Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Coq.MSets.MSetPositive. Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive. Require Import Crypto.Language. Require Import Crypto.LanguageInversion. Require Import Crypto.LanguageWf. Require Import Crypto.UnderLetsProofs. Require Import Crypto.GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs. Require Import Crypto.Rewriter. Require Import Crypto.RewriterWf1. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head. Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod. Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.Forall. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.ForallIn. Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Option. Require Import Crypto.Util.HProp. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Import EqNotations. Module Compilers. Import Language.Compilers. Import LanguageInversion.Compilers. Import LanguageWf.Compilers. Import UnderLetsProofs.Compilers. Import GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.Compilers. Import Rewriter.Compilers. Import RewriterWf1.Compilers. Import expr.Notations. Import RewriterWf1.Compilers.RewriteRules. Import defaults. Module Import RewriteRules. Import Rewriter.Compilers.RewriteRules. Section with_cast. Context {cast_outside_of_range : zrange -> Z -> Z}. Local Notation ident_interp := (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range). Local Notation rewrite_rules_interp_goodT := (@Compile.rewrite_rules_interp_goodT ident pattern.ident (@pattern.ident.arg_types) (@pattern.ident.to_typed) (@ident_interp)). Local Ltac start_interp_good := cbv [List.skipn] in *; lazymatch goal with | [ |- @Compile.rewrite_rules_interp_goodT ?ident ?pident ?pident_arg_types ?pident_to_typed ?ident_interp (rewrite_rules ?data ?var) ] => let H := fresh in pose proof (@Compile.rewrite_rules_interp_goodT_by_curried _ _ _ pident_to_typed ident_interp (rewrite_rules data var) (rewrite_rules_specs data)) as H; let h := head data in cbv [rewrite_rules dummy_count rewrite_rules_specs h] in * |- ; let h' := lazymatch type of H with context[Compile.rewrite_rules_interp_goodT_curried_cps _ _ _ ?v] => head v end in unfold h' in H at 1; cbv [Compile.rewrite_rules_interp_goodT_curried_cps pident_arg_types pident_to_typed] in H; cbn [snd hd tl projT1 projT2] in H; (* make [Qed] not take forever by explicitly recording a cast node *) let H' := fresh in pose proof H as H'; clear H; apply H'; clear H' end; [ try assumption; cbn [PrimitiveHList.hlist snd]; repeat lazymatch goal with | [ |- _ _ ] => constructor | [ |- forall A x, x = x ] => reflexivity end; try assumption | try match goal with | [ H : PrimitiveHList.hlist _ _ |- _ ] => clear H end; let H := fresh in intro H; hnf in H; repeat first [ progress intros | match goal with | [ |- { pf : ?x = ?x | _ } ] => (exists eq_refl) | [ |- True /\ _ ] => split; [ exact I | ] | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split; [ intros; exact I | ] | [ |- match (if ?b then _ else _) with Some _ => _ | None => _ end ] => destruct b eqn:? | [ |- True ] => exact I end | progress eta_expand | progress cbn [eq_rect] in * ]; cbn [fst snd base.interp base.base_interp type.interp projT1 projT2 UnderLets.interp expr.interp type.related ident.gen_interp] in *; cbn [fst snd] in *; eta_expand; split_andb; repeat match goal with | [ H : ?b = true |- _ ] => unique pose proof (@Reflect.reflect_bool _ b _ H) | [ H : negb _ = false |- _ ] => rewrite Bool.negb_false_iff in H | [ H : _ = false |- _ ] => rewrite <- Bool.negb_true_iff in H end; subst; cbv [ident.gets_inlined ident.literal] in *; lazymatch goal with | [ |- ?R ?v ] => let v' := open_constr:(_) in replace v with v'; [ | symmetry; unshelve eapply H; shelve_unifiable; try eassumption; try (repeat apply conj; assumption); try match goal with | [ |- ?A = ?B ] => first [ is_evar A | is_evar B ]; reflexivity | [ |- ?T ] => is_evar T; exact I | [ |- ?P ] (* TODO: Maybe we shouldn't simplify boolean expressions in rewriter reification, since we end up just having to undo it here in a kludgy way....... *) => apply (proj2 (@Bool.reflect_iff P _ _)); progress rewrite ?Bool.eqb_true_l, ?Bool.eqb_true_r, ?Bool.eqb_false_l, ?Bool.eqb_false_r; let b := lazymatch goal with |- ?b = true => b end in apply (proj1 (@Bool.reflect_iff _ b _)); tauto end ]; clear H end; fold (@base.interp) in * .. ]. Ltac recurse_interp_related_step := let do_replace v := ((tryif is_evar v then fail else idtac); let v' := open_constr:(_) in let v'' := fresh in cut (v = v'); [ generalize v; intros v'' ?; subst v'' | symmetry ]) in match goal with | _ => progress cbv [expr.interp_related] in * | _ => progress cbn [Compile.reify_expr] | [ |- context[(fst ?x, snd ?x)] ] => progress eta_expand | [ |- context[match ?x with pair a b => _ end] ] => progress eta_expand | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ident_interp ?R ?f ?v ] => do_replace v | [ |- exists (fv : ?T1 -> ?T2) (ev : ?T1), _ /\ _ /\ fv ev = ?x ] => lazymatch T1 with Z => idtac | (Z * Z)%type => idtac end; lazymatch T2 with Z => idtac | (Z * Z)%type => idtac end; first [ do_replace x | is_evar x; do 2 eexists; repeat apply conj; [ | | reflexivity ] ] | _ => progress intros | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ _ ?ev ] => is_evar ev; eassumption | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (?f @ ?x) ?ev ] => is_evar ev; let fh := fresh in let xh := fresh in set (fh := f); set (xh := x); cbn [expr.interp_related_gen]; subst fh xh; do 2 eexists; repeat apply conj; [ | | reflexivity ] | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (expr.Abs ?f) _ ] => let fh := fresh in set (fh := f); cbn [expr.interp_related_gen]; subst fh | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (expr.Ident ?idc) ?ev ] => is_evar ev; cbn [expr.interp_related_gen]; apply ident.gen_interp_Proper; reflexivity | [ |- _ = _ :> ?T ] => lazymatch T with | BinInt.Z => idtac | (BinInt.Z * BinInt.Z)%type => idtac end; progress cbn [ident_interp fst snd] | [ |- ?x = ?y ] => tryif first [ has_evar x | has_evar y ] then fail else (progress subst) | [ |- ?x = ?y ] => tryif first [ has_evar x | has_evar y ] then fail else reflexivity | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => tryif has_evar x then fail else reflexivity | [ |- ?ev = _ ] => is_evar ev; reflexivity | [ |- _ = ?ev ] => is_evar ev; reflexivity end. (* TODO: MOVE ME? *) Local Ltac recursive_match_to_case term := let contains_match x := lazymatch x with | context[match _ with nil => _ | _ => _ end] => true | context[match _ with pair a b => _ end] => true | context[match _ with true => _ | false => _ end] => true | _ => false end in lazymatch term with | context G[match ?ls with nil => ?N | cons x xs => @?C x xs end] => let T := type of N in let term := context G[list_case (fun _ => T) N C ls] in recursive_match_to_case term | context G[match ?v with pair a b => @?P a b end] => let T := lazymatch type of P with forall a b, @?T a b => T end in let term := context G[prod_rect (fun ab => T (fst ab) (snd ab)) P v] in recursive_match_to_case term | context G[match ?b with true => ?t | false => ?f end] => let T := type of t in let term := context G[bool_rect (fun _ => T) t f b] in recursive_match_to_case term | _ => let has_match := contains_match term in match has_match with | true => let G_f := match term with | context G[fun x : ?T => @?f x] => let has_match := contains_match f in lazymatch has_match with | true => let f' := fresh in let T' := type of f in constr:(((fun f' : T' => ltac:(let G' := context G[f'] in exact G')), f)) end end in lazymatch G_f with | ((fun f' => ?G), (fun x : ?T => ?f)) => let x' := fresh in let rep := constr:(fun x' : T => ltac:(let f := constr:(match x' with x => f end) in let f := recursive_match_to_case f in exact f)) in let term := constr:(match rep with f' => G end) in recursive_match_to_case term end | false => term end end. Local Ltac recursive_match_to_case_in_goal := let G := match goal with |- ?G => G end in let G := recursive_match_to_case G in change G. Local Ltac preprocess_step := first [ progress cbv [expr.interp_related respectful ident.literal ident.eagerly] in * | progress cbn [fst snd base.interp base.base_interp Compile.value'] in * | progress intros | progress subst | match goal with | [ |- context[match _ with nil => _ | _ => _ end] ] => progress recursive_match_to_case_in_goal | [ |- context[match _ with pair a b => _ end] ] => progress recursive_match_to_case_in_goal | [ |- context[match _ with true => _ | false => _ end] ] => progress recursive_match_to_case_in_goal | [ |- context[match invert_expr.reflect_list ?ls with _ => _ end] ] => destruct (invert_expr.reflect_list ls) eqn:? | [ |- context G[expr.interp_related_gen ?ident_interp (fun t : ?T => ?vii t ?b)] ] => progress change (fun t : T => vii t b) with (fun t : T => @Compile.value_interp_related _ ident_interp t b) end ]. Local Ltac preprocess := repeat preprocess_step. Local Ltac handle_extra_nbe := repeat match goal with | [ |- UnderLets.interp_related _ _ (UnderLets.Base (expr.Ident _)) _ ] => cbn [UnderLets.interp_related UnderLets.interp_related_gen expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp type.related]; reflexivity | [ |- UnderLets.interp_related _ _ (UnderLets.Base (reify_list _)) _ ] => cbn [UnderLets.interp_related UnderLets.interp_related_gen]; rewrite expr.reify_list_interp_related_gen_iff | [ |- UnderLets.interp_related _ _ (UnderLets.Base (_, _)%expr) ?x ] => cbn [UnderLets.interp_related UnderLets.interp_related_gen]; recurse_interp_related_step; [ recurse_interp_related_step | lazymatch x with | (_, _) => reflexivity | _ => etransitivity; [ | symmetry; apply surjective_pairing ]; reflexivity end ]; [ | reflexivity ]; cbn [fst snd]; recurse_interp_related_step; [ recurse_interp_related_step | reflexivity ] | [ |- List.Forall2 _ ( _ _) _ ] => rewrite Forall2_map_l_iff | [ |- List.Forall2 _ ?x ?x ] => rewrite Forall2_Forall; cbv [Proper] | [ |- List.Forall _ _ ] => rewrite Forall_forall; intros | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (expr.Ident _) _ ] => cbn [expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp type.related]; reflexivity end. Local Ltac fin_tac := repeat first [ assumption | progress change S with Nat.succ | progress cbn [base.interp base.base_interp type.interp] in * | progress fold (@type.interp _ base.interp) | progress fold (@base.interp) | progress subst | progress cbv [respectful ident.Thunked.bool_rect ident.Thunked.list_case ident.Thunked.option_rect pointwise_relation] | progress intros | solve [ auto ] | match goal with | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity | [ |- list_rect _ _ _ _ = ident.Thunked.list_rect _ _ _ _ ] => cbv [ident.Thunked.list_rect]; apply list_rect_Proper; cbv [pointwise_relation]; intros | [ |- list_rect (fun _ => ?A -> ?B) _ _ _ _ = list_rect _ _ _ _ _ ] => apply list_rect_arrow_Proper; cbv [respectful]; intros | [ |- nat_rect _ _ _ _ = ident.Thunked.nat_rect _ _ _ _ ] => apply nat_rect_Proper_nondep; cbv [respectful] | [ |- nat_rect (fun _ => ?A -> ?B) _ _ _ _ = nat_rect _ _ _ _ _ ] => apply (@nat_rect_Proper_nondep_gen (A -> B) (eq ==> eq)%signature); cbv [respectful]; intros | [ |- list_case _ _ _ ?ls = list_case _ _ _ ?ls ] => is_var ls; destruct ls; cbn [list_case] | [ |- bool_rect _ _ _ ?b = bool_rect _ _ _ ?b ] => is_var b; destruct b; cbn [bool_rect] | [ |- _ = ident.cast2 _ _ _ ] => cbv [ident.cast2]; break_innermost_match end ]. Local Ltac handle_reified_rewrite_rules_interp := repeat first [ assumption | match goal with | [ |- UnderLets.interp_related _ _ (Reify.expr_value_to_rewrite_rule_replacement _ ?sda _) _ ] => apply (@Reify.expr_value_to_rewrite_rule_replacement_interp_related cast_outside_of_range _ (@Reify.reflect_ident_iota_interp_related cast_outside_of_range) sda) | [ |- UnderLets.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (UnderLets.Base (#ident.list_rect @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr) (@list_rect ?A (fun _ => ?P) ?N ?C ?ls) ] => progress change (@list_rect A (fun _ => P) N C ls) with (@ident.Thunked.list_rect A P (fun _ => N) C ls) | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (#ident.list_rect @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr (@list_rect ?A (fun _ => ?P) ?N ?C ?ls) ] => progress change (@list_rect A (fun _ => P) N C ls) with (@ident.Thunked.list_rect A P (fun _ => N) C ls) | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (#ident.eager_list_rect @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr (@list_rect ?A (fun _ => ?P) ?N ?C ?ls) ] => progress change (@list_rect A (fun _ => P) N C ls) with (@ident.Thunked.list_rect A P (fun _ => N) C ls) | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (#ident.list_case @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr (@list_case ?A (fun _ => ?P) ?N ?C ?ls) ] => progress change (@list_case A (fun _ => P) N C ls) with (@ident.Thunked.list_case A P (fun _ => N) C ls) | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (#ident.nat_rect @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr (@nat_rect (fun _ => ?P) ?N ?C ?ls) ] => progress change (@nat_rect (fun _ => P) N C ls) with (@ident.Thunked.nat_rect P (fun _ => N) C ls) | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (#ident.eager_nat_rect @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr (@nat_rect (fun _ => ?P) ?N ?C ?ls) ] => progress change (@nat_rect (fun _ => P) N C ls) with (@ident.Thunked.nat_rect P (fun _ => N) C ls) | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (#ident.bool_rect @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr (@bool_rect (fun _ => ?P) ?T ?F ?b) ] => progress change (@bool_rect (fun _ => P) T F b) with (@ident.Thunked.bool_rect P (fun _ => T) (fun _ => F) b) | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen ?ii ?R (#ident.option_rect @ _ @ _ @ _)%expr (@option_rect ?A (fun _ => ?P) ?S ?N ?o) ] => progress change (@option_rect A (fun _ => P) S N o) with (@ident.Thunked.option_rect A P S (fun _ => N) o) | [ |- match ?x with pair _ _ => _ end = prod_rect _ _ _ ] => cbv [prod_rect]; eta_expand | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (expr.Var _) _ ] => cbn [expr.interp_related_gen] | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (expr.Ident _) _ ] => cbn [expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp type.related]; fin_tac | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (expr.Abs ?f) _ ] => let fh := fresh in set (fh := f); cbn [expr.interp_related_gen]; subst fh; cbv beta; intros | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (expr.LetIn ?v ?f) (LetIn.Let_In ?V ?F) ] => let vh := fresh in set (vh := v); let fh := fresh in set (fh := f); cbn [expr.interp_related_gen]; subst fh vh; cbv beta; exists F, V; repeat apply conj; intros | [ |- expr.interp_related_gen _ _ (?f @ ?x)%expr (?F ?X) ] => let fh := fresh in set (fh := f); let xh := fresh in set (xh := x); cbn [expr.interp_related_gen]; subst fh xh; exists F, X; repeat apply conj; [ | | reflexivity ] | [ |- _ = _ ] => solve [ fin_tac ] end ]. Local Notation specT rewriter_data := (PrimitiveHList.hlist (@snd bool Prop) (List.skipn (dummy_count rewriter_data) (rewrite_rules_specs rewriter_data))) (only parsing). Lemma nbe_rewrite_rules_interp_good (H : specT nbe_rewriter_data) : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT (rewrite_rules nbe_rewriter_data _). Proof using Type. Time start_interp_good. Time all: preprocess; handle_extra_nbe; handle_reified_rewrite_rules_interp. Time Qed. Lemma arith_rewrite_rules_interp_good max_const (H : specT (arith_rewriter_data max_const)) : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT (rewrite_rules (arith_rewriter_data max_const) _). Proof using Type. Time start_interp_good. Time all: preprocess; handle_reified_rewrite_rules_interp. Time Qed. Lemma arith_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good (H : specT arith_with_casts_rewriter_data) : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT (rewrite_rules arith_with_casts_rewriter_data _). Proof using Type. Time start_interp_good. Time all: preprocess; handle_reified_rewrite_rules_interp. Time Qed. Lemma strip_literal_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good (H : specT strip_literal_casts_rewriter_data) : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT (rewrite_rules strip_literal_casts_rewriter_data _). Proof using Type. Time start_interp_good. Time all: preprocess; handle_reified_rewrite_rules_interp. Time Qed. Lemma fancy_rewrite_rules_interp_good (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z) (Hlow : forall s v v', invert_low s v = Some v' -> v = v' (2^(s/2)-1)) (Hhigh : forall s v v', invert_high s v = Some v' -> v = Z.shiftr v' (s/2)) (H : specT (fancy_rewriter_data invert_low invert_high)) : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT (rewrite_rules (fancy_rewriter_data invert_low invert_high) _). Proof using Type. Time start_interp_good. Time all: preprocess; handle_reified_rewrite_rules_interp. Time Qed. Lemma fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z) (value_range flag_range : zrange) (Hlow : forall s v v', invert_low s v = Some v' -> v = v' (2^(s/2)-1)) (Hhigh : forall s v v', invert_high s v = Some v' -> v = Z.shiftr v' (s/2)) (H : specT (fancy_with_casts_rewriter_data invert_low invert_high value_range flag_range)) : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT (rewrite_rules (fancy_with_casts_rewriter_data invert_low invert_high value_range flag_range) _). Proof using Type. Time start_interp_good. Time all: preprocess; handle_reified_rewrite_rules_interp. Time Qed. End with_cast. End RewriteRules. End Compilers.