(** * Global Settings across the project *) (** Compatibility with 8.4 so we can write, e.g., [match p with ex_intro x y => _ end], rather than [match p with ex_intro _ x y => _ end]. *) Global Set Asymmetric Patterns. (** Consider also: *) (** Judgmental η for records, faster projections *) (** Set Primitive Projections. *) (** Don't use non-imported hints *) (** Set Loose Hint Behavior "Strict". *) (** Universes *) (** Set Universe Polymorphism. *) (** Set Strict Universe Declaration. *) (** Unset Universe Minimization ToSet. *) (** Better control of unfolding in [rewrite] and [setoid_rewrite] *) (** Set Keyed Unification. *) (** Better-behaved [simpl] *) (** Set SimplIsCbn. *)