Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core. Import B. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.Freeze. Require Crypto.Specific.Framework.CurveParameters. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable. Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn Crypto.Util.ZUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Crypto.Util.Tuple. Require Import Crypto.Util.QUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.PoseTermWithName. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.CacheTerm. Local Notation tuple := Tuple.tuple. Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z. Hint Opaque freeze : uncps. Hint Rewrite freeze_id : uncps. Module Export Exports. Export Coq.setoid_ring.ZArithRing. End Exports. Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParameters). Module P := CurveParameters.FillCurveParameters Curve. Local Infix "^" := tuple : type_scope. (* emacs for adjusting definitions *) (* Query replace regexp (default Definition \([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\) : \([A-Za-z0-9_]+\) := P.compute \(.*\)\.\(.*\) -> Ltac pose_\1 \1 :=\4^J cache_term_with_type_by^J \2^J ltac:(let v := P.do_compute \3 in exact v)^J \1.): *) (* Query replace regexp (default Definition \([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\) : \([A-Za-z0-9_]+\) := P.compute \(.*\)\.\(.*\) -> Ltac pose_\1 \1 :=\4^J cache_term_with_type_by^J \2^J ltac:(let v := P.do_compute \3 in exact v)^J \1.): *) (* Query replace regexp (default Definition \([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\) : \([A-Za-z0-9_ \.]*\) := P.compute \(.*\)\.\(.*\) -> Ltac pose_\1 \1 :=\4^J cache_term_with_type_by^J (\2)^J ltac:(let v := P.do_compute \3 in exact v)^J \1.): *) (* Query replace regexp (default Definition \([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\) := P.compute \(.*\)\.\(.*\) -> Ltac pose_\1 \1 :=\3^J let v := P.do_compute \2 in cache_term v \1.): *) (* These definitions will need to be passed as Ltac arguments (or cleverly inferred) when things are eventually automated *) Ltac pose_sz sz := cache_term_with_type_by nat ltac:(let v := P.do_compute in exact v) sz. Ltac pose_bitwidth bitwidth := cache_term_with_type_by Z ltac:(let v := P.do_compute P.bitwidth in exact v) bitwidth. Ltac pose_s s := (* don't want to compute, e.g., [2^255] *) cache_term_with_type_by Z ltac:(let v := P.do_unfold P.s in exact v) s. Ltac pose_c c := cache_term_with_type_by (list B.limb) ltac:(let v := P.do_compute P.c in exact v) c. Ltac pose_carry_chain1 carry_chain1 := let v := P.do_compute P.carry_chain1 in cache_term v carry_chain1. Ltac pose_carry_chain2 carry_chain2 := let v := P.do_compute P.carry_chain2 in cache_term v carry_chain2. Ltac pose_a24 a24 := let v := P.do_compute P.a24 in cache_term v a24. Ltac pose_coef_div_modulus coef_div_modulus := cache_term_with_type_by nat ltac:(let v := P.do_compute P.coef_div_modulus in exact v) coef_div_modulus. (* These definitions are inferred from those above *) Ltac pose_m s c m := (* modulus *) let v := (eval vm_compute in (Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c))) in cache_term v m. Section wt. Import QArith Qround. Local Coercion QArith_base.inject_Z : Z >-> Q. Definition wt_gen (m : positive) (sz : nat) (i:nat) : Z := 2^Qceiling((Z.log2_up m/sz)*i). End wt. Ltac pose_wt m sz wt := let v := (eval cbv [wt_gen] in (wt_gen m sz)) in cache_term v wt. Ltac pose_sz2 sz sz2 := let v := (eval vm_compute in ((sz * 2) - 1)%nat) in cache_term v sz2. Ltac pose_m_enc sz s c wt m_enc := let v := (eval vm_compute in (Positional.encode (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) (n:=sz) wt (s-Associational.eval c))) in cache_term v m_enc. Ltac pose_coef sz wt m_enc coef_div_modulus coef := (* subtraction coefficient *) let v := (eval vm_compute in ((fix addm (acc: Z^sz) (ctr : nat) : Z^sz := match ctr with | O => acc | S n => addm (Positional.add_cps wt acc m_enc id) n end) (Positional.zeros sz) coef_div_modulus)) in cache_term v coef. Ltac pose_coef_mod sz wt m coef coef_mod := cache_term_with_type_by (mod_eq m (Positional.eval (n:=sz) wt coef) 0) ltac:(exact eq_refl) coef_mod. Ltac pose_sz_nonzero sz sz_nonzero := cache_proof_with_type_by (sz <> 0%nat) ltac:(vm_decide_no_check) sz_nonzero. Ltac pose_wt_nonzero wt wt_nonzero := cache_proof_with_type_by (forall i, wt i <> 0) ltac:(eapply pow_ceil_mul_nat_nonzero; vm_decide_no_check) wt_nonzero. Ltac pose_wt_nonneg wt wt_nonneg := cache_proof_with_type_by (forall i, 0 <= wt i) ltac:(apply pow_ceil_mul_nat_nonneg; vm_decide_no_check) wt_nonneg. Ltac pose_wt_divides wt wt_divides := cache_proof_with_type_by (forall i, wt (S i) / wt i > 0) ltac:(apply pow_ceil_mul_nat_divide; vm_decide_no_check) wt_divides. Ltac pose_wt_divides' wt wt_divides wt_divides' := cache_proof_with_type_by (forall i, wt (S i) / wt i <> 0) ltac:(symmetry; apply Z.lt_neq, Z.gt_lt_iff, wt_divides) wt_divides'. Ltac pose_wt_divides_chain1 wt carry_chain1 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain1 := cache_term_with_type_by (forall i (H:In i carry_chain1), wt (S i) / wt i <> 0) ltac:(let i := fresh "i" in intros i ?; exact (wt_divides' i)) wt_divides_chain1. Ltac pose_wt_divides_chain2 wt carry_chain2 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain2 := cache_term_with_type_by (forall i (H:In i carry_chain2), wt (S i) / wt i <> 0) ltac:(let i := fresh "i" in intros i ?; exact (wt_divides' i)) wt_divides_chain2. Local Ltac solve_constant_sig := idtac; lazymatch goal with | [ |- { c : Z^?sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=?M) ?wt c = ?v } ] => let t := (eval vm_compute in (Positional.encode (n:=sz) (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) wt (F.to_Z (m:=M) v))) in (exists t; vm_decide) end. Ltac pose_zero_sig sz m wt zero_sig := cache_term_with_type_by { zero : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt zero = 0%F} solve_constant_sig zero_sig. Ltac pose_one_sig sz m wt one_sig := cache_term_with_type_by { one : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt one = 1%F} solve_constant_sig one_sig. Ltac pose_a24_sig sz m wt a24 a24_sig := cache_term_with_type_by { a24t : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt a24t = F.of_Z m P.a24 } solve_constant_sig a24_sig. Ltac pose_add_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero add_sig := cache_term_with_type_by { add : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a b : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in eval (add a b) = (eval a + eval b)%F } ltac:(idtac; let a := fresh "a" in let b := fresh "b" in eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b; pose proof wt_nonzero; let x := constr:( Positional.add_cps (n := sz) wt a b id) in solve_op_F wt x; reflexivity) add_sig. Ltac pose_sub_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero coef sub_sig := cache_term_with_type_by {sub : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a b : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in eval (sub a b) = (eval a - eval b)%F} ltac:(idtac; let a := fresh "a" in let b := fresh "b" in eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b; pose proof wt_nonzero; let x := constr:( Positional.sub_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a b id) in solve_op_F wt x; reflexivity) sub_sig. Ltac pose_opp_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero coef opp_sig := cache_term_with_type_by {opp : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (opp a) = F.opp (eval a)} ltac:(idtac; let a := fresh in eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a; pose proof wt_nonzero; let x := constr:( Positional.opp_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a id) in solve_op_F wt x; reflexivity) opp_sig. Ltac pose_mul_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero mul_sig := cache_term_with_type_by {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a b : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (mul a b) = (eval a * eval b)%F} ltac:(idtac; let a := fresh "a" in let b := fresh "b" in eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b; pose proof wt_nonzero; let x := constr:( Positional.mul_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt a b (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt s c ab id)) in solve_op_F wt x; P.default_mul; P.extra_prove_mul_eq; break_match; cbv [Let_In runtime_mul runtime_add]; repeat apply (f_equal2 pair); rewrite ?Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by omega; ring) mul_sig. Ltac pose_square_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero square_sig := cache_term_with_type_by {square : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (square a) = (eval a * eval a)%F} ltac:(idtac; let a := fresh "a" in eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a; pose proof wt_nonzero; let x := constr:( Positional.mul_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt a a (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt s c ab id)) in solve_op_F wt x; P.default_square; P.extra_prove_square_eq; break_match; cbv [Let_In runtime_mul runtime_add]; repeat apply (f_equal2 pair); rewrite ?Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by omega; ring) square_sig. (* Performs a full carry loop (as specified by carry_chain) *) Ltac pose_carry_sig sz m wt s c carry_chain1 carry_chain2 wt_nonzero wt_divides_chain1 wt_divides_chain2 carry_sig := cache_term_with_type_by {carry : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (carry a) = eval a} ltac:(idtac; let a := fresh "a" in eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a; pose proof wt_nonzero; pose proof wt_divides_chain1; pose proof div_mod; pose proof wt_divides_chain2; let x := constr:( Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div)(modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain1 (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r (fun rrr => Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt rrr carry_chain2 id ))) in solve_op_F wt x; reflexivity) carry_sig. Ltac pose_wt_pos wt wt_pos := cache_proof_with_type_by (forall i, wt i > 0) ltac:(eapply pow_ceil_mul_nat_pos; vm_decide_no_check) wt_pos. Ltac pose_wt_multiples wt wt_multiples := cache_proof_with_type_by (forall i, wt (S i) mod (wt i) = 0) ltac:(apply pow_ceil_mul_nat_multiples; vm_decide_no_check) wt_multiples. (* kludge to get around name clashes in the following, and the fact that the python script cares about argument names *) Local Ltac rewrite_eval_freeze_with_c c' := rewrite eval_freeze with (c:=c'). Ltac pose_freeze_sig sz m wt c m_enc bitwidth wt_nonzero wt_pos wt_divides wt_multiples freeze_sig := cache_term_with_type_by {freeze : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a : Z^sz, (0 <= Positional.eval wt a < 2 * Z.pos m)-> let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (freeze a) = eval a} ltac:(let a := fresh "a" in eexists; cbv beta zeta; (intros a ?); pose proof wt_nonzero; pose proof wt_pos; pose proof div_mod; pose proof wt_divides; pose proof wt_multiples; pose proof div_correct; pose proof modulo_correct; let x := constr:(freeze (n:=sz) wt (Z.ones bitwidth) m_enc a) in F_mod_eq; transitivity (Positional.eval wt x); repeat autounfold; [ | autorewrite with uncps push_id push_basesystem_eval; rewrite_eval_freeze_with_c c; try eassumption; try omega; try reflexivity; try solve [auto using B.Positional.select_id, B.Positional.eval_select(*, zselect_correct*)]; vm_decide]; cbv[mod_eq]; apply f_equal2; [ | reflexivity ]; apply f_equal; cbv - [runtime_opp runtime_add runtime_mul runtime_shr runtime_and Let_In Z.add_get_carry Z.zselect]; reflexivity) freeze_sig. Ltac pose_ring sz m wt wt_divides' sz_nonzero wt_nonzero zero_sig one_sig opp_sig add_sig sub_sig mul_sig ring := cache_term (Ring.ring_by_isomorphism (F := F m) (H := Z^sz) (phi := Positional.Fencode wt) (phi' := Positional.Fdecode wt) (zero := proj1_sig zero_sig) (one := proj1_sig one_sig) (opp := proj1_sig opp_sig) (add := proj1_sig add_sig) (sub := proj1_sig sub_sig) (mul := proj1_sig mul_sig) (phi'_zero := proj2_sig zero_sig) (phi'_one := proj2_sig one_sig) (phi'_opp := proj2_sig opp_sig) (Positional.Fdecode_Fencode_id (sz_nonzero := sz_nonzero) (div_mod := div_mod) wt eq_refl wt_nonzero wt_divides') (Positional.eq_Feq_iff wt) (proj2_sig add_sig) (proj2_sig sub_sig) (proj2_sig mul_sig) ) ring. (* Eval cbv [proj1_sig add_sig] in (proj1_sig add_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig sub_sig] in (proj1_sig sub_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig opp_sig] in (proj1_sig opp_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig mul_sig] in (proj1_sig mul_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_sig] in (proj1_sig carry_sig). *) (** << #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import with_statement import re with open('ArithmeticSynthesisFramework.v', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() header = 'Ltac pose_' fns = [(name, args.strip()) for line in lines if line.strip()[:len(header)] == header for name, args in re.findall('Ltac pose_([^ ]*' + ') ([A-Za-z0-9_\' ]*' + ')', line.strip())] print(r''' Ltac get_ArithmeticSynthesis_package _ := %s''' % '\n '.join('let %s := fresh "%s" in' % (name, name) for name, args in fns)) print(' ' + '\n '.join('let %s := pose_%s %s in' % (name, name, args) for name, args in fns)) print(' constr:((%s)).' % ', '.join(name for name, args in fns)) print(r''' Ltac make_ArithmeticSynthesis_package _ := lazymatch goal with | [ |- { T : _ & T } ] => eexists | [ |- _ ] => idtac end; let pkg := get_ArithmeticSynthesis_package () in exact pkg. End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics. Module Type ArithmeticSynthesisPrePackage. Parameter ArithmeticSynthesis_package' : { T : _ & T }. Parameter ArithmeticSynthesis_package : projT1 ArithmeticSynthesis_package'. End ArithmeticSynthesisPrePackage. Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest (AP : ArithmeticSynthesisPrePackage). Ltac get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package _ := eval hnf in AP.ArithmeticSynthesis_package. Ltac AS_reduce_proj x := eval cbv beta iota zeta in x. ''') terms = ', '.join(name for name, args in fns) for name, args in fns: print(" Ltac get_%s _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(%s) := pkg in %s)." % (name, terms, name)) print(" Notation %s := (ltac:(let v := get_%s () in exact v)) (only parsing)." % (name, name)) print('End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest.') >> **) Ltac get_ArithmeticSynthesis_package _ := let sz := fresh "sz" in let bitwidth := fresh "bitwidth" in let s := fresh "s" in let c := fresh "c" in let carry_chain1 := fresh "carry_chain1" in let carry_chain2 := fresh "carry_chain2" in let a24 := fresh "a24" in let coef_div_modulus := fresh "coef_div_modulus" in let m := fresh "m" in let wt := fresh "wt" in let sz2 := fresh "sz2" in let m_enc := fresh "m_enc" in let coef := fresh "coef" in let coef_mod := fresh "coef_mod" in let sz_nonzero := fresh "sz_nonzero" in let wt_nonzero := fresh "wt_nonzero" in let wt_nonneg := fresh "wt_nonneg" in let wt_divides := fresh "wt_divides" in let wt_divides' := fresh "wt_divides'" in let wt_divides_chain1 := fresh "wt_divides_chain1" in let wt_divides_chain2 := fresh "wt_divides_chain2" in let zero_sig := fresh "zero_sig" in let one_sig := fresh "one_sig" in let a24_sig := fresh "a24_sig" in let add_sig := fresh "add_sig" in let sub_sig := fresh "sub_sig" in let opp_sig := fresh "opp_sig" in let mul_sig := fresh "mul_sig" in let square_sig := fresh "square_sig" in let carry_sig := fresh "carry_sig" in let wt_pos := fresh "wt_pos" in let wt_multiples := fresh "wt_multiples" in let freeze_sig := fresh "freeze_sig" in let ring := fresh "ring" in let sz := pose_sz sz in let bitwidth := pose_bitwidth bitwidth in let s := pose_s s in let c := pose_c c in let carry_chain1 := pose_carry_chain1 carry_chain1 in let carry_chain2 := pose_carry_chain2 carry_chain2 in let a24 := pose_a24 a24 in let coef_div_modulus := pose_coef_div_modulus coef_div_modulus in let m := pose_m s c m in let wt := pose_wt m sz wt in let sz2 := pose_sz2 sz sz2 in let m_enc := pose_m_enc sz s c wt m_enc in let coef := pose_coef sz wt m_enc coef_div_modulus coef in let coef_mod := pose_coef_mod sz wt m coef coef_mod in let sz_nonzero := pose_sz_nonzero sz sz_nonzero in let wt_nonzero := pose_wt_nonzero wt wt_nonzero in let wt_nonneg := pose_wt_nonneg wt wt_nonneg in let wt_divides := pose_wt_divides wt wt_divides in let wt_divides' := pose_wt_divides' wt wt_divides wt_divides' in let wt_divides_chain1 := pose_wt_divides_chain1 wt carry_chain1 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain1 in let wt_divides_chain2 := pose_wt_divides_chain2 wt carry_chain2 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain2 in let zero_sig := pose_zero_sig sz m wt zero_sig in let one_sig := pose_one_sig sz m wt one_sig in let a24_sig := pose_a24_sig sz m wt a24 a24_sig in let add_sig := pose_add_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero add_sig in let sub_sig := pose_sub_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero coef sub_sig in let opp_sig := pose_opp_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero coef opp_sig in let mul_sig := pose_mul_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero mul_sig in let square_sig := pose_square_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero square_sig in let carry_sig := pose_carry_sig sz m wt s c carry_chain1 carry_chain2 wt_nonzero wt_divides_chain1 wt_divides_chain2 carry_sig in let wt_pos := pose_wt_pos wt wt_pos in let wt_multiples := pose_wt_multiples wt wt_multiples in let freeze_sig := pose_freeze_sig sz m wt c m_enc bitwidth wt_nonzero wt_pos wt_divides wt_multiples freeze_sig in let ring := pose_ring sz m wt wt_divides' sz_nonzero wt_nonzero zero_sig one_sig opp_sig add_sig sub_sig mul_sig ring in constr:((sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring)). Ltac make_ArithmeticSynthesis_package _ := lazymatch goal with | [ |- { T : _ & T } ] => eexists | [ |- _ ] => idtac end; let pkg := get_ArithmeticSynthesis_package () in exact pkg. End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics. Module Type ArithmeticSynthesisPrePackage. Parameter ArithmeticSynthesis_package' : { T : _ & T }. Parameter ArithmeticSynthesis_package : projT1 ArithmeticSynthesis_package'. End ArithmeticSynthesisPrePackage. Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest (AP : ArithmeticSynthesisPrePackage). Ltac get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package _ := eval hnf in AP.ArithmeticSynthesis_package. Ltac AS_reduce_proj x := eval cbv beta iota zeta in x. Ltac get_sz _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz). Notation sz := (ltac:(let v := get_sz () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_bitwidth _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in bitwidth). Notation bitwidth := (ltac:(let v := get_bitwidth () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_s _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in s). Notation s := (ltac:(let v := get_s () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_c _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in c). Notation c := (ltac:(let v := get_c () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_carry_chain1 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_chain1). Notation carry_chain1 := (ltac:(let v := get_carry_chain1 () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_carry_chain2 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_chain2). Notation carry_chain2 := (ltac:(let v := get_carry_chain2 () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_a24 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in a24). Notation a24 := (ltac:(let v := get_a24 () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_coef_div_modulus _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef_div_modulus). Notation coef_div_modulus := (ltac:(let v := get_coef_div_modulus () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_m _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in m). Notation m := (ltac:(let v := get_m () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt). Notation wt := (ltac:(let v := get_wt () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_sz2 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz2). Notation sz2 := (ltac:(let v := get_sz2 () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_m_enc _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in m_enc). Notation m_enc := (ltac:(let v := get_m_enc () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_coef _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef). Notation coef := (ltac:(let v := get_coef () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_coef_mod _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef_mod). Notation coef_mod := (ltac:(let v := get_coef_mod () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_sz_nonzero _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz_nonzero). Notation sz_nonzero := (ltac:(let v := get_sz_nonzero () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_nonzero _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_nonzero). Notation wt_nonzero := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_nonzero () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_nonneg _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_nonneg). Notation wt_nonneg := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_nonneg () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_divides _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides). Notation wt_divides := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_divides' _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides'). Notation wt_divides' := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides' () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_divides_chain1 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides_chain1). Notation wt_divides_chain1 := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides_chain1 () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_divides_chain2 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides_chain2). Notation wt_divides_chain2 := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides_chain2 () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_zero_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in zero_sig). Notation zero_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_zero_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_one_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in one_sig). Notation one_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_one_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_a24_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in a24_sig). Notation a24_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_a24_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_add_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in add_sig). Notation add_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_add_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_sub_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sub_sig). Notation sub_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_sub_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_opp_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in opp_sig). Notation opp_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_opp_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_mul_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in mul_sig). Notation mul_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_mul_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_square_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in square_sig). Notation square_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_square_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_carry_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_sig). Notation carry_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_carry_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_pos _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_pos). Notation wt_pos := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_pos () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_wt_multiples _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_multiples). Notation wt_multiples := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_multiples () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_freeze_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in freeze_sig). Notation freeze_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_freeze_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing). Ltac get_ring _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in ring). Notation ring := (ltac:(let v := get_ring () in exact v)) (only parsing). End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest.