Require Import Set Implicit Arguments. Set Asymmetric Patterns. (** * Preliminaries: bounded and unbounded number types *) Definition bound8 := 256. Definition word8 := {n | n < bound8}. Definition bound9 := 512. Definition word9 := {n | n < bound9}. (** * Expressions over unbounded words *) Section unbounded. Variable var : Type. Inductive unbounded := | Const : nat -> unbounded | Var : var -> unbounded | Plus : unbounded -> unbounded -> unbounded | LetIn : unbounded -> (var -> unbounded) -> unbounded. End unbounded. Arguments Const [var] _. Definition Unbounded := forall var, unbounded var. Fixpoint unboundedD (e : unbounded nat) : nat := match e with | Const n => n | Var n => n | Plus e1 e2 => unboundedD e1 + unboundedD e2 | LetIn e1 e2 => unboundedD (e2 (unboundedD e1)) end. Definition UnboundedD (E : Unbounded) : nat := unboundedD (E _). (** * Opt-in bounded types *) Section bounded. Inductive type := | Nat | Word8 | Word9. Variable var : type -> Type. Inductive bounded : type -> Type := | BConst : nat -> bounded Nat | BConst8 : word8 -> bounded Word8 | BConst9 : word9 -> bounded Word9 | BVar : forall t, var t -> bounded t | BPlus : bounded Nat -> bounded Nat -> bounded Nat | BPlus8 : bounded Word8 -> bounded Word8 -> bounded Word8 | BPlus9 : bounded Word9 -> bounded Word9 -> bounded Word9 | BLetIn : forall t1 t2, bounded t1 -> (var t1 -> bounded t2) -> bounded t2 | Unbound : forall t, bounded t -> bounded Nat | Bound : forall t, bounded Nat -> bounded t. End bounded. Arguments BConst [var] _. Arguments BConst8 [var] _. Arguments BConst9 [var] _. Arguments BVar [var t] _. Arguments Unbound [var t] _. Arguments Bound [var] _ _. Definition Bounded t := forall var, bounded var t. Definition typeD (t : type) : Type := match t with | Nat => nat | Word8 => word8 | Word9 => word9 end. Axiom admit : forall T, T. Theorem O_lt_S : forall n, O < S n. Proof. intros; omega. Qed. Definition plus8 (a b : word8) : word8 := let n := proj1_sig a + proj1_sig b in match le_lt_dec bound8 n with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ n pf end. Definition plus9 (a b : word9) : word9 := let n := proj1_sig a + proj1_sig b in match le_lt_dec bound9 n with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ n pf end. Infix "+8" := plus8 (at level 50). Infix "+9" := plus9 (at level 50). Definition unbound {t} : typeD t -> nat := match t with | Nat => fun x => x | Word8 => fun x => proj1_sig x | Word9 => fun x => proj1_sig x end. Definition bound {t} : nat -> typeD t := match t return nat -> typeD t with | Nat => fun x => x | Word8 => fun x => match le_lt_dec bound8 x with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ x pf end | Word9 => fun x => match le_lt_dec bound9 x with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ x pf end end. Fixpoint boundedD t (e : bounded typeD t) : typeD t := match e with | BConst n => n | BConst8 n => n | BConst9 n => n | BVar _ n => n | BPlus e1 e2 => boundedD e1 + boundedD e2 | BPlus8 e1 e2 => boundedD e1 +8 boundedD e2 | BPlus9 e1 e2 => boundedD e1 +9 boundedD e2 | BLetIn _ _ e1 e2 => boundedD (e2 (boundedD e1)) | Unbound _ e1 => unbound (boundedD e1) | Bound _ e1 => bound (boundedD e1) end. Definition BoundedD t (E : Bounded t) : typeD t := boundedD (E _). (** * Insertion of bounded types opportunistically *) Definition fail {var} : nat * bounded var Nat := (0, BConst 0). Fixpoint boundOf (eb : unbounded nat) : nat := match eb with | Const n => n | Var n => n | Plus eb1 eb2 => boundOf eb1 + boundOf eb2 | LetIn eb1 eb2 => boundOf (eb2 (boundOf eb1)) end. Fixpoint boundify {var} (eb : unbounded nat) (e : unbounded (var Nat)) : nat * bounded var Nat := match e with | Const n => (n, match le_lt_dec bound8 n with | left _ => match le_lt_dec bound9 n with | left _ => BConst n | right pf => Unbound (BConst9 (exist _ n pf)) end | right pf => Unbound (BConst8 (exist _ n pf)) end) | Var x => match eb with | Var n => (n, BVar x) | _ => fail end | Plus e1 e2 => match eb with | Plus eb1 eb2 => let (n1, e1') := boundify eb1 e1 in let (n2, e2') := boundify eb2 e2 in (n1 + n2, if le_lt_dec bound8 (n1 + n2) then if le_lt_dec bound9 (n1 + n2) then BPlus e1' e2' else Unbound (BPlus9 (Bound _ e1') (Bound _ e2')) else Unbound (BPlus8 (Bound _ e1') (Bound _ e2'))) | _ => fail end | LetIn e1 e2 => match eb with | LetIn eb1 eb2 => let (n1, e1') := boundify eb1 e1 in (boundOf (eb2 n1), BLetIn e1' (fun x => snd (boundify (eb2 n1) (e2 x)))) | _ => fail end end. Definition Boundify (E : Unbounded) : Bounded Nat := fun _ => snd (boundify (E _) (E _)). (** * Moving [Unbound] operators down from [LetIn]s to their use sites *) Fixpoint movedown {var t} (e : bounded (bounded var) t) : bounded var t := match e with | BConst n => BConst n | BConst8 n => BConst8 n | BConst9 n => BConst9 n | BVar _ e => e | BPlus e1 e2 => BPlus (movedown e1) (movedown e2) | BPlus8 e1 e2 => BPlus8 (movedown e1) (movedown e2) | BPlus9 e1 e2 => BPlus9 (movedown e1) (movedown e2) | BLetIn _ _ e1 e2 => match movedown e1 in bounded _ t return (bounded _ t -> _) -> _ with | Unbound _ e1'' => fun e2_rec => BLetIn e1'' (fun x => e2_rec (Unbound (BVar x))) | e1' => fun e2_rec => BLetIn e1' (fun x => e2_rec (BVar x)) end (fun x => movedown (e2 x)) | Unbound _ e1 => Unbound (movedown e1) | Bound t e1 => Bound t (movedown e1) end. Definition Movedown t (E : Bounded t) : Bounded t := fun _ => movedown (E _). (** * Canceling matching [Bound] and [Unbound] *) Definition type_eq_dec : forall t1 t2 : type, {t1 = t2} + {t1 <> t2}. Proof. decide equality. Defined. Fixpoint cancel {var t} (e : bounded var t) : bounded var t := match e with | BConst n => BConst n | BConst8 n => BConst8 n | BConst9 n => BConst9 n | BVar _ x => BVar x | BPlus e1 e2 => BPlus (cancel e1) (cancel e2) | BPlus8 e1 e2 => BPlus8 (cancel e1) (cancel e2) | BPlus9 e1 e2 => BPlus9 (cancel e1) (cancel e2) | BLetIn _ _ e1 e2 => BLetIn (cancel e1) (fun x => cancel (e2 x)) | Unbound _ e1 => Unbound (cancel e1) | Bound t e1 => match cancel e1 with | Unbound t' e1' => match type_eq_dec t' t with | left pf => match pf in _ = T return bounded _ T with | eq_refl => e1' end | right _ => Bound t (Unbound e1') end | e1' => Bound t e1' end end. Definition Cancel t (E : Bounded t) : Bounded t := fun _ => cancel (E _). (** * Examples *) Example ex1 : Unbounded := fun _ => LetIn (Const 127) (fun a => LetIn (Const 63) (fun b => LetIn (Plus (Var a) (Var b)) (fun c => Plus (Var c) (Var c)))). Eval compute in (UnboundedD ex1). Definition ex1b := Boundify ex1. Eval compute in ex1b. Definition ex1bm := Movedown (Boundify ex1). Eval compute in ex1bm. Definition ex1bmc := Cancel (Movedown (Boundify ex1)). Eval compute in ex1bmc.