Require Import Crypto.BaseSystem. Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems. Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParams. Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParamProofs. Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystem. Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemProofs. Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemOpt. Require Import Crypto.SpecificGen.GF25519_64. Require Import Crypto.SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon. Require Import Crypto.SpecificGen.GF25519_64Reflective. Require Import Bedrock.Word Crypto.Util.WordUtil. Require Import Coq.Lists.List Crypto.Util.ListUtil. Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemWord. Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics. Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable. Require Import Crypto.Algebra. Import ListNotations. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory. Local Open Scope Z. Local Ltac bounded_t opW blem := apply blem; apply is_bounded_proj1_fe25519_64. Local Ltac bounded_wire_digits_t opW blem := apply blem; apply is_bounded_proj1_wire_digits. Local Ltac define_binop f g opW blem := refine (exist_fe25519_64W (opW (proj1_fe25519_64W f) (proj1_fe25519_64W g)) _); abstract bounded_t opW blem. Local Ltac define_unop f opW blem := refine (exist_fe25519_64W (opW (proj1_fe25519_64W f)) _); abstract bounded_t opW blem. Local Ltac define_unop_FEToZ f opW := refine (opW (proj1_fe25519_64W f)). Local Ltac define_unop_FEToWire f opW blem := refine (exist_wire_digitsW (opW (proj1_fe25519_64W f)) _); abstract bounded_t opW blem. Local Ltac define_unop_WireToFE f opW blem := refine (exist_fe25519_64W (opW (proj1_wire_digitsW f)) _); abstract bounded_wire_digits_t opW blem. Local Opaque Let_In. Local Opaque Z.add Z.sub Z.mul Z.shiftl Z.shiftr Z.lor Z.eqb NToWord64. Local Arguments interp_radd / _ _. Local Arguments interp_rsub / _ _. Local Arguments interp_rmul / _ _. Local Arguments interp_ropp / _. Local Arguments interp_rprefreeze / _. Local Arguments interp_rge_modulus / _. Local Arguments interp_rpack / _. Local Arguments interp_runpack / _. Definition addW (f g : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval simpl in interp_radd f g. Definition subW (f g : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval simpl in interp_rsub f g. Definition mulW (f g : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval simpl in interp_rmul f g. Definition oppW (f : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval simpl in interp_ropp f. Definition prefreezeW (f : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval simpl in interp_rprefreeze f. Definition ge_modulusW (f : fe25519_64W) : word64 := Eval simpl in interp_rge_modulus f. Definition packW (f : fe25519_64W) : wire_digitsW := Eval simpl in interp_rpack f. Definition unpackW (f : wire_digitsW) : fe25519_64W := Eval simpl in interp_runpack f. Definition modulusW := Eval cbv - [ZToWord64] in ( ZToWord64 (Tuple.from_list_default 0%Z length_fe25519_64 GF25519_64.modulus_digits_)). Definition postfreeze : GF25519_64.fe25519_64 -> GF25519_64.fe25519_64 := GF25519_64.postfreeze. Lemma freeze_prepost_freeze : forall x, postfreeze (prefreeze x) = GF25519_64.freeze x. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition postfreezeW : fe25519_64W -> fe25519_64W := (conditional_subtract_modulusW (num_limbs := length_fe25519_64) modulusW ge_modulusW (Interpretations.Word64.neg GF25519_64.int_width) ). Definition freezeW (f : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval cbv beta delta [prefreezeW postfreezeW] in postfreezeW (prefreezeW f). Local Transparent Let_In. (* Wrapper to allow extracted code to not unfold [mulW] *) Definition mulW_noinline := mulW. Definition powW (f : fe25519_64W) chain := fold_chain_opt (proj1_fe25519_64W one) mulW_noinline chain [f]. Definition invW (f : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval cbv -[Let_In fe25519_64W mulW_noinline] in powW f (chain inv_ec). Local Ltac port_correct_and_bounded pre_rewrite opW interp_rop rop_cb := change opW with (interp_rop); rewrite pre_rewrite; intros; apply rop_cb; assumption. Lemma addW_correct_and_bounded : ibinop_correct_and_bounded addW carry_add. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_radd_correct addW interp_radd radd_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma subW_correct_and_bounded : ibinop_correct_and_bounded subW carry_sub. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rsub_correct subW interp_rsub rsub_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma mulW_correct_and_bounded : ibinop_correct_and_bounded mulW mul. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rmul_correct mulW interp_rmul rmul_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma oppW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded oppW carry_opp. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_ropp_correct oppW interp_ropp ropp_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma prefreezeW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded prefreezeW prefreeze. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rprefreeze_correct prefreezeW interp_rprefreeze rprefreeze_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma ge_modulusW_correct : iunop_FEToZ_correct ge_modulusW ge_modulus. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rge_modulus_correct ge_modulusW interp_rge_modulus rge_modulus_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma packW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_FEToWire_correct_and_bounded packW pack. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rpack_correct packW interp_rpack rpack_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma unpackW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_WireToFE_correct_and_bounded unpackW unpack. Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_runpack_correct unpackW interp_runpack runpack_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Ltac lower_bound_minus_ge_modulus := apply Z.le_0_sub; cbv [ge_modulus Let_In ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg]; repeat break_if; Z.ltb_to_lt; subst; try omega; rewrite ?Z.land_0_l; auto; change Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ with word64ToZ; etransitivity; try apply Z.land_upper_bound_r; instantiate; try omega; apply Z.ones_nonneg; instantiate; vm_compute; discriminate. Ltac upper_bound_minus_ge_modulus := (apply Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ]); eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ apply Z.le_sub_nonneg; apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega | ]; eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eassumption | ]; instantiate; vm_compute; reflexivity. Lemma postfreezeW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded postfreezeW postfreeze. Proof. intros x H. pose proof (ge_modulusW_correct x H) as Hgm. destruct_head_hnf' prod. unfold_is_bounded_in H. destruct_head' and. Z.ltb_to_lt. cbv [postfreezeW]. cbv [conditional_subtract_modulusW Interpretations.Word64.neg]. change word64ToZ with Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ in *. rewrite Hgm. cbv [modulusW]. cbv [on_tuple to_list to_list' from_list from_list' Tuple.map2 on_tuple2 ListUtil.map2 fe25519_64WToZ length_fe25519_64]. cbv [postfreeze GF25519_64.postfreeze]. cbv [Let_In]. split. { match goal with |- (_,word64ToZ (_ ^- (Interpretations.Word64.ZToWord64 ?x) ^& _)) = (_,_ - (?y &' _)) => assert (x = y) as Hxy by reflexivity; repeat rewrite <-Hxy; clear Hxy end. change ZToWord64 with Interpretations.Word64.ZToWord64 in *. rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_sub; rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_land; rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_ZToWord64; try match goal with | |- 0 <= ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ < 2 ^ _ => apply ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_range; omega | |- 0 <= _ < 2 ^ Z.of_nat _ => vm_compute; split; [refine (fun x => match x with eq_refl => I end) | reflexivity] | |- 0 <= _ &' _ => apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega | |- (_,_) = (_,_) => reflexivity end; try solve [ (apply Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ]); eapply Z.le_lt_trans; try apply Z.land_upper_bound_r; try apply ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_range; instantiate; try match goal with |- ?G => not has_evar G; vm_compute; discriminate end; reflexivity]; match goal with | |- 0 <= _ - _ => lower_bound_minus_ge_modulus | |- Z.log2 (_ - _) < _ => upper_bound_minus_ge_modulus end. } unfold_is_bounded. change ZToWord64 with Interpretations.Word64.ZToWord64 in *. rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_sub; rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_land; rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_ZToWord64; repeat match goal with |- _ /\ _ => split; Z.ltb_to_lt end; try match goal with | |- 0 <= ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ < 2 ^ _ => apply ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_range; omega | |- 0 <= _ < 2 ^ Z.of_nat _ => vm_compute; split; [refine (fun x => match x with eq_refl => I end) | reflexivity] | |- 0 <= _ &' _ => apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega end; try solve [ (apply Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ]); eapply Z.le_lt_trans; try apply Z.land_upper_bound_r; try apply ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_range; instantiate; try match goal with |- ?G => not has_evar G; vm_compute; discriminate end; reflexivity]; try match goal with | |- 0 <= _ - _ => lower_bound_minus_ge_modulus | |- Z.log2 (_ - _) < _ => upper_bound_minus_ge_modulus | |- _ - _ <= _ => etransitivity; [ apply Z.le_sub_nonneg; apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega | instantiate; assumption ] | |- 0 <= ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ => apply ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_range; vm_compute; discriminate | |- ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ < _ => apply ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_range; vm_compute; discriminate | |- _ => vm_compute; (discriminate || reflexivity) end. Qed. Lemma freezeW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded freezeW freeze. Proof. intros f H; rewrite <- freeze_prepost_freeze. change (freezeW f) with (postfreezeW (prefreezeW f)). destruct (prefreezeW_correct_and_bounded f H) as [H0 H1]. destruct (postfreezeW_correct_and_bounded _ H1) as [H0' H1']. rewrite H1', H0', H0; split; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma powW_correct_and_bounded chain : iunop_correct_and_bounded (fun x => powW x chain) (fun x => pow x chain). Proof. cbv [powW pow]. intro x; intros; apply (fold_chain_opt_gen fe25519_64WToZ is_bounded [x]). { reflexivity. } { reflexivity. } { intros; progress rewrite <- (fun X Y => proj1 (mulW_correct_and_bounded _ _ X Y)) by assumption. apply mulW_correct_and_bounded; assumption. } { intros; rewrite (fun X Y => proj1 (mulW_correct_and_bounded _ _ X Y)) by assumption; reflexivity. } { intros [|?]; autorewrite with simpl_nth_default; (assumption || reflexivity). } Qed. Lemma invW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded invW inv. Proof. intro f. assert (H : forall f, invW f = powW f (chain inv_ec)) by abstract (cbv -[Let_In fe25519_64W mulW_noinline]; reflexivity). rewrite H. rewrite inv_correct. cbv [inv_opt]. rewrite <- pow_correct. apply powW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Definition fieldwisebW_sig (f g : fe25519_64W) : { b | b = GF25519_64.fieldwiseb (fe25519_64WToZ f) (fe25519_64WToZ g) }. Proof. hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod. eexists. cbv [GF25519_64.fieldwiseb fe25519_64WToZ]. rewrite ?word64eqb_Zeqb. reflexivity. Defined. Definition fieldwisebW (f g : fe25519_64W) : bool := Eval cbv [proj1_sig fieldwisebW_sig appify2 app_fe25519_64W] in appify2 (fun f g => proj1_sig (fieldwisebW_sig f g)) f g. Lemma fieldwisebW_correct f g : fieldwisebW f g = GF25519_64.fieldwiseb (fe25519_64WToZ f) (fe25519_64WToZ g). Proof. set (f' := f); set (g' := g). hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod. exact (proj2_sig (fieldwisebW_sig f' g')). Qed. Local Arguments freezeW : simpl never. Local Arguments fe25519_64WToZ !_ / . Local Opaque freezeW. Definition eqbW_sig (f g : fe25519_64W) : { b | is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ f) = true -> is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ g) = true -> b = GF25519_64.eqb (fe25519_64WToZ f) (fe25519_64WToZ g) }. Proof. pose proof (fun pf => proj1 (freezeW_correct_and_bounded f pf)) as frf. pose proof (fun pf => proj1 (freezeW_correct_and_bounded g pf)) as frg. hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod. eexists. unfold GF25519_64.eqb. simpl @fe25519_64WToZ in *; cbv beta iota. intros. rewrite <- frf, <- frg by assumption. rewrite <- fieldwisebW_correct. reflexivity. Defined. Definition eqbW (f g : fe25519_64W) : bool := Eval cbv [proj1_sig eqbW_sig appify2 app_fe25519_64W] in appify2 (fun f g => proj1_sig (eqbW_sig f g)) f g. Lemma eqbW_correct f g : is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ f) = true -> is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ g) = true -> eqbW f g = GF25519_64.eqb (fe25519_64WToZ f) (fe25519_64WToZ g). Proof. set (f' := f); set (g' := g). hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod. exact (proj2_sig (eqbW_sig f' g')). Qed. Definition sqrt_m1W' : fe25519_64W := Eval vm_compute in fe25519_64ZToW sqrt_m1. Definition sqrt_m1W := Eval cbv [sqrt_m1W' fe25519_64W_word64ize word64ize andb opt.word64ToZ opt.word64ize opt.Zleb CompOpp Pos.compare_cont] in fe25519_64W_word64ize sqrt_m1W'. Definition GF25519_64sqrt x : GF25519_64.fe25519_64 := dlet powx := powW (fe25519_64ZToW x) (chain GF25519_64.sqrt_ec) in GF25519_64.sqrt (fe25519_64WToZ powx) (fe25519_64WToZ (mulW_noinline powx powx)) x. Definition sqrtW_sig : { sqrtW | iunop_correct_and_bounded sqrtW GF25519_64sqrt }. Proof. eexists. unfold GF25519_64sqrt, GF25519_64.sqrt. intros. rewrite !fe25519_64ZToW_WToZ. split. { etransitivity. Focus 2. { apply Proper_Let_In_nd_changebody_eq; intros. set_evars. match goal with (* unfold the first dlet ... in, but only if it's binding a var *) | [ |- ?x = dlet y := fe25519_64WToZ ?z in ?f ] => is_var z; change (x = match fe25519_64WToZ z with y => f end) end. change sqrt_m1 with (fe25519_64WToZ sqrt_m1W). rewrite <- (fun X Y => proj1 (mulW_correct_and_bounded sqrt_m1W a X Y)), <- eqbW_correct, (pull_bool_if fe25519_64WToZ) by repeat match goal with | _ => progress subst | [ |- is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ ?op) = true ] => lazymatch op with | mulW _ _ => apply mulW_correct_and_bounded | mulW_noinline _ _ => apply mulW_correct_and_bounded | powW _ _ => apply powW_correct_and_bounded | sqrt_m1W => vm_compute; reflexivity | _ => assumption end end. subst_evars; reflexivity. } Unfocus. lazymatch goal with | [ |- context G[dlet x := ?v in fe25519_64WToZ (@?f x)] ] => let G' := context G[fe25519_64WToZ (dlet x := v in f x)] in cut G'; cbv beta; [ cbv [Let_In]; exact (fun x => x) | apply f_equal ] end. reflexivity. } { cbv [Let_In]. break_if. { apply powW_correct_and_bounded; assumption. } { apply mulW_correct_and_bounded; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ]. apply powW_correct_and_bounded; assumption. } } Defined. Definition sqrtW (f : fe25519_64W) : fe25519_64W := Eval cbv [proj1_sig sqrtW_sig app_fe25519_64W] in app_fe25519_64W f (proj1_sig sqrtW_sig). Lemma sqrtW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded sqrtW GF25519_64sqrt. Proof. intro f. set (f' := f). hnf in f; destruct_head' prod. assert (H : sqrtW f' = proj1_sig sqrtW_sig f') by (subst f'; cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig sqrtW_sig sqrtW]; reflexivity). rewrite H. exact (proj2_sig sqrtW_sig f'). Qed. Definition add (f g : fe25519_64) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_binop f g addW addW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition sub (f g : fe25519_64) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_binop f g subW subW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition mul (f g : fe25519_64) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_binop f g mulW mulW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition opp (f : fe25519_64) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_unop f oppW oppW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition freeze (f : fe25519_64) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_unop f freezeW freezeW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition ge_modulus (f : fe25519_64) : word64. Proof. define_unop_FEToZ f ge_modulusW. Defined. Definition pack (f : fe25519_64) : wire_digits. Proof. define_unop_FEToWire f packW packW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition unpack (f : wire_digits) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_unop_WireToFE f unpackW unpackW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition pow (f : fe25519_64) (chain : list (nat * nat)) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_unop f (fun x => powW x chain) powW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition inv (f : fe25519_64) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_unop f invW invW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Definition sqrt (f : fe25519_64) : fe25519_64. Proof. define_unop f sqrtW sqrtW_correct_and_bounded. Defined. Local Ltac op_correct_t op opW_correct_and_bounded := cbv [op]; lazymatch goal with | [ |- context[proj1_fe25519_64 (exist_fe25519_64W _ _)] ] => rewrite proj1_fe25519_64_exist_fe25519_64W | [ |- context[proj1_wire_digits (exist_wire_digitsW _ _)] ] => rewrite proj1_wire_digits_exist_wire_digitsW | _ => idtac end; apply opW_correct_and_bounded; lazymatch goal with | [ |- is_bounded _ = true ] => apply is_bounded_proj1_fe25519_64 | [ |- wire_digits_is_bounded _ = true ] => apply is_bounded_proj1_wire_digits end. Lemma add_correct (f g : fe25519_64) : proj1_fe25519_64 (add f g) = carry_add (proj1_fe25519_64 f) (proj1_fe25519_64 g). Proof. op_correct_t add addW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma sub_correct (f g : fe25519_64) : proj1_fe25519_64 (sub f g) = carry_sub (proj1_fe25519_64 f) (proj1_fe25519_64 g). Proof. op_correct_t sub subW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma mul_correct (f g : fe25519_64) : proj1_fe25519_64 (mul f g) = GF25519_64.mul (proj1_fe25519_64 f) (proj1_fe25519_64 g). Proof. op_correct_t mul mulW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma opp_correct (f : fe25519_64) : proj1_fe25519_64 (opp f) = carry_opp (proj1_fe25519_64 f). Proof. op_correct_t opp oppW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma freeze_correct (f : fe25519_64) : proj1_fe25519_64 (freeze f) = GF25519_64.freeze (proj1_fe25519_64 f). Proof. op_correct_t freeze freezeW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma ge_modulus_correct (f : fe25519_64) : word64ToZ (ge_modulus f) = GF25519_64.ge_modulus (proj1_fe25519_64 f). Proof. op_correct_t ge_modulus ge_modulusW_correct. Qed. Lemma pack_correct (f : fe25519_64) : proj1_wire_digits (pack f) = GF25519_64.pack (proj1_fe25519_64 f). Proof. op_correct_t pack packW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma unpack_correct (f : wire_digits) : proj1_fe25519_64 (unpack f) = GF25519_64.unpack (proj1_wire_digits f). Proof. op_correct_t unpack unpackW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma pow_correct (f : fe25519_64) chain : proj1_fe25519_64 (pow f chain) = GF25519_64.pow (proj1_fe25519_64 f) chain. Proof. op_correct_t pow (powW_correct_and_bounded chain). Qed. Lemma inv_correct (f : fe25519_64) : proj1_fe25519_64 (inv f) = GF25519_64.inv (proj1_fe25519_64 f). Proof. op_correct_t inv invW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Lemma sqrt_correct (f : fe25519_64) : proj1_fe25519_64 (sqrt f) = GF25519_64sqrt (proj1_fe25519_64 f). Proof. op_correct_t sqrt sqrtW_correct_and_bounded. Qed. Import Morphisms. Local Existing Instance prime_modulus. Lemma field25519_64_and_homomorphisms : @field fe25519_64 eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism (F _) (@Logic.eq _) 1%F F.add F.mul fe25519_64 eq one add mul encode /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism fe25519_64 eq one add mul (F _) (@Logic.eq _) 1%F F.add F.mul decode. Proof. eapply @Field.field_and_homomorphism_from_redundant_representation. { exact (F.field_modulo _). } { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite !proj1_fe25519_64_exist_fe25519_64; apply encode_rep. } { reflexivity. } { reflexivity. } { reflexivity. } { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite opp_correct, carry_opp_correct, carry_opp_opt_correct, carry_opp_rep; apply opp_rep; reflexivity. } { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite add_correct, carry_add_correct, carry_add_opt_correct, carry_add_rep; apply add_rep; reflexivity. } { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite sub_correct, carry_sub_correct, carry_sub_opt_correct, carry_sub_rep; apply sub_rep; reflexivity. } { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite mul_correct, GF25519_64.mul_correct, carry_mul_opt_correct by reflexivity; apply carry_mul_rep; reflexivity. } { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite inv_correct, GF25519_64.inv_correct, inv_opt_correct by reflexivity; apply inv_rep; reflexivity. } { cbv [decode encode div]; intros; rewrite !proj1_fe25519_64_exist_fe25519_64; apply encode_rep. } Qed. Global Instance field25519_64 : @field fe25519_64 eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div := proj1 field25519_64_and_homomorphisms. Local Opaque proj1_fe25519_64 exist_fe25519_64 proj1_fe25519_64W exist_fe25519_64W. Global Instance homomorphism_F25519_64_encode : @Ring.is_homomorphism (F modulus) Logic.eq F.add F.mul fe25519_64 eq one add mul encode. Proof. apply field25519_64_and_homomorphisms. Qed. Global Instance homomorphism_F25519_64_decode : @Ring.is_homomorphism fe25519_64 eq one add mul (F modulus) Logic.eq F.add F.mul decode. Proof. apply field25519_64_and_homomorphisms. Qed.