Require Import Bedrock.Word. Require Import Crypto.Spec.Ed25519. Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics. Require Import BinNat BinInt NArith Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic. Require Import ModularArithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems. Require Import ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems. Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve. Require Import Crypto.Encoding.PointEncodingPre. Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding Crypto.Spec.PointEncoding. Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.ExtendedCoordinates. Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems. Require Import Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp Crypto.Util.WordUtil Crypto.Rep. Local Infix "++" := Word.combine. Local Notation " a '[:' i ']' " := (Word.split1 i _ a) (at level 40). Local Notation " a '[' i ':]' " := (Word.split2 i _ a) (at level 40). Local Arguments H {_} _. Local Arguments scalarMultM1 {_} {_} _ _ _. Local Arguments unifiedAddM1 {_} {_} _ _. Local Ltac set_evars := repeat match goal with | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E) end. Local Ltac subst_evars := repeat match goal with | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e end. Lemma funexp_proj {T T'} (proj : T -> T') (f : T -> T) (f' : T' -> T') x n (f_proj : forall a, proj (f a) = f' (proj a)) : proj (funexp f x n) = funexp f' (proj x) n. Proof. revert x; induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl; congruence. Qed. Lemma iter_op_proj {T T' S} (proj : T -> T') (op : T -> T -> T) (op' : T' -> T' -> T') x y z (testbit : S -> nat -> bool) (bound : nat) (op_proj : forall a b, proj (op a b) = op' (proj a) (proj b)) : proj (iter_op op x testbit y z bound) = iter_op op' (proj x) testbit y (proj z) bound. Proof. unfold iter_op. simpl. lazymatch goal with | [ |- ?proj (snd (funexp ?f ?x ?n)) = snd (funexp ?f' _ ?n) ] => pose proof (fun x0 x1 => funexp_proj (fun x => (fst x, proj (snd x))) f f' (x0, x1)) as H' end. simpl in H'. rewrite <- H'. { reflexivity. } { intros [??]; simpl. repeat match goal with | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct n eqn:? | _ => progress simpl | _ => progress subst | _ => reflexivity | _ => rewrite op_proj end. } Qed. Lemma B_proj : proj1_sig B = (fst(proj1_sig B), snd(proj1_sig B)). destruct B as [[]]; reflexivity. Qed. Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid. Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd {A T} : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)). Proof. intros ?? H ??? [|]??; subst; simpl; congruence. Qed. Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd' {A T} : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> forall_relation (fun _ => eq)) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)). Proof. intros ?? H ??? [|]; subst; simpl; congruence. Qed. Hint Extern 1 (Proper _ (@option_rect ?A (fun _ => ?T))) => exact (@option_rect_Proper_nd' A T) : typeclass_instances. Lemma option_rect_option_map : forall {A B C} (f:A->B) some none v, option_rect (fun _ => C) (fun x => some (f x)) none v = option_rect (fun _ => C) some none (option_map f v). Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed. Axiom decode_scalar : word b -> option N. Local Existing Instance Ed25519.FlEncoding. Axiom decode_scalar_correct : forall x, decode_scalar x = option_map (fun x : F (Z.of_nat Ed25519.l) => Z.to_N x) (dec x). Local Infix "==?" := E.point_eqb (at level 70) : E_scope. Local Infix "==?" := ModularArithmeticTheorems.F_eq_dec (at level 70) : F_scope. Lemma solve_for_R_eq : forall A B C, (A = B + C <-> B = A - C)%E. Proof. intros; split; intros; subst; unfold E.sub; rewrite <-E.add_assoc, ?E.add_opp_r, ?E.add_opp_l, E.add_0_r; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma solve_for_R : forall A B C, (A ==? B + C)%E = (B ==? A - C)%E. Proof. intros. repeat match goal with |- context [(?P ==? ?Q)%E] => let H := fresh "H" in destruct (E.point_eq_dec P Q) as [H|H]; (rewrite (E.point_eqb_complete _ _ H) || rewrite (E.point_eqb_neq_complete _ _ H)) end; rewrite solve_for_R_eq in H; congruence. Qed. Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ',' T ')'" := (mkExtended X Y Z T). Local Notation "2" := (ZToField 2) : F_scope. Local Existing Instance PointEncoding. Lemma decode_point_eq : forall (P_ Q_ : word (S (b-1))) (P Q:E.point), dec P_ = Some P -> dec Q_ = Some Q -> weqb P_ Q_ = (P ==? Q)%E. Proof. intros. replace P_ with (enc P) in * by (auto using encoding_canonical). replace Q_ with (enc Q) in * by (auto using encoding_canonical). rewrite E.point_eqb_correct. edestruct E.point_eq_dec; (apply weqb_true_iff || apply weqb_false_iff); congruence. Qed. Lemma decode_test_encode_test : forall S_ X, option_rect (fun _ : option E.point => bool) (fun S : E.point => (S ==? X)%E) false (dec S_) = weqb S_ (enc X). Proof. intros. destruct (dec S_) eqn:H. { symmetry; eauto using decode_point_eq, encoding_valid. } { simpl @option_rect. destruct (weqb S_ (enc X)) eqn:Heqb; trivial. apply weqb_true_iff in Heqb. subst. rewrite encoding_valid in H; discriminate. } Qed. Definition enc' : F q * F q -> word b. Proof. intro x. let enc' := (eval hnf in (@enc (@E.point curve25519params) _ _)) in match (eval cbv [proj1_sig] in (fun pf => enc' (exist _ x pf))) with | (fun _ => ?enc') => exact enc' end. Defined. Definition enc'_correct : @enc (@E.point curve25519params) _ _ = (fun x => enc' (proj1_sig x)) := eq_refl. Definition Let_In {A P} (x : A) (f : forall a : A, P a) : P x := let y := x in f y. Global Instance Let_In_Proper_nd {A P} : Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq) (@Let_In A (fun _ => P)). Proof. lazy; intros; congruence. Qed. Lemma option_rect_function {A B C S' N' v} f : f (option_rect (fun _ : option A => option B) S' N' v) = option_rect (fun _ : option A => C) (fun x => f (S' x)) (f N') v. Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed. Local Ltac commute_option_rect_Let_In := (* pull let binders out side of option_rect pattern matching *) idtac; lazymatch goal with | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Let_In ?x ?f) ] => (* we want to just do a [change] here, but unification is stupid, so we have to tell it what to unfold in what order *) cut (LHS = Let_In x (fun y => option_rect P S N (f y))); cbv beta; [ set_evars; let H := fresh in intro H; rewrite H; clear; abstract (cbv [Let_In]; reflexivity) | ] end. Local Ltac replace_let_in_with_Let_In := repeat match goal with | [ |- context G[let x := ?y in @?z x] ] => let G' := context G[Let_In y z] in change G' | [ |- _ = Let_In _ _ ] => apply Let_In_Proper_nd; [ reflexivity | cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro ] end. Local Ltac simpl_option_rect := (* deal with [option_rect _ _ _ None] and [option_rect _ _ _ (Some _)] *) repeat match goal with | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N None] ] => change (option_rect P S N None) with N | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Some ?x) ] ] => change (option_rect P S N (Some x)) with (S x); cbv beta end. Section Ed25519Frep. Generalizable All Variables. Context `(rcS:RepConversions N SRep) (rcSOK:RepConversionsOK rcS). Context `(rcF:RepConversions (F (Ed25519.q)) FRep) (rcFOK:RepConversionsOK rcF). Context (FRepAdd FRepSub FRepMul:FRep->FRep->FRep) (FRepAdd_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF add FRepMul). Context (FRepSub_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF sub FRepSub) (FRepMul_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF mul FRepMul). Local Notation rep2F := (unRep : FRep -> F (Ed25519.q)). Local Notation F2Rep := (toRep : F (Ed25519.q) -> FRep). Local Notation rep2S := (unRep : SRep -> N). Local Notation S2Rep := (toRep : N -> SRep). Axiom FRepOpp : FRep -> FRep. Axiom FRepOpp_correct : forall x, opp (rep2F x) = rep2F (FRepOpp x). Axiom wltu : forall {b}, word b -> word b -> bool. Axiom wltu_correct : forall {b} (x y:word b), wltu x y = (wordToN x option FRep. Axiom wire2FRep_correct : forall x, Fm_dec x = option_map rep2F (wire2FRep x). Axiom FRep2wire : FRep -> word (b-1). Axiom FRep2wire_correct : forall x, FRep2wire x = @enc _ _ FqEncoding (rep2F x). Axiom SRep_testbit : SRep -> nat -> bool. Axiom SRep_testbit_correct : forall (x0 : SRep) (i : nat), SRep_testbit x0 i = N.testbit_nat (unRep x0) i. Definition FSRepPow x n := iter_op FRepMul (toRep 1%F) SRep_testbit n x 255. Lemma FSRepPow_correct : forall x n, (N.size_nat (unRep n) <= 255)%nat -> (unRep x ^ unRep n)%F = unRep (FSRepPow x n). Proof. (* this proof derives the required formula, which I copy-pasted above to be able to reference it without the length precondition *) unfold FSRepPow; intros. erewrite <-pow_nat_iter_op_correct by auto. erewrite <-(fun x => iter_op_spec (scalar := SRep) (mul (m:=Ed25519.q)) F_mul_assoc _ F_mul_1_l _ unRep SRep_testbit_correct n x 255%nat) by auto. rewrite <-(rcFOK 1%F) at 1. erewrite <-iter_op_proj by auto. reflexivity. Qed. Definition FRepInv x : FRep := FSRepPow x (S2Rep (Z.to_N (Ed25519.q - 2))). Lemma FRepInv_correct : forall x, inv (rep2F x)%F = rep2F (FRepInv x). unfold FRepInv; intros. rewrite <-FSRepPow_correct; rewrite rcSOK; try reflexivity. pose proof @Fq_inv_fermat_correct as H; unfold inv_fermat in H; rewrite H by auto using Ed25519.prime_q, Ed25519.two_lt_q. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma unfoldDiv : forall {m} (x y:F m), (x/y = x * inv y)%F. Proof. unfold div. congruence. Qed. Definition rep2E (r:FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep) : extended := match r with (((x, y), z), t) => mkExtended (rep2F x) (rep2F y) (rep2F z) (rep2F t) end. Lemma if_map : forall {T U} (f:T->U) (b:bool) (x y:T), (if b then f x else f y) = f (if b then x else y). Proof. destruct b; trivial. Qed. Local Ltac Let_In_unRep := match goal with | [ |- appcontext G[Let_In (unRep ?x) ?f] ] => change (Let_In (unRep x) f) with (Let_In x (fun y => f (unRep y))); cbv beta end. (** TODO: Move me *) Lemma pull_Let_In {B C} (f : B -> C) A (v : A) (b : A -> B) : Let_In v (fun v' => f (b v')) = f (Let_In v b). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Let_app_In {A B T} (g:A->B) (f:B->T) (x:A) : @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g x) f = @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) x (fun p => f (g x)). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Let_app2_In {A B C D T} (g1:A->C) (g2:B->D) (f:C*D->T) (x:A) (y:B) : @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g1 x, g2 y) f = @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (x, y) (fun p => f ((g1 (fst p), g2 (snd p)))). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Create HintDb FRepOperations discriminated. Hint Rewrite FRepMul_correct FRepAdd_correct FRepSub_correct FRepInv_correct FSRepPow_correct FRepOpp_correct : FRepOperations. Create HintDb EdDSA_opts discriminated. Hint Rewrite FRepMul_correct FRepAdd_correct FRepSub_correct FRepInv_correct FSRepPow_correct FRepOpp_correct : EdDSA_opts. Lemma unifiedAddM1Rep_sig : forall a b : FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep, { unifiedAddM1Rep | rep2E unifiedAddM1Rep = unifiedAddM1' (rep2E a) (rep2E b) }. Proof. destruct a as [[[]]]; destruct b as [[[]]]. eexists. lazymatch goal with |- ?LHS = ?RHS :> ?T => evar (e:T); replace LHS with e; [subst e|] end. unfold rep2E. cbv beta delta [unifiedAddM1']. pose proof (rcFOK twice_d) as H; rewrite <-H; clear H. (* XXX: this is a hack -- rewrite misresolves typeclasses? *) { etransitivity; [|replace_let_in_with_Let_In; reflexivity]. repeat ( autorewrite with FRepOperations; Let_In_unRep; eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [Proper respectful pointwise_relation]; intro]). lazymatch goal with |- ?LHS = (unRep ?x, unRep ?y, unRep ?z, unRep ?t) => change (LHS = (rep2E (((x, y), z), t))) end. reflexivity. } subst e. Local Opaque Let_In. repeat setoid_rewrite (pull_Let_In rep2E). Local Transparent Let_In. reflexivity. Defined. Definition unifiedAddM1Rep (a b:FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep) : FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep := Eval hnf in proj1_sig (unifiedAddM1Rep_sig a b). Definition unifiedAddM1Rep_correct a b : rep2E (unifiedAddM1Rep a b) = unifiedAddM1' (rep2E a) (rep2E b) := Eval hnf in proj2_sig (unifiedAddM1Rep_sig a b). Definition rep2T (P:FRep * FRep) := (rep2F (fst P), rep2F (snd P)). Definition erep2trep (P:FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep) := Let_In P (fun P => Let_In (FRepInv (snd (fst P))) (fun iZ => (FRepMul (fst (fst (fst P))) iZ, FRepMul (snd (fst (fst P))) iZ))). Lemma erep2trep_correct : forall P, rep2T (erep2trep P) = extendedToTwisted (rep2E P). Proof. unfold rep2T, rep2E, erep2trep, extendedToTwisted; destruct P as [[[]]]; simpl. rewrite !unfoldDiv, <-!FRepMul_correct, <-FRepInv_correct. reflexivity. Qed. (** TODO: possibly move me, remove local *) Local Ltac replace_option_match_with_option_rect := idtac; lazymatch goal with | [ |- _ = ?RHS :> ?T ] => lazymatch RHS with | match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end => replace RHS with (option_rect (fun _ => T) S N a) by (destruct a; reflexivity) end end. (** TODO: Move me, remove Local *) Definition proj1_sig_unmatched {A P} := @proj1_sig A P. Definition proj1_sig_nounfold {A P} := @proj1_sig A P. Definition proj1_sig_unfold {A P} := Eval cbv [proj1_sig] in @proj1_sig A P. Local Ltac unfold_proj1_sig_exist := (** Change the first [proj1_sig] into [proj1_sig_unmatched]; if it's applied to [exist], mark it as unfoldable, otherwise mark it as not unfoldable. Then repeat. Finally, unfold. *) repeat (change @proj1_sig with @proj1_sig_unmatched at 1; match goal with | [ |- context[proj1_sig_unmatched (exist _ _ _)] ] => change @proj1_sig_unmatched with @proj1_sig_unfold | _ => change @proj1_sig_unmatched with @proj1_sig_nounfold end); (* [proj1_sig_nounfold] is a thin wrapper around [proj1_sig]; unfolding it restores [proj1_sig]. Unfolding [proj1_sig_nounfold] exposes the pattern match, which is reduced by ι. *) cbv [proj1_sig_nounfold proj1_sig_unfold]. (** TODO: possibly move me, remove Local *) Local Ltac reflexivity_when_unification_is_stupid_about_evars := repeat first [ reflexivity | apply f_equal ]. Local Existing Instance eq_Reflexive. (* To get some of the [setoid_rewrite]s below to work, we need to infer [Reflexive eq] before [Reflexive Equivalence.equiv] *) (* TODO: move me *) Lemma fold_rep2E x y z t : (rep2F x, rep2F y, rep2F z, rep2F t) = rep2E (((x, y), z), t). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma commute_negateExtended'_rep2E x y z t : negateExtended' (rep2E (((x, y), z), t)) = rep2E (((FRepOpp x, y), z), FRepOpp t). Proof. simpl; autorewrite with FRepOperations; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fold_rep2E_ffff x y z t : (x, y, z, t) = rep2E (((toRep x, toRep y), toRep z), toRep t). Proof. simpl; rewrite !rcFOK; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fold_rep2E_rrfr x y z t : (rep2F x, rep2F y, z, rep2F t) = rep2E (((x, y), toRep z), t). Proof. simpl; rewrite !rcFOK; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fold_rep2E_0fff y z t : (0%F, y, z, t) = rep2E (((toRep 0%F, toRep y), toRep z), toRep t). Proof. apply fold_rep2E_ffff. Qed. Lemma fold_rep2E_ff1f x y t : (x, y, 1%F, t) = rep2E (((toRep x, toRep y), toRep 1%F), toRep t). Proof. apply fold_rep2E_ffff. Qed. Lemma commute_negateExtended'_rep2E_rrfr x y z t : negateExtended' (unRep x, unRep y, z, unRep t) = rep2E (((FRepOpp x, y), toRep z), FRepOpp t). Proof. rewrite <- commute_negateExtended'_rep2E; simpl; rewrite !rcFOK; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite @F_mul_0_l commute_negateExtended'_rep2E_rrfr fold_rep2E_0fff (@fold_rep2E_ff1f (fst (proj1_sig B))) @if_F_eq_dec_if_F_eqb compare_enc (if_map unRep) (fun T => Let_app2_In (T := T) unRep unRep) @F_pow_2_r @unfoldDiv : EdDSA_opts. Hint Rewrite <- unifiedAddM1Rep_correct erep2trep_correct (fun x y z bound => iter_op_proj rep2E unifiedAddM1Rep unifiedAddM1' x y z N.testbit_nat bound unifiedAddM1Rep_correct) FRep2wire_correct: EdDSA_opts. Lemma sharper_verify : forall pk l msg sig, { verify | verify = ed25519_verify pk l msg sig}. Proof. eexists; intros. cbv [ed25519_verify EdDSA.verify ed25519params curve25519params EdDSA.E EdDSA.B EdDSA.b EdDSA.l EdDSA.H EdDSA.PointEncoding EdDSA.FlEncoding EdDSA.FqEncoding]. etransitivity. Focus 2. { repeat match goal with | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity | _ => replace_option_match_with_option_rect | [ |- _ = option_rect _ _ _ _ ] => eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ intro | reflexivity.. ] end. set_evars. rewrite<- E.point_eqb_correct. rewrite solve_for_R; unfold E.sub. rewrite E.opp_mul. let p1 := constr:(scalarMultM1_rep eq_refl) in let p2 := constr:(unifiedAddM1_rep eq_refl) in repeat match goal with | |- context [(_ * E.opp ?P)%E] => rewrite <-(unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint P); rewrite negateExtended_correct; rewrite <-p1 | |- context [(_ * ?P)%E] => rewrite <-(unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint P); rewrite <-p1 | _ => rewrite p2 end; rewrite ?Znat.Z_nat_N, <-?Word.wordToN_nat; subst_evars; reflexivity. } Unfocus. etransitivity. Focus 2. { lazymatch goal with |- _ = option_rect _ _ ?false ?dec => symmetry; etransitivity; [|eapply (option_rect_option_map (fun (x:F _) => Z.to_N x) _ false dec)] end. eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]. match goal with | [ |- ?RHS = ?e ?v ] => let RHS' := (match eval pattern v in RHS with ?RHS' _ => RHS' end) in unify e RHS' end. reflexivity. } Unfocus. rewrite <-decode_scalar_correct. etransitivity. Focus 2. { do 2 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]). symmetry; apply decode_test_encode_test. } Unfocus. rewrite enc'_correct. cbv [unExtendedPoint unifiedAddM1 negateExtended scalarMultM1]. unfold_proj1_sig_exist. etransitivity. Focus 2. { do 2 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]). set_evars. repeat match goal with | [ |- appcontext[@proj1_sig ?A ?P (@iter_op ?T ?f ?neutral ?T' ?testbit ?exp ?base ?bound)] ] => erewrite (@iter_op_proj T _ _ (@proj1_sig _ _)) by reflexivity end. subst_evars. reflexivity. } Unfocus. cbv [mkExtendedPoint]. unfold_proj1_sig_exist. rewrite B_proj. etransitivity. Focus 2. { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]). set_evars. lazymatch goal with |- _ = option_rect _ _ ?false ?dec => symmetry; etransitivity; [|eapply (option_rect_option_map (@proj1_sig _ _) _ false dec)] end. eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]. match goal with | [ |- ?RHS = ?e ?v ] => let RHS' := (match eval pattern v in RHS with ?RHS' _ => RHS' end) in unify e RHS' end. reflexivity. } Unfocus. cbv [dec PointEncoding point_encoding]. etransitivity. Focus 2. { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]). etransitivity. Focus 2. { apply f_equal. symmetry. apply point_dec_coordinates_correct. } Unfocus. reflexivity. } Unfocus. cbv iota beta delta [point_dec_coordinates sign_bit dec FqEncoding modular_word_encoding E.solve_for_x2 sqrt_mod_q]. etransitivity. Focus 2. { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]). cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro. etransitivity. Focus 2. { apply f_equal. lazymatch goal with | [ |- _ = ?term :> ?T ] => lazymatch term with (match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end) => let term' := constr:((option_rect (fun _ => T) S N) a) in replace term with term' by reflexivity end end. reflexivity. } Unfocus. reflexivity. } Unfocus. etransitivity. Focus 2. { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]). do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ intro; reflexivity | reflexivity | ]). eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro | reflexivity.. ]. replace_let_in_with_Let_In. reflexivity. } Unfocus. etransitivity. Focus 2. { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]). set_evars. rewrite option_rect_function. (* turn the two option_rects into one *) subst_evars. simpl_option_rect. do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]). (* push the [option_rect] inside until it hits a [Some] or a [None] *) repeat match goal with | _ => commute_option_rect_Let_In | [ |- _ = Let_In _ _ ] => apply Let_In_Proper_nd; [ reflexivity | cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro ] | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (if ?b then ?t else ?f) ] => transitivity (if b then option_rect P S N t else option_rect P S N f); [ | destruct b; reflexivity ] | [ |- _ = if ?b then ?t else ?f ] => apply (f_equal2 (fun x y => if b then x else y)) | [ |- _ = false ] => reflexivity | _ => progress simpl_option_rect end. reflexivity. } Unfocus. cbv iota beta delta [q d a]. rewrite wire2FRep_correct. etransitivity. Focus 2. { eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]. cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro. rewrite <-!(option_rect_option_map rep2F). eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]. cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro. autorewrite with EdDSA_opts. rewrite <-(rcFOK 1%F). pattern Ed25519.d at 1. rewrite <-(rcFOK Ed25519.d) at 1. pattern Ed25519.a at 1. rewrite <-(rcFOK Ed25519.a) at 1. rewrite <- (rcSOK (Z.to_N (Ed25519.q / 8 + 1))). autorewrite with EdDSA_opts. (Let_In_unRep). eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. etransitivity. Focus 2. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro;reflexivity]. { rewrite FSRepPow_correct by (rewrite rcSOK; cbv; omega). (Let_In_unRep). etransitivity. Focus 2. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. { set_evars. rewrite <-(rcFOK sqrt_minus1). autorewrite with EdDSA_opts. subst_evars. reflexivity. } Unfocus. rewrite pull_Let_In. reflexivity. } Unfocus. set_evars. (Let_In_unRep). subst_evars. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. set_evars. autorewrite with EdDSA_opts. subst_evars. lazymatch goal with |- _ = if ?b then ?t else ?f => apply (f_equal2 (fun x y => if b then x else y)) end; [|reflexivity]. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. set_evars. unfold twistedToExtended. autorewrite with EdDSA_opts. progress cbv beta delta [erep2trep]. subst_evars. reflexivity. } Unfocus. reflexivity. Defined. End Ed25519Frep.