Require Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory. Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.Pre. Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic. Local Open Scope F_scope. Class TwistedEdwardsParams := { q : BinInt.Z; a : F q; d : F q; prime_q : q; two_lt_q : 2 q; nonzero_a : a <> 0; square_a : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a; nonsquare_d : forall x, x^2 <> d }. Section TwistedEdwardsCurves. Context {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams}. (* Twisted Edwards curves with complete addition laws. References: * * * *) Definition onCurve P := let '(x,y) := P in a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2. Definition point := { P | onCurve P}. Definition mkPoint (xy:F q * F q) (pf:onCurve xy) : point := exist onCurve xy pf. Definition zero : point := mkPoint (0, 1) (@Pre.zeroOnCurve _ _ _ prime_q). Definition unifiedAdd' P1' P2' := let '(x1, y1) := P1' in let '(x2, y2) := P2' in (((x1*y2 + y1*x2)/(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2)) , ((y1*y2 - a*x1*x2)/(1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2))). Definition unifiedAdd (P1 P2 : point) : point := let 'exist P1' pf1 := P1 in let 'exist P2' pf2 := P2 in mkPoint (unifiedAdd' P1' P2') (@Pre.unifiedAdd'_onCurve _ _ _ prime_q two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d _ _ pf1 pf2). Fixpoint scalarMult (n:nat) (P : point) : point := match n with | O => zero | S n' => unifiedAdd P (scalarMult n' P) end. Axiom point_eq_dec : forall P Q : point, {P = Q} + {P <> Q}. End TwistedEdwardsCurves. Delimit Scope E_scope with E. Infix "+" := unifiedAdd : E_scope. Infix "*" := scalarMult : E_scope. Infix "==" := point_eq_dec (no associativity, at level 70) : E_scope.