(** * Push-Button Synthesis of Barrett Reduction *) Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Coq.derive.Derive. Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia. Require Import Crypto.Util.ErrorT. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt. Require Import Crypto.Language. Require Import Crypto.CStringification. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.BarrettReduction. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.ModOps. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Partition. Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.UniformWeight. Require Import Crypto.BoundsPipeline. Require Import Crypto.Fancy.Compiler. Require Import Crypto.COperationSpecifications. Require Import Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.ReificationCache. Require Import Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.Primitives. Require Import Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.BarrettReductionReificationCache. Require Import Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.InvertHighLow. Require Import Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.LegacySynthesisTactics. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Open Scope bool_scope. Import Language.Compilers CStringification.Compilers. Import Compilers.defaults. Import COperationSpecifications.Primitives. Import COperationSpecifications.BarrettReduction. Import Associational Positional. Local Set Keyed Unification. (* needed for making [autorewrite] fast, c.f. COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/9283) *) Local Opaque reified_barrett_red_gen. (* needed for making [autorewrite] not take a very long time *) Section rbarrett_red. Context (M machine_wordsize : Z). Let value_range := r[0 ~> (2^machine_wordsize - 1)%Z]%zrange. Let flag_range := r[0 ~> 1]%zrange. Let bound := Some value_range. Let mu := (2 ^ (2 * machine_wordsize)) / M. Let muLow := mu mod (2 ^ machine_wordsize). Let consts_list := [M; muLow]. Definition possible_values_of_machine_wordsize := [1; machine_wordsize / 2; machine_wordsize; 2 * machine_wordsize]%Z. Let possible_values := possible_values_of_machine_wordsize. Let fancy_args := (Some {| Pipeline.invert_low log2wordsize := invert_low log2wordsize consts_list; Pipeline.invert_high log2wordsize := invert_high log2wordsize consts_list; Pipeline.value_range := value_range; Pipeline.flag_range := flag_range |}). Lemma fancy_args_good : match fancy_args with | Some {| Pipeline.invert_low := il ; Pipeline.invert_high := ih |} => (forall s v v' : Z, il s v = Some v' -> v = Z.land v' (2^(s/2)-1)) /\ (forall s v v' : Z, ih s v = Some v' -> v = Z.shiftr v' (s/2)) | None => True end. Proof. cbv [fancy_args invert_low invert_high constant_to_scalar constant_to_scalar_single consts_list fold_right]; split; intros; break_innermost_match_hyps; Z.ltb_to_lt; subst; congruence. Qed. Local Hint Extern 1 => apply fancy_args_good: typeclass_instances. (* This is a kludge *) Lemma mut_correct : 0 < machine_wordsize -> Partition.partition (uweight machine_wordsize) (1 + 1) (muLow + 2 ^ machine_wordsize) = [muLow; 1]. Proof. intros; cbn. subst muLow. assert (0 < 2^machine_wordsize) by ZeroBounds.Z.zero_bounds. pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound mu (2^machine_wordsize) ltac:(lia)). rewrite !uweight_S, weight_0; auto using uwprops with lia. autorewrite with zsimplify. Modulo.push_Zmod. autorewrite with zsimplify. Modulo.pull_Zmod. rewrite <-Modulo.Z.mod_pull_div by lia. autorewrite with zsimplify. RewriteModSmall.Z.rewrite_mod_small. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Mt_correct : 0 < machine_wordsize -> 2^(machine_wordsize - 1) < M < 2^machine_wordsize -> Partition.partition (uweight machine_wordsize) 1 M = [M]. Proof. intros; cbn. assert (0 < 2^(machine_wordsize-1)) by ZeroBounds.Z.zero_bounds. rewrite !uweight_S, weight_0; auto using uwprops with lia. autorewrite with zsimplify. RewriteModSmall.Z.rewrite_mod_small. reflexivity. Qed. (** Note: If you change the name or type signature of this function, you will need to update the code in CLI.v *) Definition check_args {T} (res : Pipeline.ErrorT T) : Pipeline.ErrorT T := fold_right (fun '(b, e) k => if b:bool then Error e else k) res [ ((negb (1 @nil string). Local Ltac solve_barrett_red_preconditions := repeat first [ lia | assumption | match goal with |- ?x = ?x => reflexivity end | apply use_curve_good | progress autorewrite with zsimplify | progress intros | progress cbv [weight] | rewrite mut_correct | rewrite Mt_correct | rewrite uweight_eq_alt' | rewrite Z.pow_mul_r by lia ]. Local Strategy -100 [barrett_red]. (* needed for making Qed not take forever *) Lemma barrett_red_correct res (Hres : barrett_red = Success res) : barrett_red_correct machine_wordsize M (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_oor) res). Proof using M curve_good. cbv [barrett_red_correct]; intros. assert (1 < machine_wordsize) by apply use_curve_good. pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound mu (2^machine_wordsize) ltac:(lia)). rewrite <-Fancy.fancy_reduce_correct with (mu := muLow + 2^machine_wordsize) (width:=machine_wordsize) (sz:=1%nat) (mut:=[muLow;1]) (Mt:=[M]) by solve_barrett_red_preconditions. prove_correctness' ltac:(fun _ => idtac) use_curve_good. { cbv [ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by ZRange.type.base.is_bounded_by bound is_bounded_by_bool value_range upper lower]. rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, !Z.leb_le. lia. } { cbv [ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by ZRange.type.base.is_bounded_by bound is_bounded_by_bool value_range upper lower]. rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, !Z.leb_le. lia. } { cbn. econstructor. } { cbn. econstructor. } { cbn. econstructor. } Qed. End rbarrett_red.