Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Section homogenous_type. Context {base_type_code : Type} {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type} {var : base_type_code -> Type}. Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code). Local Notation type := (type base_type_code). Local Notation interp_flat_type := (@interp_flat_type base_type_code). Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op var). Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code op var). (** Sometimes, we want to deal with partially-interpreted expressions, things like [prod (exprf A) (exprf B)] rather than [exprf (Prod A B)], or like [prod (var A) (var B)] when we start with the type [Prod A B]. These convenience functions let us recurse on the type in only one place, and replace one kind of pairing operator (be it [pair] or [Pair] or anything else) with another kind, and simultaneously mapping a function over the base values (e.g., [Var] (for turning [var] into [exprf]) or [Const] (for turning [interp_base_type] into [exprf])). *) Fixpoint smart_interp_flat_map {f g} (h : forall x, f x -> g (Tbase x)) (tt : g Unit) (pair : forall A B, g A -> g B -> g (Prod A B)) {t} : interp_flat_type f t -> g t := match t return interp_flat_type f t -> g t with | Syntax.Tbase _ => h _ | Unit => fun _ => tt | Prod A B => fun v : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B => pair _ _ (@smart_interp_flat_map f g h tt pair A (fst v)) (@smart_interp_flat_map f g h tt pair B (snd v)) end. Fixpoint smart_interp_flat_map2 {f1 f2 g} (h : forall x, f1 x -> f2 x -> g (Tbase x)) (tt : g Unit) (pair : forall A B, g A -> g B -> g (Prod A B)) {t} : interp_flat_type f1 t -> interp_flat_type f2 t -> g t := match t return interp_flat_type f1 t -> interp_flat_type f2 t -> g t with | Syntax.Tbase _ => h _ | Unit => fun _ _ => tt | Prod A B => fun (v1 : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) (v2 : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) => pair _ _ (@smart_interp_flat_map2 f1 f2 g h tt pair A (fst v1) (fst v2)) (@smart_interp_flat_map2 f1 f2 g h tt pair B (snd v1) (snd v2)) end. Definition smart_interp_map_hetero {f g g'} (h : forall x, f x -> g (Tbase x)) (tt : g Unit) (pair : forall A B, g A -> g B -> g (Prod A B)) (abs : forall A B, (g A -> g B) -> g' (Arrow A B)) {t} : interp_type_gen_hetero g (interp_flat_type f) t -> g' t := match t return interp_type_gen_hetero g (interp_flat_type f) t -> g' t with | Arrow A B => fun v => abs _ _ (fun x => @smart_interp_flat_map f g h tt pair _ (v x)) end. Fixpoint SmartValf {T} (val : forall t : base_type_code, T t) t : interp_flat_type T t := match t return interp_flat_type T t with | Syntax.Tbase _ => val _ | Unit => tt | Prod A B => (@SmartValf T val A, @SmartValf T val B) end. (** [SmartVar] is like [Var], except that it inserts pair-projections and [Pair] as necessary to handle [flat_type], and not just [base_type_code] *) Local Notation exprfb := (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)). Definition SmartPairf {t} : interp_flat_type exprfb t -> exprf t := @smart_interp_flat_map exprfb exprf (fun t x => x) TT (fun A B x y => Pair x y) t. Lemma SmartPairf_Pair {A B} (e1 : interp_flat_type _ A) (e2 : interp_flat_type _ B) : SmartPairf (t:=Prod A B) (e1, e2)%core = Pair (SmartPairf e1) (SmartPairf e2). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition SmartVarf {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> exprf t := @smart_interp_flat_map var exprf (fun t => Var) TT (fun A B x y => Pair x y) t. Definition SmartVarf_Pair {A B v} : @SmartVarf (Prod A B) v = Pair (SmartVarf (fst v)) (SmartVarf (snd v)) := eq_refl. Definition SmartVarfMap {var var'} (f : forall t, var t -> var' t) {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> interp_flat_type var' t := @smart_interp_flat_map var (interp_flat_type var') f tt (fun A B x y => pair x y) t. Lemma SmartVarfMap_compose {var' var'' var''' t} f g x : @SmartVarfMap var'' var''' g t (@SmartVarfMap var' var'' f t x) = @SmartVarfMap _ _ (fun t v => g t (f t v)) t x. Proof. unfold SmartVarfMap; clear; induction t; simpl; destruct_head_hnf unit; destruct_head_hnf prod; rewrite_hyp ?*; congruence. Qed. Lemma SmartVarfMap_id {var' t} x : @SmartVarfMap var' var' (fun _ x => x) t x = x. Proof. unfold SmartVarfMap; clear; induction t; simpl; destruct_head_hnf unit; destruct_head_hnf prod; rewrite_hyp ?*; congruence. Qed. Global Instance smart_interp_flat_map_Proper {f g} : Proper ((forall_relation (fun t => pointwise_relation _ eq)) ==> eq ==> (forall_relation (fun A => forall_relation (fun B => pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ eq)))) ==> forall_relation (fun t => eq ==> eq)) (@smart_interp_flat_map f g). Proof. unfold forall_relation, pointwise_relation, respectful. intros F G HFG x y ? Q R HQR t a b ?; subst y b. induction t; simpl in *; auto. rewrite_hyp !*; reflexivity. Qed. Global Instance SmartVarfMap_Proper {var' var''} : Proper (forall_relation (fun t => pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> forall_relation (fun t => eq ==> eq)) (@SmartVarfMap var' var''). Proof. repeat intro; eapply smart_interp_flat_map_Proper; trivial; repeat intro; reflexivity. Qed. Definition SmartVarfMap2 {var var' var''} (f : forall t, var t -> var' t -> var'' t) {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> interp_flat_type var' t -> interp_flat_type var'' t := @smart_interp_flat_map2 var var' (interp_flat_type var'') f tt (fun A B x y => pair x y) t. Lemma SmartVarfMap2_fst_arg {var' var''} {t} (x : interp_flat_type var' t) (y : interp_flat_type var'' t) : SmartVarfMap2 (fun _ a b => a) x y = x. Proof. unfold SmartVarfMap2; clear; induction t; simpl; destruct_head_hnf unit; destruct_head_hnf prod; rewrite_hyp ?*; congruence. Qed. Lemma SmartVarfMap2_snd_arg {var' var''} {t} (x : interp_flat_type var' t) (y : interp_flat_type var'' t) : SmartVarfMap2 (fun _ a b => b) x y = y. Proof. unfold SmartVarfMap2; clear; induction t; simpl; destruct_head_hnf unit; destruct_head_hnf prod; rewrite_hyp ?*; congruence. Qed. Definition SmartVarfTypeMap {var} (f : forall t, var t -> Type) {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> Type := @smart_interp_flat_map var (fun _ => Type) f unit (fun _ _ P Q => P * Q)%type t. Definition SmartVarfPropMap {var} (f : forall t, var t -> Prop) {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> Prop := @smart_interp_flat_map var (fun _ => Prop) f True (fun _ _ P Q => P /\ Q)%type t. Definition SmartVarfTypeMap2 {var var'} (f : forall t, var t -> var' t -> Type) {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> interp_flat_type var' t -> Type := @smart_interp_flat_map2 var var' (fun _ => Type) f unit (fun _ _ P Q => P * Q)%type t. Definition SmartVarfPropMap2 {var var'} (f : forall t, var t -> var' t -> Prop) {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> interp_flat_type var' t -> Prop := @smart_interp_flat_map2 var var' (fun _ => Prop) f True (fun _ _ P Q => P /\ Q)%type t. Definition SmartFlatTypeMap {var'} (f : forall t, var' t -> base_type_code) {t} : interp_flat_type var' t -> flat_type := @smart_interp_flat_map var' (fun _ => flat_type) (fun t v => Tbase (f t v)) Unit (fun _ _ => Prod) t. Definition SmartFlatTypeUnMap (t : flat_type) : interp_flat_type (fun _ => base_type_code) t := SmartValf (fun t => t) t. Fixpoint SmartFlatTypeMapInterp {var' var''} (f : forall t, var' t -> base_type_code) (fv : forall t v, var'' (f t v)) t {struct t} : forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap f (t:=t) v) := match t return forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap f (t:=t) v) with | Syntax.Tbase x => fv _ | Unit => fun v => v | Prod A B => fun xy : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B => (@SmartFlatTypeMapInterp _ _ f fv A (fst xy), @SmartFlatTypeMapInterp _ _ f fv B (snd xy)) end. Fixpoint SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 {var' var'' var'''} (f : forall t, var' t -> base_type_code) (fv : forall t v, var'' t -> var''' (f t v)) t {struct t} : forall v, interp_flat_type var'' t -> interp_flat_type var''' (SmartFlatTypeMap f (t:=t) v) := match t return forall v, interp_flat_type var'' t -> interp_flat_type var''' (SmartFlatTypeMap f (t:=t) v) with | Syntax.Tbase x => fv _ | Unit => fun v _ => v | Prod A B => fun (xy : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) (x'y' : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) => (@SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 _ _ _ f fv A (fst xy) (fst x'y'), @SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 _ _ _ f fv B (snd xy) (snd x'y')) end. Fixpoint SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp var' var'' var''' (f : forall t, var' t -> base_type_code) (fv : forall t (v : var' t), var'' (f t v) -> var''' t) {t} {struct t} : forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap f (t:=t) v) -> interp_flat_type var''' t := match t return forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap f (t:=t) v) -> interp_flat_type var''' t with | Syntax.Tbase x => fv _ | Unit => fun _ v => v | Prod A B => fun (v : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) (xy : interp_flat_type _ (SmartFlatTypeMap _ (fst v)) * interp_flat_type _ (SmartFlatTypeMap _ (snd v))) => (@SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp _ _ _ f fv A _ (fst xy), @SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp _ _ _ f fv B _ (snd xy)) end. Definition SmartVarMap {var' var''} (f : forall t, var' t -> var'' t) (f' : forall t, var'' t -> var' t) {t} : interp_type_gen (interp_flat_type var') t -> interp_type_gen (interp_flat_type var'') t := match t return interp_type_gen (interp_flat_type var') t -> interp_type_gen (interp_flat_type var'') t with | Arrow src dst => fun F x => SmartVarfMap f (F (SmartVarfMap f' x)) end. Lemma SmartVarMap_id {var' t} x v : @SmartVarMap var' var' (fun _ x => x) (fun _ x => x) t x v = x v. Proof. destruct t; simpl; rewrite !SmartVarfMap_id; reflexivity. Qed. Definition SmartVarVarf {t} : interp_flat_type var t -> interp_flat_type exprfb t := SmartVarfMap (fun t => Var). End homogenous_type. Global Arguments SmartVarf {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments SmartPairf {_ _ _ t} _. Global Arguments SmartValf {_} T _ t. Global Arguments SmartVarVarf {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments SmartVarfMap {_ _ _} _ {!_} _ / . Global Arguments SmartVarfMap2 {_ _ _ _} _ {!t} _ _ / . Global Arguments SmartVarfTypeMap {_ _} _ {_} _. Global Arguments SmartVarfPropMap {_ _} _ {_} _. Global Arguments SmartVarfTypeMap2 {_ _ _} _ {t} _ _. Global Arguments SmartVarfPropMap2 {_ _ _} _ {t} _ _. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMap {_ _} _ {_} _. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeUnMap {_} _. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMapInterp {_ _ _ _} _ {_} _. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 {_ _ _ _ f} fv {t} _ _. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp {_ _ _ _ _} fv {_ _} _. Global Arguments SmartVarMap {_ _ _} _ _ {!_} _ / _. Section hetero_type. Fixpoint flatten_flat_type {base_type_code} (t : flat_type (flat_type base_type_code)) : flat_type base_type_code := match t with | Tbase T => T | Unit => Unit | Prod A B => Prod (@flatten_flat_type _ A) (@flatten_flat_type _ B) end. Section smart_flat_type_map2. Context {base_type_code1 base_type_code2 : Type}. Definition SmartFlatTypeMap2 {var' : base_type_code1 -> Type} (f : forall t, var' t -> flat_type base_type_code2) {t} : interp_flat_type var' t -> flat_type base_type_code2 := @smart_interp_flat_map base_type_code1 var' (fun _ => flat_type base_type_code2) f Unit (fun _ _ => Prod) t. Fixpoint SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp {var' var''} (f : forall t, var' t -> flat_type base_type_code2) (fv : forall t v, interp_flat_type var'' (f t v)) t {struct t} : forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap2 f (t:=t) v) := match t return forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap2 f (t:=t) v) with | Tbase x => fv _ | Unit => fun v => v | Prod A B => fun xy : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B => (@SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp _ _ f fv A (fst xy), @SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp _ _ f fv B (snd xy)) end. Fixpoint SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2 var' var'' var''' (f : forall t, var' t -> flat_type base_type_code2) (fv : forall t (v : var' t), interp_flat_type var'' (f t v) -> var''' t) {t} {struct t} : forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap2 f (t:=t) v) -> interp_flat_type var''' t := match t return forall v, interp_flat_type var'' (SmartFlatTypeMap2 f (t:=t) v) -> interp_flat_type var''' t with | Tbase x => fv _ | Unit => fun _ v => v | Prod A B => fun (v : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) (xy : interp_flat_type _ (SmartFlatTypeMap2 _ (fst v)) * interp_flat_type _ (SmartFlatTypeMap2 _ (snd v))) => (@SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2 _ _ _ f fv A _ (fst xy), @SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2 _ _ _ f fv B _ (snd xy)) end. Fixpoint SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp2 {var' var'' var'''} (f : forall t, var' t -> flat_type base_type_code2) (fv : forall t v, var'' t -> interp_flat_type var''' (f t v)) t {struct t} : forall v, interp_flat_type var'' t -> interp_flat_type var''' (SmartFlatTypeMap2 f (t:=t) v) := match t return forall v, interp_flat_type var'' t -> interp_flat_type var''' (SmartFlatTypeMap2 f (t:=t) v) with | Tbase x => fv _ | Unit => fun v _ => v | Prod A B => fun (xy : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) (x'y' : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B) => (@SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp2 _ _ _ f fv A (fst xy) (fst x'y'), @SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp2 _ _ _ f fv B (snd xy) (snd x'y')) end. Lemma SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2_SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp2 var' var'' var''' (f : forall t, var' t -> flat_type base_type_code2) (fv : forall t (v : var' t), interp_flat_type var'' (f t v) -> var''' t) (gv : forall t v, var''' t -> interp_flat_type var'' (f t v)) {t} v (e : interp_flat_type var''' t) : @SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2 _ _ _ f fv t v (@SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp2 _ _ _ f gv t v e) = SmartVarfMap2 (fun t v e => fv t v (gv t v e)) v e. Proof. induction t; simpl in *; destruct_head' unit; rewrite_hyp ?*; reflexivity. Qed. End smart_flat_type_map2. End hetero_type. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMap2 {_ _ _} _ {!_} _ / . Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp {_ _ _ _ _} fv {_} _. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp2 {_ _ _ _ _ _} fv {t} v _. Global Arguments SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2 {_ _ _ _ _ _} fv {_ _} _.