Require Import Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.CountLets. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Named.NameUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy. Local Open Scope core_scope. Section language. Context {base_type_code : Type} {Name : Type}. Section monad. Context (MName : Type) (force : MName -> option Name). Lemma split_mnames_firstn_skipn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list MName) : split_mnames force t ls = (fst (split_mnames force t (firstn (count_pairs t) ls)), skipn (count_pairs t) ls). Proof using Type. apply path_prod_uncurried; simpl. revert ls; induction t; split; split_prod; repeat first [ progress simpl in * | progress intros | rewrite <- skipn_skipn | reflexivity | progress break_innermost_match_step | apply (f_equal2 (@pair _ _)) | rewrite_hyp <- !* | match goal with | [ H : forall ls, snd (split_mnames _ _ _) = _, H' : context[snd (split_mnames _ _ _)] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H' | [ H : _ |- _ ] => first [ rewrite <- firstn_skipn_add in H ] | [ H : forall ls', fst (split_mnames _ _ _) = _, H' : context[fst (split_mnames _ _ (skipn ?n ?ls))] |- _ ] => rewrite (H (skipn n ls)) in H' | [ H : forall ls', fst (split_mnames _ _ _) = _, H' : context[fst (split_mnames _ ?t (firstn (count_pairs ?t + ?n) ?ls))] |- _ ] => rewrite (H (firstn (count_pairs t + n) ls)), firstn_firstn in H' by omega | [ H : forall ls', fst (split_mnames _ _ _) = _, H' : context[fst (split_mnames _ ?t ?ls)] |- _ ] => is_var ls; rewrite (H ls) in H' | [ H : ?x = Some _, H' : ?x = None |- _ ] => congruence | [ H : ?x = Some ?a, H' : ?x = Some ?b |- _ ] => assert (a = b) by congruence; (subst a || subst b) end ]. Qed. Lemma snd_split_mnames_skipn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list MName) : snd (split_mnames force t ls) = skipn (count_pairs t) ls. Proof using Type. rewrite split_mnames_firstn_skipn; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fst_split_mnames_firstn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list MName) : fst (split_mnames force t ls) = fst (split_mnames force t (firstn (count_pairs t) ls)). Proof using Type. rewrite split_mnames_firstn_skipn at 1; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mname_list_unique_firstn_skipn n ls : mname_list_unique force ls -> (mname_list_unique force (firstn n ls) /\ mname_list_unique force (skipn n ls)). Proof using Type. unfold mname_list_unique; intro H; split; intros k N; rewrite <- ?firstn_map, <- ?skipn_map, ?skipn_skipn, ?firstn_firstn_min, ?firstn_skipn_add; intros; eapply H; try eassumption. { apply Min.min_case_strong. { match goal with H : _ |- _ => rewrite skipn_firstn in H end; eauto using In_firstn. } { intro; match goal with H : _ |- _ => rewrite skipn_all in H by (rewrite firstn_length; omega * ) end. simpl in *; tauto. } } { eauto using In_skipn. } Qed. Definition mname_list_unique_firstn n ls : mname_list_unique force ls -> mname_list_unique force (firstn n ls) := fun H => proj1 (@mname_list_unique_firstn_skipn n ls H). Definition mname_list_unique_skipn n ls : mname_list_unique force ls -> mname_list_unique force (skipn n ls) := fun H => proj2 (@mname_list_unique_firstn_skipn n ls H). Lemma mname_list_unique_nil : mname_list_unique force nil. Proof using Type. unfold mname_list_unique; simpl; intros ??. rewrite firstn_nil, skipn_nil; simpl; auto. Qed. End monad. Lemma split_onames_firstn_skipn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list (option Name)) : split_onames t ls = (fst (split_onames t (firstn (count_pairs t) ls)), skipn (count_pairs t) ls). Proof using Type. apply split_mnames_firstn_skipn. Qed. Lemma snd_split_onames_skipn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list (option Name)) : snd (split_onames t ls) = skipn (count_pairs t) ls. Proof using Type. apply snd_split_mnames_skipn. Qed. Lemma fst_split_onames_firstn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list (option Name)) : fst (split_onames t ls) = fst (split_onames t (firstn (count_pairs t) ls)). Proof using Type. apply fst_split_mnames_firstn. Qed. Lemma oname_list_unique_firstn n (ls : list (option Name)) : oname_list_unique ls -> oname_list_unique (firstn n ls). Proof using Type. apply mname_list_unique_firstn. Qed. Lemma oname_list_unique_skipn n (ls : list (option Name)) : oname_list_unique ls -> oname_list_unique (skipn n ls). Proof using Type. apply mname_list_unique_skipn. Qed. Lemma oname_list_unique_specialize (ls : list (option Name)) : oname_list_unique ls -> forall k n, List.In (Some n) (firstn k ls) -> List.In (Some n) (skipn k ls) -> False. Proof using Type. intros H k n; specialize (H k n). rewrite map_id in H; assumption. Qed. Definition oname_list_unique_nil : oname_list_unique (@nil (option Name)) := mname_list_unique_nil _ (fun x => x). Lemma split_names_firstn_skipn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list Name) : split_names t ls = (fst (split_names t (firstn (count_pairs t) ls)), skipn (count_pairs t) ls). Proof using Type. apply split_mnames_firstn_skipn. Qed. Lemma snd_split_names_skipn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list Name) : snd (split_names t ls) = skipn (count_pairs t) ls. Proof using Type. apply snd_split_mnames_skipn. Qed. Lemma fst_split_names_firstn (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list Name) : fst (split_names t ls) = fst (split_names t (firstn (count_pairs t) ls)). Proof using Type. apply fst_split_mnames_firstn. Qed. Lemma name_list_unique_firstn n (ls : list Name) : name_list_unique ls -> name_list_unique (firstn n ls). Proof using Type. unfold name_list_unique; intro H; apply oname_list_unique_firstn with (n:=n) in H. rewrite <- firstn_map; assumption. Qed. Lemma name_list_unique_skipn n (ls : list Name) : name_list_unique ls -> name_list_unique (skipn n ls). Proof using Type. unfold name_list_unique; intro H; apply oname_list_unique_skipn with (n:=n) in H. rewrite <- skipn_map; assumption. Qed. Lemma name_list_unique_specialize (ls : list Name) : name_list_unique ls -> forall k n, List.In n (firstn k ls) -> List.In n (skipn k ls) -> False. Proof using Type. intros H k n; specialize (H k n). rewrite !map_id, !firstn_map, !skipn_map in H. eauto using in_map. Qed. Definition name_list_unique_nil : name_list_unique nil := mname_list_unique_nil _ (@Some Name). Lemma length_fst_split_names_Some_iff (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list Name) : fst (split_names t ls) <> None <-> List.length ls >= count_pairs t. Proof using Type. revert ls; induction t; intros; try solve [ destruct ls; simpl; intuition (omega || congruence) ]. repeat first [ progress simpl in * | progress break_innermost_match_step | progress specialize_by congruence | progress specialize_by omega | rewrite snd_split_names_skipn in * | progress intros | congruence | omega | match goal with | [ H : forall ls, fst (split_names ?t ls) <> None <-> _, H' : fst (split_names ?t ?ls') = _ |- _ ] => specialize (H ls'); rewrite H' in H | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite skipn_length in H end | progress split_iff | match goal with | [ |- iff _ _ ] => split end ]. Qed. Lemma length_fst_split_names_None_iff (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list Name) : fst (split_names t ls) = None <-> List.length ls < count_pairs t. Proof using Type. destruct (length_fst_split_names_Some_iff t ls). destruct (le_lt_dec (count_pairs t) (List.length ls)); specialize_by omega; destruct (fst (split_names t ls)); split; try intuition (congruence || omega). Qed. Lemma split_onames_split_names (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list Name) : split_onames t ( Some ls) = (fst (split_names t ls), Some (snd (split_names t ls))). Proof using Type. revert ls; induction t; try solve [ destruct ls; reflexivity ]. repeat first [ progress simpl in * | progress intros | rewrite snd_split_names_skipn | rewrite snd_split_onames_skipn | rewrite skipn_map | match goal with | [ H : forall ls, split_onames ?t (map Some ls) = _ |- context[split_onames ?t (map Some ?ls')] ] => specialize (H ls') end | break_innermost_match_step | progress inversion_prod | congruence ]. Qed. End language.