(** * Exact reification of PHOAS Representation of Gallina *) (** The reification procedure goes through [InputSyntax], which allows judgmental equality of the denotation of the reified term. *) Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.InputSyntax. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Class reify {varT} (var : varT) {eT} (e : eT) {T : Type} := Build_reify : T. Definition reify_var_for_in_is base_type_code {T} (x : T) (t : flat_type base_type_code) {eT} (e : eT) := False. Arguments reify_var_for_in_is _ {T} _ _ {eT} _. (** [reify] assumes that operations can be reified via the [reify_op] typeclass, which gets passed the type family of operations, the expression which is headed by an operation, and expects resolution to fill in a number of arguments (which [reifyf] will automatically curry), as well as the reified operator. We also assume that types can be reified via the [reify] typeclass with arguments [reify type ]. *) Class reify_op {opTF} (op_family : opTF) {opExprT} (opExpr : opExprT) (nargs : nat) {opT} (reified_op : opT) := Build_reify_op : True. Ltac strip_type_cast term := lazymatch term with ?term' => term' end. Ltac reify_type T := lazymatch T with | (?A -> ?B)%type => let a := reify_type A in let b := reify_type B in constr:(@Arrow _ a b) | prod ?A ?B => let a := reify_type A in let b := reify_type B in constr:(@Prod _ a b) | _ => let v := strip_type_cast (_ : reify type T) in constr:(Tbase v) end. Ltac reify_base_type T := let t := reify_type T in lazymatch t with | Tbase ?t => t | ?t => t end. Ltac reifyf_var x mkVar := lazymatch goal with | _ : reify_var_for_in_is _ x ?t ?v |- _ => mkVar t v | _ => lazymatch x with | fst ?x' => reifyf_var x' ltac:(fun t v => lazymatch t with | Prod ?A ?B => mkVar A (fst v) end) | snd ?x' => reifyf_var x' ltac:(fun t v => lazymatch t with | Prod ?A ?B => mkVar B (snd v) end) end end. Inductive reify_result_helper := | finished_value {T} (res : T) | op_info {T} (res : T) | reification_unsuccessful. (** Change this with [Ltac reify_debug_level ::= constr:(1).] to get more debugging. *) Ltac reify_debug_level := constr:(0). Module Import ReifyDebugNotations. Open Scope string_scope. End ReifyDebugNotations. Ltac debug_enter_reifyf e := let lvl := reify_debug_level in match lvl with | S (S _) => cidtac2 "reifyf: Attempting to reify:" e | _ => constr:(Set) end. Ltac debug_enter_reify_abs e := let lvl := reify_debug_level in match lvl with | S (S _) => cidtac2 "reify_abs: Attempting to reify:" e | _ => constr:(Set) end. Ltac debug_enter_reify_rec := let lvl := reify_debug_level in match lvl with | S _ => idtac_goal | _ => idtac end. Ltac debug_leave_reify_rec e := let lvl := reify_debug_level in match lvl with | S _ => idtac "reifyf success:" e "" | _ => idtac end. Ltac reifyf base_type_code interp_base_type op var e := let reify_rec e := reifyf base_type_code interp_base_type op var e in let mkLet ex eC := constr:(Let (base_type_code:=base_type_code) (interp_base_type:=interp_base_type) (op:=op) (var:=var) ex eC) in let mkPair ex ey := constr:(Pair (base_type_code:=base_type_code) (interp_base_type:=interp_base_type) (op:=op) (var:=var) ex ey) in let mkVar T ex := constr:(Var (base_type_code:=base_type_code) (interp_base_type:=interp_base_type) (op:=op) (var:=var) (t:=T) ex) in let mkConst T ex := constr:(Const (base_type_code:=base_type_code) (interp_base_type:=interp_base_type) (op:=op) (var:=var) (t:=T) ex) in let mkOp T retT op_code args := constr:(Op (base_type_code:=base_type_code) (interp_base_type:=interp_base_type) (op:=op) (var:=var) (t1:=T) (tR:=retT) op_code args) in let mkMatchPair tC ex eC := constr:(MatchPair (base_type_code:=base_type_code) (interp_base_type:=interp_base_type) (op:=op) (var:=var) (tC:=tC) ex eC) in let reify_tag := constr:(@exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op var) in let dummy := debug_enter_reifyf e in lazymatch e with | let x := ?ex in @?eC x => let ex := reify_rec ex in let eC := reify_rec eC in mkLet ex eC | pair ?a ?b => let a := reify_rec a in let b := reify_rec b in mkPair a b | (fun x : ?T => ?C) => let t := reify_type T in (* Work around Coq 8.5 and 8.6 bug *) (* *) (* Avoid re-binding the Gallina variable referenced by Ltac [x] *) (* even if its Gallina name matches a Ltac in this tactic. *) let maybe_x := fresh x in let not_x := fresh x in lazymatch constr:(fun (x : T) (not_x : var t) (_ : reify_var_for_in_is base_type_code x t not_x) => (_ : reify reify_tag C)) (* [C] here is an open term that references "x" by name *) with fun _ v _ => @?C v => C end | match ?ev with pair a b => @?eC a b end => let t := (let T := match type of eC with _ -> _ -> ?T => T end in reify_type T) in let v := reify_rec ev in let C := reify_rec eC in mkMatchPair t v C | ?x => let t := lazymatch type of x with ?t => reify_type t end in let retv := match constr:(Set) with | _ => let retv := reifyf_var x mkVar in constr:(finished_value retv) | _ => let op_head := head x in let r := constr:(_ : reify_op op op_head _ _) in let t := type of r in constr:(op_info t) | _ => let c := mkConst t x in constr:(finished_value c) | _ => constr:(reification_unsuccessful) end in lazymatch retv with | finished_value ?v => v | op_info (reify_op _ _ ?nargs ?op_code) => let tR := (let tR := type of x in reify_type tR) in lazymatch nargs with | 1%nat => lazymatch x with | ?f ?x0 => let a0T := (let t := type of x0 in reify_type t) in let a0 := reify_rec x0 in mkOp a0T tR op_code a0 end | 2%nat => lazymatch x with | ?f ?x0 ?x1 => let a0T := (let t := type of x0 in reify_type t) in let a0 := reify_rec x0 in let a1T := (let t := type of x1 in reify_type t) in let a1 := reify_rec x1 in let args := mkPair a0 a1 in mkOp (@Prod _ a0T a1T) tR op_code args end | 3%nat => lazymatch x with | ?f ?x0 ?x1 ?x2 => let a0T := (let t := type of x0 in reify_type t) in let a0 := reify_rec x0 in let a1T := (let t := type of x1 in reify_type t) in let a1 := reify_rec x1 in let a2T := (let t := type of x2 in reify_type t) in let a2 := reify_rec x2 in let args := let a01 := mkPair a0 a1 in mkPair a01 a2 in mkOp (@Prod _ (@Prod _ a0T a1T) a2T) tR op_code args end | _ => cfail2 "Unsupported number of operation arguments in reifyf:"%string nargs end | reification_unsuccessful => cfail2 "Failed to reify:"%string x end end. Hint Extern 0 (reify (@exprf ?base_type_code ?interp_base_type ?op ?var) ?e) => (debug_enter_reify_rec; let e := reifyf base_type_code interp_base_type op var e in debug_leave_reify_rec e; eexact e) : typeclass_instances. (** For reification including [Abs] *) Class reify_abs {varT} (var : varT) {eT} (e : eT) {T : Type} := Build_reify_abs : T. Ltac reify_abs base_type_code interp_base_type op var e := let reify_rec e := reify_abs base_type_code interp_base_type op var e in let reifyf_term e := reifyf base_type_code interp_base_type op var e in let mkAbs src ef := constr:(Abs (base_type_code:=base_type_code) (interp_base_type:=interp_base_type) (op:=op) (var:=var) (src:=src) ef) in let reify_tag := constr:(@exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op var) in let dummy := debug_enter_reify_abs e in lazymatch e with | (fun x : ?T => ?C) => let t := reify_base_type T in (* Work around Coq 8.5 and 8.6 bug *) (* *) (* Avoid re-binding the Gallina variable referenced by Ltac [x] *) (* even if its Gallina name matches a Ltac in this tactic. *) let maybe_x := fresh x in let not_x := fresh x in lazymatch constr:(fun (x : T) (not_x : var (Tbase t)) (_ : reify_var_for_in_is base_type_code x (Tbase t) not_x) => (_ : reify_abs reify_tag C)) (* [C] here is an open term that references "x" by name *) with fun _ v _ => @?C v => mkAbs t C end | ?x => reifyf_term x end. Hint Extern 0 (reify_abs (@exprf ?base_type_code ?interp_base_type ?op ?var) ?e) => (debug_enter_reify_rec; let e := reify_abs base_type_code interp_base_type op var e in debug_leave_reify_rec e; eexact e) : typeclass_instances. Ltac Reify' base_type_code interp_base_type op e := lazymatch constr:(fun (var : flat_type base_type_code -> Type) => (_ : reify_abs (@exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op var) e)) with (fun var => ?C) => constr:(fun (var : flat_type base_type_code -> Type) => C) (* copy the term but not the type cast *) end. Ltac Reify base_type_code interp_base_type op e := let r := Reify' base_type_code interp_base_type op e in constr:(InputSyntax.Compile base_type_code interp_base_type op r). Ltac lhs_of_goal := lazymatch goal with |- ?R ?LHS ?RHS => LHS end. Ltac rhs_of_goal := lazymatch goal with |- ?R ?LHS ?RHS => RHS end. Ltac Reify_rhs base_type_code interp_base_type op interp_op := let rhs := rhs_of_goal in let RHS := Reify base_type_code interp_base_type op rhs in transitivity (Syntax.Interp interp_op RHS); [ | etransitivity; (* first we strip off the [InputSyntax.Compile] bit; Coq is bad at inferring the type, so we help it out by providing it *) [ lazymatch goal with | [ |- @Syntax.Interp ?base_type_code ?interp_base_type ?op ?interp_op (@Tflat _ ?t) (@Compile _ _ _ _ ?e) = _ ] => exact (@InputSyntax.Compile_correct base_type_code interp_base_type op interp_op t e) end | ((* now we unfold the interpretation function, including the parameterized bits; we assume that [hnf] is enough to unfold the interpretation functions that we're parameterized over. *) lazymatch goal with | [ |- @InputSyntax.Interp ?base_type_code ?interp_base_type ?op ?interp_op ?t ?e = _ ] => let interp_base_type' := (eval hnf in interp_base_type) in let interp_op' := (eval hnf in interp_op) in change interp_base_type with interp_base_type'; change interp_op with interp_op' end; cbv iota beta delta [InputSyntax.Interp interp_type interp_type_gen interp_flat_type_gen interp interpf]; simplify_projections; reflexivity) ] ].