(** * Proving properties of for-loops via loop-invariants *) Require Import Coq.micromega.Psatz. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Crypto.Util.ForLoop. Require Import Crypto.Util.ForLoop.Unrolling. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Lemma repeat_function_ind {stateT} (P : nat -> stateT -> Prop) (body : nat -> stateT -> stateT) (count : nat) (st : stateT) (Pbefore : P count st) (Pbody : forall c st, c < count -> P (S c) st -> P c (body (S c) st)) : P 0 (repeat_function body count st). Proof. revert dependent st; revert dependent body; revert dependent P. induction count; intros; [ exact Pbefore | ]. { rewrite repeat_function_unroll1_end; apply Pbody; [ omega | ]. apply (IHcount (fun c => P (S c))); auto with omega. } Qed. Local Open Scope bool_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Section for_loop. Context (i0 finish : Z) (step : Z) {stateT} (initial : stateT) (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) (Pbefore : P i0 initial) (Pbody : forall c st n, c = i0 + n * step -> i0 <= c < finish \/ finish < c <= i0 -> P c st -> P (c + step) (body c st)) (Hgood : Z.sgn step = Z.sgn (finish - i0)). Let countZ := (Z.quot (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) step). Let count := Z.to_nat countZ. Let of_nat_count c := (i0 + step * Z.of_nat (count - c)). Let nat_body := (fun c => body (of_nat_count c)). Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_. Local Arguments Z.add !_ !_. Local Arguments Z.sub !_ !_. Local Lemma Hgood_complex : Z.sgn step = Z.sgn (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step). Proof using Hgood. clear -Hgood. revert Hgood. generalize dependent (finish - i0); intro z; intros. destruct step, z; simpl in * |- ; try (simpl; omega); repeat change (Z.sgn (Z.pos _)) with 1; repeat change (Z.sgn (Z.neg _)) with (-1); symmetry; [ apply Z.sgn_pos_iff | apply Z.sgn_neg_iff ]; lia. Qed. Local Lemma Hcount_nonneg : 0 <= countZ. Proof using Hgood. apply Z.quot_nonneg_same_sgn. symmetry; apply Hgood_complex. Qed. Lemma for_loop_ind : P (finish - Z.sgn (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) * (Z.abs (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) mod Z.abs step) + step - Z.sgn step) (for_loop i0 finish step initial body). Proof using Pbody Pbefore Hgood. destruct (Z_zerop step). { subst; unfold for_loop; simpl in *. rewrite Z.quot_div_full; simpl. symmetry in Hgood; rewrite Z.sgn_null_iff in Hgood. assert (finish = i0) by omega; subst. simpl; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; simpl; auto. } assert (Hsgn_step : Z.sgn step <> 0) by (rewrite Z.sgn_null_iff; auto). assert (Hsgn : Z.sgn ((finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) / step) = Z.sgn ((finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) / step) * Z.sgn (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) * Z.sgn step) by (rewrite <- Hgood_complex, <- Z.mul_assoc, <- Z.sgn_mul, (Z.sgn_pos (_ * _)) by nia; omega). assert (Hfis_div : 0 <= (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) / step) by (apply Z.sgn_nonneg; rewrite Hsgn; apply Zdiv_sgn). clear Hsgn. let rhs := match goal with |- ?P ?rhs _ => rhs end in assert (Heq : i0 + step * Z.of_nat count = rhs). { unfold count, countZ. rewrite Z.mod_eq by (rewrite Z.abs_0_iff; assumption). rewrite Z.quot_div_full, <- !Z.sgn_abs, <- !Hgood_complex, !Zdiv_mult_cancel_r, !Z.mul_sub_distr_l by auto. rewrite <- !Z.sgn_mul, !(Z.mul_comm _ (Z.sgn _)), !(Z.mul_assoc (Z.sgn _) _), <- Z.sgn_mul, Z.sgn_pos, !Z.mul_1_l by nia. repeat rewrite ?Z.sub_add_distr, ?Z.sub_sub_distr; rewrite Z.sub_diag. autorewrite with zsimplify_const. rewrite Z2Nat.id by omega. omega. } rewrite <- Heq; clear Heq. unfold for_loop. generalize (@repeat_function_ind stateT (fun c => P (of_nat_count c)) nat_body count initial); cbv beta in *. unfold of_nat_count in *; cbv beta in *. rewrite Nat.sub_diag, !Nat.sub_0_r. autorewrite with zsimplify_const. intro H; specialize (H Pbefore). destruct (Z_dec' i0 finish) as [ Hs | Hs]. { apply H; clear H Pbefore. { intros c st Hc. assert (Hclt : 0 < Z.of_nat (count - c)) by (apply (inj_lt 0); omega). intro H'; specialize (fun pf' n pf => Pbody _ _ n pf pf' H'). move Pbody at bottom. { let T := match type of Pbody with ?T -> _ => T end in let H := fresh in cut T; [ intro H; specialize (Pbody H) | ]. { revert Pbody. subst nat_body; cbv beta. rewrite Nat.sub_succ_r, Nat2Z.inj_pred by omega. rewrite <- Z.sub_1_r, Z.mul_sub_distr_l, Z.mul_1_r. rewrite <- !Z.add_assoc, !Z.sub_add in *. refine (fun p => p (Z.of_nat (count - c) - 1) _). lia. } { destruct Hs; [ left | right ]. { assert (Hstep : 0 < step) by (rewrite <- Z.sgn_pos_iff, Hgood, Z.sgn_pos_iff; omega). assert (0 < Z.of_nat (S c)) by (apply (inj_lt 0); omega). assert (0 <= (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) mod step) by auto with zarith. assert (0 < step <= step * Z.of_nat (S c)) by nia. split; [ nia | ]. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_sub, Z.mul_sub_distr_l by omega. unfold count. rewrite Z2Nat.id by auto using Hcount_nonneg. unfold countZ. rewrite Z.mul_quot_eq_full by auto. rewrite <- !Hgood_complex, Z.abs_sgn. rewrite !Z.add_sub_assoc, !Z.add_assoc, Zplus_minus. rewrite Z.sgn_pos in * by omega. omega. } { assert (Hstep : step < 0) by (rewrite <- Z.sgn_neg_iff, Hgood, Z.sgn_neg_iff; omega). assert (Hcsc0 : 0 <= Z.of_nat (count - S c)) by auto with zarith. assert (Hsc0 : 0 < Z.of_nat (S c)) by lia. assert (step * Z.of_nat (count - S c) <= 0) by (clear -Hcsc0 Hstep; nia). assert (step * Z.of_nat (S c) <= step < 0) by (clear -Hsc0 Hstep; nia). assert (finish - i0 < 0) by (rewrite <- Z.sgn_neg_iff, <- Hgood, Z.sgn_neg_iff; omega). assert (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step < 0) by (rewrite <- Z.sgn_neg_iff, <- Hgood_complex, Z.sgn_neg_iff; omega). assert ((finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) mod step <= 0) by (apply Z_mod_neg; auto with zarith). split; [ | nia ]. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_sub, Z.mul_sub_distr_l by omega. unfold count. rewrite Z2Nat.id by auto using Hcount_nonneg. unfold countZ. rewrite Z.mul_quot_eq_full by auto. rewrite <- !Hgood_complex, Z.abs_sgn. rewrite Z.sgn_neg in * by omega. omega. } } } } } { subst. subst count nat_body countZ. repeat first [ assumption | rewrite Z.sub_diag | progress autorewrite with zsimplify_const in * | rewrite Z.quot_sub_sgn ]. } Qed. End for_loop. Lemma for_loop_notation_ind {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {step : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} {cmp : Z -> Z -> bool} {step_expr finish_expr} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hstep : class_eq (fun i => i = step) step_expr} {Hfinish : class_eq (fun i => cmp i finish) finish_expr} {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 step finish cmp} (Pbefore : P i0 initial) (Pbody : forall c st n, c = i0 + n * step -> i0 <= c < finish \/ finish < c <= i0 -> P c st -> P (c + step) (body c st)) : P (finish - Z.sgn (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) * (Z.abs (finish - i0 + step - Z.sgn step) mod Z.abs step) + step - Z.sgn step) (@for_loop_notation i0 step finish _ initial cmp step_expr finish_expr body Hstep Hfinish Hgood). Proof. unfold for_loop_notation, for_loop_is_good in *; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt. apply for_loop_ind; auto. Qed. Local Ltac pre_t := lazymatch goal with | [ Pbefore : ?P ?i0 ?initial |- ?P _ (@for_loop_notation ?i0 ?step ?finish _ ?initial _ ?step_expr ?finish_expr ?body ?Hstep ?Hfinish ?Hgood) ] => generalize (@for_loop_notation_ind _ P i0 step finish initial _ step_expr finish_expr body Hstep Hfinish Hgood Pbefore) end. Local Ltac t_step := first [ progress unfold for_loop_is_good, for_loop_notation in * | progress split_andb | progress Z.ltb_to_lt | rewrite Z.sgn_pos by lia | rewrite Z.abs_eq by lia | rewrite Z.sgn_neg by lia | rewrite Z.abs_neq by lia | progress autorewrite with zsimplify_const | match goal with | [ Hsgn : Z.sgn ?step = Z.sgn _ |- _ ] => unique assert (0 < step) by (rewrite <- Z.sgn_pos_iff, Hsgn, Z.sgn_pos_iff; omega); clear Hsgn | [ Hsgn : Z.sgn ?step = Z.sgn _ |- _ ] => unique assert (step < 0) by (rewrite <- Z.sgn_neg_iff, Hsgn, Z.sgn_neg_iff; omega); clear Hsgn | [ |- (_ -> ?P ?x ?y) -> ?P ?x' ?y' ] => replace x with x' by lia; let H' := fresh in intro H'; apply H'; clear H' | [ |- (_ -> _) -> _ ] => let H := fresh "Hbody" in intro H; progress Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos; revert H end | rewrite !Z.opp_sub_distr | rewrite !Z.opp_add_distr | rewrite !Z.opp_involutive | rewrite !Z.sub_opp_r | rewrite (Z.add_opp_r _ 1) | progress (push_Zmod; pull_Zmod) | progress Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos | solve [ eauto with omega ] ]. Local Ltac t := pre_t; repeat t_step. Lemma for_loop_ind_lt {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {step : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} {step_expr finish_expr} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hstep : class_eq (fun i => i = step) step_expr} {Hfinish : class_eq (fun i => Z.ltb i finish) finish_expr} {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 step finish Z.ltb} (Pbefore : P i0 initial) (Pbody : forall c st n, c = i0 + n * step -> i0 <= c < finish -> P c st -> P (c + step) (body c st)) : P (finish + step - 1 - ((finish - i0 - 1) mod step)) (@for_loop_notation i0 step finish _ initial Z.ltb (fun i => step_expr i) (fun i => finish_expr i) (fun i st => body i st) Hstep Hfinish Hgood). Proof. t. Qed. Lemma for_loop_ind_gt {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {step : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} {step_expr finish_expr} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hstep : class_eq (fun i => i = step) step_expr} {Hfinish : class_eq (fun i => Z.gtb i finish) finish_expr} {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 step finish Z.gtb} (Pbefore : P i0 initial) (Pbody : forall c st n, c = i0 + n * step -> finish < c <= i0 -> P c st -> P (c + step) (body c st)) : P (finish + step + 1 + (i0 - finish - step - 1) mod (-step)) (@for_loop_notation i0 step finish _ initial Z.gtb (fun i => step_expr i) (fun i => finish_expr i) (fun i st => body i st) Hstep Hfinish Hgood). Proof. replace (i0 - finish) with (-(finish - i0)) by omega. t. Qed. Lemma for_loop_ind_lt1 {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 1 finish _} (Pbefore : P i0 initial) (Pbody : forall c st, i0 <= c < finish -> P c st -> P (c + 1) (body c st)) : P finish (for (int i = i0; i < finish; i++) updating (st = initial) {{ body i st }}). Proof. generalize (@for_loop_ind_lt stateT P i0 1 finish initial _ _ body eq_refl eq_refl Hgood Pbefore). rewrite Z.mod_1_r, Z.sub_0_r, Z.add_simpl_r. auto. Qed. Lemma for_loop_ind_gt1 {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 (-1) finish _} (Pbefore : P i0 initial) (Pbody : forall c st, finish < c <= i0 -> P c st -> P (c - 1) (body c st)) : P finish (for (int i = i0; i > finish; i--) updating (st = initial) {{ body i st }}). Proof. generalize (@for_loop_ind_gt stateT P i0 (-1) finish initial _ _ body eq_refl eq_refl Hgood Pbefore). simpl; rewrite Z.mod_1_r, Z.add_0_r, (Z.add_opp_r _ 1), Z.sub_simpl_r. intro H; apply H; intros *. rewrite (Z.add_opp_r _ 1); auto. Qed. Local Hint Extern 1 (for_loop_is_good (?i0 + ?step) ?step ?finish _) => refine (for_loop_is_good_step_lt _); try assumption : typeclass_instances. Local Hint Extern 1 (for_loop_is_good (?i0 + ?step) ?step ?finish _) => refine (for_loop_is_good_step_gt _); try assumption : typeclass_instances. Local Hint Extern 1 (for_loop_is_good (?i0 - ?step') _ ?finish _) => refine (for_loop_is_good_step_gt (step:=-step') _); try assumption : typeclass_instances. Local Hint Extern 1 (for_loop_is_good (?i0 + 1) 1 ?finish _) => refine (for_loop_is_good_step_lt' _); try assumption : typeclass_instances. Local Hint Extern 1 (for_loop_is_good (?i0 - 1) (-1) ?finish _) => refine (for_loop_is_good_step_gt' _); try assumption : typeclass_instances. (** The Hoare-logic-like conditions for ≤ and ≥ loops seem slightly unnatural; you have to choose either to state your correctness property in terms of [i + 1], or talk about the correctness condition when the loop counter is [i₀ - 1] (which is strange; it's like saying the loop has run -1 times), or give the correctness condition after the first run of the loop body, rather than before it. We give lemmas for the second two options; if you're using the first one, Coq probably won't be able to infer the motive ([P], below) automatically, and you might as well use the vastly more general version [for_loop_ind_lt] / [for_loop_ind_gt]. *) Lemma for_loop_ind_le1 {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 1 (finish+1) _} (Pbefore : P i0 (body i0 initial)) (Pbody : forall c st, i0 <= c <= finish -> P (c-1) st -> P c (body c st)) : P finish (for (int i = i0; i <= finish; i++) updating (st = initial) {{ body i st }}). Proof. rewrite for_loop_le1_unroll1. edestruct Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool; Z.ltb_to_lt; cbv zeta. { generalize (@for_loop_ind_lt stateT (fun n => P (n - 1)) (i0+1) 1 (finish+1) (body i0 initial) _ _ body eq_refl eq_refl _). rewrite Z.mod_1_r, Z.sub_0_r, !Z.add_simpl_r. intro H; apply H; auto with omega; intros *. rewrite !Z.add_simpl_r; auto with omega. } { unfold for_loop_is_good, ForNotationConstants.Z.ltb', ForNotationConstants.Z.ltb in *; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt. assert (i0 = finish) by omega; subst. assumption. } Qed. Lemma for_loop_ind_le1_offset {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 1 (finish+1) _} (Pbefore : P (i0-1) initial) (Pbody : forall c st, i0 <= c <= finish -> P (c-1) st -> P c (body c st)) : P finish (for (int i = i0; i <= finish; i++) updating (st = initial) {{ body i st }}). Proof. apply for_loop_ind_le1; auto with omega. unfold for_loop_is_good, ForNotationConstants.Z.ltb', ForNotationConstants.Z.ltb in *; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt. auto with omega. Qed. Lemma for_loop_ind_ge1 {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 (-1) (finish-1) _} (Pbefore : P i0 (body i0 initial)) (Pbody : forall c st, finish <= c <= i0 -> P (c+1) st -> P c (body c st)) : P finish (for (int i = i0; i >= finish; i--) updating (st = initial) {{ body i st }}). Proof. rewrite for_loop_ge1_unroll1. edestruct Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool; Z.ltb_to_lt; cbv zeta. { generalize (@for_loop_ind_gt stateT (fun n => P (n + 1)) (i0-1) (-1) (finish-1) (body i0 initial) _ _ body eq_refl eq_refl _). simpl; rewrite Z.mod_1_r, Z.add_0_r, (Z.add_opp_r _ 1), !Z.sub_simpl_r. intro H; apply H; intros *; auto with omega. rewrite (Z.add_opp_r _ 1), !Z.sub_simpl_r; auto with omega. } { unfold for_loop_is_good, ForNotationConstants.Z.gtb', ForNotationConstants.Z.gtb in *; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt. assert (i0 = finish) by omega; subst. assumption. } Qed. Lemma for_loop_ind_ge1_offset {stateT} (P : Z -> stateT -> Prop) {i0 : Z} {finish : Z} {initial : stateT} (body : Z -> stateT -> stateT) {Hgood : for_loop_is_good i0 (-1) (finish-1) _} (Pbefore : P (i0+1) initial) (Pbody : forall c st, finish <= c <= i0 -> P (c+1) st -> P c (body c st)) : P finish (for (int i = i0; i >= finish; i--) updating (st = initial) {{ body i st }}). Proof. apply for_loop_ind_ge1; auto with omega. unfold for_loop_is_good, ForNotationConstants.Z.gtb', ForNotationConstants.Z.gtb in *; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt. auto with omega. Qed.