Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core. Import B. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable. Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn Crypto.Util.ZUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Crypto.Util.Tuple. Local Notation tuple := Tuple.tuple. Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z. (*** Modulus : 2^255-5 Base: 130 ***) Section Ops51. Local Infix "^" := tuple : type_scope. (* These definitions will need to be passed as Ltac arguments (or cleverly inferred) when things are eventually automated *) Definition sz := 3%nat. Definition s : Z := 2^255. Definition c : list B.limb := [(1, 5)]. Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *) Definition carry_chain1 := Eval vm_compute in (seq 0 (pred sz)). Definition carry_chain2 := ([0;1])%nat. Definition a24 := 121665%Z. (* XXX TODO(andreser) FIXME? Is this right for this curve? *) (* These definitions are inferred from those above *) Definition m := Eval vm_compute in Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c). (* modulus *) Definition wt := fun i : nat => let si := Z.log2 s * i in 2 ^ ((si/sz) + (if dec ((si/sz)*sz=si) then 0 else 1)). Definition sz2 := Eval vm_compute in ((sz * 2) - 1)%nat. Definition coef := (* subtraction coefficient *) Eval vm_compute in ( let p := Positional.encode (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) (n:=sz) wt (s-Associational.eval c) in (fix addp (acc: Z^sz) (ctr : nat) : Z^sz := match ctr with | O => acc | S n => addp (Positional.add_cps wt acc p id) n end) (Positional.zeros sz) coef_div_modulus). Definition coef_mod : mod_eq m (Positional.eval (n:=sz) wt coef) 0 := eq_refl. Lemma sz_nonzero : sz <> 0%nat. Proof. vm_decide. Qed. Lemma wt_nonzero i : wt i <> 0. Proof. apply Z.pow_nonzero; zero_bounds; try break_match; vm_decide. Qed. Lemma wt_divides_chain1 i (H:In i carry_chain1) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0. Proof. cbv [In carry_chain1] in H. repeat match goal with H : _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H end; try (exfalso; assumption); subst; try vm_decide. Qed. Lemma wt_divides_chain2 i (H:In i carry_chain2) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0. Proof. cbv [In carry_chain2] in H. repeat match goal with H : _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H end; try (exfalso; assumption); subst; try vm_decide. Qed. Lemma wt_divides_full i : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0. Proof. cbv [wt]. match goal with |- _ ^ ?x / _ ^ ?y <> _ => assert (0 <= y <= x) end. { rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. split; try break_match; ring_simplify; repeat match goal with | _ => apply Z.div_le_mono; try vm_decide; [ ] | _ => apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_l; try vm_decide; [ ] | _ => apply Z.add_le_mono; try vm_decide; [ ] | |- ?x <= ?y + 1 => assert (x <= y); [|omega] | |- ?x + 1 <= ?y => rewrite <- Z.div_add by vm_decide | _ => progress zero_bounds | _ => progress ring_simplify | _ => vm_decide end. } break_match; rewrite <-Z.pow_sub_r by omega; apply Z.pow_nonzero; omega. Qed. Local Ltac solve_constant_sig := lazymatch goal with | [ |- { c : Z^?sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=?M) ?wt c = ?v } ] => let t := (eval vm_compute in (Positional.encode (n:=sz) (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) wt (F.to_Z (m:=M) v))) in (exists t; vm_decide) end. Definition zero_sig : { zero : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt zero = 0%F}. Proof. solve_constant_sig. Defined. Definition one_sig : { one : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt one = 1%F}. Proof. solve_constant_sig. Defined. Definition a24_sig : { a24t : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt a24t = F.of_Z m a24 }. Proof. solve_constant_sig. Defined. Definition add_sig : { add : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a b : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in eval (add a b) = (eval a + eval b)%F }. Proof. eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b. pose proof wt_nonzero. let x := constr:( Positional.add_cps (n := sz) wt a b id) in solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity. Defined. Definition sub_sig : {sub : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a b : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in eval (sub a b) = (eval a - eval b)%F}. Proof. eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b. pose proof wt_nonzero. let x := constr:( Positional.sub_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a b id) in solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity. Defined. Definition opp_sig : {opp : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (opp a) = F.opp (eval a)}. Proof. eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a. pose proof wt_nonzero. let x := constr:( Positional.opp_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a id) in solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity. Defined. Definition mul_sig : {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a b : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (mul a b) = (eval a * eval b)%F}. Proof. eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b. pose proof wt_nonzero. let x := constr:( Positional.mul_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt a b (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt s c ab id)) in solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity. (* rough breakdown of synthesis time *) (* 1.2s for side conditions -- should improve significantly when [chained_carries] gets a correctness lemma *) (* basesystem_partial_evaluation_RHS (primarily vm_compute): 1.8s, which gets re-computed during defined *) (* doing [cbv -[Let_In runtime_add runtime_mul]] took 37s *) Defined. (* 3s *) (* Performs a full carry loop (as specified by carry_chain) *) Definition carry_sig : {carry : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type | forall a : Z^sz, let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in eval (carry a) = eval a}. Proof. eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a. pose proof wt_nonzero. pose proof wt_divides_chain1. pose proof div_mod. pose proof wt_divides_chain2. let x := constr:( Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div)(modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain1 (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r (fun rrr => Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt rrr carry_chain2 id ))) in solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity. Defined. Definition ring_51 := (Ring.ring_by_isomorphism (F := F m) (H := Z^sz) (phi := Positional.Fencode wt) (phi' := Positional.Fdecode wt) (zero := proj1_sig zero_sig) (one := proj1_sig one_sig) (opp := proj1_sig opp_sig) (add := proj1_sig add_sig) (sub := proj1_sig sub_sig) (mul := proj1_sig mul_sig) (phi'_zero := proj2_sig zero_sig) (phi'_one := proj2_sig one_sig) (phi'_opp := proj2_sig opp_sig) (Positional.Fdecode_Fencode_id (sz_nonzero := sz_nonzero) (div_mod := div_mod) wt eq_refl wt_nonzero wt_divides_full) (Positional.eq_Feq_iff wt) (proj2_sig add_sig) (proj2_sig sub_sig) (proj2_sig mul_sig) ). (* Eval cbv [proj1_sig add_sig] in (proj1_sig add_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig sub_sig] in (proj1_sig sub_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig opp_sig] in (proj1_sig opp_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig mul_sig] in (proj1_sig mul_sig). Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_sig] in (proj1_sig carry_sig). *) End Ops51.