Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. (** [x <- f ; C] encodes a call to function [f] with [C] as the continuation. In [C], [x] refers to the output of [f]. *) (* [cpscall] is a marker to get Coq to print code using this notation only when it was actually used *) Definition cpscall {R} (f:forall{T}(continuation:R->T),T) {T} (continuation:R->T) := @f T continuation. Notation "x' <- v ; C" := (cpscall v (fun x' => C)). (** A value of type [~>R] accepts a continuation that takes an argument of type [R]. It is meant to be used in [Definition] and such; for example: << Definition add_cps (a b:nat) : ~> nat. >> The return type of the continuation is not yet specified; every [~> R] is universally quantified over the possible return types of the continuations that it can be applied to. *) Notation "~> R" := (forall {T} (_:R->T), T). (** The type [A ~> R] contains functions that takes an argument of type [A] and pass a value of type [R] to the continuation. Functions that take multiple arguments can be encoded as [A -> B ~> C] or [A ~> B ~>C] -- the first form requires both arguments to be specified before its output can be CPS-bound, the latter must be bound once it is partially applied to one argument. *) Notation "A ~> R" := (A -> ~>R). (* [cpsreturn] is a marker to get Coq to print loop notations before a [return] *) Definition cpsreturn {T} (x:T) := x. (** [return x] passes [x] to the continuation implicit in the previous notations. *) Notation "'return' x" := (cpsreturn (fun {T} (continuation:_->T) => continuation x)).