Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding. Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic. Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve. Require Import Crypto.Util.WordUtil. Require Bedrock.Word. Require Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Coq.ZArith.BinInt. Require Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano. Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems. Coercion Word.wordToNat : Word.word >-> nat. Infix "^" := NPeano.pow. Infix "mod" := NPeano.modulo. Infix "++" := Word.combine. Section EdDSAParams. Class EdDSAParams := { (* *) E : TwistedEdwardsParams; (* underlying elliptic curve *) b : nat; (* public keys are k bits, signatures are 2*k bits *) b_valid : 2^(b - 1) > BinInt.Z.to_nat q; FqEncoding : encoding of F q as Word.word (b-1); PointEncoding : encoding of point as Word.word b; H : forall {n}, Word.word n -> Word.word (b + b); (* main hash function *) c : nat; (* cofactor E = 2^c *) c_valid : c = 2 \/ c = 3; n : nat; (* secret keys are (n+1) bits *) n_ge_c : n >= c; n_le_b : n <= b; B : point; B_not_identity : B <> zero; l : nat; (* order of the subgroup of E generated by B *) l_prime : (BinInt.Z.of_nat l); l_odd : l > 2; l_order_B : (l*B)%E = zero; FlEncoding : encoding of F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l) as Word.word b }. End EdDSAParams. Section EdDSA. Context {prm:EdDSAParams}. Existing Instance E. Existing Instance PointEncoding. Existing Instance FlEncoding. Existing Class le. Existing Instance n_le_b. Notation secretkey := (Word.word b) (only parsing). Notation publickey := (Word.word b) (only parsing). Notation signature := (Word.word (b + b)) (only parsing). Let point_eq_dec : forall P Q, {P = Q} + {P <> Q} := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.point_eq_dec. Local Infix "==" := point_eq_dec (at level 70) : E_scope . (* TODO: proofread curveKey and definition of n *) Definition curveKey (sk:secretkey) : nat := let x := wfirstn n sk in (* first half of the secret key is a scalar *) let x := x - (x mod (2^c)) in (* it is implicitly 0 mod (2^c) *) x + 2^n. (* and the high bit is always set *) Definition prngKey (sk:secretkey) : Word.word b := Word.split2 b b (H sk). Definition public (sk:secretkey) : publickey := enc (curveKey sk * B)%E. Definition sign (A_:publickey) sk {n} (M : Word.word n) := let r : nat := H (prngKey sk ++ M) in (* secret nonce *) let R : point := (r * B)%E in (* commitment to nonce *) let s : nat := curveKey sk in (* secret scalar *) let S : F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l) := ZToField (BinInt.Z.of_nat (r + H (enc R ++ public sk ++ M) * s)) in enc R ++ enc S. Definition verify (A_:publickey) {n:nat} (M : Word.word n) (sig:signature) : bool := let R_ := Word.split1 b b sig in let S_ := Word.split2 b b sig in match dec S_ : option (F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l)) with None => false | Some S' => match dec A_ : option point with None => false | Some A => match dec R_ : option point with None => false | Some R => if BinInt.Z.to_nat (FieldToZ S') * B == R + (H (R_ ++ A_ ++ M)) * A then true else false end end end%E. End EdDSA.