Require Import Galois GaloisTheory Galois.BaseSystem Galois.ModularBaseSystem. Require Import List Util.ListUtil. Import ListNotations. Require Import ZArith.ZArith Zpower ZArith Znumtheory. Require Import QArith.QArith QArith.Qround. Require Import VerdiTactics. Close Scope Q. Module Base25Point5_10limbs <: BaseCoefs. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Definition base := map (fun i => two_p (Qceiling (Z_of_nat i *255 # 10))) (seq 0 10). Lemma base_positive : forall b, In b base -> b > 0. Proof. compute; intros; repeat break_or_hyp; intuition. Qed. Lemma b0_1 : forall x, nth_default x base 0 = 1. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma base_good : forall i j, (i+j < length base)%nat -> let b := nth_default 0 base in let r := (b i * b j) / b (i+j)%nat in b i * b j = r * b (i+j)%nat. Proof. intros. assert (In i (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac. assert (In j (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac. subst b; subst r; simpl in *. repeat break_or_hyp; try omega; vm_compute; reflexivity. Qed. End Base25Point5_10limbs. Module Modulus25519 <: Modulus. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Definition two_255_19 := two_p 255 - 19. Lemma two_255_19_prime : prime two_255_19. Admitted. Definition prime25519 := exist _ two_255_19 two_255_19_prime. Definition modulus := prime25519. End Modulus25519. Module GF25519Base25Point5Params <: PseudoMersenneBaseParams Base25Point5_10limbs Modulus25519. Import Base25Point5_10limbs. Import Modulus25519. Local Open Scope Z_scope. (* TODO: do we actually want B and M "up there" in the type parameters? I was * imagining writing something like "Paramter Module M : Modulus". *) Definition k := 255. Definition c := 19. Lemma modulus_pseudomersenne : primeToZ modulus = 2^k - c. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma base_matches_modulus : forall i j, (i < length base)%nat -> (j < length base)%nat -> (i+j >= length base)%nat -> let b := nth_default 0 base in let r := (b i * b j) / (2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat) in b i * b j = r * (2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat). Proof. intros. assert (In i (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac. assert (In j (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac. subst b; subst r; simpl in *. repeat break_or_hyp; try omega; vm_compute; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma base_succ : forall i, ((S i) < length base)%nat -> let b := nth_default 0 base in b (S i) mod b i = 0. Proof. intros. assert (In i (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac. assert (In (S i) (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac. subst b; simpl in *. repeat break_or_hyp; try omega; vm_compute; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma base_tail_matches_modulus: 2^k mod nth_default 0 base (pred (length base)) = 0. Proof. nth_tac. Qed. Lemma b0_1 : forall x, nth_default x base 0 = 1. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma k_nonneg : 0 <= k. Proof. rewrite Zle_is_le_bool; reflexivity. Qed. End GF25519Base25Point5Params. Module GF25519Base25Point5 := GFPseudoMersenneBase Base25Point5_10limbs Modulus25519 GF25519Base25Point5Params. Ltac expand_list f := assert ((length f < 100)%nat) as _ by (simpl length in *; omega); repeat progress ( let n := fresh f in destruct f as [ | n ]; try solve [simpl length in *; try discriminate]). (* TODO: move to ListUtil *) Lemma cons_eq_head : forall {T} (x y:T) xs ys, x::xs = y::ys -> x=y. Proof. intros; solve_by_inversion. Qed. Lemma cons_eq_tail : forall {T} (x y:T) xs ys, x::xs = y::ys -> xs=ys. Proof. intros; solve_by_inversion. Qed. Ltac expand_list_equalities := repeat match goal with | [H: (?x::?xs = ?y::?ys) |- _ ] => let eq_head := fresh "Heq" x in assert (x = y) as eq_head by (eauto using cons_eq_head); assert (xs = ys) by (eauto using cons_eq_tail); clear H | [H:?x = ?x|-_] => clear H end. Section GF25519Base25Point5Formula. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Import GF25519Base25Point5. Import GF. Lemma GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula : forall f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9, {ls | forall f g, rep [f0;f1;f2;f3;f4;f5;f6;f7;f8;f9] f -> rep [g0;g1;g2;g3;g4;g5;g6;g7;g8;g9] g -> rep ls (f*g)%GF}. Proof. intros. eexists. intros f g Hf Hg. pose proof (mul_rep _ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as HmulRef. remember (GF25519Base25Point5.mul [f0;f1;f2;f3;f4;f5;f6;f7;f8;f9] [g0;g1;g2;g3;g4;g5;g6;g7;g8;g9]) as h. unfold GF25519Base25Point5.mul, GF25519Base25Point5.B.add, GF25519Base25Point5.E.mul, GF25519Base25Point5.E.mul', GF25519Base25Point5.E.mul_bi, GF25519Base25Point5.E.mul_bi', GF25519Base25Point5.E.mul_each, GF25519Base25Point5.E.add, GF25519Base25Point5.B.digits, GF25519Base25Point5.E.digits, Base25Point5_10limbs.base, GF25519Base25Point5.E.crosscoef, nth_default in Heqh; simpl in Heqh. unfold two_power_pos, shift_pos in Heqh; simpl in Heqh. (* evaluate row-column crossing coefficients for variable base multiplication *) (* unfoldZ.div in Heqh; simpl in Heqh. *) (* THIS TAKES TOO LONG *) repeat rewrite Z_div_same_full in Heqh by (abstract (apply Zeq_bool_neq; reflexivity)). repeat match goal with [ Heqh : context[ (?a / ?b)%Z ] |- _ ] => replace (a / b)%Z with 2%Z in Heqh by (abstract (symmetry; erewrite <- Z.div_unique_exact; try apply Zeq_bool_neq; reflexivity)) end. Hint Rewrite Z.mul_0_l Z.mul_0_r Z.mul_1_l Z.mul_1_r Z.add_0_l Z.add_0_r : Z_identities. autorewrite with Z_identities in Heqh. (* inline explicit formulas for modular reduction *) cbv beta iota zeta delta [GF25519Base25Point5.reduce Base25Point5_10limbs.base] in Heqh. remember GF25519Base25Point5Params.c as c in Heqh; unfold GF25519Base25Point5Params.c in Heqc. simpl in Heqh. (* prettify resulting modular multiplication expression *) repeat rewrite (Z.mul_add_distr_l c) in Heqh. repeat rewrite (Z.mul_assoc _ _ 2) in Heqh. repeat rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ 2) in Heqh. repeat rewrite (Z.mul_assoc 2 c) in Heqh. remember (2 * c)%Z as TwoC in Heqh; subst c; simpl in HeqTwoC; subst TwoC. (* perform operations on constants *) repeat rewrite Z.add_assoc in Heqh. repeat rewrite Z.mul_assoc in Heqh. assert (Hhl: length h = 10%nat) by (subst h; reflexivity); expand_list h; clear Hhl. expand_list_equalities. (* pretty-print: sh -c "tr -d '\n' | tr 'Z' '\n' | tr -d \% | sed 's:\s\s*\*\s\s*:\*:g' | column -o' ' -t" *) (* output: h0 = (f0*g0 + 38*f9*g1 + 19*f8*g2 + 38*f7*g3 + 19*f6*g4 + 38*f5*g5 + 19*f4*g6 + 38*f3*g7 + 19*f2*g8 + 38*f1*g9) h1 = (f1*g0 + f0*g1 + 19*f9*g2 + 19*f8*g3 + 19*f7*g4 + 19*f6*g5 + 19*f5*g6 + 19*f4*g7 + 19*f3*g8 + 19*f2*g9) h2 = (f2*g0 + 2*f1*g1 + f0*g2 + 38*f9*g3 + 19*f8*g4 + 38*f7*g5 + 19*f6*g6 + 38*f5*g7 + 19*f4*g8 + 38*f3*g9) h3 = (f3*g0 + f2*g1 + f1*g2 + f0*g3 + 19*f9*g4 + 19*f8*g5 + 19*f7*g6 + 19*f6*g7 + 19*f5*g8 + 19*f4*g9) h4 = (f4*g0 + 2*f3*g1 + f2*g2 + 2*f1*g3 + f0*g4 + 38*f9*g5 + 19*f8*g6 + 38*f7*g7 + 19*f6*g8 + 38*f5*g9) h5 = (f5*g0 + f4*g1 + f3*g2 + f2*g3 + f1*g4 + f0*g5 + 19*f9*g6 + 19*f8*g7 + 19*f7*g8 + 19*f6*g9) h6 = (f6*g0 + 2*f5*g1 + f4*g2 + 2*f3*g3 + f2*g4 + 2*f1*g5 + f0*g6 + 38*f9*g7 + 19*f8*g8 + 38*f7*g9) h7 = (f7*g0 + f6*g1 + f5*g2 + f4*g3 + f3*g4 + f2*g5 + f1*g6 + f0*g7 + 19*f9*g8 + 19*f8*g9) h8 = (f8*g0 + 2*f7*g1 + f6*g2 + 2*f5*g3 + f4*g4 + 2*f3*g5 + f2*g6 + 2*f1*g7 + f0*g8 + 38*f9*g9) h9 = (f9*g0 + f8*g1 + f7*g2 + f6*g3 + f5*g4 + f4*g5 + f3*g6 + f2*g7 + f1*g8 + f0*g9) *) (* prove equivalence of multiplication to the stated *) assert (rep [h0; h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; h7; h8; h9] (f * g)%GF) as Hh. { subst h0. subst h1. subst h2. subst h3. subst h4. subst h5. subst h6. subst h7. subst h8. subst h9. repeat match goal with [H: _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H; clear H end. assumption. } (* --- carry phase --- *) remember (rev [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0])%nat as is; simpl in Heqis. destruct (fun pf pf2 => carry_sequence_rep is _ _ pf pf2 Hh). { subst is. clear. intros. simpl in *. firstorder. } { reflexivity. } remember (carry_sequence is [h0; h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; h7; h8; h9]) as r; subst is. (* unroll the carry loop, create a separate variable for each of the 10 list elements *) cbv [GF25519Base25Point5.carry_sequence fold_right rev app] in Heqr. repeat match goal with | [H1: ?a = ?b, H2: ?b = ?c |- _ ] => subst a | [H: context[GF25519Base25Point5.carry ?i (?x::?xs)] |- _ ] => let cr := fresh "cr" in remember (GF25519Base25Point5.carry i (x::xs)) as cr; match goal with [ Heq : cr = ?crdef |- _ ] => cbv [GF25519Base25Point5.carry GF25519Base25Point5.carry_simple GF25519Base25Point5.carry_and_reduce] in Heq; simpl eq_nat_dec in Heq; cbv iota beta in Heq; cbv [set_nth nth_default nth_error value GF25519Base25Point5.add_to_nth] in Heq; let Heql := fresh "Heql" in assert (length cr = length crdef) as Heql by (subst cr; reflexivity); simpl length in Heql; expand_list cr; clear Heql; expand_list_equalities end end. (* compute the human-meaningful froms of constants used during carrying *) cbv [GF25519Base25Point5.cap Base25Point5_10limbs.base GF25519Base25Point5Params.k] in *. simpl eq_nat_dec in *; cbv iota in *. repeat match goal with | [H: _ |- _ ] => rewrite (map_nth_default _ _ _ _ 0%nat 0%Z) in H by (abstract (clear; rewrite seq_length; firstorder)) end. simpl two_p in *. repeat rewrite two_power_pos_equiv in *. repeat rewrite <- Z.pow_sub_r in * by (abstract (clear; firstorder)). simpl Z.sub in *; rewrite Zdiv_1_r in *. (* replace division and Z.modulo with bit operations *) remember (2 ^ 25)%Z as t25 in *. remember (2 ^ 26)%Z as t26 in *. repeat match goal with [H1: ?a = ?b, H2: ?b = ?c |- _ ] => subst a end. subst t25. subst t26. rewrite <- Z.land_ones in * by (abstract (clear; firstorder)). rewrite <- Z.shiftr_div_pow2 in * by (abstract (clear; firstorder)). (* evaluate the constant arguments to bit operations *) remember (Z.ones 25) as m25 in *. compute in Heqm25. subst m25. remember (Z.ones 26) as m26 in *. compute in Heqm26. subst m26. unfold GF25519Base25Point5Params.c in *. (* This tactic takes in [r], a variable that we want to use to instantiate an existential. * We find one other variable mentioned in [r], with its own equality in the hypotheses. * That equality is then switched into a [let] in [r]'s defining equation. *) Ltac letify r := match goal with | [ H : ?x = ?e |- _ ] => is_var x; match goal with | [ H' : r = _ |- _ ] => pattern x in H'; match type of H' with | (fun z => r = @?e' z) x => let H'' := fresh "H" in assert (H'' : r = let x := e in e' x) by congruence; clear H'; subst x; rename H'' into H'; cbv beta in H' end end end. (* To instantiate an existential, give a variable with a defining equation to this tactic. * We instantiate with a [let]-ified version of that equation. *) Ltac existsFromEquations r := repeat letify r; match goal with | [ _ : r = ?e |- context[?u] ] => unify u e end. clear HmulRef Hh Hf Hg. existsFromEquations r. split; auto; congruence. (* Here's the tactic code I added at this point at the end of the old version. * Erase after reading, since it isn't needed anymore. replace ([r0; r1; r2; r3; r4; r5; r6; r7; r8; r9]) with r; unfold rep; auto. subst r. Ltac rsubstBoth := repeat (match goal with [ |- ?a = ?b] => subst a; subst b; repeat progress f_equal || reflexivity end). Ltac t := f_equal; abstract rsubstBoth || (try t). Time t. (* But there's a nicer way! *) Undo 2. (* This tactic finds an [x := e] hypothesis and adds a matching [x = e] hypothesis. *) Ltac letToEquality := match goal with | [ x := ?e |- _ ] => match goal with | [ _ : x = e |- _ ] => fail 1 (* To avoid infinite loop, make sure we didn't already do this one! *) | _ => assert (x = e) by reflexivity end end. (* Repeated introduction of those equalities enables [congruence] to solve the goal. *) Ltac smarter_congruence := repeat letToEquality; congruence. Time smarter_congruence.*) Defined. End GF25519Base25Point5Formula. Extraction "/tmp/" GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula. (* It's easy enough to use extraction to get the proper nice-looking formula. * More Ltac acrobatics will be needed to get out that formula for further use in Coq. * The easiest fix will be to make the proof script above fully automated, * using [abstract] to contain the proof part. *)