Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax. Section language. Context {base_type : Type} {interp_base_type : base_type -> Type} {op : flat_type base_type -> flat_type base_type -> Type} {interp_op : forall src dst, op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst}. Fixpoint count_binders (t : type base_type) : nat := match t with | Arrow A B => S (count_binders B) | Tflat _ => 0 end. Fixpoint remove_binders' (n : nat) (t : type base_type) {struct t} : type base_type := match t, n with | Tflat _, _ => t | Arrow _ B, 0 => B | Arrow A B, S n' => remove_binders' n' B end. Definition remove_binders (n : nat) (t : type base_type) : type base_type := match n with | 0 => t | S n' => remove_binders' n' t end. Fixpoint remove_all_binders (t : type base_type) : flat_type base_type := match t with | Tflat T => T | Arrow A B => remove_all_binders B end. Fixpoint binders_for' (n : nat) (t : type base_type) (var : base_type -> Type) {struct t} := match n, t return Type with | 0, Arrow A B => var A | S n', Arrow A B => var A * binders_for' n' B var | _, _ => unit end%type. Definition binders_for (n : nat) (t : type base_type) (var : base_type -> Type) := match n return Type with | 0 => unit | S n' => binders_for' n' t var end. Fixpoint all_binders_for' (t : type base_type) := match t return flat_type base_type with | Tflat T => Unit | Arrow A B => (Tbase A * all_binders_for' B)%ctype end. Fixpoint all_binders_for (t : type base_type) := match t return match t with | Tflat _ => unit | _ => flat_type base_type end with | Tflat T => tt | Arrow A B => match B return match B with Tflat _ => _ | _ => _ end -> _ with | Tflat T => fun _ => Tbase A | Arrow _ _ => fun T => Tbase A * T end%ctype (all_binders_for B) end. Definition interp_all_binders_for T var := match T return Type with | Tflat _ => unit | Arrow A B => interp_flat_type var (all_binders_for (Arrow A B)) end. Definition interp_all_binders_for' (T : type base_type) var := interp_flat_type var (all_binders_for' T). Fixpoint interp_all_binders_for_of' T var {struct T} : interp_all_binders_for' T var -> interp_all_binders_for T var := match T return interp_all_binders_for' T var -> interp_all_binders_for T var with | Tflat _ => fun x => x | Arrow A B => match B return (interp_all_binders_for' B var -> interp_all_binders_for B var) -> interp_all_binders_for' (Arrow A B) var -> interp_all_binders_for (Arrow A B) var with | Tflat _ => fun _ => @fst _ _ | Arrow C D => fun interp x => (fst x, interp (snd x)) end (@interp_all_binders_for_of' B var) end. Fixpoint interp_all_binders_for_to' T var {struct T} : interp_all_binders_for T var -> interp_all_binders_for' T var := match T return interp_all_binders_for T var -> interp_all_binders_for' T var with | Tflat _ => fun x => x | Arrow A B => match B return (interp_all_binders_for B var -> interp_all_binders_for' B var) -> interp_all_binders_for (Arrow A B) var -> interp_all_binders_for' (Arrow A B) var with | Tflat _ => fun _ x => (x, tt) | Arrow C D => fun interp x => (fst x, interp (snd x)) end (@interp_all_binders_for_to' B var) end. Definition fst_binder {A B var} (args : interp_flat_type var (all_binders_for (Arrow A B))) : var A := match B return interp_flat_type var (all_binders_for (Arrow A B)) -> var A with | Tflat _ => fun x => x | Arrow _ _ => fun x => fst x end args. Definition snd_binder {A B var} (args : interp_flat_type var (all_binders_for (Arrow A B))) : interp_all_binders_for B var := match B return interp_flat_type var (all_binders_for (Arrow A B)) -> interp_all_binders_for B var with | Tflat _ => fun _ => tt | Arrow _ _ => fun x => snd x end args. Fixpoint Apply' n {var t} (x : @expr base_type op var t) : forall (args : binders_for' n t var), @expr base_type op var (remove_binders' n t) := match x in (@expr _ _ _ t), n return (binders_for' n t var -> @expr _ _ _ (remove_binders' n t)) with | Return _ _ as y, _ => fun _ => y | Abs _ _ f, 0 => f | Abs src dst f, S n' => fun args => @Apply' n' var dst (f (fst args)) (snd args) end. Definition Apply n {var t} (x : @expr base_type op var t) : forall (args : binders_for n t var), @expr base_type op var (remove_binders n t) := match n return binders_for n t var -> @expr _ _ _ (remove_binders n t) with | 0 => fun _ => x | S n' => @Apply' n' var t x end. Fixpoint ApplyAll {var t} (x : @expr base_type op var t) : forall (args : interp_all_binders_for t var), @exprf base_type op var (remove_all_binders t) := match x in @expr _ _ _ t return (forall (args : interp_all_binders_for t var), @exprf base_type op var (remove_all_binders t)) with | Return _ x => fun _ => x | Abs src dst f => fun args => @ApplyAll var dst (f (fst_binder args)) (snd_binder args) end. Fixpoint ApplyInterped' n {t} {struct t} : forall (x : interp_type interp_base_type t) (args : binders_for' n t interp_base_type), interp_type interp_base_type (remove_binders' n t) := match t, n return (forall (x : interp_type interp_base_type t) (args : binders_for' n t interp_base_type), interp_type interp_base_type (remove_binders' n t)) with | Tflat _, _ => fun x _ => x | Arrow s d, 0 => fun x => x | Arrow s d, S n' => fun f args => @ApplyInterped' n' d (f (fst args)) (snd args) end. Definition ApplyInterped (n : nat) {t} (x : interp_type interp_base_type t) : forall (args : binders_for n t interp_base_type), interp_type interp_base_type (remove_binders n t) := match n return (binders_for n t interp_base_type -> interp_type interp_base_type (remove_binders n t)) with | 0 => fun _ => x | S n' => @ApplyInterped' n' t x end. Fixpoint ApplyInterpedAll' {t} : forall (x : interp_type interp_base_type t) (args : interp_all_binders_for' t interp_base_type), interp_flat_type interp_base_type (remove_all_binders t) := match t return (forall (x : interp_type _ t) (args : interp_all_binders_for' t _), interp_flat_type _ (remove_all_binders t)) with | Tflat _ => fun x _ => x | Arrow A B => fun f x => @ApplyInterpedAll' B (f (fst x)) (snd x) end. Definition ApplyInterpedAll {t} (x : interp_type interp_base_type t) (args : interp_all_binders_for t interp_base_type) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type (remove_all_binders t) := ApplyInterpedAll' x (interp_all_binders_for_to' _ _ args). End language. Arguments all_binders_for {_} !_ / . Arguments interp_all_binders_for {_} !_ _ / . Arguments interp_all_binders_for_of' {_ !_ _} !_ / . Arguments interp_all_binders_for_to' {_ !_ _} !_ / . Arguments count_binders {_} !_ / . Arguments binders_for {_} !_ !_ _ / . Arguments remove_binders {_} !_ !_ / . (* Work around bug #5175 *) Arguments Apply {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ , {_ _} _ {_ _} _ _. Arguments Apply _ _ !_ _ _ !_ !_ / . Arguments ApplyInterped {_ _ !_ !_} _ _ / . Arguments ApplyInterped' {_ _} _ {_} _ _. Arguments ApplyAll {_ _ _ !_} !_ _ / . Arguments ApplyInterpedAll' {_ _ !_} _ _ / . Arguments ApplyInterpedAll {_ _ !_} _ _ / .