(*** XXX TODO MOVE ALL THINGS IN THIS FILE TO BETTER PLACES *) Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple. Definition adjust_tuple2_tuple2_sig {A P Q} (v : { a : { a : tuple (tuple A 2) 2 | (P (fst (fst a)) /\ P (snd (fst a))) /\ (P (fst (snd a)) /\ P (snd (snd a))) } | Q (exist _ _ (proj1 (proj1 (proj2_sig a))), exist _ _ (proj2 (proj1 (proj2_sig a))), (exist _ _ (proj1 (proj2 (proj2_sig a))), exist _ _ (proj2 (proj2 (proj2_sig a))))) }) : { a : tuple (tuple (@sig A P) 2) 2 | Q a }. Proof. eexists. exact (proj2_sig v). Defined. (** TODO MOVE ME *) (** The [eexists_sig_etransitivity_R R] tactic takes a goal of the form [{ a | R (f a) b }], and splits it into two goals, [R ?b' b] and [{ a | R (f a) ?b' }], where [?b'] is a fresh evar. *) Definition sig_R_trans_exist1 {B} (R : B -> B -> Prop) {HT : Transitive R} {A} (f : A -> B) (b b' : B) (pf : R b' b) (y : { a : A | R (f a) b' }) : { a : A | R (f a) b } := let 'exist a p := y in exist _ a (transitivity (R:=R) p pf). Ltac eexists_sig_etransitivity_R R := lazymatch goal with | [ |- @sig ?A ?P ] => let RT := type of R in let B := lazymatch (eval hnf in RT) with ?B -> _ => B end in let lem := constr:(@sig_R_trans_exist1 B R _ A _ _ : forall b' pf y, @sig A P) in let lem := open_constr:(lem _) in simple refine (lem _ _) end. Tactic Notation "eexists_sig_etransitivity_R" open_constr(R) := eexists_sig_etransitivity_R R. (** The [eexists_sig_etransitivity] tactic takes a goal of the form [{ a | f a = b }], and splits it into two goals, [?b' = b] and [{ a | f a = ?b' }], where [?b'] is a fresh evar. *) Definition sig_eq_trans_exist1 {A B} := @sig_R_trans_exist1 B (@eq B) _ A. Ltac eexists_sig_etransitivity := lazymatch goal with | [ |- { a : ?A | @?f a = ?b } ] => let lem := open_constr:(@sig_eq_trans_exist1 A _ f b _) in simple refine (lem _ (_ : { a : A | _ })) end. Definition sig_R_trans_rewrite_fun_exist1 {B} (R : B -> B -> Prop) {HT : Transitive R} {A} (f : A -> B) (b : B) (f' : A -> B) (pf : forall a, R (f a) (f' a)) (y : { a : A | R (f' a) b }) : { a : A | R (f a) b } := let 'exist a p := y in exist _ a (transitivity (R:=R) (pf a) p). Ltac eexists_sig_etransitivity_for_rewrite_fun_R R := lazymatch goal with | [ |- @sig ?A ?P ] => let RT := type of R in let B := lazymatch (eval hnf in RT) with ?B -> _ => B end in let lem := constr:(@sig_R_trans_rewrite_fun_exist1 B R _ A _ _ : forall f' pf y, @sig A P) in let lem := open_constr:(lem _) in simple refine (lem _ _); cbv beta end. Tactic Notation "eexists_sig_etransitivity_for_rewrite_fun_R" open_constr(R) := eexists_sig_etransitivity_for_rewrite_fun_R R. Definition sig_eq_trans_rewrite_fun_exist1 {A B} (f f' : A -> B) (b : B) (pf : forall a, f' a = f a) (y : { a : A | f' a = b }) : { a : A | f a = b } := let 'exist a p := y in exist _ a (eq_trans (eq_sym (pf a)) p). Ltac eexists_sig_etransitivity_for_rewrite_fun := lazymatch goal with | [ |- { a : ?A | @?f a = ?b } ] => let lem := open_constr:(@sig_eq_trans_rewrite_fun_exist1 A _ f _ b) in simple refine (lem _ _); cbv beta end. Definition sig_conj_by_impl2 {A} {P Q : A -> Prop} (H : forall a : A, Q a -> P a) (H' : { a : A | Q a }) : { a : A | P a /\ Q a } := let (a, p) := H' in exist _ a (conj (H a p) p).