Require Import Zpower ZArith. Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil. Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil. Require Crypto.BaseSystem. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Section Pow2Base. Context (limb_widths : list Z). Local Notation "w[ i ]" := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i). Fixpoint base_from_limb_widths limb_widths := match limb_widths with | nil => nil | w :: lw => 1 :: map (Z.mul (two_p w)) (base_from_limb_widths lw) end. Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths). Definition bounded us := forall i, 0 <= nth_default 0 us i < 2 ^ w[i]. Definition upper_bound := 2 ^ (sum_firstn limb_widths (length limb_widths)). Function decode_bitwise' us i acc := match i with | O => acc | S i' => decode_bitwise' us i' (Z.lor (nth_default 0 us i') (Z.shiftl acc w[i'])) end. Definition decode_bitwise us := decode_bitwise' us (length us) 0. (* i is current index, counts down *) Fixpoint encode' z i := match i with | O => nil | S i' => let lw := sum_firstn limb_widths in encode' z i' ++ (Z.shiftr ( z (Z.ones (lw i))) (lw i')) :: nil end. Definition encodeZ x:= encode' x (length limb_widths). (** ** Carrying *) Section carrying. (** Here we implement addition and multiplication with simple carrying. *) Notation log_cap i := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i). Definition add_to_nth n (x:Z) xs := update_nth n (fun y => x + y) xs. Definition carry_single i := fun di => (Z.pow2_mod di (log_cap i), Z.shiftr di (log_cap i)). (* [fi] is fed [length us] and [S i] and produces the index of the digit to which value should be added; [fc] modifies the carried value before adding it to that digit *) Definition carry_gen fc fi i := fun us => let i := fi i in let di := nth_default 0 us i in let '(di', ci) := carry_single i di in let us' := set_nth i di' us in add_to_nth (fi (S i)) (fc ci) us'. (* carry_simple does not modify the carried value, and always adds it to the digit with index [S i] *) Definition carry_simple := carry_gen (fun ci => ci) (fun i => i). Definition carry_simple_sequence is us := fold_right carry_simple us is. Fixpoint make_chain i := match i with | O => nil | S i' => i' :: make_chain i' end. Definition full_carry_chain := make_chain (length limb_widths). Definition carry_simple_full := carry_simple_sequence full_carry_chain. Definition carry_simple_add us vs := carry_simple_full (BaseSystem.add us vs). Definition carry_simple_sub us vs := carry_simple_full (BaseSystem.sub us vs). Definition carry_simple_mul out_base us vs := carry_simple_full (BaseSystem.mul out_base us vs). End carrying. End Pow2Base.