(*** Boolean Utility Lemmas and Databases *) Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool. (** For equalities of booleans *) Create HintDb bool_congr discriminated. (** For properties of booleans, with, e.g., [iff] *) Create HintDb bool_congr_setoid discriminated. (** For generic simplifications of things involving booleans, e.g., if-statements *) Create HintDb boolsimplify discriminated. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with boolsimplify in * : boolsimplify. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with bool_congr in * : bool_congr. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with bool_congr_setoid in * : bool_congr_setoid. Hint Extern 2 => progress rewrite_strat topdown hints bool_congr_setoid : bool_congr_setoid. Hint Rewrite Bool.andb_diag Bool.orb_diag Bool.eqb_reflx Bool.negb_involutive Bool.eqb_negb1 Bool.eqb_negb2 Bool.orb_true_r Bool.orb_true_l Bool.orb_false_r Bool.orb_false_l Bool.orb_negb_r Bool.andb_false_r Bool.andb_false_l Bool.andb_true_r Bool.andb_false_r Bool.andb_negb_r Bool.xorb_false_r Bool.xorb_false_l Bool.xorb_true_r Bool.xorb_true_l Bool.xorb_nilpotent : bool_congr. Hint Rewrite Bool.negb_if : boolsimplify. Hint Rewrite <- Bool.andb_if Bool.andb_lazy_alt Bool.orb_lazy_alt : boolsimplify. Hint Rewrite Bool.not_true_iff_false Bool.not_false_iff_true Bool.eqb_true_iff Bool.eqb_false_iff Bool.negb_true_iff Bool.negb_false_iff Bool.orb_true_iff Bool.orb_false_iff Bool.andb_true_iff Bool.andb_false_iff Bool.xorb_negb_negb : bool_congr_setoid. Create HintDb push_orb discriminated. Create HintDb pull_orb discriminated. Create HintDb push_andb discriminated. Create HintDb pull_andb discriminated. Create HintDb push_negb discriminated. Create HintDb pull_negb discriminated. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_orb in * : push_orb. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with pull_orb in * : pull_orb. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_andb in * : push_andb. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with pull_andb in * : pull_andb. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_negb in * : push_negb. Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with pull_negb in * : pull_negb. Hint Rewrite Bool.negb_orb Bool.negb_andb : push_negb. Hint Rewrite Bool.xorb_negb_negb : pull_negb. Hint Rewrite <- Bool.negb_orb Bool.negb_andb Bool.negb_xorb_l Bool.negb_xorb_r : pull_negb. Hint Rewrite Bool.andb_orb_distrib_r Bool.andb_orb_distrib_l : push_andb. Hint Rewrite <- Bool.orb_andb_distrib_r Bool.orb_andb_distrib_l : push_andb. Hint Rewrite Bool.orb_andb_distrib_r Bool.orb_andb_distrib_l : pull_andb. Hint Rewrite <- Bool.andb_orb_distrib_r Bool.andb_orb_distrib_l : pull_andb. Hint Rewrite Bool.orb_andb_distrib_r Bool.orb_andb_distrib_l : push_orb. Hint Rewrite <- Bool.andb_orb_distrib_r Bool.andb_orb_distrib_l : push_orb. Hint Rewrite <- Bool.orb_andb_distrib_r Bool.orb_andb_distrib_l : pull_orb. Hint Rewrite Bool.andb_orb_distrib_r Bool.andb_orb_distrib_l : pull_orb. Definition pull_bool_if_dep {A B} (f : forall b : bool, A b -> B b) (b : bool) (x : A true) (y : A false) : (if b return B b then f _ x else f _ y) = f b (if b return A b then x else y) := if b return ((if b return B b then f _ x else f _ y) = f b (if b return A b then x else y)) then eq_refl else eq_refl. Definition pull_bool_if {A B} (f : A -> B) (b : bool) (x : A) (y : A) : (if b then f x else f y) = f (if b then x else y) := @pull_bool_if_dep (fun _ => A) (fun _ => B) (fun _ => f) b x y. Definition reflect_iff_gen {P b} : reflect P b -> forall b' : bool, (if b' then P else ~P) <-> b = b'. Proof. intros H; apply reflect_iff in H; intro b'; destruct b, b'; intuition congruence. Qed. Definition andb_prop : forall a b : bool, a && b = true -> a = true /\ b = true. (* transparent version *) Proof. destruct a, b; simpl; split; try reflexivity; assumption. Defined. Definition andb_true_intro : forall a b : bool, a = true /\ b = true -> a && b = true. (* transparent version *) Proof. destruct a, b; simpl; try reflexivity; intros [? ?]; assumption. Defined. Definition andb_true_rect {a b : bool} (P : a && b = true -> Type) (f : forall p q, P (andb_true_intro a b (conj p q))) : forall p, P p. Proof. destruct a, b; try specialize (f eq_refl eq_refl); cbn in *; intro p; first [ refine match p with eq_refl => f end | refine match p with eq_refl => I end ]. Defined. Definition andb_true_rec {a b : bool} (P : a && b = true -> Set) := @andb_true_rect a b P. Definition andb_true_ind {a b : bool} (P : a && b = true -> Prop) := @andb_true_rec a b P. Definition andb_is_true_intro : forall a b : bool, is_true a /\ is_true b -> is_true (a && b) := andb_true_intro. Definition andb_is_true_rect {a b : bool} (P : is_true (a && b) -> Type) (f : forall p q, P (andb_is_true_intro a b (conj p q))) : forall p, P p := @andb_true_rect a b P f. Definition andb_is_true_rec {a b : bool} (P : is_true (a && b) -> Set) := @andb_is_true_rect a b P. Definition andb_is_true_ind {a b : bool} (P : is_true (a && b) -> Prop) := @andb_is_true_rec a b P. Ltac split_andb_step := match goal with | [ H : andb _ _ = true |- _ ] => induction H using (@andb_true_rect _ _) | [ H : is_true (andb _ _) |- _ ] => induction H using (@andb_is_true_rect _ _) end. Ltac split_andb := repeat split_andb_step. Ltac split_andb_in_context_step := match goal with | _ => split_andb_step | [ H : context[andb ?x ?y = true] |- _ ] => rewrite (Bool.andb_true_iff x y) in H | [ H : context[is_true (andb ?x ?y)] |- _ ] => change (is_true (andb x y)) with (andb x y = true) in H; rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H; change (x = true /\ y = true) with (is_true x /\ is_true y) in H end. Ltac split_andb_in_context := repeat split_andb_in_context_step. Lemma if_const A (b : bool) (x : A) : (if b then x else x) = x. Proof. case b; reflexivity. Qed.