Require Import Crypto.Specific.FancyMachine256.Core. Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.MontgomeryReduction. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Proofs. Section expression. Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)) (props : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops) (modulus : Z) (m' : Z) (Hm : modulus <> 0) (H : 0 <= modulus < 2^256) (Hm' : 0 <= m' < 2^256). Let H' : 0 <= 256 <= 256. omega. Qed. Let H'' : 0 < 256. omega. Qed. Definition ldi' : load_immediate (@ZBounded.SmallT (2 ^ 256) (2 ^ 256) modulus (@ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps 128 ops modulus 256)) := _. Let isldi : is_load_immediate ldi' := _. Let props' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 := ZLikeProperties_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored ops modulus ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 H 256 H' H''. Definition pre_f' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 lm' := (fun v => (reduce_via_partial (2^256) modulus (props := props' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0) lm' I Hm (fst v, snd v))). Definition pre_f := pre_f' _ _ eq_refl eq_refl (ldi' m'). Definition f := (fun v => pflet ldi_modulus, Hldi_modulus := ldi' modulus in dlet lm' := ldi' m' in pflet ldi_0, Hldi_0 := ldi' 0 in proj1_sig (pre_f' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 lm' v)). Local Arguments proj1_sig _ _ !_ / . Local Arguments ZBounded.CarryAdd / _ _ _ _ _ _. Local Arguments ZBounded.ConditionalSubtract / _ _ _ _ _ _. Local Arguments ZBounded.ConditionalSubtractModulus / _ _ _ _ _. Local Arguments ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps / _ _ _ _. Local Arguments ZBounded.DivBy_SmallBound / _ _ _ _ _. Local Arguments f / _. Local Arguments pre_f' / _ _ _ _ _ _. Local Arguments ldi' / . Local Arguments reduce_via_partial / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Local Arguments Core.mul_double / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Local Opaque Let_In Let_In_pf. Definition expression' := Eval simpl in f. Local Transparent Let_In Let_In_pf. Definition expression := Eval cbv beta delta [expression' fst snd Let_In Let_In_pf] in expression'. Definition expression_eq v : fancy_machine.decode (expression v) = _ := proj1 (proj2_sig (pre_f v) I). Definition expression_correct R' HR0 HR1 v Hv : fancy_machine.decode (expression v) = _ := @Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.reduce_via_partial_correct (2^256) modulus _ (props' _ _ eq_refl eq_refl) (ldi' m') I Hm R' HR0 HR1 (fst v, snd v) I Hv. End expression. Section reflected. Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)). Local Notation tZ := (Tbase TZ). Local Notation tW := (Tbase TW). Definition rexpression : Syntax.Expr base_type op (Arrow (tZ * tZ * tW * tW) tW). Proof. let v := (eval cbv beta delta [expression] in (fun modulus_m'_x_y => let '(modulusv, m'v, xv, yv) := modulus_m'_x_y in expression ops modulusv m'v (xv, yv))) in let v := Reify v in exact v. Defined. Definition rexpression_simple := Eval vm_compute in rexpression. (*Compute DefaultRegisters rexpression_simple.*) Definition registers := [RegMod; RegPInv; lo; hi; RegMod; RegPInv; RegZero; y; t1; SpecialCarryBit; y; t1; SpecialCarryBit; y; t1; t2; scratch+3; SpecialCarryBit; t1; SpecialCarryBit; t2; scratch+3; SpecialCarryBit; t1; SpecialCarryBit; t2; SpecialCarryBit; lo; SpecialCarryBit; hi; y; SpecialCarryBit; lo; lo]. Definition compiled_syntax := Eval lazy in AssembleSyntax rexpression_simple registers. Context (modulus m' : Z) (props : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops). Let result (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2) := Syntax.Interp interp_op rexpression_simple (modulus, m', fst v, snd v). Let assembled_result (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2) : fancy_machine.W := Core.Interp compiled_syntax (modulus, m', fst v, snd v). Theorem sanity : result = expression ops modulus m'. Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem assembled_sanity : assembled_result = expression ops modulus m'. Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed. Local Infix "≡₂₅₆" := (Z.equiv_modulo (2^256)). Local Infix "≡" := (Z.equiv_modulo modulus). Section correctness. Context R' (* modular inverse of 2^256 *) (H0 : modulus <> 0) (H1 : 0 <= modulus < 2^256) (H2 : 0 <= m' < 2^256) (H3 : 2^256 * R' ≡ 1) (H4 : modulus * m' ≡₂₅₆ -1) (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2) (H5 : 0 <= decode v <= 2^256 * modulus). Theorem correctness : fancy_machine.decode (result v) = (decode v * R') mod modulus. Proof using H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 props. replace m' with (fancy_machine.decode (fancy_machine.ldi m')) in H4 by (apply decode_load_immediate; trivial; exact _). rewrite sanity; destruct v; apply expression_correct; assumption. Qed. Theorem assembled_correctness : fancy_machine.decode (assembled_result v) = (decode v * R') mod modulus. Proof using H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 props. replace m' with (fancy_machine.decode (fancy_machine.ldi m')) in H4 by (apply decode_load_immediate; trivial; exact _). rewrite assembled_sanity; destruct v; apply expression_correct; assumption. Qed. End correctness. End reflected. Print compiled_syntax. (* compiled_syntax = fun ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128) => λn (RegMod, RegPInv, lo, hi), nlet RegMod := RegMod in nlet RegPInv := RegPInv in nlet RegZero := ldi 0 in c.Mul128(y, c.LowerHalf(lo), c.LowerHalf(RegPInv)), c.Mul128(t1, c.UpperHalf(lo), c.LowerHalf(RegPInv)), c.Add(y, y, c.LeftShifted{t1, 128}), c.Mul128(t1, c.UpperHalf(RegPInv), c.LowerHalf(lo)), c.Add(y, y, c.LeftShifted{t1, 128}), c.Mul128(t1, c.LowerHalf(y), c.LowerHalf(RegMod)), c.Mul128(t2, c.UpperHalf(y), c.UpperHalf(RegMod)), c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(y), c.LowerHalf(RegMod)), c.Add(t1, t1, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}), c.Addc(t2, t2, c.RightShifted{scratch+3, 128}), c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(RegMod), c.LowerHalf(y)), c.Add(t1, t1, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}), c.Addc(t2, t2, c.RightShifted{scratch+3, 128}), c.Add(lo, lo, t1), c.Addc(hi, hi, t2), c.Selc(y, RegMod, RegZero), c.Sub(lo, hi, y), c.Addm(lo, lo, RegZero), Return lo : forall ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128), expr base_type op Register (Tbase TZ * Tbase TZ * Tbase TW * Tbase TW -> Tbase TW) *)