T n} (f : T -> Prop) : forall (Ts : tuple T n), Prop := match n return tuple _ n -> Prop with | 0 => fun _ => True | S n' => @hlistP' T n' f end. Fixpoint rhlist' T n (f : T -> Type) : rtuple' T n -> Type := match n return rtuple' _ n -> Type with | 0 => fun T => f T | S n' => fun Ts => (f (fst Ts) * rhlist' T n' f (snd Ts))%type end. Global Arguments rhlist' {T n} f _. Definition rhlist {T n} (f : T -> Type) : forall (Ts : rtuple T n), Type := match n return rtuple _ n -> Type with | 0 => fun _ => unit | S n' => @rhlist' T n' f end. Fixpoint const' {T n F xs} (v : forall x, F x) : @hlist' T n F xs := match n return forall xs, @hlist' T n F xs with | 0 => fun _ => v _ | S n' => fun _ => (@const' T n' F _ v, v _) end xs. Definition const {T n F xs} (v : forall x, F x) : @hlist T n F xs := match n return forall xs, @hlist T n F xs with | 0 => fun _ => tt | S n' => fun xs => @const' T n' F xs v end xs. (* tuple map *) Fixpoint mapt' {n A F B} (f : forall x : A, F x -> B) : forall {ts : tuple' A n}, hlist' F ts -> tuple' B n := match n return forall ts : tuple' A n, hlist' F ts -> tuple' B n with | 0 => fun ts v => f _ v | S n' => fun ts v => (@mapt' n' A F B f _ (fst v), f _ (snd v)) end. Definition mapt {n A F B} (f : forall x : A, F x -> B) : forall {ts : tuple A n}, hlist F ts -> tuple B n := match n return forall ts : tuple A n, hlist F ts -> tuple B n with | 0 => fun ts v => tt | S n' => @mapt' n' A F B f end. Lemma map'_mapt' {n A F B C} (g : B -> C) (f : forall x : A, F x -> B) {ts : tuple' A n} (ls : hlist' F ts) : (n:=S n) g (mapt' f ls) = mapt' (fun x v => g (f x v)) ls. Proof. induction n as [|n IHn]; [ reflexivity | ]. { simpl @mapt' in *. rewrite <- IHn. rewrite Tuple.map_S; reflexivity. } Qed. Lemma map_mapt {n A F B C} (g : B -> C) (f : forall x : A, F x -> B) {ts : tuple A n} (ls : hlist F ts) : g (mapt f ls) = mapt (fun x v => g (f x v)) ls. Proof. destruct n as [|n]; [ reflexivity | ]. apply map'_mapt'. Qed. Lemma map_is_mapt {n A F B} (f : A -> B) {ts : tuple A n} (ls : hlist F ts) : f ts = mapt (fun x _ => f x) ls. Proof. destruct n as [|n]; [ reflexivity | ]. induction n as [|n IHn]; [ reflexivity | ]. { unfold mapt in *; simpl @mapt' in *. rewrite <- IHn; clear IHn. rewrite <- (@Tuple.map_S n _ _ f); destruct ts; reflexivity. } Qed. Lemma map_is_mapt' {n A F B} (f : A -> B) {ts : tuple A (S n)} (ls : hlist' F ts) : f ts = mapt' (fun x _ => f x) ls. Proof. apply (@map_is_mapt (S n)). Qed. Lemma hlist'_impl {n A F G} (xs:tuple' A n) : (hlist' (fun x => F x -> G x) xs) -> (hlist' F xs -> hlist' G xs). Proof. induction n; simpl in *; intuition. Defined. Lemma hlist_impl {n A F G} (xs:tuple A n) : (hlist (fun x => F x -> G x) xs) -> (hlist F xs -> hlist G xs). Proof. destruct n; [ constructor | apply hlist'_impl ]. Defined. Local Arguments : simpl never. Lemma hlist_map {n A B F} {f:A -> B} (xs:tuple A n) : hlist F ( f xs) = hlist (fun x => F (f x)) xs. Proof. destruct n as [|n]; [ reflexivity | ]. induction n; [ reflexivity | ]. specialize (IHn (fst xs)). destruct xs; rewrite Tuple.map_S. simpl @hlist in *; rewrite <- IHn. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fold_right_and_True_hlist' {n A F} (xs:tuple' A n) : iffT (List.fold_right and True ( F (Tuple.to_list' _ xs))) (hlist' F xs). Proof. induction n. { simpl; tauto. } { specialize (IHn (fst xs)). destruct xs; simpl in *. tauto. } Qed. Lemma fold_right_and_True_hlist {n A F} (xs:tuple A n) : iffT (List.fold_right and True ( F (Tuple.to_list _ xs))) (hlist F xs). Proof. destruct n; [ simpl; tauto | apply fold_right_and_True_hlist' ]. Qed. Global Instance mapt_Proper {n A F B} : Proper ((forall_relation (fun x => pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq)) ==> forall_relation (fun ts => Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq)) (@HList.mapt n A F B). Proof. unfold forall_relation, pointwise_relation, respectful. repeat intro; subst; destruct n as [|n]; [ reflexivity | ]. induction n; simpl in *; congruence. Qed. Module Tuple. Lemma map_id_ext {n A} (f : A -> A) (xs:tuple A n) : hlist (fun x => f x = x) xs -> f xs = xs. Proof. destruct n as [|n]; [cbv in *; destruct xs; trivial|]. induction n as [|n IHn]; [cbv in *;trivial|]. simpl in *. destruct xs. simpl in *; intros [??]. rewrite map_S. eauto using f_equal2. Qed. End Tuple.