Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.TypeInversion. Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma. Require Import Crypto.Util.Option. Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Section language. Context {base_type_code : Type} {interp_base_type : base_type_code -> Type} {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type}. Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code). Local Notation type := (type base_type_code). Local Notation interp_type := (interp_type interp_base_type). Local Notation interp_flat_type_gen := interp_flat_type. Local Notation interp_flat_type := (interp_flat_type interp_base_type). Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op). Fixpoint codomain (t : type) : flat_type := match t with | Tflat T => T | Arrow src dst => codomain dst end. Section with_var. Context {var : base_type_code -> Type}. Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op var). Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code op var). Definition invert_Var {t} (e : exprf (Tbase t)) : option (var t) := match e in Syntax.exprf _ _ t' return option (var match t' with | Tbase t' => t' | _ => t end) with | Var _ v => Some v | _ => None end. Definition invert_Op {t} (e : exprf t) : option { t1 : flat_type & op t1 t * exprf t1 }%type := match e with Op _ _ opc args => Some (existT _ _ (opc, args)) | _ => None end. Definition invert_LetIn {A} (e : exprf A) : option { B : _ & exprf B * (Syntax.interp_flat_type var B -> exprf A) }%type := match e in Syntax.exprf _ _ t return option { B : _ & _ * (_ -> exprf t) }%type with | LetIn _ ex _ eC => Some (existT _ _ (ex, eC)) | _ => None end. Definition invert_Pair {A B} (e : exprf (Prod A B)) : option (exprf A * exprf B) := match e in Syntax.exprf _ _ t return option match t with | Prod _ _ => _ | _ => unit end with | Pair _ x _ y => Some (x, y)%core | _ => None end. Definition invert_Abs {A B} (e : expr (Arrow A B)) : var A -> expr B := match e with Abs _ _ f => f end. Definition invert_Return {t} (e : expr (Tflat t)) : exprf t := match e with Return _ v => v end. Definition exprf_code {t} (e : exprf t) : exprf t -> Prop := match e with | TT => fun e' => TT = e' | Var _ v => fun e' => invert_Var e' = Some v | Pair _ x _ y => fun e' => invert_Pair e' = Some (x, y)%core | Op _ _ opc args => fun e' => invert_Op e' = Some (existT _ _ (opc, args)%core) | LetIn _ ex _ eC => fun e' => invert_LetIn e' = Some (existT _ _ (ex, eC)%core) end. Definition expr_code {t} (e : expr t) : expr t -> Prop := match e with | Abs _ _ f => fun e' => invert_Abs e' = f | Return _ v => fun e' => invert_Return e' = v end. Definition exprf_encode {t} (x y : exprf t) : x = y -> exprf_code x y. Proof. intro p; destruct p, x; reflexivity. Defined. Definition expr_encode {t} (x y : expr t) : x = y -> expr_code x y. Proof. intro p; destruct p, x; reflexivity. Defined. Local Ltac t' := repeat first [ intro | progress simpl in * | reflexivity | assumption | progress destruct_head False | progress subst | progress inversion_option | progress inversion_sigma | progress break_match ]. Local Ltac t := lazymatch goal with | [ |- _ = Some ?v -> ?e = _ ] => revert v; refine match e with | Var _ _ => _ | _ => _ end | [ |- _ = ?v -> ?e = _ ] => revert v; refine match e with | Abs _ _ _ => _ | Return _ _ => _ end end; t'. Lemma invert_Var_Some {t e v} : @invert_Var t e = Some v -> e = Var v. Proof. t. Defined. Lemma invert_Op_Some {t e v} : @invert_Op t e = Some v -> e = Op (fst (projT2 v)) (snd (projT2 v)). Proof. t. Defined. Lemma invert_LetIn_Some {t e v} : @invert_LetIn t e = Some v -> e = LetIn (fst (projT2 v)) (snd (projT2 v)). Proof. t. Defined. Lemma invert_Pair_Some {A B e v} : @invert_Pair A B e = Some v -> e = Pair (fst v) (snd v). Proof. t. Defined. Lemma invert_Abs_Some {A B e v} : @invert_Abs A B e = v -> e = Abs v. Proof. t. Defined. Lemma invert_Return_Some {t e v} : @invert_Return t e = v -> e = Return v. Proof. t. Defined. Definition exprf_decode {t} (x y : exprf t) : exprf_code x y -> x = y. Proof. destruct x; simpl; trivial; intro H; first [ apply invert_Var_Some in H | apply invert_Op_Some in H | apply invert_LetIn_Some in H | apply invert_Pair_Some in H ]; symmetry; assumption. Defined. Definition expr_decode {t} (x y : expr t) : expr_code x y -> x = y. Proof. destruct x; simpl; intro H; first [ apply invert_Abs_Some in H | apply invert_Return_Some in H ]; symmetry; assumption. Defined. Definition path_exprf_rect {t} {x y : exprf t} (Q : x = y -> Type) (f : forall p, Q (exprf_decode x y p)) : forall p, Q p. Proof. intro p; specialize (f (exprf_encode x y p)); destruct x, p; exact f. Defined. Definition path_expr_rect {t} {x y : expr t} (Q : x = y -> Type) (f : forall p, Q (expr_decode x y p)) : forall p, Q p. Proof. intro p; specialize (f (expr_encode x y p)); destruct x, p; exact f. Defined. End with_var. Lemma interpf_invert_Abs interp_op {A B e} x : Syntax.interp interp_op (@invert_Abs interp_base_type A B e x) = Syntax.interp interp_op e x. Proof. refine (match e in expr _ _ t return match t return expr _ _ t -> _ with | Arrow src dst => fun e => (forall x : interp_base_type src, interp _ (invert_Abs e x) = interp _ e x) | Tflat _ => fun _ => True end e with | Abs _ _ _ => fun _ => eq_refl | Return _ _ => I end x). Qed. End language. Global Arguments codomain {_} _. Global Arguments invert_Var {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments invert_Op {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments invert_LetIn {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments invert_Pair {_ _ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments invert_Abs {_ _ _ _ _} _ _. Global Arguments invert_Return {_ _ _ _} _. Ltac invert_one_expr e := preinvert_one_type e; intros ? e; destruct e; try exact I. Ltac invert_expr_step := match goal with | [ e : exprf _ _ (Tbase _) |- _ ] => invert_one_expr e | [ e : exprf _ _ (Prod _ _) |- _ ] => invert_one_expr e | [ e : exprf _ _ Unit |- _ ] => invert_one_expr e | [ e : expr _ _ (Tflat _) |- _ ] => invert_one_expr e | [ e : expr _ _ (Arrow _ _) |- _ ] => invert_one_expr e end. Ltac invert_expr := repeat invert_expr_step. Ltac invert_match_expr_step := match goal with | [ |- appcontext[match ?e with TT => _ | _ => _ end] ] => invert_one_expr e | [ |- appcontext[match ?e with Abs _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end] ] => invert_one_expr e | [ H : appcontext[match ?e with TT => _ | _ => _ end] |- _ ] => invert_one_expr e | [ H : appcontext[match ?e with Abs _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end] |- _ ] => invert_one_expr e end. Ltac invert_match_expr := repeat invert_match_expr_step. Ltac invert_expr_subst_step_helper guard_tac := match goal with | [ H : invert_Var ?e = Some _ |- _ ] => guard_tac H; apply invert_Var_Some in H | [ H : invert_Op ?e = Some _ |- _ ] => guard_tac H; apply invert_Op_Some in H | [ H : invert_LetIn ?e = Some _ |- _ ] => guard_tac H; apply invert_LetIn_Some in H | [ H : invert_Pair ?e = Some _ |- _ ] => guard_tac H; apply invert_Pair_Some in H | [ e : expr _ _ (Arrow _ _) |- _ ] => guard_tac e; let f := fresh e in let H := fresh in rename e into f; remember (invert_Abs f) as e eqn:H; symmetry in H; apply invert_Abs_Some in H; subst f | [ H : invert_Abs ?e = _ |- _ ] => guard_tac H; apply invert_Abs_Some in H | [ H : invert_Return ?e = _ |- _ ] => guard_tac H; apply invert_Return_Some in H end. Ltac invert_expr_subst_step := first [ invert_expr_subst_step_helper ltac:(fun _ => idtac) | subst ]. Ltac invert_expr_subst := repeat invert_expr_subst_step. Ltac induction_expr_in_using H rect := induction H as [H] using (rect _ _ _); cbv [exprf_code expr_code invert_Var invert_LetIn invert_Pair invert_Op invert_Abs invert_Return] in H; try lazymatch type of H with | Some _ = Some _ => apply option_leq_to_eq in H; unfold option_eq in H | Some _ = None => exfalso; clear -H; solve [ inversion H ] | None = Some _ => exfalso; clear -H; solve [ inversion H ] end; let H1 := fresh H in let H2 := fresh H in try lazymatch type of H with | existT _ _ _ = existT _ _ _ => induction_sigma_in_using H @path_sigT_rect end; try lazymatch type of H2 with | _ = (_, _)%core => induction_path_prod H2 end. Ltac inversion_expr_step := match goal with | [ H : _ = Var _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : _ = TT |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : _ = Op _ _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : _ = Pair _ _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : _ = LetIn _ _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : _ = Abs _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_expr_rect | [ H : _ = Return _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_expr_rect | [ H : Var _ = _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : TT = _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : Op _ _ = _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : Pair _ _ = _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : LetIn _ _ = _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_exprf_rect | [ H : Abs _ = _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_expr_rect | [ H : Return _ = _ |- _ ] => induction_expr_in_using H @path_expr_rect end. Ltac inversion_expr := repeat inversion_expr_step.