(** * Common Subexpression Elimination for PHOAS Syntax *) Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics Crypto.Util.Bool. Local Open Scope list_scope. Inductive symbolic_expr {base_type_code SConstT op_code} : Type := | SConst (v : SConstT) | SVar (v : base_type_code) (n : nat) | SOp (op : op_code) (args : symbolic_expr) | SPair (x y : symbolic_expr) | SInvalid. Scheme Equality for symbolic_expr. Arguments symbolic_expr : clear implicits. Ltac inversion_symbolic_expr_step := match goal with | [ H : SConst _ = SConst _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | [ H : SVar _ _ = SVar _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | [ H : SOp _ _ = SOp _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | [ H : SPair _ _ = SPair _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H end. Ltac inversion_symbolic_expr := repeat inversion_symbolic_expr_step. Local Open Scope ctype_scope. Section symbolic. (** Holds decidably-equal versions of raw expressions, for lookup. *) Context (base_type_code : Type) (SConstT : Type) (op_code : Type) (base_type_code_beq : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool) (SConstT_beq : SConstT -> SConstT -> bool) (op_code_beq : op_code -> op_code -> bool) (base_type_code_bl : forall x y, base_type_code_beq x y = true -> x = y) (base_type_code_lb : forall x y, x = y -> base_type_code_beq x y = true) (SConstT_bl : forall x y, SConstT_beq x y = true -> x = y) (SConstT_lb : forall x y, x = y -> SConstT_beq x y = true) (op_code_bl : forall x y, op_code_beq x y = true -> x = y) (op_code_lb : forall x y, x = y -> op_code_beq x y = true) (interp_base_type : base_type_code -> Type) (op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type) (symbolize_const : forall t, interp_base_type t -> SConstT) (symbolize_op : forall s d, op s d -> op_code). Local Notation symbolic_expr := (symbolic_expr base_type_code SConstT op_code). Local Notation symbolic_expr_beq := (@symbolic_expr_beq base_type_code SConstT op_code base_type_code_beq SConstT_beq op_code_beq). Local Notation symbolic_expr_lb := (@internal_symbolic_expr_dec_lb base_type_code SConstT op_code base_type_code_beq SConstT_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_lb SConstT_lb op_code_lb). Local Notation symbolic_expr_bl := (@internal_symbolic_expr_dec_bl base_type_code SConstT op_code base_type_code_beq SConstT_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl SConstT_bl op_code_bl). Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code). Local Notation type := (type base_type_code). Let Tbase := @Tbase base_type_code. Local Coercion Tbase : base_type_code >-> Syntax.flat_type. Local Notation interp_type := (interp_type interp_base_type). Local Notation interp_flat_type := (interp_flat_type_gen interp_base_type). Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op). Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code interp_base_type op). Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code interp_base_type op). Section with_var. Context {var : base_type_code -> Type}. Local Notation svar t := (var t * symbolic_expr)%type. Local Notation fsvar := (fun t => svar t). Local Notation mapping := (forall t : base_type_code, list (svar t))%type. Context (prefix : list (sigT (fun t : flat_type => @exprf fsvar t))). Definition empty_mapping : mapping := fun _ => nil. Definition type_lookup t (xs : mapping) : list (svar t) := xs t. Definition mapping_update_type t (xs : mapping) (upd : list (svar t) -> list (svar t)) : mapping := fun t' => (if base_type_code_beq t t' as b return base_type_code_beq t t' = b -> _ then fun H => match base_type_code_bl _ _ H in (_ = t') return list (svar t') with | eq_refl => upd (type_lookup t xs) end else fun _ => type_lookup t' xs) eq_refl. Fixpoint lookup' {t} (sv : symbolic_expr) (xs : list (svar t)) {struct xs} : option (var t) := match xs with | nil => None | (x, sv') :: xs' => if symbolic_expr_beq sv' sv then Some x else lookup' sv xs' end. Definition lookup t (sv : symbolic_expr) (xs : mapping) : option (var t) := lookup' sv (type_lookup t xs). Definition symbolicify_var {t : base_type_code} (v : var t) (xs : mapping) : symbolic_expr := SVar t (length (type_lookup t xs)). Definition add_mapping {t} (v : var t) (sv : symbolic_expr) (xs : mapping) : mapping := mapping_update_type t xs (fun ls => (v, sv) :: ls). Definition symbolize_smart_const {t} : interp_flat_type t -> symbolic_expr := smart_interp_flat_map base_type_code (g:=fun _ => symbolic_expr) (fun t v => SConst (symbolize_const t v)) (fun A B => SPair). Fixpoint symbolize_exprf {t} (v : @exprf fsvar t) {struct v} : option symbolic_expr := match v with | Const t x => Some (symbolize_smart_const x) | Var _ x => Some (snd x) | Op _ _ op args => option_map (fun sargs => SOp (symbolize_op _ _ op) sargs) (@symbolize_exprf _ args) | LetIn _ ex _ eC => None | Pair _ ex _ ey => match @symbolize_exprf _ ex, @symbolize_exprf _ ey with | Some sx, Some sy => Some (SPair sx sy) | _, _ => None end end. Fixpoint smart_lookup_gen f (proj : forall t, svar t -> f t) (t : flat_type) (sv : symbolic_expr) (xs : mapping) {struct t} : option (interp_flat_type_gen f t) := match t return option (interp_flat_type_gen f t) with | Syntax.Tbase t => option_map (fun v => proj t (v, sv)) (lookup t sv xs) | Prod A B => match @smart_lookup_gen f proj A sv xs, @smart_lookup_gen f proj B sv xs with | Some a, Some b => Some (a, b) | _, _ => None end end. Definition smart_lookup (t : flat_type) (sv : symbolic_expr) (xs : mapping) : option (interp_flat_type_gen fsvar t) := @smart_lookup_gen fsvar (fun _ x => x) t sv xs. Definition smart_lookupo (t : flat_type) (sv : option symbolic_expr) (xs : mapping) : option (interp_flat_type_gen fsvar t) := match sv with | Some sv => smart_lookup t sv xs | None => None end. Definition symbolicify_smart_var {t : flat_type} (xs : mapping) (replacement : option symbolic_expr) : interp_flat_type_gen var t -> interp_flat_type_gen fsvar t := smart_interp_flat_map (g:=interp_flat_type_gen fsvar) base_type_code (fun t v => (v, match replacement with | Some sv => sv | None => symbolicify_var v xs end)) (fun A B => @pair _ _). Fixpoint smart_add_mapping {t : flat_type} (xs : mapping) : interp_flat_type_gen fsvar t -> mapping := match t return interp_flat_type_gen fsvar t -> mapping with | Syntax.Tbase t => fun v => add_mapping (fst v) (snd v) xs | Prod A B => fun v => let xs := @smart_add_mapping B xs (snd v) in let xs := @smart_add_mapping A xs (fst v) in xs end. Definition csef_step (csef : forall {t} (v : @exprf fsvar t) (xs : mapping), @exprf var t) {t} (v : @exprf fsvar t) (xs : mapping) : @exprf var t := match v in @Syntax.exprf _ _ _ _ t return exprf t with | LetIn tx ex _ eC => let sx := symbolize_exprf ex in let ex' := @csef _ ex xs in let sv := smart_lookupo tx sx xs in match sv with | Some v => @csef _ (eC v) xs | None => LetIn ex' (fun x => let x' := symbolicify_smart_var xs sx x in @csef _ (eC x') (smart_add_mapping xs x')) end | Const _ x => Const x | Var _ x => Var (fst x) | Op _ _ op args => Op op (@csef _ args xs) | Pair _ ex _ ey => Pair (@csef _ ex xs) (@csef _ ey xs) end. Fixpoint csef {t} (v : @exprf fsvar t) (xs : mapping) := @csef_step (@csef) t v xs. Fixpoint prepend_prefix {t} (e : @exprf fsvar t) (ls : list (sigT (fun t : flat_type => @exprf fsvar t))) : @exprf fsvar t := match ls with | nil => e | x :: xs => LetIn (projT2 x) (fun _ => @prepend_prefix _ e xs) end. Fixpoint cse {t} (v : @expr fsvar t) (xs : mapping) {struct v} : @expr var t := match v in @Syntax.expr _ _ _ _ t return expr t with | Return _ x => Return (csef (prepend_prefix x prefix) xs) | Abs _ _ f => Abs (fun x => let x' := symbolicify_var x xs in @cse _ (f (x, x')) (add_mapping x x' xs)) end. End with_var. Definition CSE {t} (e : Expr t) (prefix : forall var, list (sigT (fun t : flat_type => @exprf var t))) : Expr t := fun var => cse (prefix _) (e _) empty_mapping. End symbolic. Global Arguments csef {_} SConstT op_code base_type_code_beq SConstT_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl {_ _} symbolize_const symbolize_op {var t} _ _. Global Arguments cse {_} SConstT op_code base_type_code_beq SConstT_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl {_ _} symbolize_const symbolize_op {var} prefix {t} _ _. Global Arguments CSE {_} SConstT op_code base_type_code_beq SConstT_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl {_ _} symbolize_const symbolize_op {t} e prefix var.