(** Typeclass for decidable propositions *) Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec. Local Open Scope type_scope. Class Decidable (P : Prop) := dec : {P} + {~P}. Notation DecidableRel R := (forall x y, Decidable (R x y)). Ltac destruct_decidable_step := match goal with | [ H : Decidable _ |- _ ] => destruct H end. Ltac destruct_decidable := repeat destruct_decidable_step. Local Ltac pre_decide := repeat (intros || destruct_decidable || subst || split || unfold Decidable in * || hnf ). Local Ltac solve_decidable_transparent_with tac := pre_decide; try solve [ left; abstract tac | right; abstract tac | decide equality; eauto with nocore ]. Local Ltac solve_decidable_transparent := solve_decidable_transparent_with firstorder. Local Hint Extern 0 => solve [ solve_decidable_transparent ] : typeclass_instances. Global Instance dec_True : Decidable True := left I. Global Instance dec_False : Decidable False := right (fun x => x). Global Instance dec_or {A B} `{Decidable A, Decidable B} : Decidable (A \/ B). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_and {A B} `{Decidable A, Decidable B} : Decidable (A /\ B). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_impl {A B} `{Decidable (B \/ ~A)} : Decidable (A -> B) | 3. exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_impl_simple {A B} `{Decidable A, Decidable B} : Decidable (A -> B). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_iff {A B} `{Decidable A, Decidable B} : Decidable (A <-> B). exact _. Defined. Lemma dec_not {A} `{Decidable A} : Decidable (~A). Proof. solve_decidable_transparent. Defined. (** Disallow infinite loops of dec_not *) Hint Extern 0 (Decidable (~?A)) => apply (@dec_not A) : typeclass_instances. Global Instance dec_eq_unit : DecidableRel (@eq unit). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_eq_bool : DecidableRel (@eq bool). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_eq_Empty_set : DecidableRel (@eq Empty_set). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_eq_nat : DecidableRel (@eq nat). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_eq_prod {A B} `{DecidableRel (@eq A), DecidableRel (@eq B)} : DecidableRel (@eq (A * B)). exact _. Defined. Global Instance dec_eq_sum {A B} `{DecidableRel (@eq A), DecidableRel (@eq B)} : DecidableRel (@eq (A + B)). exact _. Defined. Lemma Decidable_respects_iff A B (H : A <-> B) : (Decidable A -> Decidable B) * (Decidable B -> Decidable A). Proof. solve_decidable_transparent. Defined. Lemma Decidable_iff_to_impl A B (H : A <-> B) : Decidable A -> Decidable B. Proof. solve_decidable_transparent. Defined. Lemma Decidable_iff_to_flip_impl A B (H : A <-> B) : Decidable B -> Decidable A. Proof. solve_decidable_transparent. Defined.