(*** Bounded ℤ-Like Types *) (** This file specifies a ℤ-like type of bounded integers, with operations for Montgomery Reduction and Barrett Reduction. *) Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Class ZLikeOps (small_bound smaller_bound : Z) (modulus : Z) := { LargeT : Type; SmallT : Type; modulus_digits : SmallT; decode_large : LargeT -> Z; decode_small : SmallT -> Z; Mod_SmallBound : LargeT -> SmallT; DivBy_SmallBound : LargeT -> SmallT; DivBy_SmallerBound : LargeT -> SmallT; Mul : SmallT -> SmallT -> LargeT; CarryAdd : LargeT -> LargeT -> bool * LargeT; CarrySubSmall : SmallT -> SmallT -> bool * SmallT; ConditionalSubtract : bool -> SmallT -> SmallT; ConditionalSubtractModulus : SmallT -> SmallT }. Delimit Scope small_zlike_scope with small_zlike. Delimit Scope large_zlike_scope with large_zlike. Local Open Scope small_zlike_scope. Local Open Scope large_zlike_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Bind Scope small_zlike_scope with SmallT. Bind Scope large_zlike_scope with LargeT. Arguments decode_large (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike. Arguments decode_small (_ _ _)%Z _ _%small_zlike. Arguments Mod_SmallBound (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike. Arguments DivBy_SmallBound (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike. Arguments DivBy_SmallerBound (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike. Arguments Mul (_ _ _)%Z _ (_ _)%small_zlike. Arguments CarryAdd (_ _ _)%Z _ (_ _)%large_zlike. Arguments CarrySubSmall (_ _ _)%Z _ (_ _)%large_zlike. Arguments ConditionalSubtract (_ _ _)%Z _ _%bool _%small_zlike. Arguments ConditionalSubtractModulus (_ _ _)%Z _ _%small_zlike. Infix "*" := Mul : large_zlike_scope. Notation "x + y" := (snd (CarryAdd x y)) : large_zlike_scope. Class ZLikeProperties {small_bound smaller_bound modulus : Z} (Zops : ZLikeOps small_bound smaller_bound modulus) := { large_valid : LargeT -> Prop; medium_valid : LargeT -> Prop; small_valid : SmallT -> Prop; decode_large_valid : forall v, large_valid v -> 0 <= decode_large v < small_bound * small_bound; decode_medium_valid : forall v, medium_valid v -> 0 <= decode_large v < small_bound * smaller_bound; medium_to_large_valid : forall v, medium_valid v -> large_valid v; decode_small_valid : forall v, small_valid v -> 0 <= decode_small v < small_bound; modulus_digits_valid : small_valid modulus_digits; modulus_digits_correct : decode_small modulus_digits = modulus; Mod_SmallBound_valid : forall v, large_valid v -> small_valid (Mod_SmallBound v); Mod_SmallBound_correct : forall v, large_valid v -> decode_small (Mod_SmallBound v) = decode_large v mod small_bound; DivBy_SmallBound_valid : forall v, large_valid v -> small_valid (DivBy_SmallBound v); DivBy_SmallBound_correct : forall v, large_valid v -> decode_small (DivBy_SmallBound v) = decode_large v / small_bound; DivBy_SmallerBound_valid : forall v, medium_valid v -> small_valid (DivBy_SmallerBound v); DivBy_SmallerBound_correct : forall v, medium_valid v -> decode_small (DivBy_SmallerBound v) = decode_large v / smaller_bound; Mul_valid : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> large_valid (Mul x y); Mul_correct : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> decode_large (Mul x y) = decode_small x * decode_small y; CarryAdd_valid : forall x y, large_valid x -> large_valid y -> large_valid (snd (CarryAdd x y)); CarryAdd_correct_fst : forall x y, large_valid x -> large_valid y -> fst (CarryAdd x y) = (small_bound * small_bound <=? decode_large x + decode_large y); CarryAdd_correct_snd : forall x y, large_valid x -> large_valid y -> decode_large (snd (CarryAdd x y)) = (decode_large x + decode_large y) mod (small_bound * small_bound); CarrySubSmall_valid : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> small_valid (snd (CarrySubSmall x y)); CarrySubSmall_correct_fst : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> fst (CarrySubSmall x y) = (decode_small x - decode_small y small_valid y -> decode_small (snd (CarrySubSmall x y)) = (decode_small x - decode_small y) mod small_bound; ConditionalSubtract_valid : forall b x, small_valid x -> small_valid (ConditionalSubtract b x); ConditionalSubtract_correct : forall b x, small_valid x -> decode_small (ConditionalSubtract b x) = if b then (decode_small x - decode_small modulus_digits) mod small_bound else decode_small x; ConditionalSubtractModulus_valid : forall x, small_valid x -> small_valid (ConditionalSubtractModulus x); ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct : forall x, small_valid x -> decode_small (ConditionalSubtractModulus x) = if (decode_small x modulus end. Ltac push_zlike_decode := let modulus := get_modulus in repeat first [ erewrite !Mod_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !DivBy_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !DivBy_SmallerBound_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !Mul_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !CarryAdd_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !CarryAdd_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !CarrySubSmall_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !CarrySubSmall_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !ConditionalSubtract_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite !(@modulus_digits_correct _ modulus _ _) by typeclasses eauto ]. Ltac pull_zlike_decode := let modulus := get_modulus in repeat first [ match goal with | [ |- context G[modulus] ] => let G' := context G[decode_small modulus_digits] in cut G'; [ rewrite !modulus_digits_correct by typeclasses eauto; exact (fun x => x) | ] end | erewrite <- !Mod_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !DivBy_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !DivBy_SmallerBound_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !Mul_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !CarryAdd_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !CarryAdd_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !ConditionalSubtract_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !CarrySubSmall_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !CarrySubSmall_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct by typeclasses eauto | erewrite <- !(@modulus_digits_correct _ modulus _ _) by typeclasses eauto ].