Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding. Require Bedrock.Word Crypto.Util.WordUtil. Require Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Coq.ZArith.BinInt. Require Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano. Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems. Local Infix "^" := NPeano.pow. Local Infix "mod" := NPeano.modulo (at level 40, no associativity). Local Infix "++" := Word.combine. Generalizable All Variables. Section EdDSA. Class EdDSA (* *) {E Eeq Eadd Ezero Eopp} {EscalarMult} (* the underllying elliptic curve operations *) {b : nat} (* public keys are k bits, signatures are 2*k bits *) {H : forall {n}, Word.word n -> Word.word (b + b)} (* main hash function *) {c : nat} (* cofactor E = 2^c *) {n : nat} (* secret keys are (n+1) bits *) {l : nat} (* order of the subgroup of E generated by B *) {B : E} (* base point *) {PointEncoding : canonical encoding of E as Word.word b} (* wire format *) {FlEncoding : canonical encoding of { n | n < l } as Word.word b} := { E Eeq Eadd Ezero Eopp; EdDSA_c_valid : c = 2 \/ c = 3; EdDSA_n_ge_c : n >= c; EdDSA_n_le_b : n <= b; EdDSA_B_not_identity : B <> Ezero; EdDSA_l_prime : (BinInt.Z.of_nat l); EdDSA_l_odd : l > 2; EdDSA_l_order_B : EscalarMult l B = Ezero }. Global Existing Instance EdDSA_group. Context `{prm:EdDSA}. Local Infix "=" := Eeq. Local Coercion Word.wordToNat : Word.word >-> nat. Local Notation secretkey := (Word.word b) (only parsing). Local Notation publickey := (Word.word b) (only parsing). Local Notation signature := (Word.word (b + b)) (only parsing). Local Arguments H {n} _. Local Notation wfirstn n w := (@WordUtil.wfirstn n _ w _) (only parsing). Require Import Omega. Obligation Tactic := simpl; intros; try apply NPeano.Nat.mod_upper_bound; destruct prm; omega. Program Definition curveKey (sk:secretkey) : nat := let x := wfirstn n (H sk) in (* hash the key, use first "half" for secret scalar *) let x := x - (x mod (2^c)) in (* it is implicitly 0 mod (2^c) *) x + 2^n. (* and the high bit is always set *) Local Infix "+" := Eadd. Local Infix "*" := EscalarMult. Definition prngKey (sk:secretkey) : Word.word b := Word.split2 b b (H sk). Definition public (sk:secretkey) : publickey := enc (curveKey sk*B). Program Definition sign (A_:publickey) sk {n} (M : Word.word n) := let r : nat := H (prngKey sk ++ M) in (* secret nonce *) let R : E := r * B in (* commitment to nonce *) let s : nat := curveKey sk in (* secret scalar *) let S : {n|n publickey -> signature -> Prop := ValidityRule : forall (message:Word.word n) (A:E) (R:E) (S:nat) S_lt_l, S * B = R + (H (enc R ++ enc A ++ message) mod l) * A -> valid message (enc A) (enc R ++ enc (exist _ S S_lt_l)). End EdDSA.